*6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 21,1981 Hay Markets Frederick Co. Hay Buckeyi town, Md. Thursday, Nov. 19 Report supplied by auction 23 loads. Alfalfa 100.00-127.00, Mixed 73 00-07.00; Second Cutting Clover 60 00-64.00; Timothy 83 00-109.00; one Fodder 38.00; Wheat Straw 42 00-66.00; one Firewood 79.00 cord; Wet Sawdust 7.00; Foxtail Grass 31.00; one New Ear Corn 60 00. NOTE. Sale will be held Thanksgiving Day Regional Hay Friday, Nov. 13 Report (applied by PDA (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by the dealers at the farm and per ton.) Hay & Straw steady. Alfalfa 60.00-110 00, mostly 90.00- 100.00. Mixed hay 75.00-60.00, few down to 65.00. Timothy hay 60..00- 80.00. Straw 40.00-50.00. Mulch 30.00-45.00, Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Fa. Friday, Nov. 13 Report supplied by PDA 52 loads hay and 11 loads straw. Alfalfa 95.00-105.00, few to 126.00; Mixed bay 85.00-125.00, one at 143.00; Timothy hay 89.00-110.00; Clover, one load at 100.00; Orchard Grass, one load at 93.00; Straw 51.00- Ear Com, 17 loads 67.00- couple to 107.00; Com Fodder, 3Joads 36.00-47.00. New Holland Hay New Holland Sales Stables Monday, Nov. 16 Report supplied by auction 129 loads. Alfalfa 115.00-135.00, few down to 90.00 ; one load stemmy 60.00; Timothy 90.00-120.00, few to 125.00, poor quality down to 65.00; Mixed 90.00- for good quality, poor down to 70.00; Mixed Meadow Grass 80.00-90.00; Straw 65.00- 75.00, one load to 81.00; few Oat Straw 52.00-60.00; porn Fodder 40.00- New Ear Corn 70.00- 75.00; Old Ear Corn one load at 112.00. Good’s Hay Leola, Pa. Wednesday, Nov. 18 Report supplied by auction 121 loads. Mixed 80.00-128.00; Alfalfa 89.00- 157.00; New Com 66.00-84.00; one Old Cora 116.00; Timothy 91.00- 121.00; Straw 41.00-65.00; one Mulch 30.00; one Orcliardgrass 79.00; 3 Corn Fodder 44.0047.00; two Soybean Stems 39.00 & 47.00. Steel tanks for NITROGEN, Fuel or Molasses 8,000 -14,000 and 20,000 gallon. For prices and delivery call: DOMINION PRODUCTS (Vfl) 703-371-8028 after 6 P.M. Pa: Grain Monday, Nov. 16 Report supplied by PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Southeastern, Central and South Central Pa. Corn uneven, mostly steady to 10 cents lower. Wheat, Barley & Oats unevenly steady. New Ear Corn steady to strong. Prices paid delivered to dealers dock - (All prices per bushel, ex cept Ear Com per ton.) Southeastern Pa. Corn No. 2-y range 2.44-2.70, average 2.59; Wheat No, 2 range 3.15-3.84, average 3.46; Barley No. 3 range 2.00-2,25, average 2.13; Oats No. 2 range 1.83-2.08, average 1.96, Soybeans No. 1 range 5.70- 5.95, few reported down to -5.53, average 5.79; Gram Sorghum No. 2 range 2.12, average 2.12; Buck wheat range 9.80, average 9.80; Old Ear Com range 71.00-90.00, average 77.19; New Ear Com range 56.0068.00, average 62.68. Corn No. 2-y range 2.40-2.65, few reported down to -2 30, average 2.50; Wheat No. 2 range 3.00-3.50, few reported 3.90, average 3.36;- Barley No. 3 range 2.00-2.20, average 2.08, Oats No. 2 range 1.55-1.80, average 1.70; Soybeans No. 1 range few reported 5.60, average 5.60; Gram Sorghum No. 2 range 2.20-2.30, average 2.25; Buckwheat range 9.00-10.00, average ,9.50; Old Ear Com range 72.00-80.00, average 76.83; New Ear Corn range 48.00-56.00, average 51.48. South Central Pa. Com No. 2-y range 2.45-2.57, average 2.53; Wheat No. 2 range 2.85-3.60, mostly 3.00-3.35, average 3.16; Barley No. 3 range 2.00-2.25, average 