Contact us at Hershey Equipment Co. about our distributorship for JNB Hog Equipment. It takes a lot of planning, knowledge and experience to develop a profitable confinement operation. We will assist you in the planning and recommend the most efficient arrangement of equipment. This service we provide will blend the building and equipment together to form a practical, labor saving, economical hog system for top quality hogs. Gestation Systems Farrowing Systems reduce stress and the are designed with both the opportunity for fighting sow and farmer in mind. — Finishing Systems are designed using top quality penning and feeders. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Arty 11, 1981—i HOWDY MR, HOG FARMS?.. Give Me Your Attention Please I WANT TO MAKE MY LIVING QUARTERS INJNB HOG EQUIPMENT! Nursery Systems include pig rearing cages or penning equipment A