Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1981, Image 19

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    You’re always under a lot of pressure to
harvest a lot more number ones,
Bravo 500 fungicide can help you do just that
Fact is, Bravo 500 delivers higher yields of better
quality tubers.
Here’s proof. Bravo was tested for 7 years
against the other leading fungicides under varied
growing conditions Results: potatoes sprayed
with Bravo on a regular schedule produced an
average of 9 cwt more per acre than the competi
tion. Against untreated checks, the difference in
production with Bravo was an incredible 57 cwt.
more per acre.
Talk to growers who start the season with
Bravo 500 and stick with it right up to harvest.
Bravosoo. Peiformance
You’ll find them in every major potato growing
area, getting better harvests year after year
And for controlling early blight, late blightand
Botrytis vine rot, nothing matches Bravo 500
effectiveness. Especially when disease pressure
is high.
Bravo 500 can be applied by ground rig or by
air. It is also labeled in 12 states for application
through sprinkler irrigation systems to control
specific potato diseases
When it comes to performance that pays off,
Bravo 500 is a hard act to beat.
Bravo 500. Wherever healthy potatoes are
grown, it’s the name that keeps cropping up.
Always follow labal diractions carafully whan using agricultural chamicals
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Ally 18,1981-Al9
Diamond Shamrock
1100 Superior Avenue
Cleveland Ohio 44114