Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 87

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Mail Box Market
Lancaster Farming
P O Box 366
Lititz. PA 17543
No Phone
Calls Please
For Sale Four ewe lambs,
two white, one black,-one
brown, $5O each Toro-
Weed Eater, cordless $2O.
Myerstown, 717-933-
For Sale Sears Craft
sman commercial 7"
sander-gnnder V/z hp
factory reconditioned
$5O Chester 215-857-
3248 8 10 pm
For Sale- 38 feeder pigs,
Hampshire, Duroc,
Yorkshire cross, weaned
if trmed, App 100 bales
straw, bright Call after 6
pm York Co 717-432-
For Sale-17 Reg & grade
Holstein bred heifers, due
Sept Eastern Sires, Well
grown, reasonable price,
717 687-7260 or 8893
For Sale 471 Detroit
diesel power unit with
power take off and pulley
lood cond , $2500 215
445 6021
(jor Sale' Anyone in
terested in sand stone
330 ft of cemetery wall
215 267 2772
For Sale Four ewe lambs,
two white, one black, one
brown, $5O each Toro
Weed Eater, cordless $2O
Myerstown, 717-933-
For Sale Sears craftsman
commercial 7" sander
jnnder V/z hp factory
jf-onditioned $5O
Ster 215 857 3248 8
I lOp m
lor Sale 38 feeder pigs,
rampshire, Ouroc,
Berkshire cross, weaned
•I wormed, app weight,
BO 45 lb app weight, 30-
|l5 lb App 100 bales
; itraw, bright Call after 6
; > m York Co 717-432-
, 3382
' mr Sale JD 480 haybme,
very good condition,
JS6OO, NH 55 two wheel
lake $650, NH 68 Baler
4600 215-536-5182
,Bucks Co -
'Wanted A pair of well
•Broke mules for tobacco
fatch work 717-656
■sl47 Lane Co
Wanted- A rundown farm
,m Northern Pa or
'Southern New York, Write
<Box 330. R 3, Bernville,
tPa 19506 or call 215-
s*BB 7422
-Person, plain preferred,
straighten & keep parts
»ifarm and machine shop
,4 days wk , tran
t'SDortation, Honey Book,
es area only 215-
for Sale Tractor MF 35
H 3 pt, live PTO, new
rear tires & paint, looks &
/“ns great. 53200 or best
r 0, fer, 215-287 8668
For-Sale-Approx. 200 by
good heavy oats $2 80 bu
717-272-5798 or 273-
2921 delivery can be
arranged. '
For Sale- Purebred reg
Nubian dairy goats, for
superior milk flavor and
digestability Top
pedigrees Various ages,
both sexes available
Gettysburg 717 334-
We will buy moldy gram,
For Sale-1964 F 600 Ford
with 14' grain dump body
also has a teed blower,
717 866-4286 Berks Co
For Sale- 275 gallon oil
tank, good condition and
old house logs, Henry S.
Zook. 3103 W Newport
Rd , Ronks #l, Pa
For Sale 400 sex-sal
chickens, laying 9 mo
Daniel M Beiler, 624
Willow Rd, Lane Pa
For Sale- 2 400 lbs
Simmental bulls, will
castrate. 80 per pound 4
60 lbs bags Saranac AR
1981 seed $l4O Berks
Co 215-562-8347
For Sale- Grade Holstein
heifers from 3 to 15
months old, Vacc & T B
tested Isaac S Miller,
Christiana, Pa Lane Co,
Box 15317509
Wanted- Honey bee
swarms, East Earl area,
Lane Co 215-445 4263
For Sal*. Unadilla silo
doors, used, 717-867-
1356 after 6p.m
For Sale- Sauder loader
brackets for 574, $35
Puppies, German mix $5
You cut firewood, $2O
pickup load, Leb 717-
For Sale- 6 steel sash,
4x4x6 It 7-5 ft concrete
lintels $25 and red maple
bedroom suite 25 00
Lane Co 717-284-4941
Eor Sale- NH 455 mower
on wheels very good
$595 Surge 85 plus Almo
milker pump, 5 hp motor
$975 JD crimper $195.
