( HARRISBURG For the past several years, visitors at Ag Progress Days have watched a variety of conservation practices built on the Conservation Research Demonstration Area. For the most part, the bulldozers and other heavy equipment will be quiet this year, reports Frederick Bubb, conservation area chairman. Instead of watching con struction, farmers and others will Have You Purchased Your SILAGE and HIGH MOISTURE CORN ADDITIVES or PRESERVATIVES For The coming Season? With the large selection of products available to you today, deciding which way to turn brings important questions to be answered... Die Questions 77 Now Let us give you answers to the above questions in relationship to our product ALFA-ZYME I The Answers We hope the above information has cap tured your attention Now we have a few gj questions of our own 1 Do you realize the product you choose will determine the outcome of your V silage up to the next filling season 7 You can change your feeding program often, but the product you apply to your silage or corn must work the coming winter, spring and summer months 1 2 Have you already purchased a product because of an early discount or "special deal”? If so, try this test fill x h your silo with the other product and then add ALFA-ZYME to the remainder Make 1981 the year you make the test 1 Making BETTER SILAGE and HIGHER MOISTURE CORN is our mam business'. And, ALFA-ZYME has been proven on farms like yours in PA, MD, VA, andW.VA NOW...THE FINAL QUESTION!... Where can I purchase ALFA-ZYME?...Ask your feed dealer, farm store operator, call or write: ALFA-ZYME Box 32, New Kingstown, Pa. 17072 717-697-9085 Many Dealers to serve you in PA, MD. &VA Conservation highlights Ag Progress Days be able to evaluate the ef fectiveness of the practices. Buses will carry visitors around the conservation area as in previous years. Farmland soil and water saving practices such as diversions, waterways, and tile outlet terraces can be viewed in use with crops such as corn, small grain and hay. Surface water control methods such as stormwater retarding -• ;WHAT AM I GOING TO USE ON MY SILAGE THIS YEAR’ An Enzyme Based Product 7 A Yeast Preparation 7 A Urea Product 7 A Molasses Based Product 7 A Cultured Additive 7 WHAT WILL TOTAL COST OF THE PREPARATION BE 7 Cost Per Ton 1 Coverage Per Ton l Total Return Vs Dollar Investment 1 HOW WILL I APPLY THE PRODUCT I CHOOSE 7 Easy Application l .Requires Special Aplicator l Must BeApplied By Hand 1 1 ALFAZYME is a fermented enzyme product in lected onto a line grade alfalfa (a top grade carrier of enzymes) We have the ORIGINAL ENZYMES PRODUCT' The COST of ALFA ZYME Vs return for your dollar is fantastic While other products use minimal lbs per ton ALFA ZYME requires 50 Lbs for every 3 tons of silage or high moisture corn A 120 ton silo takes 40 bags or 1 tone of ALFA ZYME We realize we might not have the easiest product to apply but after application we have that 'SOME THING SPECIAL” that makes better silage and corn 1 (No, we don't have an ‘easy applicator” but then again if your results are not satisfactory with easily applied” products, all you spd up with is a useless "easy applicator l ") IN SUMMARY .Silage maker and preserver of outstanding merit! ponds, drop structures and erosion filter net can be used on both farm and urban sites. Wildlife management such as tree and shrub plantings and cutback i borders will show the value of birds in insect control and environmental improvement. GERHARTS SANDBLASTING & RESTORATION INC. Box 109 AA, R.D. 1 Abbottstown, Pa. 17301 717-259-9868 • Water Blasting • Chemical Cleaning • Brick & Stone Re pointing* Water proofing *• ~> £/ \ ***>■ \r ' th«. stovemon <Kwoy omtfpti - ; 4S*okc?