Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 19, 1981, Image 115
| UPSTATE NEW YQRk ♦ BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES AREA t T , ♦ J 102 acres of easy working land metal Barn, 4 « ♦ Bedroom home,, new roof, siding, windows, insul- J J atedffurnace, full bath. * j 150 acres, dairy barn, 3 bedroom home, owner * ♦ fmancinglo reliable party. J ♦ 10 acres, mostly pine, large enough for saw logs, ♦ J drilled well, 2 cabins, pond. . ♦ J 384 acres, 3 silos, free stalls, 3 on a side parlor, « ♦ 5 tractors full line of machinery, 5 bedroom home, J J new wood furnace. 80 milk cows plus young stock * J 123 .acres, 85 acres'of real good vineyard, 3 * ♦ houses, mobile home, 7 tractors, truck and all ♦ J necessary machinery. Barn large enough to house « ♦ all machinery. All machinery like new. ♦ ♦ J.R. ALLEN ♦ ♦ 607-292-3180 ♦ ♦ Dundee, N.Y. 14837 * ’■' r FRANKLIN CO; acre new 39 cow 10% assumable [age 10 rm home, U heat and bath, fooo NEW YORK acre farm, home, L-n conveniences, [r financing. AR ADAMSTOWN acres highly visible just off exit of US iHenry Gehman RD 3595 ohnton, PA 19540 215-445-6653 MUMS FOR SALE Chester County Near Oxford D Acre Dairy Farm ] Acre Dairy Farm 9 Acre General Farm Acre General Frm i Acre General Frm 10 Acre, no bldgs. 11 Acres, no bldgs'. acres stone home, barn, ten- ant house Centre County Near Lamar 01 Acre. Dairy Farm 70 acres tillable me of these larms re owner' financed i qualified buyers, ossession on all irms on or before prill, 1982 MAURICE E. LEHMAN, BROKER 1960 Horseshoe Road, ancaster, Pa. 17601 717-394-2460 or Daniel E. Snader, Agent New Holland RD 3, Pa. 17557 717-656-7789 DAUPHINCOUNTY 86 acre dairy farm (near Hershey), very good soil, BO I, pasture, stream, features new 100 cow tree stall wtcenter auto bunk feeder & drive thru feeding. 20x/0 cone silo w/unloader & conveyor system, 2 story bank barn w/2b tie •stalls, also heifer & maternity area. 800 & 400 gal. bulk 1 tanks, 2 car garage & shop, corn crib,- machine shed, lovely 2‘/j story home features large Kitchen, formal DR, LR & playroom, 3 bdrms & bath, 2 open porches. Call for details $360,000. MONTGOMERY COUNTY bb acre general farm featuring lovely log & stone home w/modern kitchen, center stairs, b rooms with livmgroom fireplace, b bedrooms & bath, 2, car garage, bank barn, 2 machine sheds, corn crib, silo & much more. A very lovely setting, $385,000 Reduced to $300,000. BRADFORD COUNTY NEW 81 acre dairy tarm with lovely trame colonial with 10 rooms & bath 26 stall barn, barn cleaner, 2 story garage & out buildings. $65,000. 4 Acres w/lovely 2 story home, kitchen, DH, LK, 4 BK & bath, fruit & nut trees. Asking $33,300 north IBERLANDCO. IbB acre,-9/F, General (-arm lovely 4 bedroom home, Kitchen, living room, dining room & bath, 2 story barn, silo & outbuildings. Also 2nd home w/eat in Kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms & bath, all for $168,000 0342. OTHER FARMS AVAILABLE Please Call and Tell Us Your Preference PAUL M. LONGACRE Rt.lOO Hereford, PA 18056 Ph: 215-679-5919 f NORTHCENTRAL PA. \ Priced J ARMS & Priced To Sell INVESTMENTS ToSell NEW FARM LISTING -180 acre farm just west of Tioga County line. Approx. 100 tillable. Good potato ground. 60 acres pasture. 