Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1981, Image 49
BUY. SB.L. TftAPE OB KENT THBOOOH THE ——^ PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 I The following categories are available for your classified advertising □ Farm Equipment □ Silos S Unloaders □ Buildings & Supplies □ Gram Equipment □ Dairy Equipment □ Livestock Equipment & Supplies □Cattle □ Horses & Mules □Sheep & Goats □ Swine □Artificial Breeding □ Hog Equipments Supplies □ Poultry S Supplies" □ FeedS Seed □ Fertilizer □Plants □ Fruits S Vegetables □ Nursery □ Lawn S Garden □ Services Offered □Custom Work □ Help Wanted □Situations Wanted \ □ Business Opportunity ' □ Trucks S Trailers □Autos □ Recreational Vehicles □ Notice □ Lost □ Found □ Pets □ Household □ Miscellaneous □ Real Estate FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - JD 30 combine, pull type, PTO, 7’ cut, auger feed with bin & unloader, 5700 717 992- 6596, after 6 P M. For Sale - New Idea No 47 side rake & tedder on rubber Excellent con dition. Adahis Co 717- 528-4252 JD B completely rebuilt, new rubber front, good rear, #5 mower, new knives, guards, IHC 5’ new knives, guards, IHC‘ 2 row planter, JD 2 btm ipull behind, $2300 or best offer Evenings 215- ,234-8662 Cultivator for JD 40, 320, 420, 430, MTIOIO All new shanks & sweeps Complete $230 or best offer Evenings 215-234- 8662 T disc (18”) IHC setup for 3 pt, very good condition, $3OO or best offer Evenings 215-234-8662 LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 15c per word 2.00 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 12 or Less 2 00 4 80 13 -2 08 4 99 14 2.24 5 38 15 2 40 5.76 16 2.56 614 17 2.72 6.53 18 2 88 6 91 19 3.04 7.30 20 3.20 7.68 KEYED ADS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming): 50 cents addi tional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. Deadline: Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication. „ Lancaster Farming P.O Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FARM EQUIPMENT Mf- 3 pt mounted disc, 72” wide, $6OO 215-869- 8928 Nl manure spreader, PTO, model 207,160 bu , large flotation tires, $675 715-869-8928 Cherry Shakers, 4 pneumatic shakers, 2 catching frames, $5OO or best ofrer, 215-367-8300 215-886-5278 eves JD 7000 6-row narrow with monitor, in excellent condition Reason for selling - going to liquid fertilizer, 215-593-5665 (2) 23 1x34 10 ply tractor tires and tubes, 50% tread 201-859-2720 Roll Bar & Canopy for 2-85 White Tractor, like new - $450 (List $1295) Chas J McComsey & Sons,_ Hickory Hill, Pa , 215-932- 2615 FARM EQUIPMENT'^ ANTIQUE TRACTOR BOOKS' NEW' ‘l5O YEARS OF INTERNA TIONAL HARVESTER" Covers all tractors. Equip ment and Stationary Engines 416 Pages, 2000 Photos Hard Leatherette Cover $26 95 "THE EN CYCOLPEDIA OF AMERICAN FARM TRAC TORS" Covers tractors from IB9o’s to 1979 1500 photos, 352 pages Hard Leatherette Cover $26 95 Postpaid Diamond Farm Book Publishers, Dept LF Box 537, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 Partly selling out, mostly one owner equipment New Holland 770 harvester with 2 RW cor nhead, $2BOO 770 N 2 cornhead, $l5OO (new) New Idea 325 narrow cor npicker, $3600 MH 82 combine, $2500 Int 550 5x16 plow, ready to go, $1250 Int 510 plain gram drill, double disc with grass seeder 21 ,x 7 $3400, like new No reasonable offer refused Dealers invited 215-926-5177, after 7 P M 215 926-3243. For