02 Cat runs good, 7,000
mowers'sl97s 717-354-
For Sale- 6'.rotary mower,
20’ cardinal elevator, 12'
JD harrow, 8' JDDisk,
York Co. 717-927-9147.
For Sale- IHC 248 offset
disc harrow, 8 ft with 22
inch blades, $2OO Joe H
Zimmerman, Rl, Leola,
Pa 17540.
For Sale- MF 12’3pt disc
harrow, fiar cond , $5OO
Allied Grinder mixer, fair
cond., $875 UD 18 Inf
motor for parts. Fulton
Co. 814-685 3335
For Sale- Two Holstein
feeder steers, '-twelve
weeks, $l3O each Also,
Araucana chickens and
hatching eggs. Nor
thampton-Co- 215-588-
For Sale- Int 4 row fast
Jutch..cultivators,, Int 5
bottom fast- hitch * plow,
good-condition, 301-848-
6395, Carroll Co ,
Westminster Maryland
For Sale- ‘5l White S/A
gas tractor Excel
cond /rubber - latest
mspec Runs/looks great,
Chester Co slsoo' 215-
For Sale-1980 Honda 400
automatic, fairing, bags,
luggage rack and back
rest, excellent -condition,
low mileage, Lane Co
717-367-4359 - •_
For Rent- 30 acres
pasture with stream, also
horse boarding, S. York
Co 717-927-9037.
For Sale- AC "G” with
cultivates. Excellent
$1295 Loader also
available JD #5O side
mounted mower "'Fits
3020 4020 & other 5395
Lane. Co 717-548-2559
For Sale- JD 24T baler
w/kicker v g cond ,
51595 4 AG Star
farrowing crates
w/dividers, self water, &
feed doors $l5O per unit,
high sided bale wagon
$450 215-445-4038
For Sale- S-R-l 8 hp Lister
diesel with speed clutch -
starter - alt and auto
stop for air system John
D. Click, R 1 Paradise, Pa
Foe, Sale-,Steel tractor
wheels, % ft hfgh,* 13
wide, -22" center, $2OO
Bottled gas, Egg Washer,
$25 Stephen L Beiler,
Box 222 Rl, Christiana,
Pa 17509
For Sale MC No 9 trailer
gear mower, 6'
T MC 2 horse cultv, 2
row potato planter, priced
to sell 717-656 9548
For Sale- Single bottom
16" pull type Oliver plow
Also two row Oliver pull
type corn planter as is has
fertilizer attach, but
needs a little work, Lane
Co after 6pm 717-367-
For Sale- 4 large walnut
trees to highest bidder
easy access 215-445-
6453 Lane Co
Wanted Large cog wheel
for an 8 ft JD gram
binder gear box Contact
Amos M Stoltzfus, 2457
Stumptown Rd, Bird-m-
Hand, Pa 17505 Lane
For Lease - Holstein Ist
calf heifer fresh 2 weeks
milking, 50 lbs 717-68?
For Sale- Five holstem
heifers, started, 5-10
weeks old, one registered,
the rest out of good dams
and sires Transmitter &
Burke, $250 each. 717-
384-4220 Luz Co
For Sale- 1 pr 600x16
tires tube & wheel 6 hole
3% inch center hub. 1 pr.
550x16 front tractor tires
half tread York Co. 717-
For Sale- Charolais feeder
steers and heifers also
New Holland Model 270
haylmer baler in excellent
cond , ready for field, Sch
Co 717-345-4489.
