Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 19, 1981, Image 8
AS—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981 5s DEC. 21-27, 1981 Merry Christinas to all! Farewell to fall, winter begins Dec. 21 (Mon.) at 5:51 P M. E.5.T.... Darryl F. Zanuck died Dec 22, 1979 ... New moon Dec. 26 (Sat.) . . Average length of days for the week, 9 hours, 5 minutes ... FDR appointed Eisenhower Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Dec 24,1943 .. The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart. __ * . Ask the Old Farmer: For several JmL/ years we have been bothered with ''carpenter bees" under a face board of our house. We have tried spraying with a hornet spray, gasoline, a termite spray, and a few other remedies, but to no avail Can you help us get nd of these pests? E.W., Mt. Holly, NJ Try spraying them with a hair spray, which will stiffen their wings and make them unable to fly Home Hints: Use a net onion bag to store the baby's bath toys Hang on a hook on the back of the bathroom door to air-dry OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Cloudy and cold, with snow flurries, all week Greater New York-New Jersey: Freezing rain, snow in mountains until weekend, then cold temperatures and flumes. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins with light snow north and west, becoming cold, weekend brings rain, sleet and snow. Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Beginning of week, cloudy and cold; cold and rainy, with snow in mountains, through weekend Florida: Week brings clear warm days and cold nights (All Rights Reserved, Yankee, Inc, Dublin, N H 03444) Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, Dec. 12 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, AND SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Good Light Steer Calves 55.U0-S9.Vi); Medium 50.00-54.75; Plain 49.00 and down; Good Heavy Steers 52.00-57.70; Medium 47.00-51.75; Flam 46.00 and down; Holstein Steers 35.00-44.25; Good Light Heifer Calves 41.00-46.50; Medium 36.0040.75; Plain 35.00 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 40.0045.50; >e eaUUOUS f Holiday Schedule For f adding W| "SS"* g New Holland, PA » Monday, Dec. 21 - Sales as g usual 3 Wednesday, Dec. 23 - Sales as » usual jg » Thursday, Dec. 24 -No Sales § Monday, Dec. 28 - Sales as x M M usual M § Wednesday, Dec. 30 - Sales as g | usual § w Thursday, Dec. 31 * Bull, steer & s S cow sale w/no supper hour jg S break. NO SHEEP, CALF 8 1 OR GOAT SALE AT 3:30 M ATLANTA, Ga. - Nitrogen availability under no-till systems should be judged with caution if systems have been m place for short time periods, a University of Nebraska professor of agronomy reports. No-till systems maintain a protective cover on the soil surface year round to improve water infiltration and decrease erosion potential. Research during an initial five-year period at the High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney, Neb., indicated that nitrate nitrogen was 25 to 35 percent less under no till conditions compared to conventional systems. However, after 10 years under no-till, nitrate-nitrogen levels are now equivalent to those in conventional systems. These new findings are important, Peterson said, because they show that no-till does not necessarily have a higher nitrogen fertilizer requirement. In addition, findings c-iggest that it is not wise to draw definite conclusions concerning nitrogen behavior in a drastically different system such as no-till, until the system has been in place at least eight to 10 years. tm OLD tJAMEift Medium da.oo-39.75; Plain 34.00 and down; Slaughter Cows 34.00- 39.00; Utilities 29.00-33.75; Cutters & Canners 28.00 and down; Milk & Stock Cows Not enough to quote; Stock Bulls 49.00 and down; Slaughter Bulls 30.75-43.00. CALVES: Veal Calves 74.00 and down; Baby Calves 60.00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 48.50; Good Red O 43.75; Feeder Lambs 41.00-43.00; Slaughter Ewes 13.25 and down; Stock Ewes 42.00 and down. HOGS: Top 41,50; Heavy 49.00; Sows 34.50 and down; Boars 27.50; Butcher Hogs 46.00 and down; Livestock market and auction news Omaha Cattle Thursday, December 17 Report supplied by LISUA WEEKLY CATTLE. Through midweek, fleers 1.00-2.00 lower, belters weak lo 00 cents lower. Cows 0.00-0.00 higher, bulls steady to linn. Steers and lieilers trended lower Monday on tairly liberal receipts revovered some Tuesday but pressured down again Wed nesday's receipts ot 0000 bead despite snow-storm conditions. Heiters held up well in relation to steers as belters made up smaller percentage ot receipts. Cow beet turned upward tulluwing down trends last week. Slaughter steers constituted 01 pci. ot the week's receipts; belters 04 pci.; cows 0 pci.; feeders 4 pci. STEEHS: At midweek, live loads Choice 2-0 1120-10/0 lbs. 08.00- 08./0. Choice, including prune 2-4 1000-1000 lbs. 07.00-08.00, some late O/.00-08.00, load mostly Choice 0 muddy 08.00. Eew Mixed Good and Choice 2-0 0/.00-08.00, tew Good 00.00-0/.00. Eew lots Good and Choice 2-0 Holslenis during week 00.00-04.00, several loads Good 02.00-02.20, tew Standard and mostly Good 0.00-02.00. HEIPL'Hii. Load Choice 2-3 10/5 lbs. 58.U0, load Choice and Prune 5 931) lbs. 5/./5. Choice including Prime 2-4 900-1100 lbs. 5(i.00-5/.50, load 5/.60, bulk 56.50-5/.5U, some 3- 4 54.00-56.