DlB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981 NAME Robert Stayrook E Clair Fisher John Y Bawel Percy S&R Glenn Yoder David R Spicher John A Peachey James L. Hostetter MarkS Yoder FredC Myers Bradstead Farm Dry House Farm G. Sheldon Peachey Merle E Yoder David W. Yoder Peachee Farms Mark R Yoder J. Loren Yoder ■ Gideon L Yoder Chariest Forgy Leory Kauffman Julia A King John A Yoder Louis S Peachey, Jr Floyd J Yoder Moses J 2ooK Bill & Karol Wmgert KoreJ Peachey James G. Laughlin Marvin E Peachey John L King Irvin H Fleming Joshua D Yoder J.D Click Harold Aungst Nelson J Bradford Marvin R Kanagy Paul H Voder John K. Kauffman David T Hostetler Audrey Gay Rogers FrnkJ Hartzler Gary Moist John B Peachey Lou.sS Yoder SuiuannsS Peachev tfmA/ \jjidJmO' u<>■ SCHLESSMANS - v SEED CQRN PREMIUM SINGLE CROSSES ■ NEW: SX-810 - Large Ear, Fast Dry down. Top Yields, Upright Leaf Characteristics, 118 Days ■ SX-802 - High Yielding Good Standability, 118 Days * #1 Penn State's Class 4 - Mel Johnson’s Trials B SX-700A - Fast Dry Down Corn, Excellent Shelter, 112 Days B SX-600 - Fast Dry Down Corn, Excellent Shell er. Excellent Standability, 107 Days B SX-405A - Short Season, High Yield Potential 100 Days ★ Top 3 For The Past 3 Years At Penn State Trials B SX-520A - First Year In Trials, Placed Third, Class 2,105 Days. WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOYD’S SEED CENTER, INC. 306 lona Rd., Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Phone:7l7-272-8943. ' Sealcrete can paint your farm buildings quickly and inexpensively... for J^ree 7 'tr .HYDRAULIC AERIAL EQUIPMENT US. MU 20,753 768 18,486 701 21,326 720 22,347 721 22,534 21,262 827 736 713 734 840 17,841 18,496 23.670 701 908 767 789 768 19,575 22,341 17,151 20,972 20,389 712 754 15,769 18,269 723 16,466 771 701 22,932 16,999 778 727 20,856 17,507 871 748 22,641 18,966 758 823 792 737 782 20,526 20,374 17,645 16,398 19,666 703 799 21,580 19,007 723 776 843 17,793 21,019 22,889 826 795 20,139 21,696 771 18,410 John A. Peachey Kim Rex Joshua D. Yoder Pmey Louis S. Yoder Roxey Linus E Sharp 68 Enos J. Yoder Dolly James L. Hostetter Angie Mark S. Yoder 182 328 386 21 Kore E. Yoder Sue Rena Simon J. Peachey 21 John B. Peachey 67 E. Clair Fisher Jody Eve Betty Gary Moist Jolene Louis S Peachey Jr Gideon L. Yoder Cocoa Happy Dry House Farm 54 280 307 Charles L. Forry Robert Stayrook 19 Paul H. Yoder Hope John M. Byler, Jr. Felicia Marvin R. Kanagy Ollie BOVD’S 78 AT (Brand) ALFALFA • Delivers highest yields under today’s in tensive alfalfa management programs '• Very excellent anthracnose resistance • TopTDN per acre $ I 1 9°°oec. Price single bag retail BOYD’S WETFOOT (Brand) ALFALFA • Especially good for above normal mois ture areas (good stand where others fail) • High yielding that beats wetfoot disease with phytophthora root rot resistance • Also excellent under normal conditions SIIQOO mew Dec. Price single bag retail OTHER ALFALFAS AVAILABLE: • WL3II • WL 318 ★ CALL FOR EARLY ORDER CASH DISCOUNT te Contact Amos Gehman, Salesman Seal Crete, Inc. RD2, Ephrata, PA 717-859-1127 23.827 23,450 20,277 22,153 4-11 18,680 20,317 19,263 6-U 20,340 21,146 23,841 19,172 10-11 7-4 5-5 3-11 22,393 16,937 10-1 5-7 19.094 21,020 21,677 26,762 19,628 20,683 20,863 18,079 15.122 18.123 6-3 4-4 18,718 17,776 22,547 6-3 6-6 6-4 4-0 22,023 19,094 19,479 21,073 H 11-7 20,436 H 6-5 21,446 18,658 H 4-10 H 5-9 19,541 (Turn to Page Dl9) • WC.312 • WL3I3 • Apollo • Arc • Thor • Saranac AR 722 780 704 - 814 811 852 708 778 843 1000 850 742 729 735 758 867 1070 707 720 856 733 733 712 708 735 779 771 792 775 913 863 803 726 746