Wanted- A used stainless
’ steel double wash tub for
the milkhouse, Leb. Co
For Sale- Dump body
7xlo complete loaded on
your tk, $450 Dodge 413
Engine, good cond $4OO
215-584-9022 eve
Wanted- New Zealand
Giant rabbit - female. For
Sale- Two registered
Nubian buck kids, $75
One registered. Nubian
doe kid, $ 125 J 304-267-
2660 Martmsburg, W.Va
For Sale- MF 65 Diesel,
good shape WFE $3BOO 9
ft double cultipacker, md
$175 2-12” Ford plow, 3
pt hookup, $175 Leb
Co 717-866-4836 ' ,
For Sale- Woods rotary
mower, 5 ft width, $475
Ferguson hay rake, 6 bars
$4OO Both excellent
cond , 717-367-4940
Lane Co
For Sale- 10 MF suitcase
weights with hold down
bolts 215-469-6439
Chester Co
For Sale- NH 479 haybme,
717-626-5033 Lane Co
Wanted- 400 or 600 egg
incubator 717-755-4785
York Co
For Sale-1974 14 hp Ford
garden tractor,
' hydrostatic Trans w/36"
roto-til ler,- 42"
snowblower, lot of extras,
mint condition.
•Wanted- Carrying milk
pails, low milk strainer,
stainless steel H L
Stoltzfus, Centerville Rd,
Gordonvi lie, Pa 17529
For Sale- NH 351 grinder
-mixer,, mod 530 Ford
.b’aler 1 w/thrower,
Ferguson 40 tractor, Ford
3 pt corn pltr 1H 806 gas
tractor- 717-653-4839
For Sale-> 2 JD 999 corn
planters, 25 sets of plates
and adapter or for parts
Parts for a JD No- 8
tractor grass mower
Wayne S Nolt, RDI
Musser Rd , East Earl, PA
For Sale-17 Reg & grade
Holstein bred heifers, due
Sept Eastern Sires, Well
grown, reasonable price,
717-687-7260 or 8893
For Sale- 471 Detroit
diesel power unit with
power take-off and pulley
good cond., $2500 215-
For Sale- Anyone in
terested in sand stone
330 ft of cemetery wall
For Sale- 22” McCormick
Deenng Threshing
Machine with belts, been
kept in barn Somerset
Co, Pa 814-634-0528 or
634 8120
Trailer hitch w/sway
control $lOO Hip Boots
Sz 9 - excell $l4 Chest
Waders -Sz 9 excell
$l5 Above ground swim
pool - make offer, 717
569-3958 Lane Co
For Sale Morgan Stallion
named Devon Robin
Dark chestnut, Levi J
Yoder, 20495 Stony Road,
Willow Hill, Pa 17271
For Sale- Packard Clipper
Classic 4 door body ex
cellent, motor runs good,
new paint, good tires,
latest inspection, 814-
367 5469
Wanted- 2 & 4 cyl
Wisconsin engines with or
without reduction gears
(any condition) For Sale
VF4 with 4 to 1 clutch
reduction, rebuilt, $775
Samuel S Stoltzfus, 2447
Stumptown Rd , Bird-m
Hand, Pa 17505
For Sale- No 404 New
Holland hay crusher, Pat 2
barn cleaner, high
moisture corn from sealed
storage Free puppies
Lebanon Co 717-838-
For Sale Hesston 110 self
propelled haybine,
$llOO NH 258 rake.
