Dl2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981 Major global crop areas need precipitation WASHINGTON, D.C. - Crop areas of northwestern and South Africa continued to need ram this month, while dry weather forced a switch from winter wheat planting to lower-yielding spring wheat and barley in parts of Spam and Portugal, according to a weekly report issued by the Joint Agricultural Weather Facility of Prepare the proper grain for dairy cows UNIVERSITY PARK - Many people do not realize that beef cattle on fattening rations respond differently to grain preparation than milk cows. Dairy cows must be fed rations that are relatively high in forage dry matter content to remain normal and produce nulk of normal composition, says Richard S. Adams, Extension dairy specialist at Penn State. Fattening cattle often are fed high concentrate rations containing little or no forage or roughage dry matter. Farm grains, especially com, must be well broken or ground to optimize digestibility of the entire ration. Adams says that this is just as necessary for high-moisture grain as for dry grain. Cracked poultry com generally is not fine enough for use in most dairy rations. Each kernel of com should be broken into at least 6 to 8 pieces for good feed utilization and milk production. Often this requires the equivalent of grinding through a hammermill with a Ms inch screen and rolling with DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS ( BULLS & STEERS Competitive Prices Slaughtered under government inspection Cali: Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Elam Ginder - 717-367-3824 C.L. King - 717-786-7229 the US. Departments of Com merce and Agriculture. In the United States, field work was brought to a halt in New England as a major storm dumped heavy snow. Highlights of the report follow. —United States. Unseasonably mild weather contmued across the northern states and over the Great enough tension to produce similar particle-size when the material is rubbed between your fingers. Although steam flaking of corn may improve digestibility more consistently, it may not improve the performance of dairy cows. If steam flaked corn provides over 30-35 percent of the con centrate dry matter fed, milk fat test results may drop. This reduction may result from the effect of the heat treatment such as flaking or pelleting on feeds with a high-starch content. WANTED Paid NC. Plains with normal to slightly below-normal temperatures dominant in the East and West. A major storm dumped heavy snow over New England, halting field work. Sub-freezing temperatures and frost extended into portions of the Gulf Coastal states, but did not reach into citrus orchards, and caused only minor damage in northernmost winter vegetable regions of Texas. —USSR. Widespread precipitation in Western USSR fell as ram in the central Ukraine and snow in the Baltic states south into Belorussia and the western Ukraine. Light precipitation fell from the Central Region and Volga Valley south into the North Caucasus. Winter wheat is dor mant in most areas, with only limited growth taking place near the Black Sea. In South Central USSR, the cotton harvested neared completion in southern area_g. —Europe. Due to continued dry weather in Spam and Portugal,' much of the area intended for winter grams will be planted to lower-yielding spring wheat and barley in December or January. I SANTA I SAYS... » 1 I I I I 1 I “Give A Gift That Lasts All Year Long” A SUBSCRIPTION TO LANCASTER FARMING Will Send A Gift Certificate Announcing the Start of the Gift Subscription PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING TO: (Please complete all blanks in full) NAME CITY ZIP GIFT CARD TO READ FROM Conditions remained too wet for Yangtze River Valley. Dry winter grains in parts of central weather benefited the final harvest Europe. Precipitation improved late nee in southern coastal soil moisture in Yugoslavia, areas. In South Korea, winter Romania and Bulgaria. Winter • wheat remains dormant under dry, wheat growth is occurring only in cold conditions, areas near the Mediterranean Sea. —South Asia. Continued dry —South America. Significant weather in winter grain areas rain helped corn, soybeans and north and north central India other crops in Cordoba, Santa Fe further reduced topsoil moisture, and extreme northeastern More rain during the current Argentina and through most of planting period would' help ger southern and central Brazil. The mmation and early crop growth. In rain had little impact on Brazilian contrast, dry weather aided the wheat since the harvest is nearly cotton harvest in centrtal India complete in Rio Grande do Sul. In and the winter rice harvest in the Argentina, mostly dry weather in east and northeast. Dry'weather Buenos Aires—which is expected continued m Burma, to produce about 60 percent of this —Northwestern Africa: Per year’s wheat crop—and in La sistent dry weather continued over Pampa aided maturation and Morocco and western Algeria harvest. Some showers occurred in while needed rams fell on northern extreme southern wheat areas. winter grain areas of Algeria and —Australia. Favorable harvest Tunisia where sowing should be* weather prevailed throughout the underway, wheat belt. The harvest is about to —South Africa. Showers helped begin in Victoria. crop growth in northern portions of —Southeast Asia. Showers were ~~the corn triangle, including confined to peninsular Thailand, southern Transvaal, but the Malaysia and Indonesia. Orange Free State was mostly dry. —East Asia. Winter wheat Timely rains are needed to ensure remains dormant north of China’s' favorable yield prospects. ONLY $7.50 Per Year or $13.00 FOR TWO YEARS IN PA. NJ, MD, DE. NY, VA & WV. (Other Areas $12.00 Per Year or $20.00 for Two Years) CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO; LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. BOX 366, LITITZ, PA. 17543 Subscriptions Will Begin With Christmas Issue OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone: 717-464-2044 -ranhiiiq .COUNTY HIGH PRESSURE WtSHHE .STATI