Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1981, Image 14

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    *l*—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8,1981
Livestock market and auction news
Leesport Auction
Lessport, Pa.
Wednesday, August 5
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE 307: Compared with
last Wednesday’s market,
slaughter steers 1.00-2.00 higher.
Slaughter cows 1.00-2.50 higher
Few High Choice & Prune 1100-
1425 lbs. slaughter steers 66.75-
67.60, Choice 950-1250 lbs. 64.00
66.75, few to 68.00, Good & Choice
holstems 1250-1350 lbs. 57.00-60.75,
Good 59.25-64.00, Standard 53.10
57 75, few Utililty & Low Standard
49.00-52.25. Few Choice slaughter
heifers at 61.25, one Good at 56.00,
few Standard 49.00-2.25. Utility &
Commercial slaughter cows 44 25-
48.00. Cutters 43.00-45.75, Canner &
Low Cutter 38.50-43.00, Shells down
to 32.00. Few Choice slaughter
bullocks 62.50-63.75, Good 57.50
62.50, Standard 55 25-58.75. Yield
Grade Ml 1350-2040 lbs. slaughter
bulls 54.25-57.25, one at 60.50; few
yield grade #2 975-1100 lbs 48.25-
50.00. Medium Frame Ml 310-520
lbs. feeder steers 63.00-72.00, few
Large Frame M 2 480-1000 lbs. 49.00
54.00; few Medium Frame #1 400
640 lbs. feeder bulls 55.00-64.00, few
Large frame #1 450-710 lbs 57.50
CALVES 131: Vealers uneven,
mostly 8 00-15.00 higher. Two
Prune vealers 113.00 and 119.00,
Choice 98.00-108.00, few Good 76.00-
91.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs.
80.00- 90-110 lbs. 60.00-70.00,
few to 84.00, few 70-85 lbs. 49.00-
68.00, few Utility 65-90 lbs. 40.00-
46.00, Farm calves, holstein bulls
90-125 lbs. 65.00-81.00, one at 85.00;
holstein heifers 90-130 lbs. 81.00-
110.00, few 75-85 lbs. 58.00-75.00.
HOGS 173: Barrows & gilts .50-
LOO higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs.
barrows & gilts 52.75-53.60, No. 1-3
195-240 lbs. 51.75-52.75, few No. 2-3
260-275 lbs. 48.25-50.50, few No. 1-3
175-190 lbs. 46.00-48.00. Sows mostly
steady. US No. 1-3 300-570 lbs. sows
45.00- few to 50.25, few Utility
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FOR SALES & LAYOUT KEN GROFF (717) 687-6668, days « evenings
JAKE KING (717)656-7566
270-420 lbs 35 50-40.75. Few Boars
FEEDER PIGS 176: US No 1-3
25-55 lbs feeder pigs 69.00-81.00
cwt, one lot 92.00, few No. 1-3 75-80
lbs. 55.00-61.00, one lot No. 1-3 135
lbs. 56.00 cwt.
SHEEP 36: Choice 65-110 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs 60.00-67 00,
one 45 lbs. at 100.00, Good & Choice
50-95 lbs. 49.00-60.00, few Utility &
Good 35-50 lbs. 42.00-49.00.
Slaughter sheep 15.00-26.00.
GOATS 42: Adult goats 52.00-
53.00, few down to 24.00, large kids
SALE: Champion 220 lbs. 430 00
cwt.. Reserve Champion 235 lbs.
270.00 cwt., Remaining 90 head
weighed 195-240 lbs. sold mostly
52 50-54.75 cwt
Lebanon Valley
Fredericksburg, Pa.
Tuesday, August 8
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE 201: Compared with
last Tuesday’s market, slaughter
cows strong to 2.00 higher. Couple
Choice slaughter steers 62.85 and
63.50, Good 59.85-65.00, Standard
54.50- few Utihty 46.25-49.85.
Few Choice 2-4, slaughter heifers
58.75-61.75, two Good 55.25 & 58.50,
few Standard 51.25-54.00. Utility
and Commercial slaughter cows
46.50- few 51.25, Cutters 44.00-
46.00, few 47.50, Canner and Low
Cutters 40.00-43.50, few 44 50,
Shells down to 28.00. Individual
Good slaughter bullocks 55 60,
Standard 47.00-53.00, one 54.00.
Few Yield Grade #l, 1495-1885 lbs.
slaughter bulls 53.85-60.25.
CALVES 285: Vealers uneven.
Few Choice vealers 89.00-95.00, few
Good 67.00-85.00, Standard and
Good 90-120 lbs. 59.00-65.00, 65-90
lbs. 54.00-63.00. Farm Calves: Hoi
Bulls 80-125 lbs. 60.00-92.00, mostly
68.00- Hoi. Heifers 90-125 lbs.
80.00- mostly 112.00-134.00
HOGS 188: Barrows and gilts
steady to .25 higher, US No. 1-2 200
240 lbs. barrows and gilts 52.25-
52.85, few 53.85, few No. 1-3 195-230
lbs 51.25-52.25, lot No. 1-3 175 lbs.
at 45.50. US No. 1-3 255-545 lbs. sows
42 00-46.50, one 48.00, No. 2-3 260450
lbs. 38.0042.50 Boars 34.00-35 50
FEEDER PIGS 16: Lot US No 1-
3 35 lbs feeder pigs 71.00 per
hunderedweight, lot No 1-3105 Ib.s
at 35 00 CWT.
