C44—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December 19,1981 MISCELLANEOUS Landis covering shop, coverings. mantillas, crocheted bonnets, hand painted mottoes, Open Mon. and Fn 100 to 8.00, Tue and Wed. 8 00 to 5.00, Sat 8.00 to 4;00. Closed Thur 717-392- 6665, Wanted Church benches & pulpit 717-866-2496 FOR TIRED ACHING BACKS'" Hyman Automatic Massage Pillow. For a gentle Oh-so relaxing massage at anytime-anywhere. No on/oft switch 1 No electric cord to plug in! Battery operated. 12 in.xl2 in x 4 in. Retail Price $29.95. Special price $19.95. Money bach if not satisfied. Post Paid or send for free information Dan E. Yoder, RRI Box 188 Y, Baltic, Ohio 43804. SOLAR COLLECTOR. New design heafs/cools air FAST for space, water heating! Build over weekend at low cost. Hundreds in use. How to Report, construction details, $1 00. Satisfaction guaranteed, GLADWYN HOUSE, 137 BRUSHWOOD, LOVELA ND. OHIO 45140. Canadian solid runner 2 to 4 capacity sleigh, like new $725, Wicker 1 horse sleigh needs work $325. Northern Bahtmore Co MD 301-374-6024. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale - WWII sub marine document sale $7O. 12 gauge high standard not gun $2 60 357 stainless steel Reuger w/herter's grips and holster $250. Old 44 caliber cap and ball Spencer $250 Fast drawer western rig $BO 717-588-9626 evenings. For Sale - Buggy in ex cellent condition. 6 mi. S of Strasburg along May Post Office Rd Inquire Tues. or Wed. WANTED TIMBER We’re looking for tracts of good quality timber. G.H. BURKETT & SONS LUMBER CO. Elizabethtown PA 717-3672791 CASH BUYER OF TIMBER Specializing in White Oak & White Ash LAKE logging Rdl Rd 2 Holtwood, PA Denver, PA 17532 17517 717-284-4900 215-267-5309 WANTED TO BUY CASH BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER Specializing in white oak, white ash &walnut timber. GUY SEXTON LOGGING CO. RD #l, Willow Street, Pa. 717-284-3200 717-393-2771 „ALt BY OWNER. 60 acre Berks County Farm. Up to dale poultry house for 35,000 layers (now on contract) Also good horse facilities for the serious horse breeder. Fatm house, 2 mobile homes, 2 wells, stream, quiet rural setting. Only serious inquiries. No brokers. $390,000. (215) 562- 7776. For Sale - 110 acre farm, Lykens Valley, Dauphin Co. possible financing available. 717-362-9233 "^^MISCEUANEOUS^j Factory fresh cedar chest kits, oak flooring, plywood. Phone Tom Hostetler 717-539-4091. FOR SALE - New and used automatic washers, dryers, gas and electric refrigerators, ranges, us ed wringer-engine washers, new bedroom furniture Open 7.30 to 4:30, Saturday. 7.30 to 12.00, evenings by apointment. Myer's Washer-Dryer, Rt. 772, between Brownstown and Leola. 717-656-7169 For Kent - 4 bedroom (arm house west ot York, newly decorated, fuel oil fi nished, references and security deposit, $325 per month plus utilities. Available Dec 16 Prefer retired person or teen age boy to work on farm. STUMPACRES. 717-792- 3216 York Co. 94 acres, 80 tillable in Path Valley Franklin Co. PA Large stone house in excellent condition, large barn for dairy or beef. Easy access, three miles from turnpike. Hunters paradise. Assumable low interest mortgage to qualified buyer. Must sacrifice. 717-248-2120. 51A Berks County by owner. Pond, Stream, Fenced. 20 Tillable, 1780 Stone Colonial, Small Barn, 'Outbuildings, $140,000. No Brokers. 215-367-8194 250 acre farm m Ken tucky, Grade A milk parlor. $lOO,OOO. 814- 237-4608. For Sale - Operating stock and equipped dairy farm located in heart of beautiful Dairy Valley in Central New York. Mostly all river valley land with 4- 5 cuttings alfalfa, choice of milk markets Excellent 80 V-tie stall pipeline barn, Machinery shed and heifer raising facilities. Eleven room house. Must see. Phone 315-495-6560 for details. FOR SALE - Steuben County, New York State Finger Lakes Region, 237 acre farm, completely restored federal style five bedroom home with at tached garage and workshop, brand new L shaped barn plus other older outbuildings, HO acres tillable balance wooded, valuable gas/oil lease included. $145,000 with excellent terms available Hauryski Real Estate, 16 West William Street, Bath, New York 14810. Phone 607/776- 7150. Dairy Farm tor sale, Bradford Co. 217 acres, new double 6 Bou-matic milking parlor, new bulk tank and thermostores, dairy barn holds 60 cows, «• tie stalls, dry cow 'and - heifer ‘ barn. . 