Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1981, Image 142
D 22—Lancaster Farmin&Satiirday, May 23, IMI Farmers’ lung (Continued from Pace D2l) help m grain storage area as where there are government regulations requiring' ventilation. Knapp, who works with Donham, says he plans to alert agricultural engineers at state universities, around the country of the need for better 1 ventilation systems ini hog confinement, buddings. The high rate of worker discomfort in > the hog bams may draw attention to the larger problem of mold and dust in the lungs oi agricultural workers, ( according to Knapp. Margq Rosenkranz of the Workplace Health in Agriculture Program, stated, “Farmers’ respiratory problems are often diagnosed as bronchitis. The doctor needs to know about gram dust and other respiratory hazards or the farmer’s condition can just keep getting worse, possibly ending 1 with emphysema.” Dr. Irving Cast, at the Nebraska Institute of Medicine, is puzzled by the alleged lack of in formation about far-, mers’ lung. “We’ve known about the condition for 400 or 500 years,” said Cast.' “Most grains can cause it, even peanut dust.” A test was developed seven years ago, ac cording to Cast, to identify antigens m the blood, which the body would manufacture if mold spores were present in the lungs.- A senes of injections of allergic serum is prescribed in treat ment. Rollins Schmeder, agricultural health and safety expert for the University of Nebraska, insists that there is a problem. “You’d be surprised at the lack of information in this area,” says Schnieder. “It is hard to pinpoint lung damage, and we have a hard tune getting our doctors to pinpoint it as farmers’ lung. There \ PA’S STH PERFORMANCE J A TESTED RAM SALE L SATURDAY, JUNE 6,1981 2:00 P. MAT PA DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE’S MEAT ANIMAL EVALUATION CENTER 651 Fox Hollow Road State College, PA 16801 RAMS ON TEST INCLUDE: 6 - Corriedale 8 ■ Dorsets 1 - Hampshire 3 - Shropshire 1 - Colubmia 1 - Southdown 23-Suffolk Rams will be Scanned For Fat Thickness and Loin Eye Area AVG DAILY GAIN FOR 43 RAMS IN 91 LB./DAY AFTER 70 DAYS on TEST Approximately 30 Rams WILL SELL FOR INFORMATION CONTACT i 808 KIMBLE AT(814) 238)-2527 CATALOGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST SPONSORED BY PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF A6NICULTURE in Cooperation with Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania Sheep & Wood Growers Association SATURDAY, MAY 30 starting at 10 A.M. Loc. - Avenue D & 9th Streets River side, Danville, off Sunbury Road (Follow auction signs). Doctor « Mrs. Klinger are relocating and selling the following. Seth Thomas (regulator) figure 8 type calendar clock, German hanging clock, EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH CYLINDER, app. 30 cylinders, EXTRA M.G. HORN, OAK WALL TELEPHONE, 5 leg ext. oak table, oak ext. table, old adv. posters, 78 RPM records, Northumberland History, butler chest of drawers, 2 tilt top tables, silk pain tings, wedding band quilt. Religious quilt w/old and new Testaments, bamboo chest, cedar chest, Duncan Phyfe stacked tables, coffee table w/round glass top, rattan chairs, card table & chairs, Pecan dining room - 8 pcs. octagon table, 4 pc. walnut Basset bedroom suite, 3 pt. walnut bedroom suite, Pondre Vanity, 3 walnut chest of drawers, day couch, New Detecto floor scale, chaises, picture frames, humidifer & dehumidifier, Zenith stereo w/AM 4s FM, Zenith 19” color TV, portable color TV, 2 B&W portable TV’s, metal wardrobes, end stands, white vinyl sofa, Chinese linen, A & N table spread, silver plate pcs., sterling candle holders, copper tea kettle, cut glass pcs., cut glass bowl, etched glasses w/ruby base, butter