VOL 26 No. 37 Potato Late Blight strikes York crop HARRISBURG About 75 acres of potatoes on a farm in southeastern York County have been defoliated due to a fungus causing Potato Late Blight, reports a Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture spokesman. A vegetable grower from the Stewarts town area reported the symptoms to County Extension Agent John Smith on July 3. Smith contacted PDA’s Bureau of Plant Industry and two staff members, plant pathologist Seong Hyah Kim Inside This Week’s... Wagon accident mars state vegetable tour held Monday and Tuesday in York County...A2o. ~ Over 80 junior dairy judges had a hot time at the Holstein Assoc.'s Eastern Judging 5ch001...A26. The Red Cherry Growers crown thetr new queen...page ClB. *,« ?■ - v * Two Lancaster County goat farmers realize tneir “possible dream.” Find out how on page...D2. York County held their annual swine roundup and judging contests this week. Real all about the winners on page...Dlo. COLUMNS Editorials, A 10; Now is the time, AID; That’s a good question, Al 9; Joyce Bqpp’s Column, CIO; Ladies have you heard?, C 9; Ida’s Notebook, C 5; Farm Talk, D 6; Dairy Business, D2O. DART Casein imports, Al 6; Guernsey sale, A 32; Zemaitis joins Eastern, A 36; Holstein Convention milking contest, C2B; Perry DHIA, C3l; Chester Dairy Princess, Cll; Upper Susquehanna DHIA, C 23; Mifflin DHIA, C 26; Dairy Photo Album, D 8; Dauphin DHIA, Dl4; Lebanon DHIA, Dl7; Blair DHIA, Dl6. HOME AND TOOTH Homestead Notes, C 2; Home on the Range, C 6; 4-H news, Cl 4; Farm Societies, Cl 3; Lancaster 4- H update, Cl 6; Getting Started in Fanning, C2O; Jr. Angus, C 22. Animal welfarists, vegetarians plan tactics BY SHEILA MILLER ALLENTOWN - What was expected to be a crowd of several hundred animal welfarists, rightests, and vegetarians turned out to be a gathering of less than 200 at the international ‘Action for life’ conference held here last Thursday through Sunday at Cedar Crest College. The purpose of the conference and technician David Bingaman, visited the farm and positively identified the problem. The 75 acres, half of the farms potato acreage, are suffering from the same disease that caused the Irish potato famine in the late 1800’s, said the PDA spokesman. “This is a potentially serious problem,” he said. “It’s a fpngus disease that travels like wildfire and totally defoliates acres of potato plants.” (Turn to Page A 34) *Wheat gobblers 9 at work BY DICK ANGLESTEIN LANCASTER Multi-colored combines - those mechanical monsters with the voracious ap petites - were gobbling up tens of thousands of acres of golden grain this week as the area wheat har vest moved into full swing. As soon as conditions were dry enough following the heavy holiday weekend rains, the wheat cutters were in the fields, with the golden kernels gushing into the big bellies of the combines and long-stemmed straw spewing out the back end. The harvest progressed under a hot, sultry sun, which sent tem peratures soaring to the point where if a little yeast had been thrown into the grain tank, bread might have been baked directly inside the machine. There must be some places hotter than a combine cab without was to train and mobilize con cerned individuals to promote vegetarianism and animal rights, along with other life enhancing objectives, according to a spokesman. Two Pennfield Corporation employees attended the session last Thursday and Friday. Mary Beth Ryan, communications .(Turn to Page A 34) Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 11,1981 Inter-State's top five Young Cooperators of 1981 were chosen at the 11th Annual Penn marva Program, Thursday at the Hunt Valley Inn, Md. The couples are,from left to right: Dale and Joyce Peifer, Lancaster County; Local couples win co-op honors BY DONNA TOMMELLEO HUNT VALLEY, Md. - Lancaster county was well represented at Pennmarva’s ilth Annual Young. Cooperator Program which featured contests from three co ops in Mid-Atlantic Federal Order 4. Jere and Jan Skiles of Narvon, an air conditioner, but you likely must go into a steel mUI or iron foundry to find them. Area roads showed signs of the harvest, too. Like spokes of a wagon wheel, these roads funneled hundreds and hundreds of trucks