Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 19, 1981, Image 114
C46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19, RE At ESTATE ST. LAWRENCE VALLEY Farms, Acreage. Woodland. We cover 3 counties. Dairy farms, hobby farms. Several have owner financing or F.H.A. assumable mortgages with no down payment. FOURNIER REAL ESTATE Gouverneur N.Y. 13642 315-287-4065 62± acre general farm, private setting, large, 12 room home, coal or oil heat 30x60 bank barn, 35 tillable, 15 pasture, 10 wooded Possible owner financing. 25% down, 12% interest $79,000 Rmgtown Valley. 176 acres,’ Ig gravity water supply to house, barn and pond, vegetable or crop farm, 88 tillable, balance wooded, bank barn, 7 bedroom house, possible owner financing at 10% $150,000 Lykens Valley 160 ± acre operating dairy farm, new 40 stanchion barn plus 40x100 hay storage barn, new 20x70 silo stream borders, large 6 bedroom home, secluded $350,000. Plain Acreage 49 acres secluded but near 1-81 15 tillable, balance wooded, some timber, excellent deer hunting, possible terms at 12% interest. $39,000 PETER B. CORTELYOU Real Estate 717-758-9177 For Loose Northwest NJ Dairy Farm One of Sussex Co. bettery dairy farms for lease. Ideal -for family operation, 460 acres, 250 tillable, 52 Ig. milking stan chions, room for 100 head young stock, excellent Ig. barn, holds 30,000 bales hay, barn cleaner, power generator, two 60x16 silos, storage barn, Ig. implement shed, 1 Ig. 4 bedroom home and 1 smalt 2 bedroom home, both well insulated with hot water heat. It may be possible.for right Ig. family operator to take a management position on an adjoining beef farm. Terms can be arranged. Available Apr. 1, 1982. Arrangements may be made for earlier occupancy. Send reply to Sunnyvale Farms 84 Florence Place Elmwood, N J 07407 FARMS & LAND Fl-31 186 acre general (arm in Perry Co 90 acres tillable 58 acres pasture Remodeled 4 BR stone house w/center hall Spring $2/9.500. Possible owner financing Fl-33 DAIRY FARM. 100 acres, 60 tillable, Snyder Co Single 8 herringbone milking pailor Good buildings 70 free stalls 800 gallon bulk tank Presently milking 40 cows Very nice 4 bedroom home $170,000 FI-26 Perry County, 180 acre general farm Presently beet/calt operation 4 bedroom l‘/r bath house, owner financing available on $lOO,OOO Full price isonly $221,000 LO-77 Wooded tracts in Juniata Co Near McAlisterville IDA & up .Underground utilities $l2OO/A Less tor larger tracts Generous owner financing. Cash discount Call Don FX-02 103 acre run down farm, log house, ap prox 20 acres tillable, excellent hunting area $69,000 Other f-arms Also Available > <sowen#gency inc. REALTORS® {I 22 North Market St. Selinsgrove, PA •PHOTOS BY WIRE” 717-374-2165 Evenings call Realtor Assoc. PhilGraybill, GRI Oort Bashore Snyder/Union Juniata/Perry " m-374-SO3S ’"'- - -‘i f717<«3632]» • - REAL ESTATE 1981 SHEETZ REAL ESTATE RAY N. WILEY INC. 323 W. Main St. Mount Joy, PA CALL 653-1481 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Farm Salesman - Eugene Kreider NY State Dairy Farm 125 acre farm, over 60 good tillable acres, barn holds 35 cows plus 7 heifer stanchions plus room for started calves, bulk tank, barn cleaner, two 14x30 silos, 3 bedroom house with IVz baths, oil and wood combination furnace, plus other buildings for machinery, located on good road with good milk market. Priced at $75,000 for quick sale, $30,000 assumable mortgage at 10% to reliable party. A real nice farm, must be'seen! You won’t find any like it for this price. , Mei Mcmasse Licensed Real Estate Broker Whitney Point, NY 607-692-4540 LOOKING FOR A FARM You will stop when you see this 395 acre farm with 230 tillable, 64 tie barn, pipeline, barn cleaner, bulk tank, 4 silos; heifer barn w/cleaners, 2 houses good condition. $250,000. . FAMILY FARM Excellent 360 acre farm, 155 tillable, barn ties 117 head + pens, pipeline, bulk tank, 2-20 x 50 silos w/unloaders, barn cleaner, all Good - 3- bedroom house and,3 bedroom mobile home. $95,000 assumable mortgage. Price $165,000. McKEE REALTY Roger McKee Broker Main Street Cincinnatus, NY 13040 607-863-4181 Over SO Years cSf Farmette Prize Easy Owner Financiifg Attractive 15-acre Pa. homestead with easy owner financing. 