TWO DAY SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT At our place of business located six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile east of Marion, along Rte. 914 just east of Rte. 81 at Marion Exit on THURSDAY, AUG. 13 & FRIDAY, AUG. 14,1981 Sales at 9:00 A.M. TRACTORS - TRUCKS - IND. EQUIPT. LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS - SELL ON THORS., AUG. 13 We expect about 100 tractors inc. John Deere, Int., Massey Ferguson, Fords, Oliver, A.C., David Brown, Case and others, some with loaders: Trucks; Crawlers and Backhoes expected; Lawn and Garden equipt; also usual run of misc. items, tools, tires, posts, etc. FRIDAY AUG. 14 WILL SELL PICKERS - HARVESTERS-BALERS COMBINES-HAY MACHINES, ETC. Pickers me. one and two row pull type and mounted; one and two row harvesters; Blowers; Flail Choppers; Cut Conditioners; Balers; Combines; Haybines; Mowers; Rakes; Conditioners; Drills; Spreaders; Grinder Mixers; Forage and Hay Wagons; 2 Tandem Axle Potato harvester, wagons, unloading unit; Troyer seed potato splitter; Plows; Packers; Disc and other harrows. Rotary Mowers; Post Diggers; Blades and usual run of eqmpt., small items, etc. ATTN: FARMERS & DEALERS Bring in -your equipt. for this large two day sale. Next sale Sept. 10, “One Day Only.” No equipt. with liens on accepted unless we are notified. Open daily 8 til 5, except two days before sale until 7 p.m. Closed on Sundays. Terms: Cash or good check. Lunch at sale. RALPH W. HORST, Manager Marion, Pa. 17235 Phone: 717-375-2824 Rentzel, Wolgemuth, Upperman, Martin, Speicher. Gossert Auctioneers Harshman, Eberly, Rentzel, Gossert, Stull, Clerks ♦ ♦ This herd consists of 21 cows and Ist calf heifers with calves at side. 25 cows springing close and due by October. Balance all stages lac tation. This herd is all home raised with many years of breeding. Making these cows large in size with sharp thin skinned quality dairy cows. 11 fancy Ist calf heifers all fresh milking well over 50 lb. per day and just fresh 10 days to 2 Please Notice This Date Tuesday Evening, August 11 8 o’clock At the Green Dragon Livestock Auction TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11 Selling at the Green Dragon Livestock Auction, RD 4, Ephrata, PA Public Sales Register THURS SEPT 3 Monthly Kobert willlndore Auc’ Cow Sale at the Melvin Mullendore ' Auc Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 2220 Dairy Road. Lan FRI SEPT 4-10 AM An caster, Pa 17601 Dennis nual Fall New & Used PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 10:30 A.M. Located 14 miles east of Lancaster, 12 miles west of Coatesville, just south of Route 30, along Newport Ave. in the village of Gap, Lancaster County, Penna. REAL ESTATE BRICK HOME in like new condition, with at tached two car garage. Three bedrooms all with large closets: Liv ing room with fireplace; Dining room with built-in Birch corner cupboard; Modern kit chen with Birch cupboards and ample counter space; built-in Kelvmator stove and oven; Eating area; One and one-half baths; Laundry area; storm wmdows. Hot water oil burning heating system with summer and winter hook-up; 1,000 gallon underground fuel tank; filtered cistern with pressure system; full basement with outside entrance; side porch; macadam driveway; new roof and spouting within last three years. This property is situated on a large lot mcely landscaped. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES Property open for inspection Saturday, July 25 and Saturday, August 1 or call 442-4460 or 393-4464 for appointment. SALE AT 10:30 A.M.; REAL ESTATE AT 2:00 P.M. MARYM. USNER Owner Roberts!. Appel, Attorney Diffenbach's Auctioneers Lunch Available HOME RAISED MARYLAND 80 Head High Grade Holsteins 8:00 Sharp D.S.T. weeks. Remember base has started, everyday counts, so make plans to see these sell, as this is a strong base herd. All cows must be sold regardless of price. Selling due to health problem. A herd you will like. 30 day IB and Blood test, Cert, and Acc. herd. Pregnancy examined day before sale. Free tran sportation, please call by Monday evening, August 10. Equipment Auction by Ag- Industnal Equip Co located at 1207 Telegraph Road, Rt 273 Rising Sun. Md SAT , SEPT 5-930 