Sale - Cornplanter, White 5400 air planter, no-till, (6) 30" rows, population monitor, excellent shape 301-795 2531 Farmall Cub tractor, cultivator, plow and disc harrow $2400, 717-464- 3775 , Wanted - IH 700 grass mower, used barn flooring 2" thick, wooden silo, Jonathan S Fisher, Rd 1, Box 215 Spring Hill Rd , Kirkwood, PA Lancaster Co Sale - CA Allis, good condition, $lOOO, 2-14 snap coupler slat moldboard plow, $lB5, 2 row cultivator available 717-392-5834 Mulch- Planters, Layers, Plug-Mix, Transplanters, Parts, Used farmall 140, B. Allis G FRIENDLY PHIL GARDINER 609- 881-7023 Early morning, EVENINGS We will buy moldy gram 301-833-1847 John Deere 127 pull type Gyramor rotary cutter. 717-249-2300 For Sale Farmall 300, Farmall Super MTA, both have torque and live PTO, IH 990 7'haybme, IH15& NH 55 hay rakes, NH 271 PTO baler with thrower, NH 36 crop chopper, all field ready 215-562-4464 Hesston 620 SP haybme, 10’ head, excellent condition, ready to go, reason for sale purchased 6500 at farm sale Twin Oak Farms, 717-786 2146 For Sale - Oliver manure spreader, ground driven, new rubber and drive chain Excellent, Suitable for small farm $3BO Perry Co 717-438-3556 20 hp Simplicity 9020 tractor with front end loader, 717-225-5873 call after 4pm 1976 White 8800 com bine, 6 row corn head, 15’ table $23,000, 1974 Oliver 7700 combine heads $14,000, Several MF 510’S & MF 760's Tidewater Tractor, Wye Mills, MD 301 820-2111 For Sale - 1978 M2KF Gleaner BOO hrs on engine, 13’ grain head, 6 row 30” corn head, loaded with extras. Kept inside, excellent con dition, asking $36,000 717-249-8726 AC combine, model G, diesel, 14’ gram head, nice condition, $B7OO 609-358-2384 NH Pitman mower, Bnllion crusher, PV4D Wisconsin engine with 221 reduction cjutch, overhauled 2 yrs ago, very good running con dition 717-442-8336 I Amos A Zook Jr, RD 1 Box 189 A, Gap, PA 17527 FARM EQUIPMENT - Wanted - Good woou<j.‘ wagon wheels or complete gear, Christian B King, Rd 1 Box 248, Christiana, PA Used very good condition Hesston Stackhand 10 with 10W Stackmover Extra belts and 2 com plete sets of hay guards included 53000 215-598- 3980 atter 7pm IH 706 gas, NFE, new overhaul, good condition, 717-683-5618 For Sale - JD 850 21 h p diesel tractor, 2 yrs , ex cellent condition, garage kept, 6' mower, canopy, chains, weights, two6' full hydraulic blades, 17800 302-3681444 Newark, DE For Sale - MF combine #35, S P, 8' cut, ready for field, 51500, Farmall M with 2 row picker, good shape, 51500, 302-658- 0566- For Sale - JD 5 grass mower with quick hookup, good condition, $2OO 717-754-7475 International 715 com bine, hydrostatic drive, 13 ft gram head, excellent condition, phone 814-674-8521 For Sale -.2 Kicker hay wagons $675 each, 2 bin wagons, $450 each, IH disc $350, Ford 601 single row corn picker $750, Vicon wheel rake $5OO, 10’ self propelled Owatonna windrower $l5OO, Grove self unloading wagon $550, AC blower $275, Lan caster Co 717-367-1861 before 8 p m For Sale - Nl 710 combine used 6 years, lot no 153 with grain head. 717-354- 0281 MF 300 combine with cab, pickup reel, straw spreader, excellent con dition, Call evenings 814-276-3279 or 276- 3938 Oliver 525 11' combine, 323 Nl 1 row corn picker, MF 39 2 row corn planter, JD 640 hay rake, 16’ & 36’ elevators, 215-767-0334 Wanted - 4-row cultivator for Oliver 70 Also wide front end 609-386-4547 For Sale - Badger forage