Mix says cull, cut-back TUNKHANNOCK -7 Lew Mix from Agway, Inc. in Syracuse; N. y. addressed the overproduction problem at the recent NEBA Sire Power Open House. **We must substantially mcrease " marketing of milk through promotion, advertising and market channels or cut back on production," Mix said. Mix -emphasized that 400,000 to . 500,000 cows should be removed v from the production market to get under the price support plan. The support price for 3,5 percent milk will be $13.18, compared with , the present support ,of $12.80. Secretary Block has-announced the support price and purchase prices, will be adjusted to the minimum levels authorized upon enactment of the 1981 farm bill, which is still under consideration in the House of Representatives. Mix reported that in 1980, dairy, farmers produced h record 128.4 billion pounds of milk. Fur thermore, he said that 9 to 10 percent of the total, production ends up as government purchases and 88 percept of cheese is in the Commodity Credit Corporation. Mix told the more than 1800 dairy farmers from Central, South and Northeastern Pennsylvania and - New Jersey that the future of the dairy business should not rest upon government support, but prosper through a strong and active marketing program, partially financed by producers. DARK BLUE STRUCTURE Grain season is closing in on u£. Get on our building schedule now if you plan to build a SEALSTOR this fall. The corn crop this year looks excellent, do you know where you are going to store yours? . • _ ★ Leasing available through Borg-Warner Leasing. Only one payment in advance. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO BUILD YOUR GRAIN STRUCTURE THIS FALL - IMMEDIATE ERECTION ROSKAMP ROLLER MILLS INSTOCK Call For • 6.5x9 with 3 H.P. Motor Price DEJMM' nSiTPU - ■■ ■ B ■ ■ Please Clip & Mail Coupon to: I ■ ■ ■ I Lilli 11(1 KUll ■ FINN DUTCH FARM SYSTEMS, INC. LFIO/24 ■ ■ 1730 Highway 72 North, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 ■ FARM SYSTEMS, INC. I j • “ LJ Liquid Manure Storage Q Replacing my okt or broken ■ i —| Please add my name bottom unloader with the Laidig I _ L - 1 to your mailing list LJ Laidig 43 Jr Grain Conversion - H 1730 Highway 72 North Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-9324 and promote "The Northeast is doing a better j 'job at~ balancing supply and demand than the- West Coast dairymen.” He continued, “'The point is we must market our product more efficiently. ’ ’ , To obtain efficiency; Mix listed several management guidelines. He said producers should strive for: The open house offered visitors a look at the brand new sire production bam which includes 31 stalls. - , . “With pur increase in sampling . young .sires, this new barn was neccessary for the growth of the program,” reported assistant manager Lloyd Gbersole. See the Latest from SEALSTOR - Lcridig Jr. Unloader ... *6500 | NAME- : I ADDRESS ■ CITY STATE ZIP ■ TELEPHONE (including area code) I NO. OF BEEF DAIRY HOGS *'• Getting better rather than bigger. intensive culling, especially cows that produce 450 pounds of fat or less. Higher output and efficiency per worker in the dairy operation. *"_A feeding program with sufficient fiber to maintain but terfat test and reduce health problems. ‘ Lower interest costs through refinancing debts. Mamtaihence of cash-flow and determination of total cost per cow. Debt load per cow not more that $3,000. p '-v' Kt. WHITE glasslfused STEEL SPECIAL ROOF Lancaster F«nmfl)E,S*ti