Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 99

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This ends the three part series on
interior design presented in con
junction with workshops by Dons
Thomas, Home Extension Economist
at the Farm and Home Center
LANCASTER This week’s tips
on interior design deal mainly with
coordination of all the parts
discussed thus far. Once you have
the colors and the accessories
picked, you must coordinate them
in the most pleasing manner
possible. -
When you coordinate things in a
pleasing fashion, youhaye reached
a harmony in yoar home.
Harmony is nothing more than
the result of the' basics of design
presenting an impression of unity
with enough of your own taste and
variety tdadd interest. '
One way ;to -coordinate and
arrange furniture is to move it
around again’ and again until
A something pleases-you. However,
not only is this bed for yourback,
it’s’liable to leave-macks bn your
Anothor' .way tp-lay out your
room is to measace e*ch piece of
furniture piece"of
graph of furniture
may eqnal r a on
your chart. Cut outpieces of fur
niture tbe correct size and shape
and arrange'them on the paper
until you’ have a pleasing layout.
Remember to" indude doors and
windows on your chart.
After the furniture is arranged,
you may want to dress the room
with your personal accessories;
vases, pictures, lamps, rugs, etc-.
Each house is unique. The home
is the one place where ideas and
resources can be brought together
by the whole family. Things
happen in your home which are
different than things happening
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a pleasing
down the street. Emphasize your
individual tastes and interests in
the home. Don’t try to make it a
museum showroom.
Accessories can make your
home unique. If you have a
collection, display it. A favorite
vase? Make it the center of in
terest. And follow these principles
of good composition:
-Place objects in such a way that
the eye is carried to the center of
-Create rhythm with different
heights and sizes.
-Arrange small objects in a
group, so that they will be in better
proportion to a larger object
-Strive for unity, rather than a
scattered effect
Another .way to add accessories
to yourroomSis by hanging them,
whether they-be pictures or other
items,' Follow - these decorating
guidelines: , t -
-When forming’ a compositiohof -
a picture and a piece of furniture,
hang:the picture close to the'fur-'
niture, ■
-Pictures near decorative ob
jectsand lamps’-should be part of
the grouping.’ ■-
-Keep outride edges of the
grouping even when pictures vary
in size and shape. 4 - ~ .
-Keep bottom.edges of pictures
straight over a long, straight ob
ject such as a couch or buffet.
-When furniture varies in height,
hang pizctures so that tops of
frames form a straight line.
-Hang a large important picture
by itself as a center of intend,
rather than as part of a grouping.
-Tall pictures or hangings
usually look best on a narrow wall,
broad pictures on the widest wall
-Keep the weight of the com
position evenly distributed. Fancy
New Systems
Behind The
frames, dark mats and most oil
paintings look heavier than
watercolors, etchings, engravings
and drawings. Integrate the
arrangement to achieve balance.
-If permanent accessories enter
the picture, such as lamps or
vases, include them in the picuture
-Variation is the spice of good
wall arrangements. Combine large
and small squares and rectangles
and circles in the same grouping,
but scaatter the various shapes
and sizes - throughout the com
position to produce design interest
insteadof homogenized hanging.
Remember, good composition is
the- key to an attactive
arrangement of art. objects and
accessories; Yon supply, the
principles of balance, rhythm and
unity to your home by coordinating
all the parts appropriately. These
design principles' have become
accepted practice; 'however, the.
best decorating rule may ’well be
that rules were meant' to' be
broken.' You-deride, it’s your
homer—DK '
Saturday, May 16
Lancaster Society 19 meets for a
formal dinner and dessert.
Lancaster Society 3 meets with
Eria Gehman for a tour of
Ephrata Cloisters.
Lancaster Society 15 meets at 10
Lancaster Society 14 meets for a
book review program with Mrs.
Grace Koser.
Are Taking Shape
Favorite Shield.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16,1961—C1l
Ida Kisser
There are many activities to fill
the days in May.
Some people are busy with 4-H
meetings and Little League
baseball games for their children.
Others, like fanners' and gar
deners, are outside in nice weather
planting com and beans.
The days don’t seem-to be long
enough to accomplish everything
we plan to do.
One pleasant interruption to my
busbands’ aodmy endeavors have
been the luncheons and banquets to
which we’ve been invited as a
result of our children winning
various scholarships. We are
thankful for them but several such
affairs don’t get the rye in the silo
or the fence put up at the blooming
And Cindy has her own special
interests so that she isn’t available
to provide much help.
Monday, May 18
Lancaster Society 31 meets with
Paul Neff for a cheese
Tuesday, May 19
Lancaster Society 18 meets for a
walking tour of Lancaster with
Martha Stoner, tour guide.
She spent a weekend at Penn
State attending the Pennsylvania
Junior Horticultural meeting of
which she was president. Then on
Monday morning, she went with a
group of 4-H members to visit
legislators and senators at
Harrisburg for two days.
If you think Saturdays are free to
help at home, you are wrong.
There might be a Jazz Band
Concert, a Loyalty Day Parade or
simply a bowling party. But there
is always something. Although I
must admit thai.last'Saturday,
Cindy did decorate a cake for me to
take to our square dance group’s
covered dish supper and it was
She also attempts to mow the
lawn regularly because, if it
doesn’t get done on time, them it
must be raked too. And, all we
need around here is one more job.
Berks Society 6 meets with Joan,
Wednesday, May 20
Lancaster Society 33 meets for a
program by Edith Herr.
Thursday, May 21
Spring Rally, Dickinson College,
Sales Representative
Home Phone: 717-273-6527