wagon with roof, single ax le, 8 ton running gear, ex cellent condition 717- 668-5215 For Sale • Owatonna Bobcat 1200 717 354- 7561 145 bu NH manure spreader, very good condition, used roll away nests 717-426 3630 L 225 Kubota, 3 cylinder, diesel, 24 hp 70 hrs, 2 speed PTO, loader, 3 pt hitch, excellent condition 717-966 0231 For Sale - Single wheel front end attachments with 7 50 x 10 tire to fit Farmall H Lehigh Co 215 298-2011 2 pt hitch for 300 or 350, also one for 450 Selling parts from the following IHC tractors 300, 350, 400, 460, 560, 660, 806, 1066 717-464-2874 For Sale - JD 3010-diesel, wide or narrow front, excellent condition, can deliver 201-526 9363 JD 14T baler with kicker for parts, good shape Chester Co 215-932- 2288 NH 469 haybme, good shape, JD 12A combine with gram bin 215-932- 2288 Chester Co For Sale - 970 Case with cab, $7,000 201- 459-4371 Blairstown, NJ For Sale - 220' of good litter carrier track with a switch & 2 trolleys John S Stoltzfus, Box 352, R D 1, Kirkwood, Pa Bartville Rd Case 1000 front end loader on track, motor overhauled, negotiable, Call after 530 p m 302- 328-3732 2 1500 gal plastic fer tilizer tanks, $B5O each, 500 gal Century sprayer $l5OO, 5 hp roller mill $l2OO, 6’ scraper blade $lOO, steer mineral feeder $5O, Molasses tank $lOO, eves. 5-10 717 637 0192 I F *2^ €QUIf>MENT 8 JD 2640 w/high low, new tires, 146 loader, 1900 hrs, 511,000 301-724 5126 IH cub with belly mounted mower 51995, 717-656 9013 Farmall H tractor with 7’ sickle mower, 51275 215- 536-3155 « 536-3010 New Idea 729 A um sheller, used less than 200 hrs RT MarkleFarm Equipment, Centre Co Ph 814-237-3141 For Sale - Farm belt 6” x 75" endless, 540, Berks Co 215-689-5554 8 ft McCormick gram binder, good condition 5500, 703-943-1321 for list of other horse related equipment, Fishersville, VA Case 650 SP haybme, all new belts $lOOO, York Co 717-382-4173 For Sale - Gasoline generator, 3800 watt, 9 n p B S engine, 115 & 230 volt Excellent condi tion, easy start Price - $7OO Tel 215-267-7265 For Sale - JD 494 A 4-row corn planter, set for 30" rows, $395 4 section rotary hoe, $235 Oliver rake, $195 All good l 717- 548 2559 IH 400 4-row cyclo planter, one owner, used 2 seasons, $2450 JD 3020 diesel, power shift, $B9OO JD 3020 syncro range, $5900" Oliver 6- row liquid planter, $B5O 3 basket wagons 607- 642-8688 or 642-8519 Farmall MO with live power Ford PTO baler with kicker, 24’ transport elevator All for $lB5O 607 642-8688 or 642 8519 For Sale - 2 row JD Stauffer transplanter, tobacco or tomatoes, real good condition, both shoes, 717-872-2110 For Sale - WD 45 AC wide front end $lO5O Farmall H 850 John Deere hay conditioner No 31 $250 John Deere No 8 7' grass mower $250 215- 589-4705 1-600 Girton bulk milk tank, 1 180 hp engine w/lme shaft, 5000 watt generator, 717-369-4851 1 MAY (\ SPECIALS I New Idea 404 I rake—s99s i Hesstonlo9o [ mower conditioner! $5500 | FOB Herndon, Pa.f NEW COMBINES N 6 rotary N 5 rotary 709 Uni-System USED COMBINES 1977 LKS w/heads 1nt.205 MF4IO Deferral on combines, New &Used NEW TRACTORS 7020 6080 185 5030 Deferral on New & Used Tractors USED TRACTORS 1H1206 (606) 1H574 AC7OOOw/cab USED EQUIPMENT JD 6-row 1250 plahter Hawk Bilt 207 tank spreader JD 24T baler w/thrower New & Used win drowers CALL TODAY! FOB Herndon, Pa. Lancaster Farming, Satui FARM EQUIPMENT Bush Hog, 13’ disc harrow, 22 blade, heavy duty frame, 2 yrs old, used very little $3200 Will consider trade for smaller older transport disc Harford Co, MD 301-877-7015 For Sale - 12’ JD chisel plow, only used 80 acres IH 616 auto reset plow, 814-766-2733 Ml hay crusher #752, good condition, Benuel S Lapp, Rt 1, Narvon, PA, 17555, l’/z mile SE of Churchtown MW 1 FOR SALE 3 used hay racks w/gears $550 each Dunham senes 41 cultimulcher w/17” packer wheels, 12’2” w/cyhnder & hoses. New $3400. 