Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1981, Image 22
A22—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, August IS, 1981 Lebanon Dairy Show champion was 4-year-old Dale Maulfair, Jr. the youngest showman in the ring. The Best Udder honors went to the reserve senior and reserve grand champion, Maulfair Acres Hi Kick Pepper. This first place aged cow is the daughter of Mar- Ral Hi Kick out of Masonic Homes S.M. Princess. Maulfair exhibited the junior champion Ayrshire, a senior yearling called Maulfair Acres Jewel Dana. The reserve junior champion, a junior heifer calf, was exhibited by Pattie Maulfair. In the Brown Swiss Show, Gary Mase’s junior 2-year-old was selected as grand champion for the second time this week the first grand came during the FFA Dairy Show on Tuesday. Amy Maruader Annie was selected as first place Best Udder in the Open Show. Another second round champ was Patti Heihnger’s Marty L. Princess who was the grand champion of the 4-H Show. She was the second place Best udder and reserve grand Brown Swiss. Mase also had the junior and reserve junior champions of the Brown Swiss Show Meadow Hill King Amber and Witla Nobleman Tonya. In the Guernsey Show, Lebanon Valley Farms, Annville, showed the semor and grand champion cow, Lebanon Valley Tex Lena, a senior 2-year-old. She was selected as first place Best Udder. Judge Yost followed for reserve senior and reserve grand cham- pion with the 4-year-old entry of SMUCKER’S SALES SERVICE, INC. RD#2, BOX 21 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 We Have SR2I2 h.p. Lister Diesels, as is or rebuilt • Good used diesel • New Sputnik wheels engines and parts We mount diesels on balers, crimpers, compickers, etc. JU/rjoo Your One Source For Power! Electricity you can count on anytime, anyplace. Tractor Driven DEALER FOR QUINCY AIR COMPRESSORS FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374 (Continued from Page A2l) Ruben Houser, Lebanon. Leader Jason Rhonda, the second place Best Udder, was purchased by Houser at the Leader Farms Dispersal, New Freedom. Tom Smith showed his 4-H grand champion Guernsey to the junior championship in the Open Show. Lebanon Valley Super Kanaga is a homebred senior yearling heifer by Golden Harvest TH Super. The reserve junior champion was Faith SLH Flower Premier, shown by Susan Heilinger, Newmanstown. This junior heifer calf was the reserve grand champion ot the FFA Show. Marilyn Deaven’s grand champion Jersey also wore the purple rosette tor the second tune this week. Faithful Pacesetter Lassie 2 was the grand champ at the earlier FFA Show. She was selected as first place Best Udder. Marilyn also showed the junior champion Jersey, the first place senior yearling, Mar-De Supreme Marcy. Donald Bomberger, Annville, exhibited the reserve grand champion, an aged cow called Kelly Advancer Lady Calico. This was the first tune Calico was shown m her productive hie. Bomberger also 'exhibited the reserve junior champion, Sleepers Blanton Katakat, the second place senior yearling. 1 Kenneth I Sellers Lebanon res champ bull 2 Jere 0 Bomgardner Ono 3 Ken Mase Lebanon 4 Bruce L Bnghtbill Annville SALES & SERVICE FOR: LISTER, PERKINS & DEUTZ DIESELS For lower cost per hour power, rely on Mster) DIESEL POWER HOLSTEIN Bull Calf (Turn to PageA23) , "’ v 2 Cyl. F2L-912 Two Bearing The reserve grand champion Guernsey was recent Leader Farms Dispersal Sale, York shown by Ruben Houser. The Lebanon County County, cattle dealer purchased the animal at the *<* ij^M Gestation Systems Farrowing Systems reduce stress and the are designed with both the Give Me Your Attention Please! 1 I opportunity for fighting sow and farmer in mind . I WANT TO MAKE MY i=£S LIVING QUARTERS Finishing Systems Nursery Systems IN JNB are designed using top include pig rearing cages . rr> , - - q andf'«de?s nB or penning equipment HOG EQUIPMENT! L " ' J