$llOO NH 24’ hay and
gram elevator $250 JD
495 corn planter, disc
opening, $5OO 717-964-
3369 Leb Co
For Sale McCormick
Dozer, less engine good
under carriage $6OO
Fordson on steel, $l5O
Model A engine $lOO
Somerset Co NJ, 201-
For Sale- 12 hole hog
feeder, 16 ft gooseneck
trailer, 7000 JD plateless
planter, 717-532-8236
Franklin Co
For Sale- Portable air
compressor on wheels
with 30 gal. tank with 1 hp
compressor with 5 hp
engine used 4 yrs ex
cellent cond , $250
Abram F Stoltzfus,
-29368- Stumptown Rd,
Rooks, Pa
For Sale- Beautiful
purebred white S red
shorthorn breeding bulls
& roan heifers Camper on
66 Dodge pickup 64,000
mi (York Co) R 3, Box 42
Red Lion, Pa 17356
Reg Bluetick Coohourds,
extra long ears, also
Australia Shephard, 10
mo old, sell or trade for
livestock or equipment
717-889-3531 Schuylkill
For Sale- Alfa fa hay and
timothy hay, Lancaster
Co 717 786-3435
For Sale- 10 ft Bnllion
seeder with transport
wheels Pittsburg 3 pt 7
ft rotary hoe - both tike
'new condition, Garrett
Co 301-334-4129
Home raised beef calves,
9 steers - 4 hfrs , Hereford
& hereford-angus cross
Sch Co after dark, 717-
345 4498
For Sale- Perfection 4
burner oil stove & por
table baker Eli Z Byler,
R 1 5 AW White Oak Rd.',
Paradise, Pa 1 mile west
of Nickel Mines, Lane Co
Coming 2 yr old Reg
Belgium blond, white
mane' & tail, full strip
' Sired by Convmcer, NY
Grand Champion 1976,
1977, Lyc. Co 717-398-
for Sale- Black Columbian
range, JO #4 mower, 2
row -tractor cultivator,
$75 ,4 new overhead
doors, 9'x7’ 10’x6'6", 8x
6’6”, 18'6” 127 ’, Ben R
Beiler, R 1 Kirkwood, Pa
For Sale- New Oak hay
racks, 16'x8'x7’ high
$440 8 ton gear $415
20’ oak feeding rack,
feeds on sides on back
and front, $440 Lane Co
For Sale Nl tobacco
planter, tomato baskets,
NH No 53 bale thrower, 1
Contmal power unit 1 set
of steel wheels for AC WD
45 tractor, Joe S Stoltz
fus, Box 204 K lnzer, Pa
For Sale Mixed hay by ton
or tale, $6O a ton or 90
cents a bale, 301-346
7506 Carroll Co Md
For Sale- Chev Pickup
truck - 4x4 heavy duty Vz
ton - ‘69 in very good
cond, $2400 Lane Co
717 665-9351
Wanted- To buy 300-400
bushel soybeans for feed
John Siegnst, Berks Co
For Sale- Reg spotted,
Yorkshire, Land race &
Hampshire boars, 717-
For Sale- White Embden
goslings 215-445-5734
For Sale- Farmall A
tractor, excellent con
dition, new paint and
recently overhauled, PTO,
pulley, mounted plow and
cultivators, best offer,
Perry Co 717-582-2653
For Sale- (2) 14 9x26 in
combine wheels, 1 new
woods 59 mower to fit cub
- new JD 2510 D short
block - new York Co
evenings 717-292-4245
For Sale- Suffolk male
lamb and 40 guineas
hens, 567-3458 Perry Co
For Sale- 5 Reg Holstein -
heifers to start freshening
Aug Records on dams
over 17,000, also 3
grades will freshen fall,
Lane Co 717-367-2015
For Sale-10 feeder pigs
and 6 boar hogs, Bennie
E Kauffman, 252 A Bell
Rd , Christiana, Pa
For Sale- Reg Belgian
stallion with stripe and
white mane & tail David
J Yoder, R 1 Box 55
Meyersdale, Pa 15552
For Sale- IH #lOOO
mower, IH #440 kickup
baler Nl #47 rake &
tedder also 2 - 7 ton
wagons, York Co 717-
For Sale- AKC Boston
terrier pup, 10 weeks old,
Wanted- Started calves,
any breed 717-665 4170
Lane Co
For Sale-NH 479 haybine,
good cond , $2500 New
Idea 5-wheel rake, $4OO.
Lane. Co 717-665-6842. -
For Sale- Ford 400-M
engine, 1977 complete
with standard shift, bell
housing, clutch and fly
wheel, running condition,
$l5O 717-529-6715
For Sale- 3 yr. old
Charolais bull, perfect
frame & muscle, 62 cents
lb #4Ol IH harrow, 12 ft.
transport, $5OO North'd
Co 717-758-1714
For Sale-1969 F6OO Ford
Truck - cab & chassis,
good running' condition,
North'd Co 717 758-
' 6221 -' before 8 a m or
•after 6 pm ,
For Sale- 7 week old broad,
breasted white turkey
poults, $4 00. each Lane.
