Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1981, Image 146
D26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1981 T „ ’ " ' ' ■ Twp, Chester Co, PA Sale for Lottie M Becker , Nelson C Weidenbaugh Auctioneer Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT. MAY 30 10 A M Public Sale of Household Goods, 15 Guns including Parker 10 ga double, Ansley Fox 12 ga double, Fox Sterlmgworth 12 ga double & 2 Winchester pump model 12 20 Anti que gas engines, 1919 Case tractor, 40 Antique cast iron seats Located 1 mile North of Bird-m- Hand, Pa on Gibbons Rd Sale by Aaron P Milter Auctioneers Steve Peter sheim&PaulZ Martin SAT MAY 30 -10 00 AM Public Sate of Farmette, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Anti ques, Collectibles Located in the Village of Pitman, Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill Co, PA 5 miles north of Hegms, 9 miles south of Shamokm Grant Herring Owner George and Mike Deibert Auctioneers SAT MAY 30-10 00 AM Public Sale of Personal Property and Coins Located IVz miles east of Hahnstown along Hahnstown Road Paul Z Shirk, Owner Paul W Horst and Leroy S Horst, Auctioneers SAT MAY 30 - 900 A.M Public Sale of Blacksmith Tools, Antiques and Wagons, (2 sea* surry with fringe on top, ex cellent condition, 2 Con estoga covered wagons) Located from Lancaster take Rt 272 to Rt 222 to Rt 1, turn north, 5 miles to Red Pump Rd to Free mont Rd or from Oxford take Rt 1 south to MD line, go 2 mi turn ndrth on Red Pump Rd Terms by Helen Swack Estate of John A. Swack deceased Lloyd H Kreider, Randal V Kline and Gary L Shirk Auctioneers SAT MAY 30 - 900 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques and Collectibles Furniture and Household Located 2 miles south of Bloomsburg Rt 42 in the Village of Rupert, corner of Rupert Dr and Hunter Street, 1-80 Exit 34 to Rt 42 George Frees Owner Hock’s Auction Service SAT MAY 30 1100 AM Public Sale of 25 acre farm and Personal Pro perty, Located at Rd 2. Mohnton, from New Holland Rd . take Church Rd to Reed Rd , turn left, go 1 block to Hunter Rd , turn left to property Allen Witmer Estate Elton and Alvin Horning Auc tioneers SAT MAY 30 - II AM Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc, Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Sehnsgrove, Pa Don 8 Walt Keister, ANNUAL *U» specials HV I? HEIFER at the New Holland Sales Stables Grade Sale May 30 10:00 A.M. 800-1000 Grade Holstein Heifers All ages from started calves to fresh heifers. Several lots of fancy open heifers. Catfhood vaccinated Consignors, please have animals at sale barn Friday, day before sale, accompanied by health charts, breeding information. Vet checks, etc Our Registered Heifer Sale date is Saturday, June 13 at 10 00 A M All sizes of Registered Heifers will be sold. Many from high producing dams with good pedigrees. For more information to buy or sell, contact either NORM KOLB at 717-397-5538 or ABE OIFFENBACH Sales Barn Office. 717-354-4341. Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auctioneers SAT MAY 30 - 9 00 A M Public Sale of Furniture, Antiques, Quilts, Glasware and China Located at light in Parker ford on Rt 724 turn south onto Bethel Church Rd to sale site In East Coventry PUBLIC SALE LARGE M farm sTff® i ¥ machinery SATURDAY, JUNE 6 at 11:00 A.M Located in Franklin County, Fannett Township on PA Rte. 75, 1 mile north of the village of Spring Run. If traveling the PA Turnpike, exit at #l4, go north on Rte. 75 approximately 5 miles and watch for sale signs. -John Deere, 4320 Diesel Tractor, w/4400 hrs., major overhaul at 3200 hrs., 23.1-34 tires on rear. -John Deere 4400 Gas Combine, 13’ gram head, 444-4 row com head, 1200 hrs. -John Deere 2280 Diesel S/P Hay Bine, 620 hrs. -John Deere 7000 Conservation No-Till Planter, 1 yr. old. -John Deere 335 Skid-Sprayer w/350 gal. tank, 44’ booms, stainless steel screens and jets. -John Deere 5460, ♦ wheel drive, S/P, Har vester w/3 row com head also has pick-up head, 590 hrs. -3 John Deere 12 ton, Tandem axle dump wagons, w/auto. tail gates and 18 ton hoist cylinders. -Fox Dumping Station, hyd. operated, like new. -John Deere 