A26—Lancaster Faming, Saturday, November 14,19tl BY PATTY GROSS Staff Correspondent BERLIN The light snow, high winds and cold temperatures didn’t stop 250 people from traveling to Berlin, Somerset County last Saturday, November 7, for the Willsholm Invitational, an all embryo transplant Holstein sale. Sellers and buyers huddled in a tent on the beautiful 750-acre North View Farm, which has been in the family of Mary Elizabeth Will for over 100 years. The entier Calvin Will family had a part in organizing the sale with the Pa. Holstein Assoc, and R. Austin Backus, Inc. Dan, one of three sons who work the farm with their father, made most of the selections through farm visits. The cream of the crop was selected. “Embryo transfers have come of age,” says Calvin. “The boys felt it was a good idea to have the sale. They sold us on the idea.” Would the Somerset County farmers consider hosting another on the North View Farm? Calvin explains, “after the dust settles, we’ll make a decision.” The Wills sold six cattle from their own herd, and purchased a 9- month old heifer for daughter Betsy. Appearing in the sale were off spring of many great sires and dams. A large number of them trace to Osbomdale Ivanhoe In the sale, Chief and Elevation were each represented by over two dozen descendants. In the con signment line up, Chief showed up in the pedigree at least six times as the dam’s sire. Elevation sired the dams of another thirteen in the Willsholm Invitational. Thirty of the dams are rated excellent. So it’s no surprise that more than half of those sold came from dams with over 1,000 pounds fat; 30,000-pound milkers mothered eleven in the sale, while three dams were 35-36,000 pound milkers. Sale animals were consigned from Canada, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Dr. Alan McCauley, Elizabethtown purchased this heifer. Bransdale Maple Willow Magnum, for $20,000. The Rockman Ivanhoe daughter out of a Citation R Maple is carrying a recipient calf. The guaranteed female calf, due to be born in January, is sired by Creek Bluff Elevation Lester and out of an Astronaut. BREAKING MILK RECORDS! Lancaster Farming Carries DHIA Reports Each Month! S-W-D Valiant son A young bull, Mun-Cre Mandolin topped the Willsholm Invitational with a price tag of $21,000. A syndicate headed by Alan Mc- Cauley of Elizabethtown pur chased the bull, bom in February, that comes from the excellent line of Mun-Cre Elevation Misty and S- W-D Valiant. Mandolin was owned by Lester Poust of Muncy. Alan McCauley also obtained another of the top sellers, which is carrying a recipient calf. Bran sdale Maple Willow Magnum, carrying an ET to be bom in mid- January, was purchased from Ray Edwards and Terry Branstetter of Indiana and Tyrone for $20,000. The dam of the ET carried by the heifer is Fran-Lou Meadow, an embryo transplant, herself and a fifth generation Excellent. Also topping the day with a price tag of $20,500 was Swampy Hollow Marvex Crissy. The highest selling heifer sold by John Umble & Sons of Atglen, boasts a family of top milk producers. The sale went to Lancaster Syndicate. The third high seller, a 5-month old bull from Rocby Farms in Bndgewater, Virginia was pur chased for $20,000 by a group from Virginia. Pentacles-VA Rocby Stylist is sired by S-W-D Valiant and out of Rocby Elevation Helen Lovely. Shenandoah Syndicate of Mount Crawford was the high bidder. An eight month old heifer, Rowntree Elevation Paula, con signed by Rowntree Farms, Ltd., of Brampton, Ontario, Canada travels back to the North. The purchaser, Mary Croft Holsteins of Brampton, Ontario, paid $16,000 for the descendant of Elevation and Round Oak Ivanhoe Eve. David Sutton of Idaho obtained Rowntree Astro Darla, a bred heifer, from the Rowntree Farms also for a price of $16,000. Fifty head, including 5 bulls, sold for an average price of $6,212. The Holsteins are now at home in California, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Maryland, Penn sylvania and Ontario. tops Willsholm Invitational ET sale ff & *■**?< $ v ’ *S‘. K 2SU- This fancy Marvex daughter sold for $20,500 of an ivanhoe was consigned by John M to the Lancaster Syndicate from Athens. The Umble and Sons, Atglen. heifer, Sr topper, .e Mandolin-ET ~.,iown. le-moi brought $21,000 from Dr. Alan McCauley, was consigned by Lester Roust, Muncy Sale hosts, Calvin and Mary Will take a job is to keep it from flying away,” Mary break and rest along the sale tent flaps. “Our quipped of the extremely windy day. * t y*'*' - * * - ** * * *** ■n *>< *** ■** -'-V5 g- < Ct. fi- ? '< " r - “s'» '•'•’•». - } * .*;&V- H-M :■ **\ 1 ■» • V Jr tV * ' . ‘* i' <■*» 3 mt son 4 /