25x60 machine shed, 2 ponds. 2 story home, new steel siding and root, 4 bedrooms, 7 rooms downstairs, remodeled inside, home overlooking lake. Call anytime f 717- , 888-9312 For Sale - by owner. Lycoming Co. farm. 360 A. 155 till Land only or w/buildmgs. Excellent hunting Call 717-435-3186 MISCELLANEOUS I REAL M FREE! Exciting Seasonal Edi tions Catalog! Over 5,400 country properties described, ■ pictured l Land, Farms, Homes, Waterfront, Recreation, REtirement buys! Yours FREE from the World’s Largest! STROUT REALTY P.0.80x 773 A Dept. 6490 Harrisburg, PA 17102 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-641-4266 100 acre farm, Ig. barn and apartment, stone home, zoned industrial, excellent land, could be bought with 80 acres and no buildings, must be sold. Call-look-and make offer. Hayes Octorara 215-857-2141. For Sale -43 A Farm, mostly iron stone soil, four bedroom house, running water, along Oaklm Drive and Yellow Hill Road, Brecknock Twp., Lan caster Co. $155,000. Some financing available, low interest. Menno Shirk, RD #2, Brown Road, East Earl, Pa. 17519 For Sale - Woodland, 20.65 acres, Walker Twp., Juniata Co., off Rt. 333, adjoining State Game Lands, $40,000. Phone 717-463-2370. ‘‘Dairy Operation” Two sets buildings, ninety acres tillable, subdivision possible, 3 si (os, .near Golf course, terms possible. Ace Realty Shrewsbury. 717-235-7915 "Farm of Charm” Efeven acres colonial, barn, sum merhouse, Rental Income, garages. Near Golf course- Ace Realty, Shrewsbury 717-235- 7915 200 tillable acres in Harrisburg area. Mostly level limestone soil. Dairy barn for 56 cows. Large stone house convenient location for horse farm, purebred beef cattle or sales barn. You can’t find a better farm for any purpose. Write Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 K -24, Lltltz, PA 17543 82 acre dairy farm, Blair Co., 1 mi. from Mar ti ns bufgJJl4793-2339 _ 162 T acre dairy farm m Snyder Co,, 35 acres in alfalfa, 45‘ acres corn ground in chiseled for ’B2, 72 acres were limed in 'Bl, 2 silos, bulk milk tank, $l3OO per acres, no financing. No Sunday calls, 717-374-9151 11 A- single residential building site' has woods, stream, poind, open land. Downmgtown area. Financing available. 215- 942-2591 Young farm family in need for dairy farm to rent early spring , Write Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 366 R -84, Lititz, PA 17543 HOG FARM NEAR LEBANON COUNTY - Completely modernized manure pit, hot water, wood and oil heat, 2‘/j story colonial 4 bedrooms, high production Chester soil. Call All County Realtors 215-775-4800. Minifarm 1812 eight-room farmhouse 2 barns, boxstalls, cattle stan chions 3+ acres. Other building water, electricity. $65,000, Sturbndge, Mass. 617-885-9873 885- 5067. : Sale - Broiler farm 100,000 capacity, good investment $50,000. down. Fully automated Call Mr. Smith, York Co. 757-6872 For Sale - 150 Acre dairy farm, 5 miles East of Bethel at Strausstown, Berks County. Large level square fields, dairy barn with 49 stanchions, 800 gallon bulk tank, 2 streams, pond, meadow, gram dryer with metal bins, new 22 x 65 silo, 3 other silos, large pole shed for heifers and implements, new garage, 7-room house plus bath, new furnace. $2,000 per acre Phone 215-678- 8274 For Sale -117 acre farm in ClnfOtv"Cof PA 717.-922- 1410 Barns Only +146 acres ei' good tarm land and woods, Southern York County, asking $1,400 per acre. BAUGHMAN REALTORS 717-741-4671 or 717-862-3869(13526). 1 For Sale - Farm of 9.66 acres, good buildings, 5 acres farming land, rest in pasture, creek in pasture field. Farm is 3 miles east of New Berlin, 6 miles west of Selinsgrove. Joseph C. Yoder, Mid dleburg RD3, Box 91A, Pa. 17842 Seasoned dry hardwood delivered at reasonable prices. Also, 2 10 acre heavy timber tracts of woodland with frontage. 215-445-6427. Excellent Alfalfa show farm, luxury home, 35 head barn, tool shed, near Lewis County, Mennomte- Amish community. Will sell, rent, or finance $145,000. Carl Stena, Rt. 2 Carthage, N.Y. 13619 315-493-1798. For Sale by owner - Modern 45 acre hog farm, Nebraska unit for 1200 head-with complete feed factory and mix mill system and gram storage facilities. Serious inquiries only. York County. 