Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1981, Image 59
FARM EQUIPMf NT TOTAL MANAGEMENT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE! The AG-BAG Sealed Storage System works with you as part of the total management program which can cut feed costs...improve nutrition...and in crease your production and profits. r ”———————————— — ~ I U I want to know more about the Ag-Bag System I I I AMERICAN AG-BAG INC. 206 E Main St., Box 61 Brownstown, Pa. 17508 j Mail To: I NAME ADDRESS. CITY STATE PHONE «r ——— x COMBINES | I IH 315, Cab, Hydro, 10' Platform. Very Good z 5 JD 4400 Diesel, Cab, Air 13' Platform, straw chopper I I JD 4400 Gas w/Cab, 13' Platfomvw/Pickup Reel * I JD 6600 Diesel Hydrostatic. Cab & Air. 13' Platform w/Pickup | i Reel | IJD 3300 Rotary Screen Cab, Air & 13’ Platform with Pickup Reel z ' ? IH 1460 Combine, 650 Hours, Very Good Condition I I Late Model IH 715 w/cab, 13' Quick- Tach grain table, very nice | * GOOD SELECTION OF GRAIN PLATFORMS AND CORN HEADS I TO FIT MOST COMBINES * | TRACTORS MOWER CONDITIONERS | Z JD 4520 D, Cab, AC, Power- JD1209 I I shift Nl 299 Cut/ditioner like new x JD 4430 4 Post RG, Quad Nl 272 Cut/ditioner I JD 4320 Dsl. Cab, AC NH 479, Very Good X I JD 4230 Quad Range Gehl 1880 | i JD 4020 Dsl. WFPowershift f I JD 4010 Dsl. HARVESTERS X x JD 3010 Dsl. MF 260 w/2R Corn Head & I I JD 830 Dsl. 3cyl. Pickup ; * 1H1456D, WF JD 3800 w/2R Corn Head i | 1H1256Dw/Cab JD 35 w/2R Corn Head X ( IHI2S6DWF NH 36 Flail i I 1H966w/Cab& Air JDI6A Flail I I IHBS6D.WF JD 16A Flail, very good x * IH 806 Dsl. WF I [ BKSSfcaSF 1 IH327i c ss NHEADS ! X IH 756 D Fast Hitch I I IH6S6DsI.WF ACK23B KC33O 1 J IH 656 Gas WF 2 38,KL330 | X JD 244,343,443,444,643 ■ ! BALERS *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I I JD 336 w/Thrower 1 CALL US FOR f X Iff JD 346 Wire w/Thrower * BALER ♦ A “z JD 346 Wire w/Bale Chute X TWINE ♦ f I NH 276 w/Thrower ♦- PRICES X i | NH 268 w/Thrower | S 11 |L I MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 9 | MF 235 Loader w/valve control jj r IH 400 Air Planter Dry Fert., Insect., Very Nice 9 I JD 58 Loader w/large materials bucket z | IH Pickup Head for 550-650 Harvester I A JD Late Model Hoe Drill 16x8 Fert. & Grass Seed * 9 JD 6 Row Cultivator i | JD 300 Corn Picker 2or 3 Row Optional 9 I 20' Speed King Wheel Harrow | I NH #27 Whirl-Feed Blower I I New Full Vision Cab To Fit JD 4030 thru. 4430. X 9 Cab to fit 06 and 56 IH Tractors. | I IHCIB-38 & 18-34 Duals 9 I Cab to Fit JD 30 & 4020 | II GUNTHER HEUSSMAN INC. I 9 So. sth St., Emmaus, Pa. 18049215-965-5203 TWO 8 TON FARM BUILT WAGONS w/18’ STEEL RACK BALE BODIES w/TIRES TOW AWAY PRICE *1,47 5.00 ZIP -H-.891S THE AFFORDABLE au'nau system gggi AMERICAN AG-BAG INC. r mi I Exclusive Dealer Far Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, . Virginia, (West Virginia Not*: We Need Part Tim* A Full Tim* Salesmen for These Areas FARM EQUIPMENT FORAGE SYSTEMS 206 E. Mam St, Box 61, Brownstown, Pa. Lancaster County 717-656-4251 Call Collect UNICORN FARM SERVICE JAMES E. LANDIS PATZ SALES A SERVICE TERRE HILL SILOS QUARRYVILLE, R.D.#2,17566 CALL 786-4158 MANUFACTURERS OF FARM MATERIAL HANDUNG EQUIPMENT Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Manure Stackers Cattle Feeders Infl Manure Pumps Material Movers 11 If Manure Spreaders Conveyors I] I Liquid-vators I , I j VIEL ROCK PICKER Shown below is Size No. 60275 with 6' swath & 2V*" tine spacing . . . the 2 Mounting Brackets and Plates with arms are for a 4 cylinder loader (2 tilt cylin ders). RUGGED 1 Vi" SQUARE SPRING STEEL TINES No need to rely on others to pick your rocks - just hookup your Front End Rock Picker anytime and do the work of 8-10 men. When you are finished just pull the pins or release your QUICK-TACH and set the rock picking assembly aside until you need it again. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES MODEL EG ADAPTS TO ANY LOADER' • All regular 4 cylinder loaders • All QUICK-TACH Loaders • Skid and Uni-Loaders • Loaders with trips • 3 cylinder loaders (1 tilt cylinder m center) re quire a 3rd Mounting Bracket, Plate & Arms. Attaches just like your bucket. Our Patented Brackets A Mounting Plates Clamp on any place on Cross Bar to be in line with your Loader Arms & Cylinders and DO NOT INTERFERE with tines or spacings Backed by over 30 years exjjenence manufacturing rock handling equipment JOHN J. HOOVER Dealer Rd 1 Box 56 Clark Run Rd., Blaine, PA 717-536-3597 No Sunday Sales FARM EQUIPMENT Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1981—119 FARM EQUIPMENT DESIGNED FOR THE 80’s The Revolutionary AG-BAG System gives you unlimited sealed storage capacity for... High Moisture Grain... Silage... Haylage. CUSTOM BAGGING AVAILABLE CALL COLLECT 717-6564251 FEATURES • ALL HYDRAULIC OPERATION • SELF POWERED UNITS AVAILABLE • EASILY TRANSPORTABLE Leasing & Bank Financing Available Field Queen SALES, SERVICE Hesston Forage & Farm Harvesters PARTS Equipment USED TRACTORS 25’ centerfold AC 7030 cab & air, o££set trans. disc, 7000, 200, XTI9O like new. senes 3, 185, 175, n C w Crust Brush 5050, . 5040, 160 offset plowing w/loader, Dl7’s, disc at old price Dl5, B w/plow, G Howard 5’ 3 pt. hitch w/hyd., Dl2 high rotovator clearance w/cult- Brilhon cultipacker ivators. JD loader model 48 Ford 5000, 3600 Gehl 115 &NH 354 diesel, 2000 mixer grinder w/loader, 650 mills w/loader, 3000. Rogers 10 ton tag Int. 666, 560 D, Super along trailer ' MTA, Super M, Cab for 5000 Ford 230, 140 high NH 145 bu. tank clear., Super AV spreader, exc. w/cult., Super A cond. w/cult., cub i-row potato digger w/rotary mower, Brilhon 5’ 3 pt. hitch 424 diesel landscape seeder w/loader, 544 D. Nicholson PTO hay Case 430. tedder USED TILLAGE Ford 3 pt. hitch disc TOOLS&MISC. NH 707 chopper 2 Ontario grain drills w/com & pickup JD 5 bottom 3 pt. head semi mount reset JD, AC, Ford & MF plow 2-row 3 pt. hitch Ford 2 bottom 3 pt. com planters. plows MOWER CON MF 3 pt. disc DITIONERS cultivator for NH477,478,479 Super A Hesston PT7, PTIO JD 2-row trailer com CUTDITIONERS planter NI&MC7’&9’ IHC 12’ spring tooth Used 3 pt. hitch harrow hammer knife JD 10’transport disc mowers, JD & JD 8520 disc gram Mott drill Grimm hay tedder AC semi-rat. 3 btm. 3 pt. hitch reset plow Ford 3 btm. 3 pt. hitch reset plow, 16”& 18” AC 5 btm. 3 pt hitch semi-mt. plow, spring trip IHCI3’ offset disc AC 4 & 6 row con ventional & no-till com planters NH 273 & 315 hay balers w/thrower, exc. cond. DEFERRED TERMS UNTIL 10-1-81 AVAILABLE ON NEW AC TRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS, HESSTON HAY & FORAGE EQUIPMENT i MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. * RD #4 i Honesdale, Pa. 18431 15 miles east of Honesdale on Rt. 652 j Ph: 717-729-7117 I Sales & Service AC, Nl, Hesston, Kubeta^ FOR SALE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New Brillion cultipacker seed ers & transport spring tooth harrows AC 4 & 5 bottom If-” semi-mt. plows Transport disc harrows 4 & 6 row no-till & Conservation corn planters res^t