C4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16,1981 Susquehannock State Park (Continued from Page C 2) Part of the canal is still ac cessible to the public directly above the Holtwood dambreast. which can also be seen from the lookout at the park. The Holtwood Dam is owned by Pennsylvania Power and Light and is a hydro electric steam generated plant. Just below the dam on the Lancaster County shoreline is another electric generating site, the Muddy Run plant. Water is pumped from the nver, by tur bines which run backwards, into the Muddy Run Lake. The lake is then drawn down when water flows through the same turbines to generate electricity. This generating facility is the most recent one in the area. Conowmgo and Holtwood date back several decades. Although the river area in dose view of the overlook at the park proves to hold several energy generating facilities devised to meet modem, industrial needs, the State m sharp contrast maintains only basic necessities at the Susquehannock State Park. Drinking water is provided throughout the park by hand pumping from wells. The pump nearest the overlook draws its water, according to Sheaffer, from a well in excess of three hundred feet down. One toddler became somewhat impatient waiting through twenty-odd pumps of the handle for a drink- Thre was no stepping on a foot pedal and instant water at that pump. Several picnic areas spread throughout the park grounds provide a total of 150 picnic tables, drinking water and comfort stations. Many stationary grills The Farmer Automatic 4 Deck Cage System A system welt devised and constructed for an uncomplicated and economical operation, modern and advanced, it will help you to gain your well deserved maximum return on your investment. More layers per square foot of building space, more than any other system on the market today, 10,000 layers per 285 cage row. Lower maximum cage height, even lower than most 3 deck systems (6’B" max. height, 4'6" max. width). No special and costly floor or pit construction. The 4 deck system can be installed in an existing building, without costly conversion or remodeling problems. Double or even triple your current building capacity. Automatic manure removal, giving an odor free environment, healthier animals, more pleasant and healthier working con ditions. Higher bird concentration assures a comfortable, energy saving temperature during cold season. Summer ventilation is easier to accomplish because of the ab sence of ammonia and other fumes. also provide safe places for cooking picnic foods. A baseball field and play area are located near the park office at the entrance to the park. Sheaffer said that the State can now have proper insurance coverage to allow many more recreational swings and slides and the like. The park hopes to reach the local clubs and civic organizations for donations of these types of equipment. Recently several benches were erected in memory of the late Drumore Township supervisor, Wilbur Stauffer. Many trails throughout the park and adjoining grounds of Conrad and the Philadelphia Electric Company offer beautiful settings for horseback ndmg in the river hills. Non-profit adult and youth groups may reserve space m the organized group tenting area for overnight use. The site can be used for as many as three hundred people. Sheaffer said the camping area has been used the past few weekends by middle school youths and scouts. There is no plan to allow campers into the park. Tenting is the only camping allowed by groups. For those who prefer to walk after a picnic, there are a number of trails throughout the park. The self-guiding natural trail is very popular. A guide book which ex plains various spots along the trail designated by numbered posts points out such facets of nature as a tree once struck by lightening, the growth of a forest where once a meadow lay, the decaying of old trees for new growth, and many plants and tree types abounding in the area. The self-guided trail Energy Saving Design Only 3 fractional horsepower motors per row accomplish the automatic feeding, auto matic egg conveying and automatic manure removal. THE FARMER AUTOMATIC OF AMERICA, INC. By Reynolds and Yellott Co, Inc 12802 Gores Mill Rd Reisterstown, MD 21136 301-833-1840 i ~ I Write for Full Information (NAME | ADDRESS CITY I STATE sv - ; , * t j y "*■ ' This view is toward the Peach Bottom the Susquehanna River. Atomic Power Plant on the York County side of takes about thirty minutes to complete. Two trails, the Pine Tree and Plate’s Eddy, named for an mn which was used by raftsmen during the 1870’s, are steep and rocky. Sheaffer said the Rhododendron Trail is especially mce this tune of year. Many native Holly and dogwood trees as well as large growths of rhododendron can be found along these many trails. In the next few months, ad ditional expansion of facilities to meet the needs of more visitors, but also in keepmg with the more primitive setting as compared to commercial recreational parks, will be installed according to Sheaffer. These include a pavilhon, another ball' field, and .ZIP v * t V* -'W,’ LEV'S CELEBRATE FATHER'S DAY, GRADUATION & JUNE WEDDINGS Just arrived (6) trailer loads of merchandise & more every day. Hope Chests arriving mid May, order yours now. Only thru low overhead can we guarantee the lowest prices on major brands in Central Pa. Compare & you’ll agree. Recliners Wallhuggers 3 Pc. Wall Unit (Solid Wood) 3 Pc. End Table Set (Ail Wood) 3 Pc. End Table Set (Solid Wood) Floor Lamps 2 Pc. Mattress Set (Sgi.) 2 Pc. Mattress Set (Dbl.) Hide-A-Bed (Dbl.) Hide-A-Bed (Queen) Bunk Bed Set {2 l A” Post) Grandmother Hutch Clock Captain’s Beds Desks 4 Drawer Chest 5 Pc. Dinette (Chrome) 5 Pc. Dinette (All Wood) 7 Pc. Dining Room (Trestle Table) 52” Hutch 5 Pc. Bedroom Suite (All Wood) HRS: R/lon.-Fri. 10 A.M. - 8 P.M.; Sat. 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. OPEN MEMORIAL DAY 10 A.M.-4 P.M. LAYAWAYS & TERMS AVAILABLE MANHEIM-MT. JOY EXIT ON RT. 283 RAPHO INDUSTRIAL PARK - BLDG. #3 <4? * ->y * more swings for smaller visitors. Sheaffer said the park is the only state park in Lancaster County and it only costs the residents of the county about fifteen or sixteen cents each to maintain it. “It really should be used by the residents," he added. “It is a good bargain, a mce place for them to come to.” He added that many more groups are taking the opportunity to come. The park is within short driving distance of several surrounding metropolitan areas which constantly seek out recreational facilities. Susquehannock Park is under the administration of the Department of Environmental Resources Bureau of State Parks, which is responsible to develop, maintain, - » •,» •> t. ', „ . t " < fj l **** '- fl- '1 **» Car, \» Hi ' a -5£5&. >s%, VJ Vj'Afc.'? v ' * \<*l •" - v. s -',4- >}■* '■'*<<•'■&,*&£■*, t, ~«- police and preserve public lands for the purpose of promotuig healthful outdoor recreation and education. During this busy spring season, set aside a day for the family to leave the homestead and go to a state park, if not Susquehannock State Park, one of those close to you. Farm families sometimes complain they don’t need to relax out of doors; they work there all the time. But a special day set aside for recreation and education (Could be the spring tome weary farm families need. For more information on the park, write to Susquehannock State Park, Department of Environmental Resources, Rl, Elverson, PA, 19520 Phone 215582-1514 Start at Reg. $169.95 309.95 769.95 309.95 409.95 119.95 169.95 209.95 509.95 609.95 309.95 389.95 319.95 189.95 129.95 309.95 409.95 909.95 639.95 709.95 Sale Our Price $ 88.00 144.00 -358.00 118.00 168.00 52.00 66.00 78.00 218.00 248.00 129.00 198.00 148.00 78.00 48.00 128.00 188.00 468.00 318.00 298.00 $129.95 219.95 529.95 209.95 269.95 89.95 129.95 149.95 389.95 449.95 209.95 279.95 249.95 129.95 89.95 209.95 289.95 689.95 489.95 489.95
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