D2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13,1981 Ask the Sv w VMD _ 9l >f~ff Leon Riegel Mange and Lice Control A reader asks: Is there anything new on the market for mange and hce con trol? It always seems what worked last year doesn’t do the job this year. Dr. Trayer Comments: Probably the biggest fault of any mange or hce program is the lack of follow-up. Often times the producer will treat the animals once and then consider the problem to be under control. However, when looking at the life cycle of the parasite one has to realize there is a 21 to 35 day period between the egg and the adult female’s egg production. One treatment will kdl the adults, but 30 days later the problem begins all over again. If you are a seasonal producer, a once a year treatment may seem to clear up the problem because you are not handling the hogs as often. Therefore, the problem goes A/ (X Building Systems Merv Miller - Builder 7 KEENER ROAD LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA 17543 TELEPHONE (717) 626 5204 DISTRIBUTOR FOR CABLEVEY FEED SYSTEMS & SCHULD BINS BEffl Apff. Such A Dedicated Group Being involved with such hard work ing, enterprising farmers is very gratifying. Thanks to your efforts, our community eats nutritiously. You're a vital part of our lives! THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK OF QUARRYVILLE SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU . LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU TWO CONVENIENT SOUTHERN LANCASTER COUNTY LOCATIONS * QUARRYVILLE Phone (717)786 7337 * PENN HILL An Equal Opportunity Lender • Member F D I C » Each Account Insured ToiIOO.QOO SyntheaMaas TimTrayer Edgar Sheaffer unnoticed. Lice and mange control is a real problem tor swine producers. It should be controlled or eliminated from your herd if possible. The problem is likely to cost you 10 to 20 percent in feed consumption on your finishing floor. It is also a problem with the breeding stock as it can lower the blood iron content thereby making the offspring less healthy. I have found a product called hnspray, primarily lindane which is emulsified and then sprayed on the animal, to work fairly well. However, it must be used in the proper dosage and used in the proper rotational time interval. It should be sprayed once, and two weeks later sprayed again. When we speak of lice, they are external parasites haematopo suis that can be seen with the naked eye usually behind the ear or somewhere on the warmer parts of the body in the winter. The other external parasite most ? S / \ commonly recognized m the United States is the mange mite, sarcopes scabiei, which is microscopic and can be noticed only by the effects it has on the animal. As the mite burrows between the layers of the skin it makes a tunnel. The animal then begins a drastic and constant scratching to try to stop the migration of the mite. As the animal scratches he wastes energy and does not eat which creates a serious problem. There are also blood sucking species and the loss of blood will predispose the animal to anemia and can cause low blood iron levels BUCK TRACTOR PULLS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7 P.M. Featuring... 8 Classes of Super Stock and Modified Tfactors and 4-Wheel Drive Trucks Adults - *4.75 61° 12 yrs. - -I.SO Loc . 10 Mlles of 5 and under - FREE Lancaster on Rt 272 Does not include SEE YOU AT w n,s THE BUCK! fET JUNE 1$ DAIRY MONTH! J Call Us For Special Prices On TANKS and THE NEW REFRIGERATED ' m s* r MILK RECEIVER The Mueller Model “OH” with HiPerForm cooling, Mueller-Matic Automatic Washing System, and built-in freezer protection control is the most advanced bulk milk cooler in the world. The nation’s most' progressive dairymen are using it. Shouldn’t you be? >" 1,1 W*I l^l l" 1 ~~ 400 gal. D-4 Girton, like new 1(2)500 Gal. D-2 Girton QUEEN ROAD REFRIGERATION WE ARE ONE OF THE ORIGINAL MUELLER DEALERS particularly in breeding stock.. Death is rare, yet, there may be a severe loss of protein or the deletion of iron. The infestation may migrate down through the ear drum and cause an infection which will then migrate into the brain and cause the hog to circle. In general lice are visible to the naked eye and are diagnosed easily; while the mites are harder to see and can best be diagnosed by the scratching, head shaking, or ear biting done by the animal. Once the problem is identified you have three choices. One is to ignore the problem and live with it. Two, is to try and control it with the insecticides that are available. It has been reported, but never proven that there can be a resistance built up to certain chemicals. The third choice is depopulation and repopulation, with breeding stock that are free of lice and mange. If you are really serious about controlling lice and mange, one solution is to build a well constructed dipping vat. Make ?/ Box 67, Intercourse, PA 17534 faTHOuITJ Phone: John D. Weaver-717-768-9006 or 768-7111 I SERVICE / or Answering Service - 717-354-4374 ★ Bam Cleaners, Manure Pumps, Manure Stackers, Silo Unloaders, Bunk Feeders, Feed Conveyors MARVIN J. HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT 1950 S. sth Avenue, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 THE MUELLER MODELS OH, MHL, AND MW WITH HIPERFORM MAKE ALL OTHER BULK MILK COOLERS OBSOLETE SEE THE MUELLER NEW MODELS ★ 500 MW ★6OO MW The "MW” is one of the Lowest pouring Height Bulk tanks Check with us all the new features on the “MW” bulk tank If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don't check all the advantages of the Mueller "OH" "MHL”, and “MW" you may be buying an obsolete cooler. 1000 Gal. Girton 400 Gal. Esco 600 Gal. Esco 800 Gal. Esco sure it is deep and long enough to completely submerge the Tanks are probably the easiest and most successful method of malting sure the animal is completely treated with insecticide. For more information on tanks contact me (Dr. Trayer), your extension agent or an equipment dealer. Insecticides may also be sprayed on the animals. However, caution should be used so you protect yourself and make sure that the animal is completely covered with insecticide especially in the ear canal. Be sure to read the instructions on the chemicals. One-particular chemical, toxaphane, can cause neurological problems if applied at the wrong time. My preference as previously mentioned is linspray. The third option of depopulation and repopulation, should only be used in extreme cases. Many swine producers can verify that their herds have never had these problems and these hogs are called (Turn to Page D 3) Phone: 717-272-0871 THE ALL STAINLESS STEEL MODEL-C FRE-HEATER FOR ALL BUNK TANKS 300 Gal. Mojonnier 400 Gal. Dari-Kool 500 Gal. Dari-Kool 400 Gal. “MHL” Mueller