RE Al ESTATE 67 acre dairy farm in Perry Co., 4 bed room house, heifer barn, 30 stanchion tie-in dairy barn, new Universal pipeline with 500 gat. bulk, springhouse, wagon shed with corn. 2 Harvestores. 20x50 and 20x28. CENTURY 21 Roush-Gerntak Real Estate 717-436-8929 or 717-463-3686 SNOWMOBILER’S PARADISE 244 acres of prime woodland w/trails leading to adjoining sta'e game lands and an endless network of public snowmobile trails Perfect for a snowmobile . club. Clinton County near Hyner View. Beautiful wilderness area yet only 30 minutes off 1-80 Well-stocked trout stream nearby. Owner says sell. Financing available. CalAfcJlmbfe 717-898-^O5 BERKS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE 150 acres at R.D. #l, Myerstowrr, 85 acres of cropland in a high state of cultivation presently being tilled for small grains and soybeans. This would be an ideal farm to irrigate because it has 2800 ft. of front age along the Swatara Creek. The balance of the land is hardwoods and meadowland. 2Vj story farmhouse, summerhouse, old barn which needs repairs, hard road frontage. $205,000. Call Nelson Ebersole, 717-867-4487. SUBURBAN REALTY 30 W. Main St. Annville. PA 17003 717-273-9358 SOUTHERN LANCASTER COUNTY 145 acre dairy farm w/85 tillable acres, 55 stall milking barn, free stall barn, silos, and other accessory buildings. SOUTHERN CHESTER COUNTY 160 acre dairy farm featuring 110 level tillable acres, milking barn, free stall barn, stone and frame home in ideal location near Not tingham. SOUTHERN YORK COUNTY 139 acre land of which 98 are tillable, situated near Norman Wood Bridge w Quarryvilte, PA 717/786-3356 ADAMS COUNTY Dairy & layer farm, large brick 6 bedroom home,' dairy barn, silo, 33,400 bird layer house, $310,000. Will sell separately, layer house & 20 acres for $llO,OOO, dairy operation & 70 acres for $175,000. L-3162-2 Rodgers. KEY REAL ESTATE 717-632-6400 717-334-8144 717-846-4810 I MERRY CHRISTMAS I y from sj I LAKE COUNTRY FARMS | Is Many new farms and real estate S* W listings for the new year. 0 I Lake County Farms I & Harry Pettingill, Jr., Broker Sr * - 2158 Rt. 89 W & Seneca Falls, NY 13148 Sf & 315-568-9708 & CENTRAL PA FARM & LAND PARCELS Over 35 listings including operating farms, farmettes, rural land 'and recreational land. Call or write for a free list. Watch for complete farm inventory ad next weeft or refer to last weeks edition. FARM AND LAND DEPARTMENT Fred Stnxrse (814)364-1705 (Lewisburf) Larry W.PWK7I7) 5695563 Don Myers (814)422-2111 (Bedford) RWierdp. Reed (814)8394271 Mel Rockey (814) 466-6688 (Hurtinptan) Rachel Port (814)6694194 XASSOdATES . Ftealiofs, CUMBERLAND COUNTY .122 Acre Limestone farm • 115 Acres are tillable. 20’x70’ Fickes Silo with unloader & bunk feeder for steers. Stream & lots of road frontage. Brick & Stone two family house. Brick part has 3 bedrooms & is in excellent condition. The stone part has 4 bedrooms & 7 fireplaces. Ideal House for Restoration! Located just west of Carlisle on Route 641. Priced at $349,000. Owner will consider selling the home stie with less acreage at a lesser price! Call for details- 717-665-2401 or 717- 397-8174. PENN REALTY INC. 112 S. Main Street Manheim, Pa. 17545 NEAR ELIZABETHTOWN, LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS WITH OWNER FINANCING POSSIBLE 11 acre horse and 13,300 layer operation, fine old 3 bedroom farm house. 17.5 acres - Gentleman’s horse farm, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, brick and frame home. 103 acre general farm - Large barn and tobacco shed, stone and frame home only $220,000. call Harry Allen for details 367-3365 T m TJTZr Mantbers-Greater fTI Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Lancaster Board ol I M 58 W, Main St.. Mount Joy Rssltofs • LAiicsflßf MuKfeteUsUncServica ftSS! 367-5134653-8103 944-1905 j . REAIESTATE FARM FOR SALE SNYDER CO. PA. 122 A (approx.) 60 A tillable 55 A good timber, large meadow w/stream Nice 2-story 2 family home, early possession Owner financing possible 717-658-3352 or write: RD 2 Box 50 McClure, PA 17841 Frederick J. Kissinger, Realtor William H. Leonard. Realtor 2455. Allen SL, SUte Cortege, PA 16801 (814)234-4000 Franklin Couity - 77 A. house, barn, 60 A tillable. Asking 1125,000. Other farms and land. VanCieve Real Estate 717-392-3032 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Interest rates too high? Not on these two farms! Owner financing best buys today. REDUCED 85 acres, $89,500, 7 room house, oil heat, 4 bay barn, other buildings, stream, road frontage, 12Vi percent. You can afford. Ask for Jerry Frey 717-898-8441 NEW LANCASTER COUNTY LISTINGS 99.9 acre dairy farm with 40 comfort stalls, pipeline milking system, 20x60 silo and modern 4 bedroom dwelling. Won’t last long at $310,000. 