A4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 1,1981 Poultry Markets Weekly New York Egg Market From Friday, July 24 to July 31 Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. WHITE Jumbo Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets BROWN Jumbo Ex Large Large Mediums Pullets Peewees Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted Off Grade Large Checks Tone; Large barely steady. Balance medium easy. Copyright 1981 by Urner-Barry Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H, and reflect trading prices for gradable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nation wide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded m lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Net Weight July 28 July 30 Per Case Tuesday Thursday 48 lbs. 50 50 45 lbs. 48 48 42 lbs. 45 43 39 lbs. 35 35 48 lbs. 44 42 48 lbs. 39 37 Classification Class 1-Large Class 2 - Large Class 3-Medium Class I-Small Breaking Stock Checks Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, July 29 Report supplied by USDA Market steady. Demand very slow. Supplies adequate to ample. Cartoned Eggs: Prices to retailers, state graded (mm one case sale) white, Grade A Large Medium Copyright 1910 by Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 Robert G. Campbell, Publisher Sheila M. Mifler, Editor Dick Anglestein, Staff Writer Debra L. Koontz, Home Editor Donna M. Tommelleo, Staff Writer CORRESPONDENTS M.H. Gift, Adams Count/ Biglerville, 717-677-9440 Laurel Shaeffer, Berks County Jane Bresee, Bradford County Ulster 717-358-3346 Sally B. Bair, Lancaster County Columbia 717-285-4926 Susan Kauffman, Lancaster County Peach Bottom 717-548-3131 Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys Subscription Price $7.50 per year; $ 13.00 - 2 years $l2 00 per year outside of PA, NJ,MD, DE. NY, VA&WV Established November 4,1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 USPS 304 040 P For address change form or new & & subscription see Classified Section. % m Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., & % Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, t| ■ and National Newspaper Association. f. 104 95 85 104 95 85 104 95 85 Nest Run Eggs 74-76 64-66 Bernville Root’s, East Petersburg Tuesday, July 28 Report supplied by auction MUSCOVY DUCKS, DRAKES? range 1.20-1.32. MUSCOVY DUCKS, HENS range 1.12-1.28. Ttaurs. CROSSBRED FOWL; 5-7 lbs, range .20-.32. CROSSBRED ROOSTERS: 4-6 lbs. range .30-.48. CROSSBRED ROOSTERS: 7-10 lbs. range .30-.46. GUINEAS: range 1.90-2.00. GEESE; 8-14 lbs. range .34- .58/lb. PIGEONS: range .50-.90 each. WHITE PIGEONS, range 1.75- 2.50 each. 104 95 85 104 95 85 RABBITS: 4-6 lbs. range .20- .38/lb.. RABBITS. 7-10 lbs. range .20- .36/lb. BANTAM ROOSTERS; range 1.75-3.10 each. BANTAM HENS- range .75-1.25 £3ch GOATS, range $22.50-55.00 KID GOATS: range 21.00-35.00 GUINEA PIGS: range .50-2.50 each. TOTAL COOPS SOLD. 718. Today's Poultry Economy Demands Mrs. Ramona Fink Heidel Hollow Farm Slatington, PA 28,000 DeKaib Layers Mrs. Fink explains to Moyer’s Chicks, Inc. representative, Harold Mishler why she's pleased with the DK Layer: *Tm looking for the best bottom line bird I can get. Three important economic “edges” this bird gives me are: (1) early production with good sizing (means lower pullet cost til they start paying their way) (2) excellent liveability and quiet temperament (less than Vz per cent per period means more eggs per hen housed (3) excellent shell and interior quality. " I also appreciate Moyer’s service personnel whose interest doesn’t stop just with the sale. I’m pleased to say I’ve asked Moyer’s to grow me DK replacement pullets for my second layer house.” If you’d like to hear more about the DK and see some actual local records give us a call. Heinsey’s Poultry Market PEKING DUCKS. 4-5 lbs. range .70-.76. PULLETS. 6-9 lbs. range .36-.42. RED FOWL: 4-5 lbs. range .20- .24. RED FOWL. 5-6 lbs. range 20- .28. Jl. American DeKalb's Efficiency Expert: ‘THoy&t*. CHICKS, INC. rt jityy vi HUBBARD B EGG N uf^S E 00a^215^536 P 3 A |s5 8951 KeIS N. E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, July 2# Report supplied by USDA Prices paid per dozen Grade "A” Brown delivered to retail stores MASS.X Mostly N. HAMP. Mostly R.I. VERMONT Mostly MAINE X Includes Central and Western Sections only Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, July 29 Report supplied by USDA R.T.C. Movement unproved; steady in most quarters as buyers secure weekend needs. Slaughter schedules tairly heavy m most quarters. Today’a L.T.L. asking prices mostly unchanged at 55-57 on U.S. Grade A, however, oc casional discount reported to move current stocks. Advance interest continues slow m developing beyond usual commitment. Live supplies tully adequate at mostly desirable weights. Undertone about steady. Estimated slaughter ot broiler tryers in Delmarva ( 000) Eastern Pa. & N. J. Poultry Wednesday, July 29 Report supplied by USDA Prices light type hens unchanged to slightly higher. Farm otfenngs adequate lor a lair but generally unaggressive processor call, ot terings ot heavy type adequate for a moderate interest. Prices Paid at Farm: Light Type Hens: ste-0, mostly 6. F. 0.8. Plant. 8. Heavy Type Hens. TFEWR. The DK Layer Large 92-96 94-95 87-93 89-92 96-97 94-100 96-99 92-94 Ex. Large 94- 95- 89-95 91-94 98-99 96- 98-102 94-96 Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, July 24 Report suppbed by USDA Today Last Friday Last Year TREND: Insufficient volume t,old last week tor a comparison. Good volume met tair demand. Feeder heifers and bulls not well established. 367 head in graded sale. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame 1; Lot 510 lb. 63.00; 630-825 lb. 51.25-55.85 ; 845-1020 lbs. 57.25- 61.25, lot 1020 lb. 62.75. Small and Medium Frame 1: Several lots 775- 955 lb. 58.35-61.75. Large Frame 1. 645-820 lb 49.25-55.00; lot 850 lb, 62.25. Large and Medium 1. Couple lots 480 lb. 64.00-64.50. Medium Frame Mixed 1-2 : 485-530 lb. 48.00- 48.50 ; 595-845 lb. 49.25-52.50; couple lots 960 lb. 56.00-61.60. Large Frame 2 (including Holstems): 550-675 lb. 49.00-51.00. eggs in cartons Medium Small 73-79 46-52 75-77 48-50 69- 41-47 70- 4346 77-78 50-51 75-84 77-78 73-75 46-48 675 461 285
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