Co 717-655-5513
For Sale- Goats. Kidi and
milkers, Fr and Grade
Alpines,-York Co 717-'
757-1960 \
For Sale- 1800 tobacco
lathe, call 717-626 4191
For Sale- 7 tooth sojf
saver, 20 ft harvester
grain auger unloaded
both good condition Led
Co 867-2777
For Sale- 100 IH mower/
$125, field ready 5’ 3 pt.
Bush Hog rotary mower,
$4OO, field ready 302-
994 5266 *
For Sale- Cute Billy kids,
$25 Also Reg ' Nubian
goat stud service Lititz,
Lane. Co 717-627-1724
For Sale- Rockwell 10 inch
motorized table saw, good
, condition $285 215 445-
4935 Lane Co
For Sale 24 Standard
comfort stalls in good,
condition, available in Mid
July, Lane Co 717-687-
For Sale- Lazy J hor
setrailer, 7’ height, open
sides, walk through,
extras Excellent cond,
301-452-5057 evenings
Harford Co
For Sale 6 yr old sorrel
mule with snap and 75 ft
rubber matting, 4’ wide
Elam L Stoltzfus, R 3 Box
78, Quarryville, Pa
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16,1981—847
Young couple looKing for
apartment in Manheim,
Lititz, or surrounding
communities starting July
Ist Call 665-4146
anytime after 6 or 626-
1198 a nytime after 5
For Sale- Farm Wagon, 5
ton running gear, 18 ft
bed, 2 ft sides and 8 ft
wide, would make a good
truck bed, 717-244 3024
York Co
For Sale- 2 seated
carriage, like new and a
Wisconsin engine in good
condition and a Mc-
Cormick Deenng riding
cultivator 717-354 0616
'Lane Co
For Sale- Used flat wagon,
two horse wagon, potato
plow,- antique 2 way
walking plow Aaron M
Re iff, 1935 Rothsville Rd ,
Lititz. Pa 17543
For Sale- Amish Buggy
with roller bearings in
good shape, Jacob E
Beiler, RD2, New Holland,
Pa 17557
For Sale- 73 Pinto, Good
Shape, $350 717-856-
For Sale- 750 tile silo
staves, hoops, doors and
door frames Call around
8p m , 215-445-7156
For Sale- 11 5x28 tire -
tub $lOO 5-650-16 6 ply
$125 4 yr Appaloosa
mare, $5OO York Co 717-
Lancaster Farming
Please give us 3 weeks advance notice.
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Entering a NEW Subscription?
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For Sale- Gang Mower, 5‘
cut, good condition, 717-
For Sale- 8 dairy heifers,
due mid to later summer,
1 Brown Swiss, 1 Red A
White Holstein, 6 Black &
White Holstems, 717-532-
7590 Cumberland Co,
Wanted- Ensilage cutter
in good condition, also
tobacco lath For Sale
500 gal air tank Jonas K
Stoltzfus, If 1 Box 198
Christiana, Pa at Bart
vi lie
For Sale Truck cap for 6'
bed, used on Chevy Luv,
has side windows w/vents
Good condition, $175,
717-626 5254 after 6
For Sale- Chihuahua
pups, fawn color, also
Keeshond pups Benuel
M Fisher, 3 mi south of
New Holland, Peters Rd
east of Smucker Diesel,
Lane Co
For Sale- 75 Choice feeder
pigs - 3 way cross, 215-
Wanted- Buggy with
brakes, good condition,
Benj S Stoltzfus, Hess
Rd , Leola -
Free fill, five or more
truck load concrete slab
and dirt you haul Noah H
Martin, New Holland Rt 1
17557 North Railroad