Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 19, 1981, Image 100
C32—Lancaster Farming, FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale ■ J D 430 w/power steering 7’ front mounted. Myers snow plow, Farmall Cub w/front mounted snow plow, front mounted snow plow to fit JD 60, Sauder snow plow 215-679-9010. HAYBUSTER \\\ BIG BALE BUSTER. \\ THE SENSIBLE SOLUTION % FOR FIELD OR FEED BUNK \ FEEDING - - Just lower the fork (hy- under the bale and the bale is lifted into the shredder. Use the BALE BUSTER for "bedding" - inside or outside. Drop adjustable deflector ■ down for range feeding. Spreads bale in an easy-to- feed windrow. Shredding big bales into feed bunks is an easy job for egig^BR 1 ' the BALE BUSTER. Flow control valve regulates grind- ' ' r ing for coarse or fine feed . • . Shred Ws bate* nght In th* freld for to th* bate .. pick it up w****. rang* faeding. Tha BALE BUSTER laya fork . tilt It Into tho BALE BUSTER .. . ground hay avanly m eaay-to-feed aM in a faw aaconda. Voure ready windrow* no trampling or to shred hay into faad bunk* or hogging by cattla . . SENSIBLE! field windrow* . . SENSIBLE! A ont man operation, aimpiy back up (Bunk faedar attachment optional) RED WING FARMS HAYBUSTER Fleetwood, Pa. 215-944-0791 or 215-944-9583 Sqk 1950 TRIPLE H EQUIPMENT ;C” 25 2alT 1 Peach Bottom, Pa. 717-548-2640 or 717-548-2094 TRACTORS Oliver 770 HAYTOOLS NH 268 Baler w/Thrower NH 269 Baler w/Thrower NH 270 Baler w/Thrower NH 846 Round Baler NH 68 Baler NH 275 Baler Oliver 620 Baler w/Thrower JD 483 Mower Cond. NH467 Haybine NH 469 Haybine SKID LOADERS NHL-35,358 Hours Bobcat M6OO NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK WHITE 2-30 Two Wheel Drive 2-45 2&4 Wheel Drive 2-62 Tractor 2-105 Tractor WHITE 543 6R Planter No Till 5100 6R No Till WHITE 25410’4” disc SPECIALS Woods M 5 3 Pt. Rotary Mower Woods M 72 PC 3 Pt. Rotary Mower NORMAN D. CLARK & SON «™ auroßof ' Honey Grove, PA 17035 - Phone 717-734-3682 TRACTOR Located 14 Miles South Port Royal on Rt. 75 p ARTs CO, Saturday, December 19,1981 farm equipment • , * One IH 4 row corn planter, one MF 65 gas w/manure loader, one Case grinder mixer, one livestock trailer 10,000 gross double axle electric brakes 717-275-3309 spgi^vHh 13KUBOTH USED EQUIPMENT TILLAGE-PLANTING White 5400 Planter MM 4-16 HAR Semi Mtd. Plow ' JD 1240 4-Row w/Monitor Ontario 16-7 Grain Drill, 1 Yr. Old IHC 16' Cart Harrow FORAGE TOOLS NH Super 717 w/l-Row NH 717 Harvester w/l-Row NH 880 R2-2-Row Head CORN PICKERS & COMBINES Ni 324 2-Row w/12 Roll Bed SPREADERS JD 54 Spreader NI 212 Spreader NI 214 Spreader NH 510 Spreader N.H.L425 Loader N.H. 256 -258 Rakes N.H. 707.718,782,892 Harvesters N.H. Spreaders - 513,519,679 & 800 Vicon 3 pt. Fert. Spreader Bobcat 530,641 & 743 Tye No Till Drill Glenco 7' Soil Saver Morndge 275 Gram Dryer FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale' - IH 400 cyclo cornplanter, no till at tachment, depth control wheels, covering discs, dry fertilizer, Gandy •insecticide boxes, seed corn monitor, $1800.215- 837-0847 ‘675 ‘895 EQUIpMEftH^^j 206 GROUND DRIVE SPREADERS IN STOCK TRACTORS Case 930 08 1200 D Case 1070 D MM Jet Star 3 diesel Case 1370 C-A-H n . n{rpQ Ford 4000 G LOADERS 1H 660 D Case 380 1H1066 Hydro 1530Uniloader MF 2135 Turf Uniloader Broom AC 7040 C-A-H 1830 Uniloader AC 7080 C-A-H 1845 D Uraloader A.L. HERR & BRO. PARK AVE., QUARRYViLLE; PA 17566 PHONE: 717-786-3521 am Pius Waiver or-13.9% APR Financing Forget any reasons you may have for not buying a new combine right not, Massey- Ferguson has rolled back prices to us in December by 15%...0n every new Massey combine on our lot. This means some of the biggest savings we’ve ever been able to offer you! Don’t wait. Come in and buy now, because these savings apply only to new equipment purchased in December just in time for year-end tax credits, too. Choice of financing If you buy now and qualify for financing through Massey-Ferguson, we’ll make your deal even sweeter, with a waiver of finance HunyS These price rollback savings are good only during December 1981. Gus Farm Equipment Inc. intersection of Rts. 616 & 214 Seven Valleys, PA 717-428-1967 USED EQUIPMENT ffl PRICE ROLLBACK «v Now more than ever, Massey makes sense. -■ FARM EQUIPMENT FORAGE NEW IDEA Gehl 600 harvester Manure Spreaders J.D. 65 blower . 212,213.214, N.H.IBBOSP 325/314 Dicker shelter MISCELLANEOUS Ford 101 plow - 323 one row picKcr u«c».*Ar» pr i a 325/327 Picker Harrow 329 Super Shelter Lilliston 6’ Mower 11-SYSTEM 701 Power Unit 702 G w/combine 767 harvester/ 762 row crop 760 hay pickup 730 4RW Head B % charges 'til season of use, or 13.9% annual percentage rate financing for two years. It's f your choice. Sge'us ribw for all the details. Waiver dates: Tractors, • implements, industrial machines Hay tools Grain combines Com/bean combines Used equipment savings top. Waiver of finance charges and 13.9% financing options are also available to qualified buyers through MF on used machinery and-equip ment on our lot. MF= Massey Ferguson ■ jC*v. r? BUSH-HOG August 1, 1982 September 1, 1982 a '< .< s March 1,1982 . .May'l, 1982