Cl4—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 8,1981 OCEAN CITY, Md. A tarm wite from South Dakota who has won numerous blue ribbon tor her cooking at county and state fairs captured the $lO,OOO first prize in the 1981 National Chicken Cooking Contest, July 29. June Herke, 47, ot Howard, SD, called the dish that became this year’s best chicken recipe, "Im possible Chicken Pie.” It is a deep dish pie made with chopped chicken seasoned with Mozzarella cheese, tomato paste, basil and oregano. Placing second and winning $4,000 was Hilda C. Parsons of New Hampshire. She cooked “Chicken Breast Piquante.” Other winners were; Marilyn Beach of California, "Chicken Ole,” $3,000, third, Ritusko Nishida of Hawaii, "Island The satisfaction that conies M 1 from doing a good job of fanning (t YJn!liVr \ \lrsJ Liming is one of the most important factors m keeping V° ur soil ln the highest IIW Vl/'R u productive range By raising the pH from a m ,evel below 60t06 5 or higher you can jf expect to harvest as much as 5 more rf/rHJ ' bushels of corn per acre with similar mcreases ,or a '' °tber forage and cash ORDER NOW FOR PROMPT DELIVERY ■■■Wil ■■■■ Blue Ball (717)354-4125 LIMESTONE Gap (717) 442-4148 ■ VWKJ National chicken cooking contest names winners Chicken With Vegetables,” $2,000, fourth; and Winifred Logue ot Arkansas, "Breast ot Chicken in Cheese,” $l,OOO, fifth. The 33rd annual chicken cooking competition, sponsored by the National Broiler Council, was held in the Ocean City Convention Hall. Fifty-one finalists, one from each state and the District ot Columbia, prepared their favorite chicken recipes in individual mini-kitchens set up around the arena. Hundreds ot vacationers and local residents mingled with the contestants, 'discussing their recipes and savoring the aromas ot chicken being cooked with a variety ot seasonings. Mrs. Herke says she always serves on the food committee tor her local community projects. She and her husband, August, have two sons and two daughters, all grown. She was raised in a family ot 16 children and started competing in tarm and home shows at an early age. Mi's Parsons represented her state in the 1975 national chicken cook-off. She and her husband, Harold, live in a small town ot less than a thousand and she says she has always loved to cook. Her recipe uses boned chicken breasts cooked with pineapple and almonds and seasoned with limeade and rum. Mamed to Louis Beach, the California contestant began cooking as a child. Her winning recipe has a Mexican flavor with taco seasoning, chilies and crushed com Uups. A tax clerk in Honolulu, Mrs. Nishida and her husband, Tadao, • Do Financial Planning • Handle All Bookkeeping * Control NATURAL AIR & LOW TEMPERATURE GRAIN DRYING . Print out the following reports anytime: ★ PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT ★ BALANCE SHEET ★ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ★ ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ★ FINANCIAL PLANNING REPORTS ★ AIR DRYING PROGRESS REPORTS ADDITIONAL COMPUTER PROGRAMS ARE AVA(LABIE! The Financial Planner: This program is excellent for all types of farm operations including livestock, poultry and grain farming of any kind or size. This program can project future profits and can keep you Informed instantly how your profit picture will be affected by changes In items like . . . gas. seed, fertilizer, lime, herbicides, feed ingredients, interest rates, etc., etc. YOU MUST SEE THIS! Takes the guess work out of low temperature drying. Feature?: 1. Tells you when to turn on/off heat and fan. Z Allows you to run your system to capacity, 3. Prevents bin overloading. 4. Keeps track of each bin’s static pressure, grain temperature, outside temperature and humidity and bushels of grain in each bin ' s * The computer can print out a daily sheet containing the above information for the whole drying season. This way you can compareyour progress from season to season. 6. This computer can monitor the progress from 1* 100 bins. 7. If your bins or fans change, your program can easily be changed. IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE YOUR PRESENT RECORD KEEPING TO A PROFESSIONAL LEVEL OR IF YOU ARE NOW OR WILL BE USING LOW TEMPERATURE DRYING THEN CALL r JOJ iis£«£l£2^i have three sons, two ot whom are West Point graduates. Several years ago she won the grand prize in a soup stock contest. Her win ning chicken recipe combines boned thighs with sliced cabbage, seasoned with ginger and soy sauce. Mrs. Logue and her husband, William, combined a trip to the cook-off with sightseeing in the Eastern Shore area where his ancestors first settled in 1673. Her recipe uses boned chicken breasts rolled around a whole cluhe and (Continued (rom Page Cl 2) him with a firm, loud “NO 1 ” Clap a folded newspaper against his hind quarters to impress your order upon him. Then leave the area so that the pet cannot see you. Stay within earshot, and return quickly with a sharp reprimand if he begins to bark. Each time stay away for a longer period of tune, buy always return to scold him at the sound of barking. You may have to enlist OWN YOUR OWN PERSONAL FARM COMPUTER YES! Owning Your Own Personal Computer Will Be A Valuable Asset. Your Computer Will; Your Computer Will: m DRY PROGRAM for LOW TEMPERATURE BRAIN DRYING! JOHN HEFTY SYSTEMS SEE THE NEW PERSONAL /mitt UpCIA FARM COMPUTER I T 'JJT I 717-5382591 XSggX Battling coated with cheese and bread crumbs. A panel ot national tood experts selected the five best recipes tollpwing several hours ot testing and evaluating the dishes. Winners were announced at an Awards banquet at the Carousel Hotel, headquarters tor the event. IMPOSSIBLE CHICKEN PIE 1 broiler-fryer chicken, cut in parts 2 cups water 2 teaspoons salt, divided (Turn to Page Cl 5) the bark the help of several friends, but the idea that you are unhappy with the barking must be reinforced for several days. If you stop too soon, your dog will resume the old habit. For additional ideas on what to do about a stubborn barking problem, discuss the situation with your veterinarian Neutering an adult male dog will reduce his barking. The veterinarian can also discuss other alternatives, such as a muzzle for the dog, with you