Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1981, Image 15
Livestock market and auction news Omaha Cattle Thursday, May 21 Report supplied by USDA Through midweek slaughter steers and heifers 75-1.00 higher. Cows 2.00-2.50 lower. Bulls 1.50-2.00 lower. Four day receipts 11,500, last week 13,550, year ago 13,950. Curtailed receipts, caused partially by heavy rams in the drama trade area. Were the mam factpr m the week’s advance; as many interests forced to compete for close-up slaughter requirements. The carcass trade followed an erratic pattern but through Wednesday stood steady to 1.00 higher for the week; however, boxed beef items were in a declining trend. Steers made up 53 pet of the week's receipts, heifers 32 pet, cows 9 pet, feeders 4 pet. STEERS: At midweek, two loads choice, some prune mostly 3 1125 lbs. 67.75; three loads same grade 1225-1275 lbs. 67.50. Choice 2-4 1050- 1350 lbs. 66.50-67.25. Choice, some HEW 4" CORRUGATED DIH Price includes Basic Din, All Hardware, Roof Ladder, Hold Downs, Caulking, Walk Thru Door, and a One Manhole Roof Panel. Sidewall Ladder and Platform shown are optional and not included in these RTE. 1 MOUNTAIN RD. DILLSBURG, PA 1 G." Corrugated Dins are also available at spectacular prices. prune 3-4 1200-1425 lbs. 64.75-66.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1000- 1250 lbs. 65.50-66.50 Good 63.00- 65.00. Few Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 and Good 1200-1350 lb. Holstems 58.5060.50. HEIFERS. Choice 2-4 900-1100 lbs. 65.50-66.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 64.00-65.25. Good 61.5064.00. Average of LS-214 detailed quotations for Choice 900-1100 lb. steers 66.55; 1100-1300 lbs. 66.82. Average cost steers this week 66.03, average weight 1181 lbs. As compared 66.41 and 1185 lbs. a week ago. Average cost heifers this week 64.94, average weight 1007 lbs. as compared 65.18 and 1016 lbs. a week ago. COWS: High cutter, Utility and Commercial 1-3 42.00-43.00 few high dressing 44.00. Canner and Cutter 40.00-42.00. BUJLLS: Few 1-2 1200-1800 lbs. 50.00-54.00. GRAIN SYSTEMS IAM Leesport Auction Leesport, Pa. Wednesday, May 20 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 379. Supply included 139 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Standard & Good weak to''lower. Slaughter cows weak to 1.00 lower. Choice 1000-1200 lbs. slaughter steers 62.60-64.60, one at 66.00, Good & Choice holsteins 1275-1480 lbs. 54.85-57.60, Good 58.00-62.35, Standard 53.00-56.25, Utility & Low Standard 47.50-52.60. Few Choice slaughter heifers 58.00-60.85, one Good at 54.00. Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 44.50-46.10, few to 49.00, Cutters 43.25-47.10, Canner & Low Cutter 41.50-44.25, Shells down to 36.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 57.75-59.75, one at 63.50, few Standard 53.60-57.25. Yield grade #1 1200-2100 lbs. slaughter bulls 53.10-59.25, few to 63.50; yield grade #2 900-1250 lbs. 47.25-55.00. Large & Medium Frame #1 330-560 lbs. feeder steers 65.00-71.00, few Large Frame #1 fantastic prices. WSL 18-5 4,239 BUSHELS LIST PRICE $2564.00 YOUR COST $ 1911” WSL 24-5 7,727 DUSHELS LIST PRICE $3702.00 YOUR COST ’2759 w WSL 30-5 12,072 DUSHELS LIST PRICE $5199.00 YOUR COST *3875“ WSL 06-5 i 8,247 DUSHELS LIST PRICE $7301.00 YOUR COST *5442" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1981—A15 750-980 lbs 54.00-59.25, Large Frame #2 600-976 lbs. 48 00-53.75; few Large Frame & Medium Frame #1 400-600 lbs. feeder heifers 50.00-59.50; Large & Medium frame #1 500-670 lbs feeder bulls 54.50-63.50. CALVES 100. Vealers uneven One Prune vealer at 109.00, Choice 100.00- Good 90.00-96.50, few Standard & Good 85-110 lbs. 65.00- 70.00, few Utility 50-110 lbs. 50.00- 60.