126 acre dairy farm, stables needing modernized but out buildings and dwelling in excellent condition. Owner financing. 77 acre operating dairy farm with 46 Holstein size stalls. Over 50 acres tillable with lush pasture and strong stream, asking $3,500 per acre. OnhJ% ii —r ! JTlTail® EMORY D. WAGNER CO., REALTORS 215 W. Fourth Street Quarryvitle, Pennsylvania 17566 (717)786-2131 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981—C4S REAL ESTATE Jfc Do Z To Sell Your Farm? < ♦ Contact Z ♦ Van Cleve Real Estate Z Specializing in Farms ♦ ♦ 8 Land Z Z 717-392-3032 Z 50 acres alt tillable, old house with fireplace and crane, 50x100 barn, horse, beef or pig farm. l A down. Owner financing on balance. ' Write: Box 120 Forksvifle, PA 18616 Sullivan County 64 Acres, Lancaster Co. 64 acre dairy and beef farm, located in Warwick Twp., approx. 56V2 acres tillable, 7 1 /z acres meadow, type soil - limestone, terrain- mostly level to very gentle slope, 2 story frame bank barn with attached steer and corn barn, 2*/z story double frame dwelling and 4 car detached garage, both very good con dition. Low interest owner financing. Horning Farm Agency Main Street Morgantown, PA 215-286-5183 FINGER LAKES - N.Y. 48 acres - Large standing pine thicket Financing $31,000 200 acre General Farm, 150 tillable, buildings Financing $185,000 100 acres - Land only all tillable $BO,OOO 120 acres/IOOT good home financing $120,000 82 excellent cow stable/silos 2 homes #1 soil Financing $375,000 195 acres - older home Priced $60,000 $20,000 Down #1 soil 300 acre Gann/Dairy farm 1200 ton storage and scales Priced 3 ways 100 acres - 55 tillable, excellent investment near Govt installation $50,000 233 acres - 50-cow tie stall - top hay/gram production (2 homes) $235,000 125 acres spd farm/storage building $125,000 230 acre-34 cow stable HI Hilly soil, . , good buildings $137,000 374 acres - S.silos excellent 52 tie stall barn, bargain price ' $255,000 This is just a sampling! Buy now. Close in the Spring! WJW Realty Prime Moyers of Rural Property A.J. Farney, Broker Seneca Falls, N.Y. 315-568-5910/ 568-9534 CENTRAL NEW YORK OFFICE NEW SILO...NEW MACHINERY: 182 acre Mohawk Valley farm. 120 tillable, gravelly soils. Nice working 55 cow barn with Boumatic 14x40 & 18x60 silos, mow elevator. Two good homes; 6 & 12 rooms. 50 Holstein milkers, 20 Y.S., 4 tractors and exceptional line of machinery. $300,000 owner terms. CALL SLOANSVILLE HEADQUARTERS AT 518-875-6355. SOUTHERN NEW. YORK OFFICE 500 ACRE FARM about half tillable, gently rolling terrain. Three homes; ten, five and four rooms. Two concrete new 40x100 barn. $144,500 terms arrange. CALL TRUMANSBURG OFFICE FOR THIS AND OTHERS. FREE CATALOGUES. 607-387-9303 ' ST. LAWRENCIE VALLEY OFFICE FANCY FACILITIES for registered herd at-this 304 acre farm with 175 tillable. Some fields 50-60 acres, gently rolling. Excellent barn painted white has 60 very large ties on 2” Boumatic pipeline, Patz cleaner, 20x60 concrete S new 20x50 Martin silos w/Jamesway unloaders. Brand new 36x80 heifer barn with automatic” feeding; 38x104 machine barn. Stately century-old Country .Vic •torian home. 84 head with 16,700# RHA, 3 large tractors. NH 882 chopper, exceptionally good machinery JUST LISTED AT $335,000 complete. Need about $60,000 down. CALL GOUVERNEUR OFFICE: 315-287-4163 , INCLUDES 50 COWS, tractors and all equipment; 196 acre -farm with some river bottom land, PH 6.5-7.2. Additional land available Barn has 50 ties, 2 unloading silos, calf area. Tastefully remodeled 4 bedroom home with Birch cabinet kitchen: neat, homey, freshly papered & painted ALL FOR $175,000 with $40,000 down and owner terms. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED! FOR APPT CALL 315- 769-9380 or GOUVERNEUR OFFICE. HUGE FREE DAIRY CATALOGUES. WIMPLE REALTORS HEADQUARTERS. SLOANSVILLE, N.Y. 518-875-6355 R£AL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE 105 acres All tillable Includes house, dairy barn, silo Delta, PA (York Co south of Rt. 372). Owner 305-781-1760 216-221-9090
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