Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1981, Image 161
LANCASTER public SALE OF SURPLUS INVENTORY & DISCONTINUED ITEMS THURS. EVE. AUGUST 20,1981 AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 21,1981 AT 5:30 P.M. Located at 1418 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster, Pa. Next to Stumpf Ball Field. Kohler, New Yorker Boilers and Tappan Supplies; C.l. and China Tubs; Lavatories; variety of Whirlpool Tubs; Polished and Brushed Gold Fixtures; Pipe Fittings; Sinks; Toilets; Tanks; Brass Sink; Lavatory, Shower and Tub Fittings and many other articles too numerous to mention. Auctioneer’s Note: Most of the items are brand new and packed in boxes. Bathroom Supplies in various colors. No Out of State Checks Terms by HAJOCA CORPORATION Auctioneers: Robert E. and Jeffrey R. Martin, 656-7770 Frank L. Steller, 656-8195 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FARM MACHINERY-HAY 32 ACRE FARM 32 ACRE FARM The undersigned, discontinuing far ming will offer at public auction the following located from Biglerville, Pa. take Route 34 North 2Vz miles, turn right onto Orchard Lane Road, continue 1 mile, turn left onto T-534 (Quaker Run Road), & continue 8/10 mile to sale site on SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 12:00 NOON REAL ESTATE AT 12:30 P.M. All that tract of land lying and being in Menallen Township, Adams County, Pa. containing 32.406 acres being improved with the following: A 25’x27’-2% story log home with a 13’xl6’ frame addition containing kitchen w/built-m cabinets & stove, carpeted & knotty pine paneled living room, carpeted sewing room w/laundry facilities & bath on first floor and 5 rooms on second floor several paneled and w/carpet. Home has oil hot air heat, aluminum storm doors & windows, asbestos shingle siding, metal roof, storage attic, partial basement & enclosed porch. Home has own well & septic system. A frame storage shed9’xl6’. A 24’x60’ frame w/metal roof combination workshop & implement building with partial cement floor. A 12’x25’ frame storage building. A 32’x62’ frame bam w/metal roof w/cement block storage building. Property consists of 20 acres tillable ground, 3 acres peach trees (2 acres new), 1 acre apple & pear, 8 acres pasture. This property has 2 small streams (1 never failing). AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: If looking for a small farm that has many possibilities (horses, cattle, truck farming, etc.) with a very mce private country setting, plan to attend this sale. INSPECTION OF REAL ESTATE by ap pointment only by contacting undersigned owners or auctioneer. 2 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY - HAY - ETC. Ford Model 8N tractor w/3 pt.; Farmall Model H tractor 11-2x38 rear, belt pulley, like new rubber; Wheel Horse 6 h.p. lawn & garden tractor w/cultivators, snowblade, seeder; Int. 7 ft. sickle bar mower; Ferguson 3 pt., 2 row cultivators; 3 pt. post-hole digger; Ferguson 2- 12” 3 pt. plow; Massey Ferguson 13 disc comb, gram drill with grass seed attachment; Mono 5 ft., 3 pt. rotary mower; Sauder manure loader for 8N or 9N Ford; small New Idea tractor spreader; John Deere No. IPTO hay crimper; New Idea 3 bar side delivery rake; New Idea 14 ft. flat bed wagon; Garber PTO seed sower; I.H. 4 wheel spreader on steel; International 45 hay baler; McCormick disc harrow; Int. 2 row planter; pusher for Ford tractor; 7 ft. sickle mower; Ferguson 2 row com planter; 2 wheel rubber tire trailer; metal wheel trailer; cement mixer; 270 gal. oil tank; misc. machinery for parts; wood boat; 1950 Pontiac; misc. auto parts; tires & wheels; Myers 400 gal. speed sprayer; Myers 4 wheel 200 gal. wood tank orchard sprayer; Iron Age weed sprayer; 200 new & used % bu. baskets; new strawberry boxes; berry carriers; 100 bu. crates; wood ladders; spray material; misc. seed; hand cultivators; electric fencer; fence stretcher; metal posts; cast troughs; oil drums; tin; spouting; wmdows; doors; misc. lumber; pipe; wire; 2% h.p. gasoline motors; Sears 19” mower; lawn roller; Sears 20” chain saw; poultry feeders & nests; homemade bench saw; shingle cutter; lot misc. farm hardware; small hand tools; lawn & garden tools; approximately 500 bales mixed hay; many other items. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE-15% DOWN AT TIME OF SALE - BALANCE ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 16, 1981 with full possession. Other terms at time of sale. TERMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - CASH. Refreshment Rights Reserved. CUP AD FOR REFERENCE OWNERS, DONALD & EDNA REDDING Tele: 717-677-6444 C. David Redding, Auctioneer Rt. 6 • Gettysburg, Pa. Ph: 717-334-6941 or 334-6598 Wolf & Oyler, Attorneys 112 Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT AUG 29-11 OOAM Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques, Collectibles, Household and Misc Items Located on Rt 147 Main St, Herndon, PA Cloyd E Zeigler Estate Dockey & Dockey Auc tioneers SAT AUG 29-.1 00 PM Public Sale of Real Estate Located Vz mile west Rt 220 near Ward Industrial Park, Calysburg, Blair Co, PA Kensmger Auctioneer SAT AUG 29- 10 00A.M Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods, Tools, Dodge Truck, Riding PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Of the Estate of Wilbur L. Grossnickle, deceased, will be held on the premise, 1 mile west of Mercersburg, Franklin County, Penna. on Route 16, at 12774 Buchanan Trail West on FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1981 TRACTORS Massey Ferguson 2705 diesel with air, heater, him signals, lights, custom cab with 160 hours, not broke in; Massey Ferguson 245 Diesel with 245 hours, not broke m; Massey Ferguson 1100 Diesel with 2660 hours with front wheel weights; Massey Ferguson 20-C industrial tractor with log prongs and buckets in A-l condition; A.C. D-17 trycycle tractor with heathouser. EQUIPMENT - N.H. silage blower; N H. No. 320 Hayline baler with Kemflow H.S. applicator; N.H. NO. 489 Haybine used 1 season; Hesston No. 4040 stack mover; Hesston No. 10 stack hand with new set of knives; J.D. 12 ft. chisel plow; J.D. 12 ft. dish harrow; J.D. Model 7000 4 row com planter with dry fertilizer attachment, granular applicator, monitor, planted 200 acres; J.D. 15 - 7 grain drill with hydraulic lift and band seeder; J.D. No. 428 40 ft. elevator with 5 H.P. motor; J.D. Model 27 4 row stock shreader; Fox 2 row forage harvester; Brilhon 13 ft. steel cultipacker; M. 16880 5 bottom automatic trip back plow; M.F. 4 row hydraulic controlled cultivators; N.I. Model 218 P.T.O. tandem axle manure spreader with liquid endgate; Model 304 N.I. mounted 2 row com picker; N. Model 324 2 row pull type picker; N.I. grinder attachment for high moisture com; new H.D. New Leon 10 ft. tractor blade with double cylinder hitch; Century 2 wheel H.D. sprayer, pump, foam marker, spray gun and attachments; Smoker Special 32 ft. elevator with 1 H.P. motor; N.H. outside lift hay elevator with 100 ft. chain bale conveyor; N.H. 3-P.H. hay rake; spike tooth harrow; short com drag elevator; 12 ft. silage elevator with motor; belt grain elevator with H.P. motor; rotary hoe; 12 ft. spring tooth harrow; 2 Silo-Matic silo unloaders; Bear Cat stationary hammer mill; Papec feed mixer; 2 wood holding bins; metal storage bin with unloading auger; belt elevator; etc. WAGONS 2 Grove self unloading wagons; single axle P.T.O. grain bin wagon with unloading auger; 2 Electric Wheel wagons with 5026 Favorite grain bins; 2 Electric Wheel wagons with silage and grain sides; 2 Grove 8 ton wagons with hay racks and false endgates. TRUCKS —1965 Chevrolet Model 60 with steel bottom dump, inspected, all good rubber; 1952 Chevrolet, not inspected; 1946 1% ton dump truck; 1937 Chevrolet dump truck not inspected; 1937 Chevrolet truck chassis. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Outside wooden feeder with auger and motor; new heat housers for M.F. tractors; M.F. tractor pulleys; 3 bam fans; battery charger; tap and die sets; lot of hand tools; metal cutters; portable emory grinder; gear oil with pump; Pioneer chain saws; Bear Cat train for Timber Jack; 4 ft. commercial fan with 3 H.P. motor; H.D. extension cords; inch socket sets; te-V* inch B.&D. electric drills; pipe wrenches; Dayton % H.P. grinder, buffer; fire extinguishers; 1 ton chain hoist; 2 block & tackles; portable air tank; cattle back scratchers; V belts; gear reduction; H.D. tractor chains; platform scales; P.T.O. seeder; molasses pump with reduction ear & motor; new M.F. plow points, land sides and bolts; Craftsman stationary drill press; Marquette electric welder & rods; Acetylene welder and tanks; metal work bench; anvil; parts bins; 12 inch De-Walt industrial radial arm saw and attachments; 6 inch jointer with H.D. motor; drum Vz full of 1040 Autoline oil with pump; Craftsman Shaper with motor; Hein Werner floor jack; good air compressor with % H.P. motor; screw jacks; fence posts; grindstones; 3phase2sH.P. A.C. electric motor; smgle phase IS H.P. electric motor; wheel barrow; well pump; false endgate unloader; 3 ft. Craftsman wood lathe; Craftsman sander; Craftsman hand saw; jig saw; garden cultivator; weed burner; cant hooks; sledge; saw bearings; mandrel bearings; saw mill teeth; saw grinders; lumber bander with table and band material; hydraulic hose; log chains; drums; 23 sacks of concentrated Beef Mix feed; lumber in cluding dry walnut; 3 P.H. buck saw for on tractor; plastic pipe; water pump with gas motor with 1W pipe; 56” saw mill blade; ladders; 2 Behel 16’ wire cribs with metal roof; grain cradle; etc. GUNS 1 Winchester Model 21 -12 gauge double bbl., custom grade, a rare item; 2. Winchester model 70 - 220 Swift, Target Spot scope; 3. Ithaca 12 gauge single ribbed bbl. trap gun, inlaid, beautiful; 4. Fulton Special 16 gauge double bbl; 5.300 Savage Model 88 with Lyman scope; 6. Remington 22 pump rifle; 7. Colt 45 hand pistol. Ammunition. Inspection of guns from 11:30 to 12:30 sale day. Guns will sell at 12:30. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE This is one of the better sales in 1981. The items are in excellent condition, some nearly new. TERMS: Cash Steiger & Steiger, Attorneys 56 S. Main St, Mercersburg, Pa. J. Robert Meyers, Auctioneer Smith and Alieman, clerks Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1911-D33 Mower, Located along Rt 324 Rd 2, Conestoga,lan caster Co. PA About 8 miles south of Lancaster or 1 mile north of Mar tmville Sale by Mr & Mrs Titus Brubaker Jr Howard Shauband Roy C Probst Auctioneer SAT AUG 29-10 30 AM Public Sale of Carpentry and Masonry Tools Located in Schuylkill Co, PA 5 miles east of Pine Grove in town of Rock Steve Petersheim and Everett Kreider Auc tioneers SAT AUG 29 10 A.M Public Auction of Anti ques, Household Goods, Dried lumber, Tools and 8 A.M. FARM EQUIPMENT TOOLS-GUNS Lunch Stand Reserved HAZEL B. GROSSNICKLE, Executrix Books Locateo ar me Agway Store on West Mam Street, Ephrata, Pa. Turn North on Hackman Road to 2nd house on left Auction by James R and Lloyd R Hackman ex ecutors of the Charles M Hackman Estate John E and Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers SAT AUG 29-12 30 PM Public Sale of Real Estate, Farm Equipment, Hay Located from Biglerville, PA take Rt 34 north 2Vi miles, turn right onto Or chard Lane Rd , continue 1 mile, turn left onto T 534 (Quaker Run Rd ) and continue 8/10 mile to sale Donald & Edna Red ding Owners C David Redding Auctioneer SAT AUG 29 -10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Located at Gockley’s -Farm Machinery, Reinholds, Lancaster Co, PA Sale by Jacob H Gockley