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 88.00-104.00; few holstein heifers 90-120 lbs. 115.00-170.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 75-110 lbs. 86.00-107.50; few Good & Choiceslaughter calves 260-325 lbs. 66.00- HOGS 316. Barrows & gilts .25 to .75 higher. US No. 1-2 205-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 44.85-45.60, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 44.00-45.10, few 190-195 lbs. 43.10-44.10, few No. 2-3 250-265 lbs. 42.10-43.75, few No. 1-3 155-185 lbs. 36.00-39.00. Sows strong to $2 higher. US No. 1-3 300-650 lbs. sows 36.25-40.00. Boars 32.00-33.00. FEEDER PIGS 305. US No. 1-3 20-30 lbs. feeder pigs 74,00-91.00 cwt., No. 1-3 30-70 lbs. 56.00-74 00, No. 1-3 100-145 lbs. 41.50-47.00, one lot Utility 30 lbs. 48.00 cwt. SHEEP 32. Few Choice 30-55 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 102.00- 112.50, few 55-70 lbs. 81.00-91.00, one at 97.00, few Good & Choice 50-75 lbs. 60.00-68.00. Slaughter sheep 12.00-17.00. GOATS 18. few Large Goats 35.00- per head, large kids 20.00- per head, few small kids 13.00- per head. Western Maryland Livestock Westminster, Md. Tuesday, May 19 Report supplied by auction BUTCHER COWS: $l.OO lower. High Yield 46.50-48.00, one to 49.00; Standard & Utility 43.50-46.00; Canners 41.00-43.50; Shelly 42.00 Down. Bulls few offered. Standard to 53.85. Steers Choice 2-4 62.00- 64.50; Good 58.0002.00. Heifers Choice 2-4 58.50-59.50; Good 54.00- 56.00. BUTCHER HOGS: $1.50 higher. Few US M&3 215-240 lbs. 43.50- 44.00; US 1&3 200-240 lbs. 42.50- 43.25; US 1&2 270-290 lbs. 41.25- 42.50; US 1&3 265-310 lbs. 34.25- 39.00. Sows US 1&2 350-650 lbs, 39.00-40.75; US 1&3 35.0038.50. Boars 400-750 lbs. 34.25-34.50; 300- 4001b5.30.5033.00'. VEAL CALVES: Big calves, steady-light calves $3 higher. Good & Low Choice 82.00-90.00; Standard 70.0080.00; Stocky & Thin 50.00- 70.00; Killers 80-100 lbs. 67.00-76.00; Weak& Rough 66.00 Down. CALVES RETURNED TO FARM: Good demand! Holstein Heifers few 95-115 lbs. to 150.00; Holstein Bulls Bulk 95-115 lbs. 9f1.00-104.00. Beef Type Bulk 80-120 lbs. 85.00-110.00; One to 169.00. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 95-115 lbs. 70.00-72.50; Good & Low Choice 65.00-70.00; Choice 70-90 lbs. 64.00- 69.00; Good 60.00-65.00; Few 35-55 lbs. 51.0061.00; Sheep Good 18.00- 24.00; Medium 10.00-18.00. STOCK CATTLE; Lighter run, $2 under last week. Steers Choice 300-500 lbs. 65.00-70.00; Good 60.00- 65.00; Choice 500-700 lbs. 66.00- 69.00; Good 55.00-64.00. Heifers Few Choice 300-500 lbs. 58.0060.00; Good 50.0067.00; Good & Choice 500-700 lbs. 45.0064.00. Bulls Choice 300600 lbs. 64.00-71.00; Good 55.00- 64.00; Good & Choice 500-700 lbs. 48.0060.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: Good run - Good demand. By the Head 15-30 lbs. 15.00-22.00; 3060 lbs. 20.00- 30.00; 60-90 lbs. to 39.00. By the Lb. 100-160 lbs. 33.00-39.00. Wing It Wa htvt Rad Wing S' and 8" boots KfeQBL ton 2126 Sees 6-13 S EEEE NataflaeaamatwNeia You've y.rntd your Wings’ TCB« led Wings BOOKS I SHOE SERVICE I 10*7 E STATE ST I QUARRYVILLE PA I 17566 I 717-786-2795 I CLOSED WEDNESDAYS M f