TRUCKS it TRAILERS 72 Chevy 1 ton dual wheel, 6 cyl., 4 spd. 5650 or best otter, 717-684- 0661 1979 Fl5O 4 wheel drive, new condition. 717-345- 3349 „ Energy Hyd. truck hoist Sales & Service An derson's Repair Shop, Rd 1, Felton. PA 717-244- 2039 . For Sale - 1970 Ford FlOOO with sleeper, 250 Cummins engine with 10 speed, tandem axle, $3900 1970 Ford, rebuilt gas engine, single axle, $2900 717-866-4906. For Sale - used 12' wood cattle body, used 21' wood cattle body. Used 18' aluminum livestock body in exc., M.H. Eby, Inc., Blue Ball. 717-354-4971 Cherokee & Rawhide stock trailer, dump gram trailer, farm'flat beds & horse trailers. Gooseneck & bumpers available. 201- 782-8771 r Truck bodies - New and used Call lor prices and availability. J.R. Opp Co , R D. 1, Muncy, PA 17756 717-546-3397 12’ tandem axle cattle trailer $7OO or best offer 717-684-0661 1981 Ford FlOO, 2300 miles, power steering, power brakes, AM-FM cassette radio, steel belted radial tires. $5,495 717-345-3349 ford 1969 WIOOOCoE. 335 Cummins w/fuiler 10- speed, road ranger. Heavy duty rears, twin screw. 10.00-22 rubber. Good condition. Drive tram excellent Needs cab Call 609-451-6057 $4OOO. For Sale -1962 GMC 5000 cab and chassis. 26,000 GVW $lOOO. Call 717- 761-0651 after 8 PM Wanted - Aluminum tandem axle dump trailer (or gram. 609-298-3342. i' 1971 lnter,national 1 ton - dual wheels. 6 cyl. 4 spd. $7OO or best offer. 717-684-0661 Gooseneck dump trailer, 15,000 GVW and/or J2O ieep 8,400 GVW, both inspected. Lancaster County 717-786-1882 Cherokee Trailer - 20' Gooseneck Two-axle flatbed trailer Great machinery or hay hauler $3250 00. (717) 667- 3921 For Sale - or Trade -1975 35’ Globemaster travel trailer w/separate bedroom, AC, and much more, used one year Ask ing $6OOO, value new $l5OOO. Will trade for. good diesel farm tractor, crawler or backhoe of equal value. 717-334-6357 weekends. 717-334-7035 evenings. 4 Horse stock trailer, hydraulic brakes, $7OO. Old Chrysler to tow trailer $l5O 717-392-1401. 1977 Int. 1800 446 VB, 5 and 2 speed, air brakes, power steering, double frame 10.00x20 .tires, 69,000 miles, 32,000 GVW, 1971 Int. 2110 tractor with sth wheel, 477 V 8 5 and 2 speed, air brakes 10.00x20 tires 301 877-9889. For Sale - 1965 F Model Mack, cab needs repair. Running gear good will sell whole or parts Also 1693 TA Cat engine, RT 12513 Road ranger trans, 44000 Rockwell rears, spokes hubs, 12000 tront axles, disco hubs Phone 717-365- 3714 . one** UNCASTER TrmRbEZ , 1710RohrerstownRd. nVIaBIOL 717-569-2648 mugsU lM s*^ 717-848-6400 USED TRUCKS EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND WELL MAINTAINED 1977 FORD ECONOLINE E 250 300 cyl. engihe,- auto trans. radio, new paint. 1975 CHEVROLET 20'VAN TE67 366 V 8 engine, ATS4O, automatic transmission, aluminum body w/curbside door and roll-up rear door, power steering, radio, new paint. 1976 FORD 14' REFRIGERATED VAN LN7OOO 175 HP Cat engine, 5 sp. - 2 sp. trans., 1000x20 tires, dual 50 gallon tanks, XMT-20 Thermo-King unit, new paint. 1979 CHEVROLET C7D042 Cab and chassis only, will take 14 or 16’ body, 366 V 8 engine, 5 sp. trans., PS, tilt hood, new paint. USED TRACTORS 1975 CHEVROLET nan bo Tandem axle diesel steeper, 318 Detroit engine, 10 speed transmission, PS, AC, with or without new paint. 1976 PETERBILT 352586 Tandem axle diesel sleeper tractor, 350 Cummins engine, 13 speed transmission, power steering, A/C, overhauled. 1977 GMC JC9640 Tandem axle diesel, conventional cab, NTC 290 Cummins engine, 10 sp. trans., 38,000 rear axle, PS, AC, low mileage 1977 Ford LN 9000 Single axle diesel, conventional cab, 238 Detroit engine, 10 sp. trans., PS, AC, Air Shield, just overhauled, with or without new paint. Complete maintenance records available for inspection. Other makes, Models & types to choose from. TRUCKS to TRAILERS TO HAVE YOUR TRUCK CHASSIS - FRAME LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED CONTACT WITTES TRUCK AND TRACTOR 301-829-0271 fU CRE A UOAIAI VFHICLtS , Playmor Camper w/stove and table 1964 Chevy Camper, self contained, sleeps six STRALEY FARM SUPPLY 1760 East Canal Road Dover. PA 17315 717-292-2631 717-292-4443 '• AUTOMOBILES 1976 D-200 Club Cab 3 /« ton Real Nice 1982 D-150 Miser 21 & 29 ERA 1 - 1982 Marida Low tylileage - heather 6 cyl. fully equipped SAVE 1981 B-350 Maxi Van 15 Passenger, 8000 mi. Like New PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East Next to Shopping Center ' Elizabethtown. PA _ PHONE: 717-367 1808 PUPS WANTED Last Puppy Contest of the Year will be on Tuesday, December 22,1981 $25 prize for the cutest pup purchased! I need good healthy, clean pups, pure & mixed breeds, 6*B weeks old. Offering extra high cash prices. Baskets of cash waiting for you! . I will be closing my stand at Root’s after Dec. 22. The next puppy contest will be lues., March 2, 1982 with a $2OO Cash Prize for the cutest pup. at Root's Farmer's Market ROl Manheim Tuesday’s 5 PM-8 PM (no phone calls please) P.S. Please don’t bring any pups to Root’s after Dec. 22,1981 until March 2,1982. Thank You! " Meny Christmas and Happy New Year!" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1981—Q43 m CRt AIIOMAI VEHJCt I S 72 Japer snowmobile trailer, 6’xl6’ 3000 lb license $495 717-792- iooo I AUTOMOBILES I 1954 Ford Customlme, 4 door, 6 cyl, auto , 67,000 mi., runs good, state inspected, $1250 717- 766 9272 1975 Ford Granada, auto matic trans. and power steering 1971 Chevy Impala Custom STRALEY FARM SUPPLY 1760 East Canal Road Dover. PA 17315 717-292-2631 717-292-4443 AKC Golden Retrievers ready to go December 14th, Vaccinated Parents X-Rayed tor Hip Displasia $l5O 717-865-5887 AKC Springer Spaniels, champions and excellent hunters Ready tor Christmas 717-687-8311 For Sale - Registered Australian Shephard puppies. Ready for Christmas Shots and wormed Call 717-524- 0893 Black Labrador Retriever and Cocker spaniel pups Call 717-898-2539. No Sunday Calls Border collie pups Ready for Christmans. Chester Co 215-593-6221 For Sale - Australian cattle dog pups, blue heelers, from good working stock 717-899- 7755 Purebred Collie puppies, 6 weeks old 717-653- 5975 Bouvier Des Flanders puppies, 8 wks. old. reasonable. 609-935- 3637 AKC Registered Collie pups will make beautiful Christmas gifts, ready to go week before Christ mas. Taking orders now $85.00 Franklin Co 717- 328-2458 For Sale'- Male Airedale Likes children could be good on coons 215-926- 3973 Berks Mini Lop bunnies, pedigreed, also Butt Brahma bantams,' York Co 717-244-8998 For Sale - AKC registered Rottweiler pups & 1 registered Sharpen pup. Best offer Call eves around 8.00 P.M 215- 445-7156. Jo Jo the Dog Man Doberman and Rottweiler Wonderland, over 100 puppies and adults tor sale. Champions at stud 215-933-3600 WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 6 to 9 weeks old. -in litter lots Pure breeds and half breeds Cash money paid. Will pickup every Wednesday For resale in my pet shop Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or Mil between 12 noon & 6 o.m. Mon., Tues. & Thurs. only 215-229-0449. Give breed-age-color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale - 50 kw alter nator w/Oeutz diesel, $7OOO Also Quincy 10 hp air compressor double stage, $l2OO 1000 gal air tank, $BOO 2 cylinder 34 hp Hatz diesel, looks & runs like a Deutz , $2200 Hobart 30Q amp mig welder, 3 phase current. $l2OO 717-935-2056 FUN FOODS - Fifteen dessert recipes, ages 7 thru 12 Some quick, easy snacks requiring no cooking $1 and SASE A. Ream, Box 164, Mt Lake Park, Md 21550 Sure Weight Scales, portable Model 1259-B, weighs up to 3000 lbs like new $lOOO 609-451- 4968. For Sale - Walnut, Cherry and Rock Oak untreated Call 717-776-3239 a nytime For Sale - Top buggy with s'tormfront, Wayne Martin, Bowmansville along Rte 625 For Sale - Penna. fire wood loaded on your truck or trailer. Have plenty on hand Also white birch fire place logs. 717-494-1626 Wanted - Black iron cookstove, wood, coal, gas combination on legs, prefer waterjacket but not necessary Must be m good working order. Write stating price, condition, sketch. E. Stanley, 182 Bridge Street, Graterford, Pa 19426. Sale-Meat Grinders, Band Saws, Sheers and Ten denzers, also, New Splitting Saws for only $225 Gerry Grundy, Doylesburg, PA on Rt. 75, 200 yds north of Rt 274. Open Sat and Sun 10 a.m - 4 pm 717-349- 7654 or eve call 215-549- 7584 For Sale - Shenendoah wood stove used only 11 mo 717-464-3287 DRUMS & BARRELS New and used plastic steel and fiber Fresh, empty wooden barrels tor wine & cider Local and Long distance delivery. Reliable Recyclers, Inc 114 S. Maple Ave , Leola PA 717-656-4211 4-burner bottled gas stove, ideal tor country home or deer camp. Make an otter Call 717-626- 8078. For Sale New tobacco baling boxes, Minmch type Samuel J Stoltzfus, 2870 A Church Road, Bird-m-Hand, PA 17505 Wanted Firewood Market Buyer must load and haul Bids based by the full cord 717-254 6558 Or mail bid to. Mike Simon, RD 1, Jermyn, PA 18433 For Sale - Oak, poplar and wblnut lumber (green) ■Slabwood - long lengths and sawdust (dry) Moyer’s Sawmill, Rt 2 Annville, 717-867-5316.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers