Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1981, Image 8

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    AS— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8,1981
AUG. 10-16, 1981
Walk barefoot in the loose black loam.
Look for Perseid meteor shower (50 meteors per hour) the night of
Aug 11 Viking II spacecraft arrives near Saturn Aug 12 to
begin taking pictures Full moon Aug 15 (Sat) Average
length of days for the week, 13 hours, 57 minutes Dog days
end He that nseth late must trot all day
Ask the Old Farmer; We have a
camp in the mountains and we
A are bothered by bats We have
B , taken the usual precautions of
caulking all noticeable cracks
Can )Ou suggest an effective
----- , —r method of ridding our camp of
’*S =r S^' 1 bats 7 CN, Drattleboro, VT
Open things up so the critters can fill the place, and when they are stowed
away in the daytime, touch off a few sulfur candles
Home Hints If paper is stuck on the top of a wood table, pour furniture oil
on the paper and soak overnight The next morning, rub gently with a soft
cloth, and the paper will come right off
New England: Sunny, hot at start, showers, heavy south at mid
week, temperatures turning cooler
Greater New York-New Jersey:
becoming stormy by end
Middle Atlantic Coastal: Scattered showers, then thundershowers
by end, hot
Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Week begins with showers east,
rain, then sunny and hot, showers west
(All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin, N H 03444)
Dewart Auction
Monday, Augusts
Dew art. Pa.
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE 193. Compared with
last Monday’s market, slaughter
cows steady to $2 higher. Few
Choice 1020-1090 lbs. slaughter
steers 65.00-66.75, Good 55.00-64,
Standar 50.00-55, few Utility 42.00-
48. Choice #3-5, 955-1080 lbs.
slaughter heifers 59.50-62.75, one
65.10, few Good 57.85-58.85, few
Standard 52.50-54.50. Utility and
Commercial slaughter cows 46.35-
49, few 51.75, few down to 45.00,
Cutters 43.75-45.50, few 46.50,
Canner and Low Cutters 40.00-
43.75, Shells down to 30.50. In
dividual Standard slaughter
bullock at 55.50., Few Yield Grade
#l, 1488-1682 lbs. slaughter bulls
53.0060.00. Large Frame #2, 360
665 lbs. feeder steers 40.00-45.50.
Convenient Roskamp’s
Portable Grain Roller AMU
The Roskamp Portable Grain Roller Mill can
process a wide range of grains (including high
moisture and dry com) and forages anywhere
on your dairy farm. The optional permanently
mounted blower discharge is ideal for filling
upright silos, bunkers and pits. (Standard auger
discharge is also available.) The low-mainte
nance Portable Grain Roller Mill features solid
iron rolls with the capability of
one million bushels of com
Thundershowers and warm.
Few Large Frame #l&2, 410870
lbs. feeder bulls 48.00-61.00.
CALVES 209. Few Choice
vealers 78.00-99, tew Good 67.00-80,
Standard and Good 65-120 lbs.
50.0081, few 67.00, Utility 65-90 lbs.
45.0054. Farm Calves: Hoi. Bulls
80125 lbs. 70.0097; Hoi. Heifers 85-
140 lbs. 101.00140, few down to 90.
HOGS 190. Barrows and gilts
strong to $1 higher. US No. 1-2 2-225
lbs. barrows and gilts 53.80-54.80,
No. 1-3 195-210 lbs. 52.9053.80, No.
2-3 195-255 lbs. 48.0052, tew No. 1-3
185-190 lbs. 42.0047.00. Few US No.
2-3 285-560 lbs. sows 43.75-46.25.
Few Boars 38.25-39.50.
FEEDER PIGS 123 T-US No. 1-3
15-35 lbs. feeder pigs 13.5020.50 per
head, No. 1-3 3550 lbs. 21.0035.50,
No. 1-3 5085 lbs. 31.0041.50 per
SHEEP 18. Choice 7p-106 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs $2.0056.50,
few Good 65-115 lbs. 52.0056.00.
Cost Efficient and
tore information.
Dealer inquiries invited
Thomas L. Dunlap
RDI box 105
Jersey Shore, Pa. 17740
Phone 717-398-1391
Friday, July 31
Report supplied by VDA
Virginia prices tob shipping
point basis. Watermelons:
Demand light market slightly
lower bulk per cwt Long Grays 14-
16 lb. average too tew sales to
quote, 18-24 lb. average 3.00-3.50
occasional higher, 25-30 lb.
average 3.004.00 mostly 3.00-3.50
occasional higher, Crimson Sweets
18-24 lb. average 3.00-3.50 oc
casional higher, 25-30 lb. average
3.00-4.00 mostly 3.00-3.50 oc
casional higher.
