B36—lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24,1981 Hog producers must ‘fine-tune 9 operations NEWARK, Del. Recently the cost ot producing hogs has been below the prices received. Such situations seem to be a part ot the hog cycle. The prolonged period ot depressed prices made this recent "down” phase a difficult one tor those with long-term commitments to hog production. "The present state ot our economy may mean the protits tor hog producers won't approach those experienced in the 19705,” predicts University ot Delaware Extension livestock specialist Richard Fowler. "The situation is a challenge to those who want to operate profitably in the years ahead. It calls tor some fine tuning of production systems.” Least cost performance is one way of improving teed efficiency. This program doesn’t produce the best gains ot maximize feed ef ficiency, but it does produce the cheapest gains. Little research has been done on this type ot feeding program for hogs, though it is a standard practice in broiler production. "Obviously, swine producers can’t afford to own a finishing pig for a year when tacilities and equipment are part ot the overhead costs,” says Fowler. "On the other hand, too much emphasis may now be given to the number ot days to market or feed efficiency when we measure nutritional adequacy of a diet.” Nutrients such as protein and energy must have greater digestibility, he says. The per centage ot protein lost in the feces ot a pig ranges up to one-tourth ot CORK GROWERS... DON’T MISS IT!! PAGE A-17 SERVING THE FARMERS FOR 108 YEARS Ext ApsiUt nan* k sI FARM BINS ATTENTION CORN GROWERS: DRYER CLEARANCE SALE Rent, Lease or Buy Only 2 Left FARM d|K EfJ FANS | i .i Staged Automatic Grain Dryers Bari MODEL AB-120A In Stock “Temper Dries” to 190 bu. per hr., Single Phase - y ■ 4SFT“ pto it k I GRAIN DRYER Model 380 In Stock What does this mean? it maturity atlects eftciency ot growth, pigs that are still growing when they reach 230 pound market weights are more etficient than those that have stopped growing at 200 pounds and are putting on fat instead. In other words, the large framed, large mature-size pigs are likely to be more efficient con verters ot feed to pork. | TWNHMGOf ||f 2 READ LANCASTER FARMING'S | I ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I | YOUR NEEDS! ~ J WE STOCK • CHANNEL LOCK FLOOR • BIN SWEEPS • PIPE SPOUTING • MOISTURE TESTER • MOTORS. BELTS & PULLEYS •GRAIN CLEANERS • IN BIN STIRRING SYSTEMS • GRAIN SCATTERS