Belknap Auction
Dayton, Pa.
Wednesday, August 5
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE 95 Compared with last
Wednesday’s market, slaughter
cows $2 higher. Few Good
slaughter steers 55.00-60 50,
Standard 48.00-53 00. Few Stan
dard slaughter heifers 44.0049.00.
Utility & Commercial slaughter
cows 45.5048.25, Cutters 42 00-
46.25, Canner & Low Cutter 32 09-
42.00, Shells down to 25.00. One
Good slaughter bullock at 54 00,
one Standard at 47.25. Few Yield
Grade Ml 1005-1750 lbs. slaughter
bulls 50 00-54.00. Few Medium
Frame #1 450-630 lbs. feeder
heifers 45.00-50.50.
CALVES 112: Vealers grading
Good & Choice 5.00 higher, Stan
dard steady. Couple Prune vealers
94.00 and 95.00, Choice 83.00-92.00,
Good 70.00-83.00, Standard & Good
90-110 lbs. 50.00-60.00, 65-85 lbs.
40.00-55.00, few Utility 50-85 lbs. at
30.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls
95-125 lbs. 73.00-91.00; few holstein
heifers 80-105 lbs. 65.00-75.00, one
130 lbs. at 117.50; beef cross bulls &
heifers 70-95 lbs. 64.00-82.50.
HOGS 152: Barrows & gilts
mostly $2 higher. US No. 1-3 200-250
lbs barrows & gilts 52.00-53.60, No.
2-3 230-270 lbs. 50.00-52.00, No. 2-3
270-315 lbs. 44.75-47.50. Sows mostly
wMtjy *,
Includes: -!* v)
• Large open
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Not just another creep feeder! A farm
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Vt Mile East of Myerstown
$2 lower. US No. 1-3 305-570 lbs.
sows 42.0045.00, few No. 2-3 465-780
lbs. 35.0041.50. Boars 35.00-36.75.
FEEDER PIGS 119: US No. 1-3
10-25 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00-15.00 per
head, No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. 15.0022.00,
No 1-3 3545 lbs. 22.0025.00 per
SHEEP 28: One lot Choice 90 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs at 57.00,
one lot Good 62 lbs at 38.50 Few
Slaughter ewes 12.5022.00.
Middleburg Auction
Middleburg, Pa.
Tuesday, August 4
Report supplied by auction
CATTLE 365. High Choice &
Prune slaughter steers 67.00-69.35,
Choice 66.00-68.60, Good 60.0085.85,
Standard 55.0080, Utility 48.00-55.
Choice slaughter heiters 62.00
64.35, Good 58.0082, Standard
52.00-58, Utility 45.00-52. Utility &
Commercial slaughter cows 45.00
48.60, Cutters 42.00-47.75, Canner &
Low Cutters 38.00-42.00. Choice
slaughter bullocks 62.0087.10,
Good 55.0082. Yield Grade #l,
slaughter bulls 56.0085.60, #2,
CALVES 200. Choice vealers
85.0093, Good 75.0085, Standard
and Good 90110 lbs. 55.0070, 7090
lbs. 70.0090, Utility 45.0055. Farm
Calves. Holstein Bulls 90115 lbs.
65.0090; Hoi. Heiters 80-150 lbs.
HOGS 418. US No. 1-2 210235 lbs.
barrows and gilts 53.0054.10, No. 1-
3 190250 lbs. 52.25-53, No. 2-3 190
270 lbs. 51.0052. US No. 1-3 290550
lbs. sows 45.0047.50, No. 2-3 290710
lbs. 37.0045. Boars 250815 lbs.
FEEDER PIGS 187. US No. 1-3
10-20 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00-22 per
head, No. 1-3 2040 lbs. 22.00-38 per
head, Utility 40-50 lbs. 38.0043.50
per head.
SHEEP 6. Slaughter ewes 16.00-
GOATS 11. No quotes.
Weekly Summary
CATTLE: 6348. Compared with
6942 head last week, and 6119 head
a year ago. Compared with last
week’s market: Slaughter steers
1.00- higher; SI. heifers steady
to 1.00 higher; SI. cows 1.00-3.00
higher; SI. bullocks & bulls 2.00-
3.00 higher. SI. steers: High Choice
& Prime No. 34, 67.75-71.25;
Choice No. 24, 64.00-68.25, Good
58.00- Standard 53.00-58.00
SI. heifers- Choice 59.00-66.00;
Good 52.50-58.00; few Standard
49.00- SI. cows: Utility &
Commercial 45.0048.50, few 49.75;
Cutters 41.0047.00; Canner & L.
Cutter 38.0043.00; Shells down to
25.00. SI. bullocks: Choice 57.00-
63.50; Good 55.00-62.00; Standard
49.00- SI. bulls: Yield Grade
No 1, 1000-2400 lbs. 53.00-60.00;
Yield Grade No. 2, 900-1600 lbs
Large Frame No. 2, 350-650 lbs.
49.00- Heifers, Medium
Frame No. 1, 400-650 lbs. 42.00-
52.00; Bulls, Medium & Large
Frame No. 1, 300-800 lbs. 50.00-
CALVES: 4230. Compared with
4187 head last week and 3921 head a
FREE CATALOG Lincoln Highway East, Box 7
Paradise, PA 17562
Friday, August 7
Report supplied by PDA
(Turn to Page Al 5)