717-757-1144. Wanted to rent - Far mland in Lancaster and York Counties. Phone 717-653-4420 after 4 P.M. Luzerne County, .Slocum Township. Beautiful 3 /« acrespnngfed pond on 30 acres. 400' road frontage. Excellent hunting Lovely picnic area arid lawn. Great place for hunting cabin or homesite. Priced to sell. Contact Daniel Monroe Rt. 4 Orange Texas 77630. Sale By Owner, Hershey. Vz of double brick home in excellent condition, very clean, 3 bedrooms, dining rom, eat-in kitchen with stove & dishwasher. Liv mgroom and bath, quality -carpet.’ throughout. ’ Maintenance free'.tSmgte garage..,ExceHent location near stores, schools, banks, etc. Price - $49,900, ’ phone 717-533-9440. Dairy farm for rent, 138 acres, Blair Co. 814-239- 2593 96 A Northern Berks, Lehigh Co., Pond, streams 4- 40x340’ (role barns, high density, mobile home park zoning. Price for immediate sale by owner. Call 215-435-0153.' . For Sale'- 40'x350' two story broiler chicken house presently under contract. Phone 717-359-4975 or write Box 512 RD2 Littlestown, - Pa. 17340 Honest, young dairyman with family would like to purchase or lease purchase dairy farm with owner financing. Have four years milking ex perience and capital that could be used toward the purchase of herd and machinery. Pfefer Lycom ing, Upper Nor thumberland, Union, Montour, Snyder or Cen tre Counties. If interested please call (717) 322-1759. Tioga County. Secluded 34 acre farmette or vaca tion hide away m good hunting area • 9 room Tarm house, good barn, 24 acres tillable land, balance pasture with small brook flowing through Only $29,000. 65 acres m/l hunting land both open and wooded $20,000. $lO,OOO down $151.85 per month tor 9 years at 12% annual percentage rate UNWEDFARM AGENCY OF PA. INC Real Estate . Wellsboro, Pa. 16901 717-724-1884 ' FREE CATALOG! Describ ing numerous Penn- sylvania farms, camps, acreage tracts, cottages, * homes and businesses. Write Dept. LF-12, WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, TNC. 5528 William FjVnn - Highway,- Oibsoraav-'iPa. 15044. For Rent - 4 room house-, middle aged couple, nice yard and parking. Neff sville, Lancaster Co., 717- 569-1170. 2 Farms consisting of 120 acres of .very fertile land, 2 sets rt buildings for sale by the owner, John Strawbndge, 301-996- 2022. If you're looking for a farm, land or have any other real estate needs, you’ll find what you want in the Real Estate classifieds. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Nice little 58acre farm for sale in Juniata Co. ?i7- 527-4093. North Baltimore Co. 100 acre farm with southern exposure, 65% tillable, has large barn and silo and outbuildings, some financing available with possible MD farm preservation par ticipation. $2OOO per acre. More land also available 301-343-0713 „ Tioga County 65 acre farhJ with stream, barn, new slaughter house. Ranch style home with 3 bedrooms, V/z baths, 2 car garage. 717-724- 3768. Call 717-724-3853. evenings a nd weekends For Sale by owner. 240 Acre farm in Juniata Co Call 717-436-8309. After 5 PM CAYUGA CO, N.Y. 111 acre farm, 70 acres tillable, good high lime soils, 2 story 35x65 barn with 40x80 .addition, has liquid' Vhanure system with lagoon for hogs Could be set up for. other livestock New 40x40 machine shed, old 7 room house, $115,000 owner 315-252-0521 135 acres, level ♦ productive, brick + home, large barn, 2 ♦ silos, owner cmg. 100 acres ;ood lai mu . stone home and J barn, owner * ' financing, - many ♦ £ possibilities * i 27 acres woods, 2 ♦ Lancaster County, ♦ ’ J 11% financing + J Wishing You a Joyful £ X Christmas* and a ♦ ♦ Happy New Year! J ♦ D. Martin ♦ ♦ Zimmerman J r X Loren L. Zimmerman ♦ l| BLUE BALI j I! REALTY 1 * Blue Balt A, ♦ Pa. 17506 2 717-354-4536 ♦ 2 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Horse Farmette 8 acres - $127,900 Owner Financing at 13% House has new wiring, heat, roof siding, plumbing, etc PLUS Income from 2 apts 30x50 barn 4 large stalls New septic Located 3 miles west of Millersville on Rt 999 Red Hill Rd 3 acres : $67,300 Ex cellent condtnon 4 bedrooms Totally redecorated Large barn pasture land, fruit trees PLUS Owner financing 20%'down 13 V? % m terest RILEY REALTORS* , 600 Delp Rd. . Lancaster, PA 717-569-8781 id. ♦
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