Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1981, Image 28
A2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8,1981 Former president of Lai .ostt Y >ey Breeders, Peter Witmer, Willow Street, captures the overall judging honor with a high score of 145. ' v.c,'. <!&'* £: d&fl/nafT , Si?- fs&zr f » ."?. -^*jr Third-high scorer in the judging contest, Thelma Garber, Willow Street, correctly places a class. She and husband Kenneth milk 55 Guernseys at their dairy, Willows Farm. j| „ jk: v , , «■ V *. ~p' * ‘ . <»?>?*% ~ m* vA'? Elmer Lapp, Kinzers, scrutinizes a class of 2-year-olds before making his decision at the Romella Farm, Strasburg. Although Lapp has a small herd of Guernseys, he is better known for his 40 years experience breeding Belgian horses and serves as Secretary and Treasurer of Pennsylvania’s Horse and Mule Association. M Romella Farm host field day Jk.* & Guernsey breeders gather BY DONNA TOMMELLEO STRASBURG More than 120 Guernsey enthusiasts gathered at Robert and Melvin Breneman’s Romella Farm near Strasburg on Tuesday for the annual Lancaster County Guernsey Breeder Field Day. Like many present day farms, the Brenemans expanded in 1970, from a stall barn operation to a free-stall with an accompanying double-six milking parlor. However, the 165-head registered Guernsey dairy is also flavored with a bit of the past. The Breneman homestead was built in 1815. Overlooking the modern free stall and parlor, a stone barn, erected in 1790, rests on a hillside. Meanwhile, the Brenemans employ progressive dairying practices such as group feeding and a total-mixed ration. Herdsman Don Breneman ex plained the 165-head herd is divided mto three production groups, high, low and near dry. Twice daily, a mixer wagon loaded with haylage, com silage, high moisture com and a 26 per cent concentrate churns and grinds its way down the long free stall center alley to feed the Breneman herd. In addition, the herd receives much of the 10,000 bales of hay made at Romella Farm during the year. The on-the-farm semen tank contains a variety of bulls but Minnie’s Choicer Atlantic and Jupiter get the most use said Breneman, who along with co herdsman Joe Witmer, Strasburg, are responsible for artificial breedings. Two people handle the 3*6 horn chore of milking which begins at 3:30 a.m. while most folks toss and turn and begin another dream. The afternoon milking begins about 11 hours later. Although merchandising cattle is not heavily practiced on this Strasburg farm, about eight Romella animals have been sold in the past year. “We’re geared more toward getting good production,” Breneman said. Later in the day, the Brenemans and other Guernsey breeders got some advice from Field Day judge and former Guernsey breeder William Fredd, Quarryville, on obtaining top production. Fredd urged the group to evaluate them feeding programs and provide quality forage. He stressed veterinarian use and CTurn to Page A 29) Romella herdsman, Don Breneman coaxes field day on Tuesday, while field day par an unwilling class member at the Guernsey ticipants evaluate the Romella 2-year-olds. 1 >** . pei Jg».. long, hard look at the senior yearling exhibited by Brian Shimp, Strasburg. Kurt is the son of Art and Dot Breneman, Willow Street. It back to business, as usual. While field day participants bask under large shade trees and hear various guest speakers, Don Breneman is back at work for the afternoon milking. SS jp