Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1981, Image 141
AUCTION SALE COMPLETE LIQUIDATION TRUCK TRACTORS, ALUM. DUMP TRAILERS, BULK FEED TRAILER, BEAN TRAILERS, SHOP EQUIPMENT & REAL ESTATE* WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 9:30 A.M. ELMER. NJ. (WEST OF VINELAND) EVERYTHING SELLS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER NOTICE: After 48 years of operation, Strang Transportation has decided to close its Elmer Terminal and is selling it out completely. Everything in this sale belongs to Strang Transportation. LOCATION: The Sale will be held at Strange's Elmer, N.J. shop facility on Center St. in Elmer, N.J., just west of Vinelandon Rt. 40. 20 TRUCK TRACTORS 78IHC F 2575 Conv. T/A Truck Tractor, Detroit 6V92T engine, RT9509, 8 spd. trans., wet line, A/C, P/S, very good; 77 White Road Boss 2 Conv. T/A Truck Tractor, Cummins 290 engine, RT9509, 8 spd. trans., wet line, alum, tanks, very good; (2) 75 White Road BoSs Conv. T/A Truck Tractors, Detroit BV7I engines, RT0915, 15 spd. trans., wet lines, velvet rides, good; 74 White Road Boss Conv. T/A Truck Tractor, Cummins 270 engine, Spicer SST-6, 6 spd. trans., wet line, good; 76 Brockway 761 Conv. T/A Truck Tractor, Detroit BV7I engine, RT910,10 spd. trans., wet line, very good; (2) 74 Brockway 761 Conv. T/A Truck Tractors, Detroit 671 engines, RT9IO, 10 spd. trans., (1 w/wet line), good; (2) 72 GMC 9500 Conv. T/A Truck Tractors, Detroit 671 engines, RT910,10 spd. trans., wet lines, good; 71 GMC 9500 Conv. T/A Truck Tractor; Detroit 671 engine, RT9IO, Kkspd. trans., wet line, good; 70 GMC 9500 Conv. T/A Truck Tractor, Detroit 671 engine, RT910,10 spd. trans., wet line, good; 69 GMC 9500 Conv. T/A Truck Tractor, Detroit 671 engine, RT910,10 spd. trans., wet line, good; (2) 68 GMC 9500 Conv. T/A Truck Tractors, Detroit 671 engines, 5 & 3 trans., wet lines, good; 65 GMC DFW COE T/A Truck Tractor, Detroit 671 engine, Eaton 15 spd. trans., sleeper cab, P/S, fair; 67 IHC Tag Axle Truck Tractor, 6 cyl., 5 & 2 trans.; 63 IHC S/A Truck Tractor, V-8, 5 & 2 trans., 59 IHC S/A Truck Tractor, 6 cyl., 5 & 2 trans.; 51 GMC Military T/A Cab & Chassis,Jair. DUMP TRAILERS 77 White 28’ T/A Alum. Dump Trailer, 5’ sides, good; (2) 74 White 28’ T/A Alum. Dump Trailers, 5’ sides, good; 74 White 26' T/A Alum. Dump Trailer, 5’ sides, good; 70 White 26’ T/A Alum. Trailer, 5’ sides, good; 65 Hill 28’ T/A Alum. Dump Trailer, 5’ sides; 63 White 26’ Steel T/A Dump Trailer, 5’ sides, good. BEAN, BULK ft OPEN TOP TRAILERS 73 White 40’ Self Unloading (Bean) Trailer, 5%’ wire sides, 20” wide belt, good; (2) 68 White 40’ Self Unloading (Bean) Trailers, 5%’ wire sides, 20” wide belts, good; 61 & 62 Transco 37’ Self Unloading (Bean) Trailers, 5%’ wire sides, 20” wide belts, good; 59 Sprout Waldron 28’ Alum. Bulk Feed T/A Trailer, blower, belt, 4 cyl. gas, good; 66 Trailmobile 38’ Open Top T/A Trailer, fair; 61 Fruehauf 40’ Open Top T/A Trailer, fair. SHOP EQUIPMENT A PARTS Miller 300 amp Welder; Agway Space Heater; Brake Riviter; Plug Cleaner; Ajax Trans. Jack; SW Air Luber; ARO Air Luber; % & Ms Air Impact Wrenches; Elec. Drills; Bench Grinder; Torch Set; Hyd. Jacks; Vise; Mechanics Tools; Detroit 671-used; Detroit 671 Head-Recon.; White, Brockway, IHC Truck & Trailer Parts. REAL ESTATE* TO BE SOLD SUBJECT TO .THE OWNERS CONFIRMATION TO BE SOLD APPROXIMATELY 1 P.M. TRUCKING TERMINAL on 4.33 acres, in 3 tracts, frame bldg.-10,400 sq. ft., 288 sq. ft., office space, fuel storage. TERMS: 10% Down Sale Day, Balance 120 Days. EVERYTHING SELLS REGARDLESS OF PRICE. TERMS: COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY IN CASH OR GUARANTEED FUNDS ONLY. Write for descriptive brochure. VaisMEER AUCTION CO, MC. Route 309, Montgomeryville, Pa. 18936. Telephone: (215) 699-5833 SURPLUS STOCK LIQUIDATION SATURDAY, MAY 23 9 A.M. . Flemington,- NJ Rt. 31 next to high school, Penna. Ave. extension. 1973 Pinto squire wagon, ‘73 Jeep pick up, ‘65 Econoline Ford truck, ‘65 Mustang convertible, 1940 Willys as is, 1948 Ford pick up, ‘67 Ford 3001 tractor, Hough pay loader, AC HD3 crawler —loader, Ford model 440 tractor loader backhoe, model 340 backhoe, Case 5 btm. plow, Case 580 backhoe, 3 btm. plow, NH 66 PTO baler, JD 8’ disc, 2 row corn planter, 10 hp. Sears tractor, 20 ton press, chain saws, Dorsey 10’ wide tandem trailer, 20 hp. Jacobsen lawn... mower, Numerous items not mentioned. Partial listing _ of sale. Terms of Sale-Cash or good check. Owners, BARBICHE BROS. CONSTRUCTION INC. Auctioneer-Joe Dobozynski 201-534-4622 PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES & COINS SAT., MAY 30,1981 AT 10:00 A.M. Located jnidway between Hahnstown and Neighborville. Just off of Hahnstown Road, r/z mile East of Hahnstown. Brecknock Twp., Lancaster Co., Penna. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3-Piece. Waterfall Bedroom Suite; General Electric Refrigerator 17 Cu. Ft.; Chest of Drawers; Buffet; Curved Glass China Cup - board; Extension Table; Kenmore Sewing Machine Treadle or Electric; Speed Queen Washing Machine; Chest; Pfizer Kit chen Range; 1 Jjtoom Hetrola; Iron Bed; Couch; Bench; Platform Rocker with Magazine Rack; 6 Kitchen Chairs; 1 Cane Seated Chair; 3 Rocking Chairs; Childs Cham; Childs Rocker; Antique High Chair; Folding Chairs; Step Stool; 8 Day Mantle Clock with Carved Indian Head; Chime Clock; Night Stand; Clothe Tree; Card Table; Old Kitchen Cabinet; Old Jelly Cupboard; Hamper; 2 Kerosene Lanterns; Electric Lamps; Small Chest; Ironing Board; Wash Boiler; Galvanized Square Tub; Mirrors; Comforts; Old Covers; Laundry' Basket; Old Sewing _ Basket; Threads; Buttons; Clothespins; Humidifier; Fan; Dolls; Doll Cnb; Toys; Lots of Throw Rugs; Other Rugs. SILVER DOLLARS ft COINS 6 Silver Dollars, 3 Dated 1900,1889,1925,1922; 7 Half Dollars, 3 Dated 1934,1942,1943,1944; 200 or More Silver Quarters; Mercury Dimes; Buffalo Nickels; Few Indian Heads and other Pennies. LOTS OF DISHES Electric Mixer; Blerider; Carnival Dish; Bicentennial Plate; Meat Grinder; Slaw Cutter; Jelly Glasses; Tumblers; Fish Bowl; Old Ice Cream Dipper; Scrapple Pans; Roast Pans; Cup Cake Pans; Old Jars, Some Dates; Canner; Gallon Crocks; Waffle Iron; Old Iron with Handle; Green Dishes; Sugar and Creamer; Many More Dishes and Cooking Utensils. TOOLS Roto-Tiller; Push Cultivator; Old 1 Gal. Milk Can; 1 Large Milk Can; Shoe Last on Stand; Motor and Pump Heavy Duty Ms; Brush Cutter; .. Tree Trimmer; Com Cutter; Single Trees; Digging Iron; Forks; Shovels; Hoes; Tool Box; Hatchet; Baskets and Bu. Baskets; Air Pump; Grease Pump; 4 Galvanized Wash Posts; Garbage Cans; Bicycle; Express Wagon; Mailbox; Broom; Hoses; Bucket; Old Door; Old Butcher Fork; Knives and Scrapers. And many more items not mentioned. NOTE —Coins to be sold at 12:30. TERMS BY: PAUL Z. SHIRK AUCTIONEERS: PAULW. HORST AND LEROYS. HORST CLERKS: HORST AND SHIRK Refreshments Will Be Served Not Responsible for Accidents If Any Should Occur Farmers found to have worse lungs than LITITZ A recent health survey indicates that agricultural workers have a higher incidence of respiratory illness than any other occupation including coal miners, according to Del Sandfort of the Institute of Rural En vironmental Health at Colorado State University. “Nearly one-tiurd of agricultural workers have respiratory CONSIGNMENT AUCTION MONDAY. JUNE 8, 1981 9:30 A.M. ★ Usual Run of Tractors, Machinery and Construction ★ Hay Tools are In Season J WE ACCEPT Trac t ors sell at ■CONSIGNMENTS approximately 2:30 I ANYTIME followed by construction WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. S. Race Street, Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-2135 PUBLIC SALE Many Antiques House Furnishings - SATURDAY, MAY 30 Starting at 10:00 A.M. The undersigned will sell at Public Sale on the premises in the Borough, at 521 Chestnut Street, Mt. Holly Springs, PA the following: ANTIQUES