2.15; Oats No. 2 range 1.80-2.00, average 1.90; Old Ear Com range 61.00-75:00, average 69.36; New Ear Com range 55.00- 63.00, few reported 70, average 60.37. Western Pa. Com No. 2-y range 2.40-2.70, average 2.56; Wheat No. 2 range 3.00- average 3.05; Barley No. 3 range 2.20-2.25, average 2.23; Oats No. 2 range 1.70-2.00, average 1.85; Buckwheat range 8.00, average 8.00; Old Ear Com range 70.00- average 71.00. Southeastern, Central & South Central Summary Com No. 2-y range 2.40-2.70, average 2 55; Wheat No. 2 range 3.00- average 3.37; Barley No. 3 range 2.00-2.25, average 2.12; Oats No. 2 range 1.60-2.00, average 1.82; Old Ear Corn range 70.00- 82.00, average 75.33; New Ear Com range 50.00-68.00, average 58.68. New Holland Horse Monday, Nov. 16 New Holland Sales Stables Report supplied by auction Reported receipts 0f,218 head of horses, mules, and ponies. Market: stronger. Better horses 425.00-900.00, Driving horses 350.00-800.00; Riding horses 275.00-375.00; Lightweight killers 250.00-325.00; Heavyweight killers 375.00-510.00; Mares 30.00-110.00; Colts 15.00- 30.00; Geldings 30.00-110.00; Larger ponies 125.00-200.0(J. Ehimr jggg" KBHI tHmtß FHHITIS We breed the Best Slaughter the rest Rd 2 Noxon Rd Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 Farm: 914-223-5976 Max Heflich, Mgr. 914-471-1438 Get the “Concrete” difference Get Ehmer Yorkshires Central Pa. Home of the complete Yorkshire sound, meaty, productive l livestock market and auction news Oklahoma Cattle Thursday, November 1!) Hcport supplied by USD A Estimated Receipts Same Day Last Week 5,964 Moderately active; feeder cattle and calves steady to 1.00 lower. Supplies mainly Medium Frame i and Mixed 1-2 400-700 lbs. feeder steers and heifers. Moderate at tendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS. Medium and Large Frame 1. 290-400 lbs. 70.00-72.10; 400-500 lbs. 68.00-70.10; 500-000 lbs. 64.00-66.75 , 600-700 lbs. 63.50-65.70; 700-800 lbs. 63.25454.40; 800-900 lbs 61.«M»2.90. Small Frame 1. 490-660 lbs. 55,00-60.30. Medium and Large Frame Mixed -1-2; 340-385 lbs 64.75-69.50; 400-500 lbs. 64.25-65 75; 500-800 lb». 60.25- 63.50, tew packages and part load 645-683 lbs. very thin 63 30456.20. Medium and Large Frame 2. Package 425 lbs. 62.80; 690-950 lbs. 55.30-59,10; Large Frame 2: Holsteins part load 810JbS. 54,00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1. 300-500 lbs. I EMBtfS BUYING STATION I I OPEN TO RECEIVE YOUR MARKET HOGS I AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET i RD 4. EPHRATA, PA 17522 f 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA | ON NORTH STATE STREET. f i NEW HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 6:00 A. to 11:30 A.M. i CALL FOR FIRM f MARKET QUOTES | 717-733.9648 |r£s: 215-4SB-5677 | YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR I HOGS IMMEDIATELY Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 OK THE HRM NMTHir BRED GILT SALE Sale to Start Promptly at 1:00 Every 4 Weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Hood Now soiling our new hybred gilts representing mostly York A Londrace cross. Bred for easier A less trouble over farrowing. Brucellosis Negative Tested ~' & Pseudorabies Negative Tested! _ Health Charts Dayof Sale Due to farrow 3 days to 4 weeks after sale date Now everything vaccinated for both Lepto & Erysipelas, wormed and sprayed for lice Local Trucker Available. No Hogs Sold On Commission CHRIST A. BEHER R.D. 2, Quarryville, Pa JOHN B. STOLTZFIiS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer 56.00- 500-600 lbs. 55.00-68.70; 600-700 lbs. 65.60-68.60. Small Frame 1; 375-476 lbs. 52.40-55.00. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 1-2 . 250-400 lbs. 54.00-56.60; 400-500 lbs. 52.25-54.90; 625-715 lbs. 51.30- 51.50; Medium and Large Frame 2. 380-716 lbs. 48.00-51.26, package 600 lbs. thin and gaunt 52.50. FOK THE WEEK. Compared to late last week, leeder cattle and calves steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter cows 1.00-2.00 lower with full decline on Utility and Com mercial; late sales Utility and Commercial 2-3 36.00-37.80; package low-dressing 36.60; Cutter 1-2 33.40-36.30, package high yielding 37.10; Canner and Low Cutter 31.50-33.25; Slaughter bulls 5.00- lower; late sales YG 1-2 1100-1650 lbs. 44.75-47.75, tew 1450- 1900 lbs. late Tuesday 50,00-51.00. Salable receipts for the week totaled near 32,400 lb. head com pared to 21,557 last week and 15,306 the comparable period a year ago. Majority receipts or fully 92 percent of the salable supply consisted of feeder cattle and calves; cows and bulls numbered 6,800 KNOW WHAT YOU I ARE GOING TO 5 GET FOR YOUR I HOGS BEFORE { THEY LEAVE X YOUR FARM. I near 2700 head, and comprised & percent ot the available supply. Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, Nov. 10 Report supplied by auction CATTLE: STEEHS: Good 60.75- 60.85; Standard SXOO-56,00; Utility 44.00-49.00. HEIFERS: Good 55.50- 57.25; Utility 43.00-45.25. COWS: Utility & Commercial 40.10-42.35; Cutter 36.0041.75; Canner & Low Cutter 33.50-37.00; SHELLS down to 31.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 49.75-52.75; Yield Grade Nor 2 44.7546.50. • FEEDER STEERS: 47.00-61.00. CATTLE HEIFERS: 43.5048.00. BULLS: 47.00-56.00. CALVES: VEALERS: Good 79.00- Standard & Good 70.00- 82.50; standard & Good 60.00-75.00. HOGS: Barrows & Gilts US No. 1-2 43.50-45.60; US No. 1-3 38.75- 43.00. SOWS: 80ar536.25-36.50. FEEDER PIGS; US No. 1-3 20.00- No. 1-330.00-41.00. SHEEP: LAMBS: Good 45.00- 54.00; Utllity37.oo-41.00. STEP RAV R. HARBOLO H 1 1 • Ulnltty Nnmylurtt 17853 • 717 HI 2241 Proving txpirt can ami Mi cdandfttu for your catll* *y tilhtr /pIBCI gontflick or ixaelor trailer hvcbini JKZjMI' LOCALLY or NATIONWIDE •%3S^jj’ WANTED Laying Hen Contracts 50.000 Bird Capacity or More Reply: Lancaster Farming P-0. Box 366 J-203 Lititz, PA 17543 *"' '***'*iji n rinnnnnonnooouui Mount Joy. Pa. 17552 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS PACLAMAK BOOTMAKER, born 8/1/80. Uam-Eievaiion 2-0, 80&d i/,JOOM, 678 K, LOT. GLEN-VALLEY STAR, born 2/29/80. Dam- Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. - S-W-D VALIANT, born 3/31/81. Dam-Skagvale Startrek EXSO. GrDam-Padamar Citation M (VG) 7-10,305 d 22,460,716,3.7. AUDETS POND MATT, born 5/24/81. Dam- Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation VG 88.2-3,365, 23,481, 813, 3.4. GrDam-Wlurlhill Kingpin GP 83.6-9,365,26,868,1,089,4.1. STRAIGHT-PINE ELEVATION PETE, born 11/5/80 Dam-Long-Haven Payday VG 86, 4-8 323,19,208,724,3 7 STRAIGHT-PINE ELEVATION PETE, born 5/13/80 Dam-Paclamar Christmas 87 pts. at 4 years old 4-6, 305, 15,458, 735,-4 2 GrDam- Seilmg Rockman EX 90. 5-3, 288, 14,602, 666, 4.6; 6-2,302,18,578, 819, 4.4 ; 8-2,332,17,614, 789, 44 Transportation and financing available. STEVE KELLER 808 KELLER 717-653-2284 717-653-1523 Office: 717-653-4851