5 acres open, ample firewood. Very good 4 bedroom and 2 bath home, wood-fired boiler plus separate backup furnace, mountain views! New double garage. Fronts state highway. A winner at $55,000, only one fifth down, owner financing. Shenandoah Valley Dairy Quality 335-acre Va. farm has 2 homes. Several adjoining bachs-double 4 Herringbone milking parlor, with feeders, 1,500 gal. bulk tank, furnace, mixer, 3 conveyors, 2 silos, unloaders, 151 free stall barn, nursery, large equipment barn, shop. Good 8-room 2-' bath farmhouse, 2nd home needs work. On highway, near Interstate. Reduced for quick sale to $750,000. FREE...328-page FALL catalog! Describes over 2,900 top values in 46 states. UNITED FARM AGENCY P.O. Box 7891-LF Lyell Station Rochester, N.Y. 14606 Ph; TOLL-FREE; 1-800-821-2599 7 days a wk., 8 a.m. to 8 p.ra. wmmm ai FOR SALE 2 acre property with large 10 year old brick house, bam, and 3 car garage. Farmersville Lancaster County Call 717-354-9979 SELLERS WANT ACTION PRICES GREATLY REDUCED Take a look at this beautiful 128 acre Cumberland County dairy and beef farm (Dairy barn needs remodeling) Nevy modern beef barn, 40x104 w/100’ bank feeder, new 24x70 concrete stave silo w/unloader Meadow w/stream and pond. Large 4 bedroom frame aluminum sided home w/all conveniences. Call today for an appointment 77 acre dairy. 39, stan chions, large loafing area, room for expansion, 600 gallon bulk milk tank, stream in meadow, modern home x w/all conveniences Located in Southern Lancaster County Many other farms available. BERKS CO. 120 A. Dairy 81 A. General 10 A. Mobile Home 5 A. Lot LANCASTER CO. 112 A. Dairy & Hog 77 A. Dairy 130 A. Dairy 83 A Dairy 90 A Beef 130 A. General 123 A. Beef & Poultry 11 A. Woodland 13 A. General LEBANON CO. 38 A. Veal & Beef NORTHUMBERLAND CO. 74 A. Hog PERRY CO. 110 A. General 83 A. General 130 A. Dairy CLINTON CO. 47 A. Woodland Some Financing by Owners to Qualified Buyers. CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN Real Estate Broker 734 Main Street, Akron, PA 17501 717-859-1004 . With 24 hour service or Paul Z. Musser 717-733-8107 or Paul Smith 717-933-8156 or Emma Gish 717-653-5369 or Dora A- Petrone 717-394-2689 BERK'S COUNTY ★ 14J Acres ★ 102 Tillable ★ 30 Tie Stalls ★ Feed Lot w/Bunk Feeder Most Unusual & Beautiful Home - You Should Seel RICH BRANDT REALTORS 2230 sth St Highway, Reading, PA49605 (717) 274-3622 - office - (215) 378-1122 . : real estate | r i I I ISSSHMOVERST 717-243-5102 CUMBERLAND COUNTY FARMS 95 acres, bam, garage, hog pen, milk 2 house, silo, wagon shed, implement shed I & 5 bedroom frame house. $102,500. * 84 acres. Limestone soil, 2 story brick ■ colonial house. Excellent location with f additional acreage available for purchase | or lease. $145,000. I 126 acres. Present dairy operation. 27 | tie stall barn with drinking cups, Fickes I silo, garage, 300 gal. Girton tank. All I buildings in excellent condition. Modern | 2 story home, pond and creek frontage I and 85 acres are tillable. Farm is j presently under excellent management. I $200,000 2 s 79 acres. Limestone soil, barn, silo, all I buildings in excellent condition. 5 f bedroom • frame and aluminum house, ground available. $240,000. _ i .... - ★ 20x30 Harvestore ★ 14x50 Stave ★ 16x60 Weaver Star ★ 3 Car Garage * * * ’•r V -»» — V * f . t