dish, R.S. German dish, Austrian sailers, Indian brass, Imara dishes, service of 12 Haviland China, Haviland pcs., French dishes, 35mm Exakta w/extra close-up lens, Wild Mink Coat, 16 gauge Remington shotgun, German pearl handle 32 hand gun, lamps, brass lamps, blankets, cooking utensils, sml. elec, appliances, G.E. Ref., Gibson upright freezer, Toro mower w/60” cut, Billy Goat shreader, lawn edger, 4’ Scott spreader, Sears gas 2 burner portable grill, power lawn mower, plus many-many unlisted items. Terms-CASH. Sellers, DOCTOR & MRS. KLINGER Auctioneers-John Autotore 784-3506 John Jr. 784-0381 Sale Under Tent are very few doctors m our area who specialize in respiratory problems.” “I’ve seen X-rays of farmer’s lungs,” said Schnieder. “The lungs are often coated and some even have mold spores growing in the lesions of the scar tissue.” Schnieder is a former advisor to the the possibility that the Occupational Safety and high incidence of liing Health Admmstration, problems among far and has been working mers could be at with the National and tnbutable to infection or Nebraska Lung allergy reactions Associations to alert caused by gram dust farmers and doctors to contaminants. PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD, COLLECTIBLES, TOOLS, ETC. SAT., MAY 30TH I 10:00 A.M. I Located on Rt 220 half-way between ! Dushore and New Albany, Pa. (Ladd sburg). Complete dispersal of Harry Sharp Est., Mrs. Marie Hamilton, Admtr. Partial listing: Fiigidaire Reg-freezer; Sears 15 ft upright freezer; hvy pine dining table, Sears washer; dryer; kitchen stools; deeper sofa; hide-a-bed sofa; cherry end tables; recliner; Sears cabinet stereo, record; stack shelves; cherry bookcase; assorted ; lamps; oak occnl chair; benches; foot stools; > assorted stands in oak; sewing baskets; Sears I cabinet drop-head sewing machine w/bench; | big oak “Morris” chair; blanket chests; maple 1 bed, complete; nite-stand; roll-away bed; end- I- tables; metal wardrobe w/mirror; wood | wardrobe; bedding; linens; faneywork; i doilies; elec, blankets; all kinds of dishes; pots I & pans, utensils, silver & stainless ware; elec. | appliances; Rotisserie broiler; 24 cup' coffee i pot; roasters elec.; agate enamel ware in I roasters, pots & pans; cast iron pans & gnddle; | Iron-stone dish set; glass and crockery pit i chers; glasses; cups, stoneware; Tupperware; I bowls and bean crocks; elec, crockpot; fry J pans; blender; portable & table radios;\can > mng jars; large platters; pedestal cake dishes; ! vases; cut and pressed glass; Ruby and green | glass; vinegar cruets; plates of Norticake & i Havaland china; pressed glass-footed fruit | bowl; old & new recipe books; sprice racks; 1 mirrors; clocks; cannister sets; toaster; salad I maker; food chopper; antique glasses; hair | dryer; luggage; window fans; folding dressing | screen; X-mas decorations; dehumidifier; > Whirl-pool bath; lawn furniture; porch swing; ! Coleman’s gas lantern (new); ice chest; kero ■ heater; snowmobile suit (new); very good like : new condition clothes; hunting suits, etc.; 8 gun | cabinet with drawers and glass front; 32 spl & 1 shot gun shells; hunting knives etc.; collection 1 of J.F. Kennedy pictures & frames; antiques; | jelly cupboard; old oak Victorian library table 1 w/drawer; oak rockers; cherry platform I rocker; organ stool with back and eagle claw ; bull feet; large hvy walnut round-stand with • eagle claw glass ball feet; cherry secy desk; I cherry tobacco stand; high-back carved oval | paneled walnut bed, (beautiful); walnut dressers; oak wash stands with towel racks; ! oak dressers some with bow fronts; oak high ; boy chests; oak high-boy chest with yoke oval i mirror; high-back thumb nail carved bed and ! dresser in oak; oak & cherry hall trees w/brass | hooks; hi-back Dr. Medicine cabinet; bid oak i kitchen chairs; flat top trunks; pitcher & bowl I set; English Royal china pitcher; old oak inlaid ; commode chair; wrought iron with brass trim single beds; “antiqued” set of high-boy & nite stands and dresser set; oval & tin picture | frames & pics; glass-dome mantle clock; i marble case mantle clock; Gilbert and Seth I Thomas mantle clocks; deep well and other pictures & frames; wrought iron vanity bench; marble lamps; brass table lamp; Rayo Kero I lamp; other kero lamps; brass bk ends; left string of brass sleigh bells; oak dropleaf table; i Edison round-phono with records; old medicine | btls; big collection of Avon btls; other old | bottles; large collection of Jim Beam liquor I bottles; copper funnel; old tin & agate milk | cans; old crockery liquor jugs, (some signed); ; large cherry pitter; Ladies old beaded purses; I shaving mug; collection of figurines; sad | irons; ice tongs; pitcher pump; cyclone grass 1 seeder; pipe threader; vises; elec, motors; I hand tools, wrenches; sockets; boxes & boxes ; of nuts & bolts, etc.; garden tools, outdoor gas grill; hvy alum storm windows; alum, step and i ext ladders; wood ext ladder; wheelbarrow; [ junk barrels, iron pipe, angle iron; cords of ; hard-wood; Heavy lawn-roller; Lawn'mcwer; i 'many more small collectibles and articles. ! All articles in very good condition. ; 'Terms: Cash or check w/I.D. Register. I Lunch Available. Bring chairs. Not responsible ; ifor any accidents. Sold as property of HARRY SHARP, Dec.’d New Albany, R.D. Pa. Warren Piaster, Auctioneer Forksville, Pa. 924-3373 «WISE'S conmnr AUCTION SATURDAY EVt, MAY 23 7:00 P.M. Located 4 miles south of Strasburg, PA at the White Oak Camp Ground. EXTRA WEDNESDAY NIGHT SALE - JUNE 3 7:00 P.M. Super Fresh Groceries Terms By, GEORGE H. WISE, JR. Elvin Siegrist, Auctioneer NOW ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS We Offer Pick-up Service 717-687-7018 if no answer 786-4289 BROOKS END AND PAR-KAY FARM SIXTIETH ANNUAL SUMMER SALE FRIDAY, JUNE 19 1;00P.M. At the Farm • Beavertown, Pa. KISH BOARS and GILTS of this great Dam will sell. Greenback 3044, one of our foundation Irish Yorkshire Sows. 260 head of SCOTCH & IRISH and other foreign bloodlines • New Bloodlines on Each Sale YORKSHIRE LANDRACE Born and raised on our farms from our parent imported stock. 100 * BRED GILTS • most of which carry Scotch or Foreign Mood Litters. 50 * YORKSHIRE-Many carry Scotch litters. 50 * LANDR ACE - All carry Scotch or Foreign Blood Litters. 50 * BOARS 30 YORKSHIRE - New Scotch Bloodlines as well as Irish and American Bloodlines. 20 * LANDRACE - All 100% SCOTCH, IRISH or other foreign blood. 100 * Commercial Open Gilts - Mostly Irish & Scotch blood. Scan-O-Probe Loin Eye & Back fat figures. Production tested - Certified Meat Proven & Show Ring Champion Stocks. CERTIFIED BRUCELOSIS FREE & PSEUDORABIES FREE. Health Charts Sale Day For Entry Into Any State. 1980 SETS NEW RECORDS NEW FIRST PLACE TEST STATION WINNERS Our breeding wins at both Penna. and Delaware Test Stations. Richard Miller, York County was the Penna. winner with 4 boars sired by Alpine. Leon Arnold, Lebanon County, was the Delaware Station winner. His boars were sired by Explorer. Each of these sires were purchas ed from Brooks End Farm. Feed conversion on the Alpine pigs was 2.4 Feed conversion on the Explorer pigs was 2.2. A perfect example of how it works for others when they buy tested stock from us. Our Latest Big Winner - 1981 PA Farm Show Reserved Landrace Bred Gil* Owners: RENO & PARK THOMAS & MARK STENR RENO PARK MARK 717-658-5821 717-658-6544 717-658-7007 717-658-7304 717-658-6702 Catalogs Available Mike Jones, La Grange. GA, Auctioneer