laden with the harvested crop from outlying surrounding fields to various mills located at the central hub. A typical early morning scene at mills showed _ lines of trucks waiting to deposit their loads and, more importantly, learn what the bottom line of the harvest was saying. And that bottom line was showing a variety of in terpretations, depending on a number of variables affecting the crop. Test weights were fluctuating up and down the scale like a haphazard dieter, who shaves pounds one day only to put them back on after an eating binge. Test weights as low as 47 pounds were reported from mills, which placed some crops well into the feed wheat range. But at other mills, average test weights were being noted in the 56 to 59-pound range. And like the dieter who pays a price to shave pounds, the lower test weights are proving costly in trying to pay the planting and fertilizer bills that went into the crop. Also, while the price of the crop has shown some strength in the past few days, it doesn’t begin to compare to the prices being paid a Kenneth and Rebecca Schoenberg, Franklin County; Young Cooperators 1981-Jere and Jan Skiles, Lancaster County; Moses and Sylvia Beiler, Lancaster County; Daniel and Jacqueline Leer, Adams County. Lancaster County competed against 18 couples and were named Inter-State’s Young 1981- , . . The Skiles milk 72 Holsteins at their 284-acre form, Peguea Meadows and belong to the New HoDand-Leola Local. Jere studied dairy herd year ago. This comparison also becomes all too evident when paying the production input bills, which this season continued along their steady climb upward. Prices being quoted Thursday morning ranged from $3.35 to $3.73 a bushel. As far as yields were concerned, 50-plus seemed to be about a good over-all average. Some form tests supervised by Penn State were reporting yields up to 73 bushels, though. Here are a few reports around the area. Nelson Weaver, of Lititz, reported receiving loads with test weights down to 49 pounds on Thursday. ‘T haven’t taken a load yet at 58 pounds,” he said. “Average must be running about 54 pounds.” An even lower weight was reported from White Horse Grain, Chester County. “We had some very bad and some very good,” a mill representative said. “We had one load at 47 pounds, but average seems about 54 to 57 lbs.” Spangler’s Flour Mills in Mount Joy had test weights as low as 52 pounds. A differential was being reported due to variety, with some of the early types showing lower test weights, while some of the later varieties showing better tests. F. M. Brown’s Sons, Inc., (Turn to Page A 34) $7.50 Per Year management at- Wisconsin In dianhead Technical Institute, in 1976. Jan received a BS in food service management fgom Indiana University of Penn sylvania in 1980. Another Lancaster County couple. Dale and Joyce Peifer of Kirkvrood, placed second in the Inter-State competition. The Peifers, members of Southern Lancaster Local, operate 130-acre farm and milk 93 Holsteins. Kenneth and Rebecca Schoen berg, members of Chambersburg Local in Franklin County captured third place. Members of Inter-State’s Lampeter Local,Moses and Sylvia Beiler of Willow Street, Lancaster County placed fourth. The couple milks 56 head at their rented 94- acre Walnuthof Farm. Fifth place Young Cooperators, Daniel and Jacqueline Leer of Adams County milk 55 head at their 250-acre Shamrock Farm in York Springs. Six-couples and one single contestant competed for Young Cooperator honors at the Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers Association, Inc. contest. Nina and James Burdette captured that first place honor. The Burdette’s farm is located in Mercersburg, Pa. Jane and L. Campbell Tabb, partners in a family farm cor poration were first runner-up. Hie Tabbs hail from Keameysville, West Virginia. Second runner-up Linda and Kenneth Smith are from Remington, Virginia. The Maryland Cooperative Milk Producer (MCMP) contest in cluded eight couples and three single contestants. Edgar and Frances Reichard were named MCMP Young Cooperators for: 1961. The Rdchards farm in Chambersburg, Franklin County. Wayne and Pepper Annacost from Upperco, Md. placed second. Another Maryland couple. Skip (Turn to Page A 34)