52 cow barn. Two 18x60 silos and a 16x40. Pipeline milker, Nice 3 BRrm ranch house. Approx. $135,000 of FHA money. Priced to sell at $160,000 PH: 717-662-2138 M-2li HUNTERS DREAM • 80 acres mostly wooded in the heart of Tioga Co. Great hunting for deer, turkey and grouse. Owner terms 20% down 11% interest 20 years 'with 10 Yr. balloon. Only $34,000 w-564 PH: 717-724-5921 90 ACRE FARM - 54 acre apple trees, business opportunities for an agressive enterprise. House needs some remodeling. Orchard equipment in good condition. For the young tiger. Only $112,000W-592. CALL OR WRITE US FOR OUR FREE LISTS! B Offices; Area Code - 717 TIOGA & POTTER Counties call or write WELLSBORO, 120 East Ave. - 724-5921 WESTFIELD, 108 Main St.-814-367-2249 MANSFIELD, RDT, Box 41 - 662-2138 OUR II AIM IS SERVICE ALL TYPES OF FARMS AVAILABLE For information Call; Carl Diller KINGSWAY REALTY RE Salesman & Auctioneer 717-569-8701. 656-6717,464-2233 THE FAMILY FARM IS THE BACKBONE OF AGRICULTURE Following 6 farms w/poss. owner financing 28 Ac. gen. nice setting, all till. $69,000' 108 Ac. gen, stream, Danville $.97,000 126 Ac., potato, stream, Col. Co. $139,900- Starter, nice, dairy Juniata $155j000 128 Ac. dairy Northumberland $200,000 103 Ac. orchard setup Snyder $275,000 BRADFORD CO. Starter dairy, 62 stalls, 2 silos, $120,000. LANCASTER CO. 18 Ac. orchard, storage, $61,200. JUNIATA CO. 100 Ac, gen. farmer's farm $149,900 NORTHUMBERLAND CO. 100 Ac. gen., fine bldgs. $225,000 105 Ac. gen. steer $133,000 10 Ac. veal set-up, orchard $50,000 HUNTINGDON CO. 178 Ac. near Raystown Lake $llOO per ac. ~ CHESTER CO. 242 Ac. productive, nice bldgs. $1,200,000 ADAMS CO. 114 Ac., stone house, possible dairy, make offer. Several Tracts of Woodland would make nice retreat Snyder & Mifflin Co. 450 acre dairy tarm, 365 acres tillable. Featuring 154 treestall barn with 2 bunk feeder umtei double 8 Herr ingbone parlor with sick room, & milkhouse. with two 1000 gal. tanks. nwrrtSjfcfbO silos and one 20 x 55 silo with .unloader&4|fls*S4s pole styled dry cow & " heifer barn feeding Lovely 2*4 story home with 11 r<vs*Sni 2 baths, 2 ponds. All this & much more for $490,000. Call for details. #3ll. 180 acre. 150 tillable, level land to gentle rolling, beautiful big new rancher w/fireplace, barn remodeled w/new addi tion, 58 tie stalls, could easily add 16 stalls, bulktank. dum ping station, 18x65 concrete stave silo w/unloader, better barn & machinery shed Located on macadam road Sets very nice, must be seen to appreciate All tor $225,000. Cattle & machinery optional. Additional acreage available for rent. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY 140 acre dairy farm, 95 tillable, gently rolling to almost level. A picture clean farm operation with 42 stanchions, stainless steel pipeline, 2 box stalls, 6 calf stalls & enclosed spreader pit Two 20 x 40 concrete stave silos with unloaders, 650 gal bulk tank, 2 large poll sheds for machinery & heifers, frame 8 room 2‘h story house, modern kitchen, IVz baths, carport & patio Must be seen to appreciate $225,000 #324 NEW ' 43/ acre dairy farm, 50 stall barn with pipeline, bulk tank, barn cleaner & 18x50, 14x50 A 12x40 silos Heiter barn & machinery shed, shop & garage. Lovely stbne & trame'Col omal home with modern Kitchen, 8 rooms & 2 baths Also new second home with b rooms & bath. Call tor details. $325,000. /4 acres, 0/ f, features 10b comfort stall barn, 1000 gal tank, pipeline, at) tree stall heiter barn, 30x/0 concrete silo, solid 2‘,z story 4 bedroom home w/bath Asking $165,000 Also renting additional acres. BUCKSCOUNTY-NEW 100 acres of level Tinicum Bucks Count/ soil," 95T., features lovely 2 story double home w/11 rooms & 2 baths. 2 story bank barn w/50 stalls 1 mi road frontage A good operating dairy farm. $360,000. Lovely 2 story colonial home w/4 bedrooms 2 baths. 