Crop insurance offers higher protection WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Federal Crop Insurance Act of 1980, which became effective last October 1, makes crop insurance available on a nationwide basis and provides coverage on virtually all crops. The new, larger insurance program is designed to protect crops when ASCS disaster payments are phased out after the 1981 crops are harvested. Sub sidized crop insurance will then replace the complex system of disaster payments and emergency loans that-has built up over the years. Program Changes The Federal Crop Insurance program offers more protection. Ensilmixer® feed mixing system from JAMESWAY® Makes every bite right: Discover improved milk production with an Ensilmixer feed mixer, with scales, by Oswalt® It accurately weighs and blends feed ingredients to make every mouthful a uniform, nutritionally complete diet.. Add the Ensilmixer feed mixer to a Jamesway Total Mixed Ration (TMR) feeding system for maximum control of your feeding operation with minimum labor. Or, use it with any mechanized feeding system. It’s a real profit making management tool, See us for systems and service that help make the good life better. AGRI EQUIPMENT INC. 2754 Creek Hill Rd. Leola, PA 17540 717-656-4151 I. G. SALES Rt. 113, Box 200 Silverdale, PA 215-257-5135 G. HIRAM BUCHMAN, INC. Rte.sl9-N.offßte.46 P.O. Box 185 Belvidere, NJ 07823 201-475-2185 than before with higher yield and dollar guarantees. It also provides substantially greater flexibility Farmers can tailor coverage to their own individual financial situations, change the policy from year to year as risk management needs change, and receive in surance guarantees based on in dividual yield history. If a farmer decides to. buy Federal Crop Insurance, the Government will foot the bill for the 30 percent of the premium price covering up to 65 percent of established yields. When the 1980 Act was written last fall, only 1,626 of the nation’s roughly 3,000 counties had crop insurance. Half of them had in- DEPENDABLE MOTORS ROVENDALE SUPPLY Honey Brook, PA RD 2. Watsontown, PA 17777 215-273-3131 717-538-5521 215-273-3737 ' SOLLENBERGER SILOS HENRY S. LAPP RFD 2, Chambersburg, PA RDI, Cains, Gap. PA 17527 717-264-9588 717-442-8134 HARRY L TROOP Rt. 1 Cochranville, PA 19330 215-593-6731 GEORGE A. COLEMAN BENNETT MACHINE CO. Rt #2, Box 216 1601 S. Dupont Blvd. Elmer, NJ Milford. DE 609-358-8528 302-422-4837 ERB& HENRY EQUIP., INC. 22-26 Henry Avenue New Berlinvitle, PA 215-367-2169 surance for wheat. There was also a sizable number of county programs for com, soybeans, cotton, tobacco, and various other crops. Originally, 250 ' additional counties were to be brought into the program each year until all counties were covered. However, on April 27 the Secretary of Agriculture announced that by 1982 insurance will be available in all counties where the six crops currently eligible for disaster payments are grown. These crops are wheat, cotton, grain sorghum, rice, com, and barley. Fanners can now buy the in surance from private insurance agents, banks, Production Credit J. A. SWOPE Box 121, RDI Myerstown, PA 717-933-4758 DETWILERSILO REPAIR Rt. 2, Newvtlle, PA 717-776-7533 • Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13,1981—D9 Associations, and county ASCS offices, as well as from local of fices of the Federal Crop In surance Corporation (FCIC). In the past, FCIC offices were the only places you could buy it. Choosing Protection Farmers can choose to cover 50, 65, or 75 percent of their normal yield. They can then select from a range of three guaranteed prices, with the highest insured price set within 90 percent of the projected market price. If farmers need maximum coverage to pay debts or meet other needs, they can buy 75- percent coverage of the full projected price. However, the 30- percent discount you get off the premium pnce covers only the first 65 percent of the guaranteed yield. Producers less in need of protection can select smaller amounts of coverage that cost only a fraction of the higher options. This year, if farmers produce wheat, cotton, gram sorghum, nee, com, or barley, they can still receive ACSC disaster payments and crop insurance as well. But if they elect this combination, they don’t qualify for the 30-percent discount, but instead pay the full of CHROMALLOY MANURE BANK 18 above-ground manure system your environment... ...and it's the first glass-fused-to-steel structure good enough to come from Madison® Silos. Chromalloy Manure Bank is your key to profit able manure martagement. It slashes fertilizer costs' by saving valuable crop nutnents in the manure for your fields...cuts tractor-time and man-hours by storing the manure until you and your fields are ready for spreading... and conserves your environment by mmimizirlg water and air pollution. Famous Madison Silos quality throughout. Chromalloy Manure Bank is built to your specific needs by dedicated crews from Madison Silos... America's leader in top-quality feed processing and storage structures since 1914. You owe it to yourself to get all the facts about the Chromalloy Manure Bank. CHROM ALLOY For more information Write or call your Chromalloy Farm Systems— Madison Silos branch for full details. EPHRATA BRANCH 1070 Steinmetz Rd., Ephrata, PA. 17522 (717)733-1206 c) 1961 Chromall insurance premium. The disaster payments can add substantially to insurance coverage. Remember, though, farmers must participate in the farm programs for wheat, cotton, grain sorghum, com, nee, or barley to be eligible for disaster payments. How It Works Premium payments and other elements of the program will vary among counties and crops, but as an example, let’s look at the protection a farm in Mills County, lowa, can get on its com and soybean crops this year. Let’s say this farm has 200 acres of com and 100 acres of soybeans for insurance. We’ll assume that for this farm: • the average com yield (from FCIC records) is 110 bushels; • the farmer choses the 75- percent yield guarantee at $2.70 a bushel, paying a subsidized premium of |9.90 an acre. Now suppose that for the 100 acres of soybeans, the same 75- percent coverage is selected, and that: (Turn to Page DIO) Madison “System of Choice.” Logical structures for every storage need... Madison Silos for corn silage... Madison Nutri-Matic® and Gram-O- Matic® for haylage and high-moisture gram. And, Chromalloy Manure Bank for liquid manure. Making things better for you. AmftonCorp