D2o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19, *9Bl Mlll; Bedford Co. DHIA (Continued trqm Page 019) R. Clair & Alan Koontz Donna Sandy Pearl Gatesway Farms 53 62 80 Marlin Deterlme 3 95 73 26 34 Richard D Reed Sissy Karo Harry W. Wareham 64 54 141 151 181 125 Clarence & Ken Mowry Sally Glarene Knssy Ecstasy Wilma ideal Gretchn Crescnt Tabbi Raymond Hmish, Jr. Belinda Jean Polly JackE Colledge Barb 133 Chin 145 Sily 154 Lady 157 Albert C. Fulmor 46 98 96 106 Anna & Henry Hall Helena Star Blair Brooke Idar Harry Brubaker 250 James R. Falvey Gin on TOP QUALITY BARN SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING .wuncepi Penetration And Adhesion. $13.00 per gallon applied, is. : •• V. . FRANKLIN H. KREIDER 30% LIQUID NITROGEN Check Our Fall Fill-Up Price Call Us For Your Fall Fertilizer And Limestone Needs NOW IS A GOOD TIME FOR SOIL TESTING 16,476 17,212 17,658 a , 4 4 16,534 21,235 15,845 14,104 15,363 20,868 17,166 17,398 24,243 17,671 7 ■ 6 6 7 3 • 2 27,107 25,622 27,856 20,096 17,095 19,271 22,526 27,842 27,498 15,747 17,410 22,642 19,899 17,432 22,437 14,975 15,705 15,842 12,147 17,163 15,730 18,927 19,828 21,997 20,002 19,211 21,616 25,543 18,856 17,924 17,499 zw trax,:. '.’ss'.* .‘fc 2400 Dairy Road Lancaster, Pa. 17601 717-898-0129 Samantha Larry & Shirley Imler Dana Doreen Three Spring Run Farm 317 461 683 635 678 Paul Den Torn Fran Lottie Celia Coco Jill 714 674 633 600 648 698 675 677 Sunny Four Farm Inc. Mickey Fay Lisa George Gat m.in & Son* 1 Susan Nippy 757 626 Dick & Eleanor Rice 107 112 1304 1162 1354 774 795 680 Paul R. Ritchey, Jr, 59 30 17 Shatter Farms Lola Lacey Anthony Wertz Sue Pearl Flicka Gretal Sprmgton Manor Farm 33 61 David Moyer 112 132 643 619 671 Edward L. Creps Candy Rosie 615 602 638 647 Michael Stoltzfus Janice Edward A Deputy 101 95 45 35 17 47 734 713 654 603 723 823 JT J Waketield Farms 53 80 86 604 712 671 CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES BRUNING • • '< . . WFW« Introducing to the Mid Atlantic Area l The NiMouse Upright Bunker Silo Featuring a single component design ' for fast erection and completion. The sections bolt together and the tongue and groove creates a sealed wall surface. The sections may be dismantled and re-located, customers may select any length or width in increments of 5 feet 2 inches. In addition to silage storage, these upright units may be used as retaining walls or manure pits. l£NG■ I t -:.l'-s Nj r/ . j.-v*, \ f ii *' ! ■lf life. • ’—• MANURE PIT GATE SECTIONS BOLT tosetheb Y 4-~i‘ file-. '1 Y * * t ‘’? * *•«#» | ■; ‘\ y i ■* j* ** sy ' "* i f'*' J "iU” ■>>). ■ . '‘S » BUNKER SILO STORAGE 0 _ Concrete Products Inc. K|l Farm Products Division IHI I I lIUU9C Box N Chambersburgi Pa . 172 01 16,307 16.394 17,792 20,328 20,237 16,901 18,708 19,787 19,706 17,888 18,982 17,939 22,357 18,371 16,964 18,/ 25 20,190 18,023 20,214 20,149 20,056 16,274 16,208 19,082 17,734 23,997 14,903 13,505 17,540 17,235 15,446 15,040 22.372 15,854 19,898 16,070 19,286 17,949 18,032 15,222 3 / 3 3 3 3 18,551 17,895 19,122 S-H r " 5 I I r Dale A. Baker 987 358 645 695 Robert Flarclerode Donna 600 740 Chet & George Erb 707 695 96 27 ■ Frazier Farms Orpha Irish 43 Bernard Snider Rachel Carolin Wendy Sweet Susy Kristie Prell Beth Gail Beauty Chris Bess Heidi /DO 757 748 781 712 737 832 682 612 708 816 746 707 Robert Swartzwelder 72 784 755 635 H. Karl Beegle 50 Denton Clark Kate Gail 727 616 Newbony Christy Larry Beach 26 33 ’ 751 676 692 648 Ray W. Hmish 27 281 634 641 Joseph W. Styer Halo 743 615 Roger R. Brumbaugh Maude 608 803 Charles Schaeffer Lois Patches Roha Marsha 604 826 675 733 711 616 662 Paul H. Rissler Judy Ronald M. Dively Brian & Randy Zembower Shane Vick 140 639 701 649 TT 30 40 so eIT tfIWTH WIDE WIDE WIPE WIDE 58 323 432 540'' 646 ' ft 376 504 630 753 50 431 576 720 862 SO 485 648 808 971 150 . 539 720 900 1078 lift. 593 792 989 1187 tjjg 648 864 1080 1296 139- 688 935 1170 1376 m 755 1008 1260 1510 ISO ' 808 1080 1350 1516 X TONGUE & GROOVE JOINT 3*>rr (Turn to Page D2l) TONNAGE TABLE FOR 8 FT. SIDEWALLS* -BASED ON LEVEL FILL WITH 45 LBS PEB CD. FT. r£T-" / 740 835 18,102 20,283 629 13,667 647 622 620 16,583 19,129 17,500 626 650 15,994 17,744 13,220 18,523 14,326 19,023 16,653 20,827 16,669 19,232 21,931 16,463 23,287 10,586 14,668 805 19,365 602 16,128 661 73i 784 654 -17,415 18,238 19,121 17,314 3 \ 3 3 3 737 685 21,080 19,582 698 666 17,529 15,559 17,660 639 689 17,411 717 696 686 613 20,608 19,559 19,864 13,757 759 19,367 723 645 19,774 14,918 670 676 19,102 18,402