2 car attached garage, beautiful landscaping 5 acres partly wooded picturesque setting $129,900. Additional acreage available. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981—C47 NEW 145 Acre jug milk tarm superb facilities, Ig. store & sales area, 3500 gal. milk holding capacity, modern processing facility including ice cream making, 185 cow free stall. 5 Ig. silos, Ig. heifer facility, 2 double houses & 1 single home, shop, storage sheds, outbuildings, 200 cows, 250 heifers, full line of machinery additional rental acreage available. Pays for itself. Call tor details. $ 1,5000,000. SNYDER COUNTY 101 Acre dairy tarm features lovely home w'large kitchen, l‘/z baths, 4 bedrooms & laundry. 70 treestall barn w/box stalls, 8 stall Herringbone parlor, auto feeders, 20x60 con crete silo w/unloader, 40x100 pole building, bank barn & much more, WOU.OOIT Reduced to $170,000 #328 96 acre general farm, 60 tillable with nice Z u i story frame colonial double home, 11 rooms, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, all in. good condition. Large barn set up tor 10,000 broilers, trout stream on property, good hunting & fishing area. »UO,OOtX Reduced to $120,000. #307. 188 Ac general farm w/68 A hard timber, good 4 bedroom home'w/kitchen, LR& Bath, very nice laying ground's much more $175,000. JUNIATA COUNTY REDUCED 160 acre generaf farm, 125 tillable, featuring lovely 2 J / 2 story 8 room farmhouse with country kitchen, 3 floor 15,000 bird broiler house, 100 x 80 bank barn & 30 acres box wire fencing Concrete silo & large bunk silo, good ground All tor“Reduced $210,000 #320 10 acre w/lovely Cape dbd 8 room & 2 baths, full basement in a very nice setting, excellent for hunting or vacation home, nice view, $65,000. #283. COLUMBIA COUNTY 180 acre dairy farm, 118 tillable, 36 stalls, bulk tank, several sheds & Second small barn, corn crib,.-^silos & gram storage bins. Lovely 2 story tarpi house with 9 rooms & ' ‘/z baths, remodeled. Slightly rolling & level good ground (305.0007 make an offer, reduced $210,000. #3lO. 20 acres with small barn, pond, wooded and open ground Nice area hnancing Available Asking $45,000 NEW JERSEY 80 acre dairy farm, gently rolling to level, streams & pond. Z'/i story home with 4 bedrooms & 2 baths, large remodel ed kitchen, dining rm., & laundry. 60 stall barn & 80 treestall mdkhouse, bulk tank, large shop, new large machinery shed & corn crib, 14x40 concrete silo & 200x25 trench silo. $250,000. ♦ MAILBOX \ ♦ MARKET ♦ ♦ Advertising and ♦ ♦ SUBSCRIPTION | ♦ FORM i ▲ will be found onPageß3l 157 ACRES all open, complete modern beef cattle operation Hagerstown soil, high fertility. Ph 7 2 Macadam road frontage, 2<dwellings, two story, good condition. 40x90 two story barn with automatic bunk feeders. Modern 40x80 feet breeding barn with large oak fence corrals and holding area. Three concrete stave.silos, concrete block machine sheds and storage buildings Good fencing. Asking $285,000 - seller financing. 103 ACRES level all open, high fertility, Hager stown soil, Ph 6.8, macadam road frontage, two story nine room dwelling, 1800 sq ft., two story 45x84 wood bank barn, 18x55 Ribstone silo with unloader, storage and other buildings. Present use beef, could be converted to dairy. Located */« mile from above described farm. Asking $195,000 - seller financing. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: REAt''gSTATE Miles Clevenstine CENTRE ™ 755 ZZI2 NORTH ATHERTON ST Richard L STATE COLLEGE. PK 16801 EVelhOCh, (814)234-1150 Broker