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 55.50-50.50; Good 53.00- 55.00. Average ut detailed quotations tor Choice 900-1100 lb. steers 58.30; 1100-1300 lbs. 58,20. Average cost steers 5/.BV, average weight 1168 lbs. compared 59.14 and 116/ lbs. a week ago. Average coal hellers 50.60, average wieghl 1018 lbs. compared 5/.1/ and 1021 lbs. a week ago. COWS. High culler, Utility and Conuneicial 1-3 36.50-38.50, tew i /*’Ehm#r S X ijTT KfliiL eh men fflfims I UP MpMjjjMj *'We breed the Best Slaughter the rest" Rd 2 Noxon Rd Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 Farm; 914-223-5976 Max Heflich, Mgr. 914-471-1438 Get the “Concrete” difference Get Ehmer Yorkshires I * EMERY'S BUYING STATION ! OPEN TO RECEIVE { | YOUR MARKET HOGS I I AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET | } RD 4, EPHRATA. PA 17522 f | 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA | | ON NORTH STATE STREET. f I i NEW HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 6:00 A.Mj. to 11:30 A.M. f CALL FOR FIRM { MARKET QUOTES £ 717-733-9648 | Res: 215-458-5677 \ YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR | HOGS IMMEDIATELY Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors 00.00-40.0 U. culler 00.00-08.00, Canner and laiw Culler 30.00-03.00. - ' HULLS. 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 40.00- 44.00, tew high dressing 148.00, low dressing or yield grade 2 08.00- 40.00. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, Dec. 16 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Prime special fed veal steady. Good and Choice boning veal 1.00 to 4.00 lower; unshipped steady. Lamb market, lightly tested as buyers adopt a wait and see at titude m response to light demand for heavy supplies. Boneless beef not fully established. Undertone firm. VEAL CARCASS Prime (Special Fed) HIDE-ON 285 Head 180-240 lbs. 165.00-170.00, steady, few 172.00. BONING TYPE HIDE-ON Good & Choice Northeastern Suppliers: 65-75 lbs. 880.00-81.00, all 1.00 to 4.00 lower; 5584 lbs. 78.00-79.00; 45-54 lbs. 76.00-77.00; 35-44 lbs. 74.00- 75.00; 34 lbs. down 72.00-73.00. Inshipped: 71-80 lbs. 84.00-86.00, all steady; 61-70 lbs. 82.00-84.00; 51- BO lbs. 80.00-82.00; 41-50 lbs. 78.00- 80.00; 30-40 lbs. 76.00-78.00. LAMB CARCASS Choice & Prime 3-4 Ite Loads 55 lbs. dwn 108.00; part loads; 60 lbs. down 105.00, part load. BONELESS BEEF 2 Loads 90 pet chem lean, fresh 109.00. 85 pet chem lean, fresh 102.00. CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS 6 Loads Semi-Boneless Hams: 14-17 lbs. 113.00 weak. No. 1 Sliced Bacon, Vacuum Pack 1 lb. pkg. 106.00 steady. Franks, 70 beef, 30 pork, 1 lb. pack 82.00 steady. Home of the complete Yorkshire: sound, meaty, productive! KNOW WHAT YOUI ARE GOING TO 5 GET FOR YOUR I HOGS BEFORE { THEY LEAVE T YOUR FARM. I Eighty-four Auction Eighty-four, Pa. Monday, Dec. 14 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 262. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers |1 to mostly $2 lower. Slaughter cows steady to weak. One Choice slaughter steer at 57.00, few Good 51.00-55.00, Stan dard 46.00-50.00, few Utility 40.00 44.00. One Choice slaughter heifer at 54.25, few Good 49.00-51.00, Utility 40.00-43.00. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 35.00 37.75, Cutters 33.00-36.00, Canner & Low Cutter 24.00-33.50, Shells down to 17.00. Yield Grade #1 1100-1500 lbs. slaughter bulls 44.0047.00; one yield grade #2 1300 lbs. at 41.75. Few Medium Frame #1450-700 lbs. feeder steers 48.0049.00, Medium #2 550-700 lbs. 45.5047.75; Medium Frame #1 300700 lbs. feeder heifers 40.0043.25; Medium Frame #1 400600 lbs. feeder bulls 45.00 47.75. CALVES 358. Vealers grading Good & Choice ss"to $lO lower. Standard & Good $4 to $5 lower. Choice vealers 85.00-91.00, Good 63.00- Standard & Good 110- 130 IbS. 51.00-62.00, 90-110 lbs. 46.00- 53.00, 60-85 lbs. 39.0047.00, few Utility 50-80 lbs. 32.00-39.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 70.00- Slaughter calves, grading Good & Choice 250-350 lbs. 50.00- HOGS 130. Barrows & gitls 75 cents to mostly $1 lower. US No. 1-3 200-260 lbs. barrows & gilts 41.00- 42.75, few to 44.50, No. 1-3 100-170 lbs. 35.00-39.00. US No. 1-3 400-600 lbs. sows 31.50-37.00, one No. 2-3 670 lbs. 29.00. Boars 20.00-30.75. FEEDER PIGS 14. Few Utility 25-40 lbs. feeder pigs 9.00-17.00 per head. SHEEP 217. Wooled slaughter lambs $3 to $4 lower. Choice 75-90 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 49.00- 51.00, shorn 80-100 lbs. 48.50-50.25, Good 75-90 lbs. 45.0047.00; Good 65- 70 lbs. feeders 43.00-45.00. Slaughter sheep 10.00-20.00. GOATS 5.13.00 per head. STEP RAY R. HARBOLD R R 1 • Harstiey, Pennsylvania 17033 • 717-964-2240 Providing expert care and <JB _ cleanliness (or your cattle by either gooseneck or Iractor-trallertrucking lfw''f p LOCALLY or NATIONWIDE SPRAY MATERIALS * ATRAZINE * BICEP * LASSO * FURADAN 10-G * DUAL * COUNTER 15-G ETC. MELVIN R. WEAVER 2213 Leabrook Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 Ph: 717-898-8354 or 569-6576