Ag Dept. Regional Offices serve local needs HARRISBURG - The Penn sylvania Department ot Agriculture’s seven regional of fices bring the services ot the agency to within an arm’s reach ot farmers and consumers across the state. The ottices are located in Meadvilie, Williamsport, Tunkhannock, Gibsonia, Altoona, Summerdale and Lansdale. Under a regional director, each office allows the Agriculture Department to keep in close contact with the rural community, assisting farmers and others on a host ot agricultural and consumer problems. State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowell said, "Governor Thornburgh has challenged us to improve the services ot the Department ot Agriculture tor the people we represent. We hope that, like Pennsylvania Agriculture, our efforts will continue growing better.” Hallowell said each ottice is manned by a qualitied statt in six different bureaus: Foods and Chemistry, Plant Industry, Dog Law Enforcement, Animal In dustry, Standard Weights and Measures, and Rural Affairs. Inspectors from the Bureau of Foods and Chemistry are Failure to costs firm license NEW YORK, N.Y. - Csmmo Brothers Produce Inc., Syracuse, N.Y., has had its produce trading license revoked for failing to pay promptly for fruits and vegetables it received between July, 1979 and March, 1960. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which -licenses produce firms under the Perishable Agricultural Com modities Act, charged the firm wuh failure to account truly and correctly for seven lots of con signed produce worth $20,800 and failure to make full payment for 126 lots purchased at agreed prices totaling $157,000. Charles Brader, marketing official with USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, said the firm was provided with a copy of the charges against it, but failed to answer. USDA’s Administrative Law Judge John A. Campbell, ruled that the firm had committed willful, repeated, and flagrant violations of the act. Under Campbell’s order, the firm is ineligible to operate a business subject to the act until June, 1983, and then only if a PACA license is obtained. The firm’s officers, directors, and major stockholers, Larry S. Cimmo, Benjamin B. Cimmo, and Joseph A. Cimmo, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee until June, 1982, and then only if a surety bond is posted and USDA approves. Under PACA, all interestate traders in fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables must be licensed by USDA. USDA is authorized to suspend or revoke a trader’s license for violating the Act. (iI^KLES responsible tor safeguarding public health through rigid supervision ot the state’s food supply. They help assure that farmers and consumers are dealt with fairly in the marketplace. These inspectors travel throughout the state checking and sampling milk from farm to market, and inspecting food processors, manufacturers, restaurants and food markets. They also regulate food content and labeling. Samples collected by the inspectors are analyzed to insure purity. Inspectors from the Bureau of Plant Industry are responsible tor helping area farmers identity and control pests and diseases. Their work also assures consumers ot high quality plants and plant materials. Plant Industry inspectors regulate the content, labeling and sales of teed, fertilizer and seed, control use and sale of pesticides and protect nurseries and greenhouses. Possibly the best know agency m the Department of Agriculture is the Bureau of Dog Law En forcement, which deals with a pay N.Y. fmmmm HANDY CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK IMPORTANT: Be sure to include name, address, and mblish m Please startini I enclose MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 366, Lititz. PA 17543 NOTE- Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions on last page of classified ads. 13 -$2.08 17 -$2.72 21 -$3.36 25 -$4.00 29 -$4.64 33 -$5.28 37 -$5.92 variety of dog-related problems. State Dog Law Enforcement Officers in each region are responsible tor dog control and licensing, kennel inspections and investigation of claims by farmers, tor damages caused by dogs to livestock and poultry. Technicians and a staff veterinarian trom the Bureau ot Animal Industry conduct the daily work necessary to keep a tight rein on such animal diseases as brucellosis and tuberculosis. Inspecting farms and collecting samples at both auctions and meat packing plants, the bureau is able to control and eradicate diseases winch might atteet human health or cause economic losses to far mers. The Bureau of Animal industry .also maintains diagnostic laboratories in Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, and Sum merdaie, Cumberland County. Through these laboratories, animal health can be certified and examinations can be performed to help farmers prevent the spread of diseases through their herds. A driver who feels he has been cheated at the gas pump or a word count PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY (Number of Words) 22 -$3.52 consumer who is sure the scales at the market are inaccurate can also turn to the regional office for help. The Bureau of Standard Weights and Measures runs an inspection program in each region covering such items as produce and meat scales, gram moisture meters, gasoline pumps, weights of retail packages, bulk milk tanks and even parking meters. Hallowell said, “The Weights and Measures inspection program assures farmers, consumers and businessmen that they are receivmg a fair deal m the marketplace. Businesses and farmers could lose thousands of dollars if the scales were off by fractions of an ounce. And con sumers deserve to get what they pay tor.” Regional coordinators from the Bureau of Rural Affairs are responsible for providing assistance to agricultural and rural organizations in community planning and development. “They help seek out sources of grants and loans for community projects, conduct field survey work and work to improve the promotion and marketing of Pennsylvania issue. Classify under 14 -$2.24 18 -$2.88 26 -$4.16 30 -$4.80 34 -$5.44 38 -$6.08 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1981—17 .word ad (Number of Times) DEADLINE: 9 A.M. THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION RATES: 16* Per Word, *2.00 Minimum Charge For ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change deduct 20 percent discount. (See rate chart at beginning of classified section for an example of dis count.) 15 -$2.40 19 -$3.04 23 -$3.68 27 -$4.32 31 -$4.96 35 -$5.60 39 -$6.24 agricultural commodities,” Hallowed said. The addresses, telephone numbers and regional directors for the seven regional offices are as follows: Region I - Northwest - George Marzka, R 4, Meadville, PA 15335, 814/336-6890; Region 2 - North Central - Marlin McClellan, P.0.80x 1475, 675 Rose Street, Williamsport, PA 17703, 717/327-3550; Region 3 - Northeast - Russell Gunton, Route 92 South, Tunkhannock, PA 18657, 717/836- 2181; Region 4 - Southwest - H. Francis Kennedy, 5349 William Flynn Highway, Gibsoma, PA 15044, 412/443-1585; Region 5 - Southwest Central -- John Drake, Executive Plaza, 614 Howard Avenue, Altoona, PA 16601,814/946-7315; Region 6 - Southeast Central - C. Eugene Wmgert, P.O. Box 419, Summerdale, PA 17093, 717/787- 3400; and Region 7 - Southeast - Dean Heim, P.O. Box 350, 402 Century Plaza Building, Lansdale, PA 19446,215/368-3000. 12-$2.00 16 -$2.56 20 -$3.20 | 24 -$3.84 28 -$4.48 32 -$5.12 36 -$5.76 40 -$6.40 times