18’ haywagon w/racks 8 ton gear, nice cond. $995 Kasten 16’ 3 beater forage wagon w/roof 10 ton gear $1385 NI mod. 200 PTO spreader, nice cond, $765 NI 310 1 row picker $2300. Taylorway model 200 121 disc harrow 10’5” excellent condition, $1785. Taylorway 6’4” heavy duty offset disc harrow, 24” blades, new condition $l6OO Case 11 ft. 36 blade transport disc harrow $975. Badger manure spreader Model 205, 205 bu. $9OO. Tuffbilt 16 hp garden tractor with 2 3 pt. lift - 60” Bush Hog mower - cultivator $3995 New HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. RDI Jonestown, PA 717-865-4526 USED EQUIPMENT 2-JDIO2O Gas Til SOLD JO 2020 Gas, WF JO 2510 Osl. JD4OIODSI. JO 4020 Osl. WF JO 4230 4 post RG, Wea. Enc., 18.4x34 Tires 95%, duals avail. AC 017 Gas w/3x!6 Plow & 4R Rr. Cultv. Davis 20+4 Hydro Trencher Ferguson 3 pt. ditcher JO 494 A 4R Planter Bnlhon 13' Pulvimulcher, Ex. Cond. Bearcat 17' Crow Foot Packer with Trans. JD92ol2'Packer JD F 145 6-16 Semi-Mtd. Plow JD 34 Fg. Harvester Rhino rear blade JD SO Mower Woods 10' Mower JD 407 7' PT Rotary Mower JD 894 Rake JD 65 Blower Nl 501 Loader JD 12 Row Tool Bar w/coulters CFH, INC. East Main Street Cecilton, Md 21913 (301)275 2195 648 5416 755 6608 E venmgs & Weekends Call Gary (301) 885 2248 ■day. May 23,1981-B9 farm equipment For Sale Fox 3 row snapper head, model 378 with kit for up to 38” spacing, very good condition, Amelia, Vfi 804-561-3267 For Sale Case D tractor on steel, Adam Byler, RD 2 Box 187 C, Howard, PA USED COMBINES JO 6600 sidehill w/12' platform 4 643 or 444 corn head JD 105 corn special diesel, cab, air w/13' platform, W/634N or 434 W corn head JD 55 gas, square back, cab, air, 12' platform 4 235 corn head M. 750. cab. air. 2 years old, like new, 13’ platform, flex head Model 63-C corn head USED BALERS Model 224 T w/throwers Model 24T w/thrower Model 14Tw/thrower N. 269 w/thrower N.H. 278 less thrower N.H. 68 w/thrower NEW EQUIPMENT Woods model MS, 5 ft., 3 pt. rotary mower $695.00 Woods model M6O, 5 ft., 3 pt. rotary mower $795.00 Little Giant 34 ft. elevator $1,800.00 Little Giant 42 ft. elevator $2,200.00 FINCH SERVICES HANOVER, INC. 515 Frederick St Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331 Ph. 1-717-632-2345 A ISEW HOLLAR USED EQUIPMENT AC 500 Senes 4 Row Complanter AC Loader w/hyd. bucket for WD4S Fox Super D SP Dsl. Harvester w/2R Head & Pickup Hesston PTIO Haybme Gehl Mower Conditioner NH 325 Skid Loader (2) Good Flat Bed Wagons w/runmng gears NH 30’Elevator NH 315 Baler w/thrower, (Demo) Used Discs USED TRACTORS AC 185 Ford Jubilee JDSO Used Lawn & Garden Tractors w/mowers r NEW EQUIPMENT AT USED PRICES AC 4R Rolling Cultv. AC4RReg. Cultv. NH 800 Spreader NEW EQUIPMENT AmcoDisc Bale King Hay, Wagons NH Skid Loaders Hub Tool Elevators formerly N.H. Mondge 400 bu. Dryer GlcanerJT Combine NEW HOLLANDI MANURE , SPREADERS < NEW TRACTORS AC 7045 AC 5050 AC 7010 BHMFARM EQUIPMENT INC. RDI, Annvillc, PA 717-867-2211