Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 29, 1981, Image 96

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    CB-Umcister Farming, Saturday, August 29,1981
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QiJomen I
i Societies |
Lancaster Co. Society 2
Lancaster Society #2 held then
annual picnic and meeting at
Ruhl’s Grove. 20 members, 12
husbands and 8 guests attended.
The most honored guest was
Opal Ruhl, the Lancaster County
Farm Women President, with her
was husband who is a native of
Two of the guests, Mary Gnest
and Beryl Michael, plan to join the
Society at the next scheduled
The quilt made by Society 2
sisters was sold.
Members gave a donation of $lOO
to the 4-H county project.
Members will have a food stand
at the farm sale of Daisy Hosier,
R 4, Manheim, on September 12.
The County Convention will be
held at the Lancaster County Farm
and Home Center on Saturday,
Society 12 will entertain Society 2
on September 19, at the Com
munity Building in Millersville.
Highlight of the summer picnic
was by Grace Miller, retired
school teacher and school librarian
whose comedy routine brought
gales of laughter to Society sisters
and guests.
Lancaster Co, Society 31
Farm Women 31 met at the home
of Anna Mary Ghck with Ruth
Clark as co-hostess.
Members decided to hold the
next meeting on September 21,
with some going to the Osteopathic
Hospital to help sew.
Joyce Bupp, writer tor Lan
caster Farming, will be the
speaker m October when Society 21
is entertained. The October and
November meetmgs will be held at
the Mechanic Grove Church of the
Lancaster Co.
Society 3
Mrs' Irene Eberly was hostess
for Lancaster Society 3 recently
when they met for a dinner at the
Cloister Diner in Ephrata
A contribution of $lOO will be
given to the county project for 1981
Funds will be made available for
pre-school children from the E
June Smith Learning Center to
swim at the pool in Ephrata Park
in August.
Seats are still available for
members who wish to attend the
three-day trip, October 9 11, to
the New York Finger Lakes Area.
The program for the evening was
instruction on making silk flowers.
The show was presented by Karen
Seibel, assisted by son Jonathan.
Mrs. Seibel is the operator of the
Craft Corner in the Ephrata
Cloister Shopping Center.
The next meeting will be at
Swamp United Church of Christ in
Hemholds on September 19.
New committees for the up
coming year were announced.
The program for the evening was
Mrs. Nancy Meyers who was an
IFYE exchange student tor tour
months in Belgium. She also had
along with her, two students in the
exchange program who are
staying in this area.
Lancaster Co. Society 14>
On Wednesday, August 12, Farm
Women 14 of Lancaster County
met m the Strasburg Mennomte
Church, due to showers which
interfered with plans to meet in
Ruth Longenecker’s Meadow.
Members were served delicious
refreshments by hostesses. Clara
Rohrer, Elva Rowe and Clara
Roll call was answered by
naming and describing "My
Favorite Cratt.” Also by handing
in a written program suggestion
Lebanon Co. Society 20
Lebanon County Society 20
played miniature golf at Kauff
man’s recently during their
monthly meeting
President Julie Wagner con
ducted a short business meeting
during which tickets were
distributed for the countv con-
Thaw food safely
MEDIA When your freezer
fails, the first foods to become
dangerous are meats, vegetables
and casseroles These foods are the
ones most likely to cause illness
after an accidential thawing
Safety of a food depends on its
temperature and length of thawing
time, advises Maryetta Dorncott,
Delaware County Extension home
Foods that are 40° or below are
usually safe, ice crystals .in the
food are usually a good sign that
the food is safe for cooking or
refreezing If you do refreeze food
plan to use it qnmklv and don’t
tor next year’s programs.
Following the business meeting
Pauline Stoltzfus presented cratts
that she and Nora Herr'prepared.
Plans were made for the next
month meeting which will be,
Wednesday, September 9. Mem
bers will leave East Town Mall at 8
a.m. by bus to visit, President
Eisenhower’s Mansion and other
pouits of interest in and around
September 1 is the deadline tor
making reservations.
Discussion was centered on the
Charity bazaar to be held on
September 11 and 12.
Quilted projects are to be
brought to the next meeting on
September 15 to be judged for the
county convention.
expect it to have the same quality
as food that has been continually
frozen. Any off odor before or
during cooking means spoilage has
probably set in
Freezing does not kill bacteria
but does slow its growth. Bacteria
can double their numbers in 15
minutes at temperatures above 40
degrees Foods at higher tem
peratures for even short periods of
time dangerous.
And cooking does not kill all food
bacteria. Of the two bacteria that
usually cause illness, only one is
killed by heating