Western North Carolina tob
shipping point basis. Beans: Ot
fermgs light on round green
moderate on poles demand
moderate market steady on round
green lower on poles bushel crates
or hampers poles 8.00-9.00 poor
quality lower bushel crates or
hampers round green 9.00. Cab
bage: Offerings moderate demand
moderate market about steady 1
3/4 bushel crates green 3.00-3.50
mostly 3.00. Cucumbers: Offerings
moderate demand very light
market about steady 1 1/9 bushel
crates waxed trellis 6.00-7.00.
Squash: Offerings moderate on
yellow crookneck light on zucchini
demand good market steady on
yellow crookneck about steady on
zucchini bushel crates yellow
crookneck 9.00-10.00 ‘/a or 5/9
bushel crates or cartons zucchini
6.00. Tomatoes: Offerings
pioderate demand market lower
on large-extra large, steady on
medium 20 lb. cartons pink large
extra large 5.00-5.50 mostly 5.00 30
lb. cartons pink medium 5.50-6.00.
North Carolina prices fob
shipping point basis. Peaches:
Picking delayed by ram. Too few
sales to quote. Appalachian
District (MD-PA-VA-WW). Prices
fob shipping point basis. Peaches:
Supplies light, demand moderate,
market about steady. 3/4 bushel
cartons, yellow flesh, hydrocooling
included 2V«” and up few 7.50, 2”
and up 5.7541.50.
Delaware prices fob shipping
point basis. Potatoes: Demand
fairly light; market lower. Washed
r Mil
Livestock market an
“ tmismb
“We breed the lest Slaughter the rest
Rd 2 Noxon Rd
Wappinger Falls, NY 12590
Farm: 914-223-5976
Max Heflich, Mgr. 914-471-1438
Get the “Concrete” difference
Get Ehmer Yorkshires
Hybrid Boars & Gilts
Why Buy From Us?
1. Boars & Gilts delivered direct from
our farms.
2. Four Breeds of Boars to choose from
3. Validated Brucellosis Free!
4. Negative Tested Pseudorabies!
5. Vaccinated against Erisypeias, Lepto
& Rhinitis!
6. Boars Guaranteed to Breed!
7. Gilts delivered subject to approval!
East Coast Hog Service
409 Clay Rd.
Lititz, PA 17543
Ph: 717-626-6566
and sacked roundwhites US One A
50 lbs. 3.754.00 some 3.87'/a; Chets
5.50-5.75 some higher and lower, 20
lbs. some 1.75-1.85, 10 lbs. .90-95
cents, 10 lbs. baled .95-1.00, 5 lbs.
.55-60 cents mostly .57Vz cents.
Central Georgia prices tob
shipping point basis. Peaches:
Supplies insufficient to quote
Georgia prices tob shipping point
basis. Sweetpotatoes: Demand
light market about steady 50 lb.
cartons Puerto Rico type washed
and waxes U.S. #112.00 tew higher
Jumbo 7.00-8.00 few 10.00, U.S. #2
6.00-7.00 tew 8.00.
Leesport Auction
Wednesday, July 29
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE 284. Compared with
last Wednesday’s market,
slaughter steers steady to $1.50
lower. Slaughter cows weak to $2
lower. Choice 1000-1250 lbs.
slaughter steers 63.0066.10, Good
& Choice holstems 1250-1400 lbs.
55.00- Good 57.10-62.10,
Standard 52.00-56.60, Utility & Low
Standard 48.80-52.00. Few Choice
slaughter heifers 55.0060.60, one at
64.25. Utility & Commercial
slaughter cows 42.8544.00, few to
45.60, Cutters 41.6043.10, Canner &
Low Cutter 38.0040.10, Shells down
to 27.50. Good & Choice slaughter
bullocks 55.5060.00, few to 67.00,
Standard 52.0064.10. Yield Grade
#1 1150-2075 lbs. slaughter bulls
54.00- few to 61.75; yield
grade #2 900-1175 lbs. 50.50-54.25.
Few Large & Medium Frame #1
280-300 lbs. feeder steers 68.00-
77.00, few Medium Frame #1 465-
735 lbs. 59.50, few Large Frame §2
670-915 lbs. 52.85-53.50; tew
Medium Frame #1 580625 lbs.
feeder heifers 49.00-59.50.