AM Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and An tiques Located at 27 N 3rd St, Denver, Lan caster Co, PA Sale by Clarence Gehman and Robert Gehman, owners H H Leid Auction Service SAT SEPT 5 - 9 AM Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Antiques and Personal Property Located at RO 2 Wnghtsville, PA Turn off Rt 452 near Wnghtsville, located along Bair’s Mill Rd in Hellam Twp Estate of John R Smith Jacob Gilbert, Auctioneer SAT SEPT 5 10 A M (Real Estate 100 PM) Public Auction of Household Goods, Anti ques, Garden and Lawn Tools, Bell Collection located in the bOro of West Grove, Chester Co , Pa on Circle Drive, 4 miles North-East of Ox ford, 1 mile west of Avon dale From Rt 41, take Rt 841 south to town, turn right at stop sign, Ist left, 2nd rrght From Rt 1 bypass take Rt 841 south Follow same as above Terms by Maurice Shaub, Estate, Helen L Gouge, Executor, Steve Petersheim and Everett Kreider, Auctioneers MON SEPT 7 - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON SEPT 7 - Public Sale of 13 Acre Farmette, Household Goods, Anti- ques and Farm Equip- pRI SEPT 11. 530 P M ment Located along Rt Gap Auction Antiques 124 2 miles west of East and Household Goods Prospect, York Co Daniel sold at every auction Hoover Owner Nevm Z Located off Rt 41, Lan- Martm and Lewis B Groff caster Turkey Hill Minit Aucts Market, cross RR bridge, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ DISPERSAL Consigned by Glenn & David Fite Phone 717-786-2750 or 786-1725 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Aupist 8,1981-D29 MON, SEPT 7 - Labor Day Antique Farmersville Auction In Farmersville, 3 mi East ot Brownstown, Lancaster County, PA John J Rutt, Auctioneer MON SEPT 7 - 9 30 A M Public Sale of the Sadie Schannauer Estate located along Rt 897 mid way between Remholds and Balmsport, Lane Co, PA Sale of Real Estate, Coins, and Household Goods H H Leid Auction Service MON SEPT 7 10 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques & Collectibles and Household Items Located along Rt 209, 1 mi west of Lykens, PA in the Village of Big Run Esther Boxwell, Owner Dockey & Dockey, Auc tioneers LABOR DAY, SEPT 7 Community Auction by the Durlach and Mount Airy Fire Companies John E and Paul E Martin Auc tioneers THURS SEPT 10 - Dispersal of Holstein < Dairy Cattle Directions take Rt 272 North from Ephrata to Schoeneck Road, take Schoeneck Road to Schoeneck, turn right at Fire Hall to first farm on right Sale by John M and Lena H Nolt, John E and Paul E Mar tin, Auctioneers THURS SEPT. 10 - Farm Equipment Sale at Horsts Machinery lot, located 1 mile east of Marion, PA Ralph W Horst Manager THURS SEPT 10 - 11 00 A M Castle Creek Dairy Milking Herd Dispersal Held at Port Murray, NY Robert Lewis and Dora- Kayhart Owners Manag ed by Hanover Hill Sales and Service ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers FRI SEPT II - 6 30 P.M Houvale Farms 7th Yorkshire Production Sale of Bred Gilts, Open Gilts and Boars at the Lebanon Fair Grounds, Lebanon, PA for Info contact Elwood E Houser 717-272-5798 or 273-2921 FRI , SEPT 11 9 30AM Located at the Belleville Livestock Market Annual Fall Machinery Sale, all kinds of machinery on consignment Glick, Gib boney and Gilligan, Auc tioneers SAT. SEPT 12 - 10 A.M Public Sale of Household Goods & Antiques Take Rt 322 East from Ephrata, Pa to Hinkletown, at Hmkletown turn South on to Farmersville Rd , go to T Rd, property on right next to Sensemg's Fur niture Sale by Levi M Hoover Auctioneers John E & Paul E Martin SAT, SEPT 12 - 10 A M Consignment Sale of Farm Equipment and Horse Drawn Implements located Route 11 and 15, 8 miles North of Liverpool and 9 miles South of Selm sgrove. Port Trevorton RD#l, Pa Sale by Elmer Stauffer Frank Snyder and 8 D Imes, Auc tioneers SAT SEPT 12-10 00 A M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Farm Equipment and Tools, Household Goods and Antiques Located 2 miles south of New Holland, 3 miles north of Rt 340, 2 and Vz miles west of Spnngville along New Holland Rd, Earl Twp, Lancaster Co, PA Amos and Irvin Evans Owners Diffenbach's Auctioneers SAT SEPT 12 - 9.00 AM Public Sale - Special Fall Consignment Sale. Sechnst Sales Co 717-993-6130
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