Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1981, Image 165
FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SAT., AUG. 29 at 10 A.M. Route 6, Midway between Mansfield & Wellsboro, PA. Selling approximately 115 pieces of equipment. Includes 10 tractors, 12 haybines, 4 cut ditioners, 8 side rakes, 6 hay balers, 2 elevators, combine, 3 plows, 3 discs, 10 manure spreaders, 10 choppers, corn picker, 4 shellers, 2 blowers, wagons, cultivators, planters, fert. spreader, 14 riding lawn mowers & garden tractors, and more Sale brochure mailed upon request. Detailed listing later. Lunch at noon. Ist annual machinery auction for CANYON IMPLEMENTS- Your A.C. Dealer For info, Phone 717-724-2731. Ask for Bert, Skip, or Rick. MANAGED & SOLD BY DICK CRITTENDEN AUCTION CO. MANSFIELD, PA. 16933 717-662-3131 Lawrence, Leon and Thomas Arnold 19th PRODUCTION Yorkshires Soundness and production are top priorities in our breeding program. Our Yorkshire herd is un surpassed m production per sow for herds this size. Our animals have done well in test stations. Pennsylvanians Ist Superior Certified Duroc Meat Sire came from our herd. We also had the top indexing boar over all breeds, Pa. State 1979 (“Hustle”) and the top boar in Delaware 1980 (Ex plorer). All animals vaccinated for Erysipelas & Lepto Negative tested for Brucellosis & Pseudorabies Friday Evening, Aug. 21,1981 6:00 P.M. - Sale To Be Held At The Lebanon Area Fairgrounds (Cornwall & Evergreen Roads, IVz Miles South Of) Lebanon, PA WRITE OR CALL LEON L. ARNOLD, R.D. 7. BOX 705, LEBANON, PA 17042 PHONE: (717) 273-5880 CATALOGUES AVAILABLE AUG. 10th Delivery Routes Reduced or free delivery can be arranged along these routes: Aug. 17 - South on 1-83 to West Friendship, MD. Aug. 24 - Western PA & Eastern Ohio & PA State Boar Test Station Sept. 8 - South to Harrington, DE to Delaware Boar Test Station SALE AUCTIONEER, Harry Bachman, Annville, PA 50 BRED GILTS (All gilts are hand mated) Registered Yorkshire Registered Duroc Due August, September, October 40 BOARS (Seven to eight months old) 25 Yorkshire 15 Duroc OPEN GILTS (Ready to breed) Public Sales Register Closing Date • Monday, 5:00 P.M of each week's publication THURS SEPT 17 - Mon thly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 11342 Cragerstown, Rd , Woodsboro, Md 21798 Tnomas Miller, Sales Manager, Robert Mullen dore, Auctioneer THURS SEPT 17 - 7 PM Real Estate Sale of 2 Homes Located 12 miles south of Lancaster on Rt 272 From Lancaster to the Buck west on 372, go 1 mi and left on Sus quehanna Drive, 2Vz mi to property Sale by Harry Shoun Auctioneer Harry Whiteside C.K. WOLGEMUTH & SONS FALL FARM EQUIP. SALE THURSDAY, AUGUST 27,1981 at 9:30 A.M. Located 4 miles. West of Manheim, along Valley Rd. Just off Hosier Rd. 1 mile W. of E. Fairview Brethren church. 10 min. from Rt. 283 Mt. Joy Bypass. Look for signs. TRACTORS-FARM EQUIP-HARVESTERS CORN PICKERS-John Deere-Internationals- Fords-Oliver-Case-A.C. & others. Some with equipment. Lawn & garden Tractors. Trucks & Cars, New & Used Tools and the usual run of Misc. Items. Posts, Etc. Harvesters-Corn Pickers-Balers-Haybines-Mowers-Rakes- Spreaders, Forage &'other wagons, Rotary mowers, Tires & the usual run of Equip. COUSIN WITH DRY GOODS. ATTENTION- Farmers & Dealers-Brmg m your Equip, for this sale. Open to receive Goods beginning Aug. 17, 8 to 5 Sat. till 4 Two days before sale till 7 P.M. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK CLOSED SUNDAYS LUNCH AVAILABLE C.H. WQLGEMUTH, SALE MANAGER R 2 Manheim, Pa. PHONE (717) 665-5664 OF NEXT SALE NOVEMBER 6th ‘FRI SEPT 18, 5 30 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers FRI , SEPT 18 - 6 30 P M Public Sale of Real Estate Located south of Rt 340 in Intercourse on Queen Rd , Henry’S Esh Owner Robert E and Jeffrey R Martin and Frank L Steller, Auctioneers FRI SEPT 18 - 800 PM Lebanon Area Fair Grounds Sweigard and Ebersole Auctioneers Purebred Durocs Durocs Uncaster Farming, Saturday, August IS, 19t1—037 FRI SEPT 18 - 12 00 ' PM Public Sate of 47 Holstein heiters, 19 registered, 12 fresh, 20 bred out of our original herd of cows Jerry and L and Janice Moore Rd 1 Winfield, PA Owners Located m Union Co IVz mile west of Winfield, PA or 6 miles east of New Berlin, PA on Rt 304, turn south on Amish Rd l*/2 mile to larm Mark Click Auctioneer SAT SEPT 19 - 6 30 P M Danville Livestock Market, horse sale located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner SAT,SEPT 19 - 9 00 A M Fall Consignment Auction, Towne Tractor Co , Rt 33, Freehold, N J John Kachmar Auctioneer, John Wooton, Auction Manager Consignments Welcome 201-431-3838 SAT , SEPT 19 - Public Sale of Real Estate, Juniata Co, PA For in formation contact Long PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 Time: 9:30 a.m. In Perry Co., situated 2 Vz miles south of Ouncannon, in the Cove. Watch for sale signs along Rts. II & 15 the day of sale IVz miles south of Duncannon. REAL ESTATE AT 1:00 P.M All that certain tract of land situated in Penn Twp., Perry Co., containing 24 acres more or less, having thereon erected a 2% story 7 room frame house jvith oil hot water heat, full bath, laundry room, drilled well, water system, and nice kitchen. One floor bank barn, 2 large chicken houses, one with basement, and several other small out buildings. NOTE— This property has approximately Ms mile road frontage. Ideal for horse or truck farm. TERMS— 10% down when property is stricken down, balance on or before October 8, 1981. Other terms at sale time. NOTE— To see this property phone 834-4572. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT 9:30 A.M. FRANK 0. LEITER, SR. ESTATE Frank O. Letter, Jr. John B. Letter, Executors William R. Bunt: attorney Dean Shull: auctioneer Phone 776-6413 50 HEAD OF GUERNSEYS AT AUCTION 322nd Special Guernsey Sale THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 12:30 P.M. At the Pennsylvania Guernsey Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, PA - 6 mi. E. of Lancaster on Rt. 30. QUERIPEL AND LEEDOM, Pipersville, Pa., are sending their usual top group of Heifers -16 head including 12 head purchased at the Croasdaile Dispersal. Their dams highest records averaged 12744 M and 593 F. Service sires mclude JUPITER (4), CHOICE (6), DARI FAYVOR (4). LUTHER HUSTON, Hebron, Md., consigns 10 head due from July 15 to August 30. Sires mclude Eber Lea Farms WINSTON, Yellow Creek DORAMOST (3), Willows Hornets RULER (5), a TOP HORNET son, his dam with several good records. Also a show heifer Honeycrest Fayvor Taffy. All heifers vaccinated. DOUGLAS McWHIRT, Fredericksburg, Va., send 3 toppers including Deerpath Emorys Que projected at 16493 M and DardeneUas Distinct Jemima with 1-09,16220 M 678 F 305-2 x DHIR. GREEN MANOR GUERNSEYS, Littlestown/Pa. - A Deacon bred heifer due m early Oct. to Pmey Lane Top Lancer. Granddam with record to 14070-647-6-2 DHIR 305-2 x. ANCHOR & HOPE JFARM, Port Deposit, MD. - Two fresh cows, fresh and ready to make base milk. One sired by Holhrex. J.O. EBERSOLE, Duncannon, Pa. - A fresh daughter of Welcome Flash’s Holhrex. DANIEL FURLOW, Lititz, PA - 4 cows, 3 fresh, 1 by Doramost, 1 by Aladdin, 1 by Dolphin. 1 granddaughter of Double Emory due later to Premier, milking with a 5.2 test. Pa. Guernsey Breeders Association Lee Yost, Manager, Auctioneer Ph. 717-299-8955 ' 2497 Lincoln Hwy. East Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Sale Barn Phones: 717-394-2721 & 392-9560 Sale Headquarters: Millstream Motor Lodge, Phone 717-299-0931 Bros, Aucts RD 2, Port Royal, PA 717-527-5784 SAT SEPT 19 - Penn sylvania State Jersey Sale Lancaster, PA SAT SEPT 19 -2 00 PM Take Rt 322 E from Ephrata to Hinkletown At Hmkletown take Railroad Ave to first farm on right 20 Acre farm for sale Owner, Elam G Hoover, Auctioneers, Lamar Z Sensenig and Paul W Horst SAT SEPT 19 -1 00 P M By Ammon S Nolt Located in the Village of Union Grove 1 mi East of Terre Hill East Earl Township Lancaster Co Selling Real Estate Auc tioneers Le r oy S Horst and Paul W Horst SAT SEPT 19 9 30AM Public Sale of Good Line of Big Farm -Machinery - 100 acres corn, hay and shop tools Located in Huntingdon Co , BV2 miles south of .Mill Creek, PA or Sale Managed By 1 mile north'aTCassville, PA 00-Rt. 829 in Trough Creek Valley, turn Calvin Post Office about 1 mile to farm John P Hor vath Owner Mark Glick Auctioneer SAT SEPT 19 10.00 A M Benefit Sale for Honey Brook Fire Co Steve Petersheim and Everett Kreider Auc tioneers MON SEPT 21 - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner THURS SEPT 24-Public Auction of 102 acre limestone farm Take Rt 272 North from Ephrata to Schoeneck Road, take Schoeneck Road 'to Schoeneck, turn right at Fire Hall to first farm on right Sale by John M and Lena H Nolt John E and Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers FRI SEPT 25, 530 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Gonds sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers SAT, SEPT 26 12 00 PM Public sale of Hols tein Dairy Cattle Located 4 miles N of rt 6 and Meshoppen, PA on Craig Hill, Mrs Frank Dunlap, Owner M L Bunnell, Auc tioneer and Sale Manager, 965-2375 SAT SEPT 26 Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and Antiques, Located at 1864 W Main Street, Ephrata, PA Sale by Ellis K Martin, power of attorney for Clayton C Martin John E and Paul E Martin, Auctioneers SAT SEPT 26 - 10 00 A M Public Sale of Valuable Poultry and Swine Farms, Equipment Located 5 miles north of Manheim Borough just off Rt 72 Vz mile north of the village of Elstonville Sale by Carl and Sarah Jane Zeiset E M Murry Assoc Auctioneers SAT SEPT 26 - Juniata Co farm and smaller . parcels at public sale Located 40 miles vnest of Harrisburg, just off Rt 22-322 Long Bros Auc tioneers The Merryman Co. John B. Merryman, Sparks, MD 21152 Phone 301-771-4624