Farmland Preservation ~ It’s worth it sA ( x ; / , » K ,’*’■ >, •! 'j % < v » < •*- v£&"£*'*/' r, *f l'C 1 - ? 4* COMPUTERIZED GRAIN MANAGEM, How would you like to save the energy cost of grain drying? You can with AeroDry. * Compared with conventional high temperature grain drying, AeroDry can • Save up to 90°/o energy cost. • Reduce shrink loss by 50%. • Increase feed value in grain. Plus you get a 25% tax credit The AeroDry System can be fitted to your existing bin. Ask about our lease plan For more information contact: MlHord Mast Elverson, PA. 215-286-9118 Ken Sauder Brownstown, PA. 717-656-6519 Paul F. Detweiler Newville, PA. 717-776-3288 r he biggest improvement in grain drying since the corn crib. # rest. Photo by Dick Anglestein 'y~~ T'’ caster County ~ A * ■< / /( ’ " % iISTRIBUTED EXCLUSIVELY BY "" " Advanced A; Dealer inquiries invited This is another in a series of scenic photos of Pennsylvania farmland, as it appears today. And hopefully, as it will continue to appear tomorrow and beyond. g Systems inc. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981—P3 V ♦ ~ A* . - •* ' > * > '?v* * Y. <>*> * ** *