}\ ■ Pats builds Iced handling systems you can depend on after after RD-790 ALEXANDRIA MAXISENBERG 814-669-4027 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 215-845-2261 BEDFORD BENCE FARM EQUIPMENT 814-623-8601 BEI LEVILLE MACLAY It SON 717-935-2101 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 717-737-4554 The roar of chain saws and tractors will come from the woods as the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry and Penn State Forestry Extension personnel continue the woodland harvesting and management demonstrations. Visitors will learn not only how to manage a woodlot but the best trees to cut for firewood. Safety in the woods will be another im portant feature. Tillage and mulching also will be a part of the conservation area demonstrations. Conservation Area Chairman Bubb promised a different and interesting 1 tour. “This year we’ll have the people on the bus who helped install.the practices. They’ll be ready for questions.” (Continued from Page Dl9) SENIOR CHAMPION 1 Keystone Farm Easton RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION X Keystone Farm Easton GRAND CHAMPION 1 Keystone Farm Easton RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION 1 Keystone Farm Easton PREMIER BREEDER X Keystone Farm. Easton PREMIER EXHIBITOR I Keystone Farm Easton JUNIOR GET OF SIRE 1 Pond Hollow Farm Bangor. Allen Mmnich 111 Northampton 2 Steven Mack Pen Argyl Robert Miller Bangor Randy Ott Bangor 3 KimMinmch, Northampton Kevin McEwen Bangor Michael Weber Bethlehem DISTRICT MANAGER GEORGE HEATH 472 Woodcrest Dr Mechamcsburg. PA 17055 717-737-0002 CONTACT YOUR NEAREST PATZ DEALER CHAMBERSBURG MILTON CUMBERLAND FARM & LANDIS FARMSTEAD DAIRY INC. 717-263-1965 HAMBURG SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE 215-488-1025 LEBANON MARVIN J HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT 717-272-0871 MILLERSBURG LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 717-692-4647 Lancaster Faming, Saturday, '.ugwt 15, IMI-D2l Keystone KNNSVIMANIA AGRICULTURE ■ ? a H ' f ' A+ WE'RE GROWING BETTER year « sx» Tapered Pan Feeder Conveyor M 7 W k AUTOMATION 717-437-2375 PIPERSVII MOYER FINDER SERVICE CO 215-766-8675 301-348-5263 IUARRYVILLE LINEBORO. MD x UNICORN FARM WERTZ GARAGE, INC, SERVICE 301-374-2672 JAMES E LANDIS 717-786-4158 TERRE HILL TERRE HILL SILO CO INC. 215-445-6736 The conservation research demonstration area was developed through the cooperative efforts of Penn State, the USDA Soil Con servation Service, Pennsylvania Game Commission, and Penn sylvania Bureau of Forestry. The Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service provided financial cost sharing for the conservation practices. The practices were built by members of the- Pennsylvania Land Im provement Contractors Association. Equipment and materials were donated by many Pennsylvania agricultural businesses and groups. According to Bubb, “There are a lot of people interested in con servation of our natural resources and this area is proof.” BEST UDDER 1 Keystone Farm Easton SENIOR GET OF SIRE no entries •ESTTHREE FEMALES 1 Keystone Farm, Eastont/2 Pond Hollow Farm, Bangor. 3 Juniperdale Farm, Nazareth 4 Twin Gap Farm Mt Bethel. 5 Mack Farms PenArgyl DAIRY HERD 1 Keystone Farm Easton 2 Pond Hollow Farm. Bangor 3 Michele Fulmer Nazareth 4 Mack Farms PenArgyl PRODUCE OF DAM 1 Susan Fulmer PenArgyl 2 Mack Farms Pen Argyl 3 Steven Mack Pen Argyl DAM AND DAUGHTER 2 Michele Fulmer Nazareth 2 JulianneStarke. Easton 3 Mack Farms Pep Argyl 4 Twin Gap Farms Mt Bethel, 5 Steven Mack, Pen Argyl JUNIOR BREEDER 1 Thomas Weber Bethlehem year year That's because Patz spends a great deal of time in design and field testing, to make sure that our equipment will stand up to your requirements Whether you need a large or /I small feed handling system, a silo unloader, / a conveyor, or feeder... Year after year, you can depend on Pad iND DEALER! MARYI HAGERSK TRI-STATE FARM AUTOMATION 301-790-3698 KENNEDYVILLE. MD STREET. MD PAS EQUIPMENT, INC. 301-452-8521
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