Hog Markets Indianapolis Hogs Tuesday, Dec. 22 HOGS: 900 - Barrows & gilts moderately active, 1.50-2.00 lower. US 1-2 220-245 lbs. 40.7541.00. SOWS; Not well tested. (6%). US 1-3 Lot SlOlbs. 35.50. BOARS: Scarce. St Louis Hogs Tuesday, Dec. 22 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 6000 - Barrows & gilts very slow, 1.00-1.50 lower. Limited early sales US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 40.50- 41.00, late 40.0040.50; US 1-3 230- 2601b5. 39.5040.00. SOWS: 2.00-2.50 lower. (About 10%). US 1-3 300-500 lbs. 32.50- 34.00; Over 500 lbs. 36.00-38.00. BOARS: Over 250 lbs. 30.50. Peoria Hogs Tuesday, Dec. 22 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 5000 - Barrows & gilts slow, early 1.00-1.50 lower, somt volume 40.00-40.50, late sales mostly 39.50. US 1-2 200-240 lbs 40.0041.00, US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 39.00 40.00. SOWS; 1.50-2.00 lower. (20%). US 1-3 350425 lbs. 32.50-33.00, few 33.50; 425-500 lbs. 33.50-35.00; 500 650 lbs. 35.00-36.00, some 36.50. BOARS; Over 350 lbs. 30.50; under 350 lbs. 32.00-34.00. Conowmgo, MD National Reputation Local Service (301) 378-3280 The Bottom Line As everybody knows the bottom line represents your profit or loss, and at WALTER M. DUNLAP AfaD SONS we do all we can to enhance your profit or minimize your loss. How do we do it? The answer is in the way all livestock consignments are expertly sorted and handled whether those consignments are fat cattle, veal calves, feeder pigs or fat hogs. The result is LESS SHRINK. First of ail, every consignment of feeder pigs, veal calves and fat hogs is weighed upon arrival. So, with LESS SHRINK, and at present prices, this means MORE DOLLARS for you the con signor. Secondly, ail fat cattle are assigned large pens and each con signment is kept separate. With large airy pens and water available the result is LESS SHRINK. And just one more matter of importance There is no waiting at the docks to unload. What does all this add up to? The bottom line is LESS SHRINK and more dollars to you the consignor. NOTICE: Our Regular Hog Soles Will Be Held Sat., Dec. 26 & Sat.. Jan. 2 NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE Tuesday, December 29, at 1:00 PM Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717)397-5136 Lancaster Hogs Monday, Dec. 21 Report supplied by auction HOGS: Barrows and gilts 1.00- 2.00 higher; sows 3.004.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-245 lbs. 44.2545.00; US 1205-250 lbs. 45.0046.00, few Selected 36.50- 47.00; US 1-3 210-260 lbs. 43.75- 44.25; US 2-3 215-260 lbs. 42.5043.75. -SOWS: US 1-3 300450 lbs. 32.00- 34.00; 450-500 lbs. 33.50-35.00; 500- 650 lbs. 34.50-36.50, few 37.00. Special Feeder Pig Sale FannvUle, Va. Friday, Dec. 16 Report supplied by VDA There were 1500 head sold. US 1-2 3040 lbs. 58.50; 4050 lbs. 59.75; 50-60 lbs. 54.00; 60-70 lbs. 49.25; 7084 lbs. 46.00; 85-100 lbs. 40.50. US 3: 3040 lbs. 57.00; 4050 lbs. 50.00; 5060 lbs. 50.00; 6070 lbs. 45.00; 7084 lbs. 42.50. UT & US 4; 3040 lbs. 40.50; 4050 lbs. 43.50; 5060 lbs. 40.00; 85-100 lbs. 38.00. CONTACT JOHty CAMPBELL Atglen, PA (215)593-5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA (717)349-7300 DAN DERR New Holland Hogs Monday, Dec. 21 Report supplied by USDA Today 1478 Last Monday 1266 Last Year 1468 TREND: Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts firm to 25 higher, instances SO higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-245 lbs. 43.75-44.85, Mainly 44.35-44.60. US 1 210-260 lbs. 44.50- 45.25, Few 45.50-46.85. Lancaster Hog Auction Tuesday, Dec. 22 Report supplied by auction TODAY 459 LAST TUESDAY 203 TREND: Compared to Monday barrows and gilts 1.00-1.50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: Us 1-2 200-240 lbs. 43.00-43.50. US 1 210-250 lbs. 43.75-44.50, Few 45.0045.50. East Coast Carlot Monday, Dec. 21 Report supplied by USDA Compared. to Friday’s close: Prime special fed veal 7.00 to 10.00 lower in limited trading. Good and Choice boning veal steady in narrow test. VEAL CARCASS Prime (Special Fed) HIDE-ON 125 Head 180-240 lbs, 158.00-160.00 LTD 7.00 to 10.00 lower, few 155.00 v BONING TYPE HIDE-ON Good & Choice Northeastern Suppliers: All steady, 65-75 lbs. LTD 79.00-80.00, few 78.00; 55-64 lbs. LTD 77.00- 78.00, few 76.00; 45-54 lbs. 75.00- 76.00, few 74.00 ; 35-44 lbs. 73.00- SHOTZBERGER LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION PO. Box 925 - Lancaster, PA 17603 (717)393-4641 “We Would Be HappyTo Have You As A Customer” HAY & STRAW HAULED To Local Auctions Have Market For MULCH HAY MEADOW GREEN FARMS HOWARD H. WEAVER RT#l Box 93 A Richland, Pa. 17087 Best Time to Call Saturday Morning 6A.M.