66 Hopper-Blower. -White #5OB 4-18” auto, reset Plows, w/hillside attachment -Dunham Lehr 12’ CultiMulcher, like new. -McCurdy Gravity Bin w/hyd. auger. -10 ton Coby wagon. -2 Flat-bed wagons w/hay racks. -2 Grove 6 ton dump wagons w/30” solid sideboards, ensilage racks for top. -Windrow turner for front-mount on tractor. -New Holland 30’ Elevator w/com chute. -Parts for 5000 Coby, self-unloading wagons, includes: beaters, nets, drags, etc. NO small items from wagons to be sold. Terms Cash. Prior Approval on out of state checks. Harry and Speer, ROY C. McGEE Auct. Coons, Clerk Lunch Rights Reserved Not Responsible For Accidents SAT MAY 30-10 AM An nual Grade Heifer Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , New Holland, Pa SAT MAY 30 10 00 AM Public Sale or Robert L Clauser Sr Estate' Real Estate and Personal Pro perty, Located on the premises in Klemfeltersville along the road to Milbac.,, Lebanon Co G Harvey Weik Auc tioneer Spring Run, Pa. (717)349-2340 * FARMERSVILLE AUCTION TUESDAY, MAY 26,1981 5:30 P.M. In Farmersville, 3 mi east of Brownstown. Lane Co Pa. Hotpomt refrigerator; maple & blonde bedroom suites; 3 Maytag wringer washers; wooden barrel; single 8i double bedding; waterfall kneehole desk; set of 4 ladder back chairs; large rugs; gas burner; butcher ket tles; contemporary living room suite; 2 breakfast sets; gas range; childs table & chair set; school desks; office desk; SAIL BOAT; dishes; etc., etc. WE SELL ON COMMISSION can JOHN!. Min 354-5095 PUBLIC SALE MOORE WOOTEN TYPE DESK, OAK ROLLTOP, VICT. FURN., WAL, PINE & OAK FURN., 40 PCS. OF WICKER, ORIENTAL RUG, STERLING, AMISH CARRIAGE, 1950 CHEV., 1954 FORD PICKUP, 1962 FALCON We will sell for various owners the following which has been moved to our Auction Facility, just off Rt. #75, at Johnsville, 12 Mr. north of New Market & midway between Union Bridge & Libertytown, Frederick County, Maryland on MEMORIAL DAY. MONDAY, MAY 25,1981 Starting at 8:30 A.M., the following; Moore Wooten type desk in Wal., interior & extenor good, will be sold at 1:00 P.M., Viet, sofa w/rosewood carving, solid end chest (2 over 3) Ca. 1810, Wal. jelly cupboard, Regency style 60” couch Ca. 1850, two fancy round oak tables w/claw feet, pine drysink, several blanket chests in Wal., pine & poplar, fancy oak Dbl. door wardrobe, single door oak wardrobe, 48” raised panel roll top desk w/“S” roll, one w/“C” roll. Ladies’ oak desk, Larkins desk, oak kitchen cabinet, pine 2 Pc. dutch cupboard, oak case Grandfather clock, Empire comer cupboard w/claw feet, Wal. harvest table, oak chest w/mirror, Sq. oak Ext. table, Wal. D.L. gate leg table, brass bed, M.T. wash stand, Sev. empire chest, spinet, desk, oak china cabinet w/Dbl. doors. Lions’ head carving & claw feet; Sq. china cabinet w/curved glass door & B & C feet, oak side by side, M.T. table, Viet, hall rack w/mirror, fainting couch, oak buffet. Enterprise counter top coffee grinder dated 1873, Viet, sewing stand, Sev. oak dressers & wash stands, early tavern type table w/Orig. red paint, butterfly table from Hershbergers in Fred’k., ice cream table w/4 heart back chairs, many chairs & rockers, some sets; Morris chairs, 4 Drw. cherry chest, Mahg. chest, school masters desk, counter top show case, early wood washing Mch., w/wrmger, B&C piano stool, Mahg. for pedestal, dough tray, Slaugenhaupt rocker, trunks, oak pressed back high chair, w/cane seat, store spice cabinet, counter top oak showcase, several early quilts, Lge. brass ships Dm. Rm. light, Sm. platform scales w/ong. paint. Autoharp, two Karastan rugs Approx. 