CALVES 182. Few Choice
vealers 83.00-90.00, Good 68.50-
77.00, Standard & Good 90-115 lbs.
50.0060.00, 7065 lbs. 42.00-50.00,
few Utility 50-100 lbs. 30.0049.00.
Farm calves, holstem bulls 90-120
lbs. 60.00-92.50; holstem heifers 90-
125 lbs. 85.00-107.50, tew 80-90 lbs.',
HOGS 266. Barrows & gilts 25
cents to 75 cents higher. US No. 1-2
200-240 lbs. barrows 6? gilts 51.75-
53.00, No. 1-3 195-255 lbs. 51.00-
51.75, few No. 2-3 255-285 lbs. 45.00-
48.00, No. 1-3 175-195 lbs. 49.00-
Home of the complete
Yorkshire: sound,
meaty, productive l
miction news
30.00. US No. 1-3 300-613 lbs. sows
45.00-18.75, mostly 46.00-47.50, tew
Utility 285-410 lbs. 39.00-40.75.
Boars 34.00-36.00.
FEEDER PIGS 188. US No. 1-3
25-40 lbs. feeder pigs 70.00-85.00
cwt., one lot 98.00, few No. 1-3 55-65
lbs. 60.00-70.00, tew No. 1-3 120-165
lbs. 49.00-59.00 cwt.
SHEEP 69. Choice 65-120 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs 50.00-60.00,
tew Good & Choice 50-80 lbs. 45.00-
49.00. Slaughter sheep 15.00-28.00.
GOATS 2b. Adult goats 31.00-
63.00 per head, kids lb.oo-25.00 per
CATT 115. Compared with last
Wednesday’s market, slaughter
cows $2-93 lower. Couple Choice
slaughter steers 62.75 & 63.25, Good
53.00- Standard 46.75-53.50. Few
Standard slaughter heifers 43.75-
47.00. Utility and Commercial
slaughter cows 43.75-46.25, Cutters
40.00- Canner and Low
Cutters 32.00-40, Shells down to 25.
One Standard slaughter bullock at
48.00, few Utility 35.00-41.25. Yield
Grade #l, 1220-1820 lbs. slaughter
hulls 49.20-53, one at 55.00. Few
Medium & Large Frame #1,530650
lbs. feeder heifers 44.25-47.00.
CALVES 111. Veaiers grading
Standard steady. ’ Few Choice
veaiers 7 7 .50-88, few Good 65.00-74,
Standard 42.00-55, Standard and
Good 90-120 lbs. 50.00-60, 65-85 lbs.
40.00-50, few Utility 45-80 lbs. 35.00-
41. Farm Calves: Hoi. Bulls 85-130
lbs. 57.50-94; tew Hoi. Heifers 70-
125 lbs. 80.00-126; Beef cross bulls
and heif esr 60-110 lbs. 64.00-100.00.
HOGS 215. Barrows and gilts $l
- higher. US No. 1-2 210-245 lbs.
barrows and gilts 53.00-54, No. 1-3
2-250 lbs. 50.00-52, No. 2-3 210-255
lbs. 48.00-50.00, few No. 1-3 165-180
lbs. 42.0044.50. Sows steady to
strong. US No. 1-3 280-625 lbs. sows
42.5047.75, Utility 185-325 lbs. 30.00-
39.00. Boars 30.00417.00.
FEEDER PIGS 31. US No. 1-315-
20 lbs. feeder pigs 13.00-20 per
head, lot No. 1-3 45 lbs. at 35.00 per
SHEEP 18. Lot Choice 100 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs at 65.00,
Good and Choice 80-85 lbs. 50.00-
State Graded-Vet inspected X
Excellent Quality and Delivery Service I
| Millersville, Pa. 17551 Ph. 717-872-5646 {
I Complete Line of Feeds i
£ Management Program - |
Green Dragon
Livestock Sales
1 Mile North of Ephrata, PA
COViS COWS co|* s
Regular consignments from
Bob Kennedy & Ed Stover plus 15
other local consignors.
Lots of good Northern
Feeders and Stockers. -
Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows,
Lambs and Veal Calves.
11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders
200 to 250 each week.
12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows
7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Sale
For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals
on the farm or at our barn or other
market information call: Office 717-733-
WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor
Belknap Auction
Wednesday, July 29
Report supplied by PDA