&BA.M. 717-933-5187 jwmismunaSMMMMiiMi “Mel" Horn “Red" Ebersole “Paul" Ekerly “Dick” Hooker “Dick" Hooker “Gene" Ellis : ihv mx wm mi mvk« mi mi wvwwinvwiwwwißW wu w* wmmi “Dave” Winner “Paul" Albright “Christ” Landis “Hart” Eberly “John Jr.” Hooter Lancaster' Farming, Thursday, December 24,1981—A3 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter—Wednesday, Dec. 22 Report supplied by USDA Estimated Dally Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CALVES HOGS CATTLE This Week 247.000 Last Week 241.000 Last Year 232,000 Market courtesy of USDA, Chicago Grain Futures Corn Jan. 2.66% Mar. May 2.75% 2.80% July Trend - Com is higher, Wheat is higher, Soybeans are higher, Soybean Meal is higher. Market Provided by Commodity Department ' Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. 74.00, few 72.00; 34 lbs. LTD 71.00- 72.00, few 70.00. Inshipped: No sales reported. CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS 4 Loads Semi-Boneless Hams: 14-17 lbs. 117.00 firm. No. 1 Sliced Bacon, Vacuum Pack 1 lb. pkg. 104.00 firmdy. Franks, 70 beef, 30 pork, 1 lb. pack 82.00 steady. USD A reduces Medfly WASHINGTON, D.C. - The number of square miles in California under aerial pesticide treatment for Mediterranean fruit fly has been reduced to reflect progress made in eradicating the pest, U.S. Department of Agriculture officials said. “We’ve dropped the areas with no recent fly finds from our treatment blocks,” said Harvey L. Ford, deputy administrator of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health iWCMMMMAMMMIUIWaOSMMCf :T:t» “Warren” Bach “Burnell” Siegrist “Ralph” Weller “Kenny" Wenger “Cheryl” Pentz 23,000 21,000 18,000 (Closing Bids as of Tuesday Dec. 22) ’ Wheat Soybeans Meal 3.83% 3.91% 3.93% Apr. June 55.60 July Trend - Cattle are lower, Hogs are higher. Potatoes are lower. Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. areas spray Inspection Service, which manages the program with California’s Department of Food and Agriculture. According to Ford, about 210 sauare miles will still be sprayed over the winter months, but on a 2- week schedule? rather than weekly. About 1,300 square miles were under treatment in California at the height of the infestation last summer. “In addition, some other program elements will be scaled down to reflect the seasonal decrease in fly activity,” he said. According to Ford, close to 100,000 Medfly traps remain in the state. Those in areas of recent fly finds will be serviced weekly, as before, while others will go on a 2-week schedule. “Barring unexpected finds, we will remain on these treatment and trapping schedules until warmer temperatures trigger increased fly activity in the spring,” he said. “At that time, we may pick up flies in scattered locations, and if con ditions dictate we will adjust program operations accordingly.” Ford said people still need to comply with regulations on movement of Medfly hosts. “Public cooperation has been much unproved lately,” he said. "One reason may be that less host fruit is available, but I hope it also means people have a better un derstanding of why they mustn’t carry the fruit out. SHEEP 684,000 48,000 711,000 48,000 699,000 43,000 Soybean 182.50 6.09% 184.50 187.40 6.38% 6.51 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Tuesday, Dec. 22) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine 'eb. 55.67 40.30 54.84 38.90 7.84 42.65 Potatoes
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