On hand for the Tri-County Beekeepers meeting were Robert E. Shaffer, president of the Pennsylvania Beekeepers Assoc., and Rebecca Fisher, the 1981 Pa. Honey Queen. When you need money, talk to a friend. Hamilton Bank. One of the biggest advantages Hamilton Bank can offer you is personal service - local contact, through local offices. We have over 60 offices throughout Southcentral Pennsylvania farm areas So there’s one close to you You probably know your local Hamilton Bank manager. He’s a neighbor, a friend. He knows banking, he appreciates the financial demands in farming, Bob Koch, Manager, Robesoma Office, observing part of the dairy herd with Clarence D and Melvin C Gelsingeratßobesonia, R D #J The Gelsmgers have a diversified 550 acre operation including a9O cow dairy herd, 125 steers and 300 to 400 fattening hogs and he’s backed up by a seasoned Agn-Fmance department. /T\ Most importantly, when you ask I toseehim, he’s willing to come to you And he’ll work along with you Iv^r to establish an individual credit IhhJ position so that you can go about HAMILTON BANK your business, knowing the money is there when you need it You’ll find trust. You’ll find experience. You’ll find a friend at ' Hamilton Bank. Beekeeper’s meeting (Continued from Page A 22) allergic reactions in themselves and others. He suggested they all have readily available a prescription kit containing in jectable epinephrine to counteract the sting’s etfects. “The number ot stings makes no difference in whether or not a person gets a reaction,” he stated. “What matters is if the person is sensitive to the bee venom which consists, m smaller quantities, of the same poison found in rat tlesnake and cobra venom. ’' Brooks explained that a bee sting has 1/10 milligram of the venom. This venom, he said, works on the pituitary gland ot the animal or person stung. Although he didn’t have all the reasons why. Brooks explained bee venom contains something thgt affects rheumatic conditions. In tests he and associates con ducted, dogs with a bone deterioration condition known as Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18,1981—A23 hip dysplasia were treated with bee venom and the hormone testosterone. The results of the treatment were incredible, he recounted, with some individuals, who could scarcely walk before, recovering and. actually having regeneration of bone tissue. Brooks cautioned the group that Shippensburg Fair opens today SHIPPBNSBURG - The Shippensburg Fair will kick ott another fair season in Cumberland' County, opening Saturday, July 18, and running through Saturday, July 25. Other upcoming fairs in the region include: Carlisle Fair, Cumberland County, Carlisle, August 10-15; Lebanon Area Fair, Lebanon County, Lebanon, August 10-15; Franklin County Fair, Chambersburg, August 16-22; Middletown Comm. Fair, Dauphin Co., Royalton, August 16-22; Perry County Fair, Newport, August 18- people receiving injections of bee venom, in order to develop a tolerance to stings or for other reasons, require high levels of Vitamin C. He closed by suggesting apiarists should get stung 5 days after a previous sting or 25 days later, otherwise they may suffer a reaction. Brook's final words left the group to ponder whether they are beekeepers or trainers. 22; South Mountain Fair, Adams County, Arendtsville, September 7- 12; York Inter-State Fair, York County, -York, September 11-19; Southern Lancaster County Fair, Quarryville, September 16-18; Grata Fair, Dauphin County, Grata, September 26-26; Ephrata Fair, Lancaster County, Ephrata, September 22-26; West Lampeter Fair, Lancaster Co., Lampeter, September 23-25; Elizabethtown Fair;* Lancaster Co., Elizabethtown, September 29- October 3; New .Holland Farmers Fair, Lancaster Co., New Holland, September 30-October 3; Manheim Comm. Fair, Lancaster Co., Manheim, October 5-9; Dillsburg Community Fair, York Co., Dillsburg, October 15-17. ATTENTION FARMERS FARM EQUIPMENT HAVE DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PROBLEMS? DON'T WAIT Make your repairs now. Get your money’s worth and know what you are getting when you buy fuel in jection service. Call: MILLER DIESEL INC. 6030 Jonestown Rd. Harrisburg, Pa. 17112 717-545-5931 XliSO ASSOCIATION Of= DIESEL SPECIALISTS ACCREDITED DEPENDABLE SERVICE WITH 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE New & Used Silos New & Used Extensions Tear down & Rebuilt Gunite silo relining & repairs Replastering, roofs, permanent pipe & distributors Oxygen Limiting Silos above and below ground manure storage Jamesway Unloaders Barn Equipment Write or Call DETWEILER SILOS Rd 2 Box 267-D Newville, PA 17241 Phone: 717-532-3039 717-776-7533 717-776-3288
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