Very nice Lyric Appola, buck water, Rodgerford, PA brown enamel range stove. with water tank and warming closet, nidde trim, four drawer panel end bureau, blanket chest w/dovetail, two soft wood jelly cup boards, one w/nice original oak grain paint, oak dry sink w/cupboard top, nice oak drop lid writing desk, unusual kitchen cabinet, oak drop leaf ext. table w/bds., oak dresser, four press back chairs, one drawer mte stand, treadle sewing machine, four rocking chairs, sewing bench, oak buffet, coffee mill, cane seat chairs, Regulator clock, oak case factory clock, unusual signed royal backing powder barrel, wooden stool, nice school house bell w/bracket, wall mirror, console radio, picture frames, 75 victrola records, tinware, opalescent glass, nice 5 pc. water set, 40 press glass gold band goblets, tumblers, table tea seat, etc.; some w/invert press com, milk glass, baskets, nice rayo lamp w/shade, small blue glass oil lamp, cowden 5 gal. crock, cowden 3 gal. jug, silver flatware, lot more antiques unable to list due to congestion. 7 pc. chrome breakfast set, base cupboard, chrome kitchen stool, chaise lounge, flower stands, nice portable Smith Corona typewriter, two Simmons beds w/flat springs & mat tresses, end tables, twin rinse tubs, cookware, dishes, articles not mentioned. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS NO INSPECTION TILL DAY OF SALE TERMS: CASH OR APPROVED CHECK. ELIZABETH F.GITT, Owner , Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Phone 677-7479 Uncastor Farming, Saturday, May 23,1M1—D21 coal miners problems,” said Sand fort. However, Pete Knapp, an agricultural engineer at the University of lowa Institute-of Agricultural Medicine, estimates that more than half of all agriculture workers may be affected. One of the problems is that many farmers don’t know exactly what is bothering them. Elmer Johannsen, a MODERN retired farmer from Northwest lowa, thinks his chronic asthmatic condition may be genetic, since his father and brother, both far mers, from the same symptoms. , Johannsen’s second son, who took over the family farm, is now beginning to have breathing problems. Johannsen now spends his winters in Arizona where he can breathe more easily. His brother is in a hospital in Phoenix recovering from an acute asthma Attack. The causes vary, according to Sandfort; gases and vapor from chemicals and manure damage the lungs and can create permanent damage which impairs breathing. A condition known as farmers’ lung is attributed to exposure to gram -dust and/or moldy feed products, contaminating the lungs with particles of gram, silica, mold, and other aerosols. Johannsen’s wife explained her husband first started having difficulty breathing while working around the hogs, and that on dusty days, even the hogs would start coughing and some would get pneumonia. “First, we got rid of the hogs,” she said, “then the cattle, then Elmer got an air con ditioned cab for his tractor so that he wouldn’t be breathing the dust in the fields, I and he rarely went into the gram storage bin.” Johannsen now has -difficulty being around Kent, his oldest son who manages a hog con t finement operation where hundreds of swine are raised under one roof. Workers in such areas are known to be especially prone to respiratory problems. Kent is not; but Johannsen cannot breathe in his son’s house nor can he be around his son when Kent is wearing work clothes. “His lungs begin to clog,” says Johannsen’s wife, “his bronchial tubes close and his heart pounds.” Dr. Kelley Donham of the University of lowa College of Agricultural Medicine, recently surveyed 2000 workers in hog confinement' areas, and found that 73 percent of them had respiratory problems, including coughing,' wheezing and tightness of the chest. For some it was so bad they had tc) leave their jobs. Respirators do not always stop the symp toms m the hog barns, according to Donham But they are known to (Turn to Page 022)