9’xl2’ & B’xlO’, Oriental runner, strife ROSE hand chased sterling flatware, service for 12 plus extra Pcs.; cut glass pitcher & vase, other glass & china, Mahg. case Edison victrola, two oak shelf clocks, oak case sessions school house clock, Sev. mantel clocks, crocks & jugs,,post cards, old valentmes, 82.50 Gold com 1912, some Nazi items, ARMAUD MAR SEILLE doll, Sev. other dolls including a S. Temple doll Ca. 1950, oil lamps, brass Russian Samovar dovetailed & signed, some early hand tools, early wicker, chairs, rockers, settees, fernery, baby carriages. Etc., baskets, tm toys, early jig saw, McCoy pottery, Mah’Jong set, many unlisted small items of wood, tin, & iron. AMISH CARRIAGE, Amish courting buggy, two wheel ox dump'cart, 1954 FORD PICKUP Serial 8510U4C11396 in running condition, needs body work, 1950 CHEV. Deluxe Fleetlme Torpedo back in good condition, Serial #I4HK- D-62025, 1962 FALCON 2Dr., 32,000 miles in very good condition. Serial #2T11U188627, in spected by seller. TERMS-Cash or approved check. Inspection Sun., May 24, 1:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M. Sale rain or shine. Lunch by the Johnsville Methodist Church. SALE CONDUCTED BY: AUSTIN BOHN. AUCTIONEER PH 775-7607 KELLER’S if* PUBLIC AUCTION Qg| FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, MAY 30,1980 10:30 A.M. Located along Elm Road, midway bet ween Manheim and Lititz, Pa. Farm Machinery & Household Goods. This Sale is not too large. Ford 5000 Diesel Farm Tractor with Wide Front End in good condition, 3 bottom 2 way model #129 Ford Plow, John Deere Model #4O manure spreader, #246 John Deere Corn Planter w/Gandy Apphcator T Spring Harrow, 20’ 4” Auger w/motor, 9’ Brillion Cultipacker, Side Mower, Portable Platform Sacles, 12x44 Hog Farrowing Portable Units 30’ Bale Elevator, 16 Hole McCormick Deering Grain Drill, Fuel Tank, Bale Carrier, Large Iron Trailer Frame, Wooden Wheel Barrow Hog Feeders. Smidley & Quonnet (Isolet) Hog Shelters, Oliver model 17 traction driven manure spreader, Sauder loader with 72 inch snow bucket, 3 point hitch, two row cultivator, Steel field type land roller, Used lumber in cluding wide barn boards, 12’ loading chute, David Bradley Hammermill, com crib, N.H. Side Kick Spreader, 4’x6 hauling crate. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Butter Scales, 3 Lanterns, Old Fashion Butter Chum, Old Money, Rug Beater, Assorted Dishes, Almanacs, Wooden Table, Old Jars, 2 Tncycles, Metal Wardrobe Double Bed w/Bed Spring & Mattress, Single Beds, many other items. Sale By; HAROLD H. & LOIS R. KELLER 717-665-3298 Auction Conducted By The: J; Omar Landis Auction Ser. Jay M. Witman Box 501 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-627-0789 or 717-665-5735 Food Served PUBLIC SALE of Antiques, Household Goods, Hospital Beds, Lots of Cooking Utensils, Bedding & Tools (For The Reformed Mennomte Home) THURSDAY, MAY 28 at 9:00 Located along Manor St., Lancaster, Pa. At the corner of Manor St. & South West End Ave. Commercial Magic Chef stove; Glenco 2 door stainless steel refng.; Philco, Norge & Revco chest freezers; upright freezer; 2 Frig. & G.E. 2 door refng. frost free; G.E. elec, stove; gas stove; 2 G.E. auto, washers; elec. Singer sewing mach.; Commercial ironer & ironing board; American Standard port, bathroom lift; 8 adj. hosp. beds w/mattresses; 6 adj. bed tables; wheel chair; port, pots; elec. Smith Corona adding mach.; Olympia port, typewnter; Schirch hair dryer; G.E. elec, wall clocks; 7 elec, fans & heater. Plank bottom settee; plank bottom chairs; pine 4 leg dropleaf table; jelly cupboard, blanket chest, wardrobe & feed'chest. Seth Thomas wall clock in oak case. Other furniture in oak, Empire, walnut, mahg., maple, Waterfall, cedar, iron, uph., metal & chrome. Floor lights; band & desk bells; Marietta pot & Ig. & sm. skillets; old deco, tin water cooler; agate & wooden ar ticles. Brass butcher bell, clothing tree etc. Pocket knives; baskets; sterling, silver thimbles; old pm cushions; homespun linen; light & heavy shawls. Glassware & china in pressed, German, restaurant etc. Lots of Ig. & sm. pots & pans in stainless steel; cooking utensils; sm. elec, appliances; all kinds of silverware; lots of dbl. & sing, sheets, towels, table clothes, blankets etc. Pillows; sewing articles; braided & throw rugs; Alum. & wooden step ladders; metal utility cart; hand, shop & garden tools; alum, lawn chairs; 8 wooden porch rockers; 3 park benches; other articles not listed. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Food served. Parking is available at Andy’s Catering Service. Sale by. REFORMED MENNONITE HOME Howard Shaub, Auctioneer 464-3541 > and Roy C. Probst