Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1981, Image 30
A3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1981 Kemery NDC’s nutrition information department ROSEMONT, 111. - Dale P. Kemery joined National Dairy Council as manager of its Nutrition Information Department, recently. He will direct NDC’s nationwide nutrition information programs for consumers, scien tists and health professionals. NDC is the nutrition research and education arm of United Dairy Industry Association. Kemery comes to NDC from California, where he operated his own media research and development company, The Media Analyst. The firm provided agricultural, health, construction, education and retail clients with public relations and marketing services. He has also served as Director of Special Projects for Dairy Council of California, an affiliated unit of NDC. Kemery has 15 years of ex- PUT YOUR JUNK IN A BOTTLE! FRONT TRACTOR Stock TIRES * Size Ply F.E T. Price FF22 5 00-15 4 69 21.99 FF3B 5.50-16 4 86 24.99 FF39 5 50-16 6 97 26.99 FF4O 6 00-16 4 97 29.99 ■ln I I FF4I 6 00-16 6 104 32.99 fIHnJ ■lt FF42 6 5016 6 119 nil 111 FF4S 7 50-16 6 151 42.99 m) FF5 ° 100016 6 245 72.99 FF7O 7 50-18 6 175 55.99 ALUMINUM ROOF COATING • Good for mobile home Reg • Insulates summer $36.95 «winter SOQ99 • Reduces noise SALE (.3 5 gal can ASBESTOS FIBERED, 5 GALLONS, BLACK ROOF COATING • Fills Small Cracks R e g $l4 95 • Prevents Leaks SALE • Protects Roof *4400 *11" KORY GRAVITY BOX Model S-165 • Sills-7ga • 1658 u • 970 lbs • Heavy • 60" Height Duty Ree 4 s” 5 ‘469« 220 Bu Ra S 63595 ,599,5 penence in broadcasting, in cluding positions as news director, program director, reporter and announcer at stations in Califor nia, New York, Connecticut and Ohio. He has also published ar ticles in numerous magazmes and has done freelance reporting for National Public Radio, Associated Press and United Press In ternational. Kemery majored in journalism and communications at the University of Hawaii and California State University at Sacramento. He served with the Army in Vietnam as information specialist. Kemery is a member of Sigma Delta Chi professional journalism society and a director of the Northern California Public Relations Roundtable. He was also active m several community and MURRAY MOWER CLEARANCE "Priced To Move" Make us an offer, no reasonable offer refused. Limited to stock on hand. (2) 11 H.P. Riders (2)8 H.P. Riders (1) H.P. Rider (2) H.P. Push Mowers, 20” Muicher (3) H.P. Push Mowers, 22" Deluxe Electric, Portable MOISTURE TESTER Reg. $89.99 $6049 NOW AUGERS 4 % ■* 4”xio’ *108.75 4”xis' *1 33.75 e’xii’.... 62.75 6”xi6' $ 199.75 professional organizations while in California. National Dairy Council conducts its nutrition research and education activities as part of US-USSR agree on one-year grain agreement extention WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block said he is “very pleased” with last Wednesday’s an nouncement that U.S. and USSR negotiators have agreed on a one year extension to the current Long Term Grains Agreement between the two nations. The announcement was made in Vienna, Austria by U.S. Trade Representative William RrneV. Hon -Thurs 7:30 A.M.- 600 P.M Fri. 7:30-9:00 UDIA’s total promotion program for U S.-produced milk and dairy products. The program, funded by member organizations representing producers, processors/handlers and dairy who just concluded three days of discussions with representatives of the Soviet Union. It was also agreed that the two nations would begin detailed and in-depth examination of a new Long Term Grains Agreement. The next session of talks is planned for later this fall. “I am very pleased that we have been able to re-establish this trade relationship on wheat and corn,” GSSSS\ ' ' * • f itiilan A*i*«OKiw ffiSSS WSI TUBULAR STEEL CATTLE & HOG GATES MM For Corrals/Feedlots/Crowded Areas Bilk [JJ Cattle Gates 50" High Complete with Hinges & Latch w <- - v 4 . . .24* Per Foot (By the Roll) WE UPS ANYWHERE - JUST CALL 717-464-3321 SALE PRICES GOOD THROUGH AUGUST 22 DIRECTION! FARM 4 HOi TO EM HERR IE SUPPLY . willow sntirrl HIMVILUtOAR 1 Mill SOUTH OP WILLOW STKIT Hill/ vi W 1 R ARI " ★ EM HERR FARM A HOME SUPPLY OUAKtTVILII WILLOW STREET 1 MILE SOUTH Ol Store Hours Sat 7*30 A.M.- 5:00 PM. Receive 1 Gallon of Antifreeze FREE When You Bring Us a Junk Battery We reserve the right to limit quantities ■T„> i SIZE O.D. O.D, 1-5/8" 2” mmmm at uuuiKflv—■Hß. PIPE ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS INC (ASCS ApprOVKl) 4" Solid or 6 ,r Solid or Perforated Perforated Also Available in 8", 10”, 12”, 15". 18" CALL FOR QUANTITY PRICES FARM & HOME SUPPLY' R.D. 1, Rte. 272 Sotrth, Itenrile M. »»« Stretl, P*. «nne-47171«*.33J3., equipment dealers and suppliers, includes the advertising and marketing services of American Dairy Association and the process/product projects of Dairy Research, Inc Block said. “I am equally pleased that we now have a mechanism for future talks. I also want to com pliment Ambassador Brock for the excellent effort he has put forth m Vienna.” The current Long Term Agreement was scheduled to end September 30. No changes will be made in that agreement, except that the expiration date has been extended to September 30,1982. ■*.£3 I * 46.95 10' 49.95 12’ 61.50 79.95 14’ 69.50 92.95 16’ 74.50 99.95 18’ 109.95