B44—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, May 16r 19M 2 Farms consisting of 120 acres of very fertile land, 2 sets of buildings for sale by the owner, John Strawbndge, 301-996- 2022 24 ACRES WOODLAND with stream, some road front age, West Cocalico Twp. 215-267-2594 BRADFORD COUNTY 185 acre dairy farm About 150 tillable 47 tie stall barn, 16' concrete silo Good farm home, dead end private road setting Selling milk to-day 5169,000 Owner Financing UNITED FARM AGENCY OF PA. MC. R.D. 1, Towanda, Pa 1884* 717-265-5924 DAIRY FARM HUNTINGDON CO. 146 acres of rolling limestone soil, 125 tillable acres, modern dairy barn wjth 40 comfort stalls, barn cleaner, 20x50 silo with unload er & bulk tank, nice 4 bedroom house Ready to go for $165,000 Call Dan Knode TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE 814-946-4343 146 Acres Harford Ca, Maryland near Penna line at Nornsville /Stewart stown Presently being farmed Ap proved subdivision for future in vestment Matthews & Co. Realtors Carole Bowen, Agent 301-667-1900 or 301-692*6803 N.E. PENMA. FARMS FOR SALE 8% INTEREST! 200 acre dairy farm, working, excellent home, barn 50 ties, $50,000 down, 15 yrs 8% interest, $1434 monthly Price $200,000 57 ACRES Dairy farm excellent home, barn 50 ties $50,000 down, 10 yrs, 10% interest, $594 90 monthly Price $95,000 FREE CATALOG George H. ZEREBAK REALTY ? Box £ rite* 370* Lakewood, pa 1H439 (717)798-2113 CENTRAL NEW YORK OFFICE CORNELL’S TOUR SHOWPLACE.. 800 HEAD FACILITIES: 575 acres, stone free, 330 tillable, 160 bu /acre dry shell yield Ultra-modern 400 cow free stall barn, double 9 computerized Boumatic parlor Brand new heifer barn for 300 500’ bunker Maternity barn l Two homes, two mobile homes 400 milkers (300 registered) top line of mostly new machinery $1,770,000 STOCKED & EQUIPPED FAMILY FARM; 175 acres, 125 tillable, high-fertility honeoye soils 40 cow barn, 20x60 unloading silo, mow elevator Good 10 room home. 40 Holstein milkers, Y S , tractors & machienry. $220,000 JUST LISTED' WIDOW MUST SELL EXTRA-NEAT DAIRY IN AMISH AREA: 253 acres, 150 tillable. Level Barn accomodates about 80, has cleaner, mow elevator, dump station Nice 8 room home, new oil/wood furnace $150,000 with 29% down FREE DAIRY LISTS m WIMPLE I REALTORS I "tS?" SLOANSVILLE, N.Y. 518-875^6355 RNW* % FARMS & LAND Fl-09 41 acre w/dairy setup, large, fully insulated 11 room house. Bank barn has 17 tie stalls & vacuum pipeline, horse barn, Snyder Co. Only $71,500. H-07 Approx. 100 acres tillable on this 133 acre tract near Port Trevorton, Snyder Co. No buildings only $7OO/acre. Fl-02 103 acre run down farm, log house, approx. 20 acres tillable, ex cellent hunting area. $69,000. FO-51 General farm in central Snyder Co. 188 acres with over 100 acres tillable. Bank barn and other out buildings. 2 story, 8 rm. log home with aluminum siding. Only $175,000. Owner financing. FO-25 Farm consistmg To Sell INVESTMENTS 'oSeiS I HORSE STABLE+FENCBD EXERCISE YARD! - Go with this 3 yr. old, 2 story frame home with attached garage, stone fireplace + woodstove in finished basement, 2% baths, beautiful country kitchen, heated bungalow for kids or storage, 9.6+ acres of freedom! Reduc ed to $59,500. Hurry! #M-141 PH: 717-662-2138. TIOGA COUNTY; - 100+ AC dairy farm, 34 stalls, new bam cleaner, 20’z28’ Harvestore silo on lease, bulk tank, milking equip, mce 3 br. house partially remodeled. Much much more. Priced at $83,500. W-542. PH: 717-724-5921. TIOGA.COUNTY - 2 parcels of land m beautiful Tioga Cty. Great area for hunting, hiking, snowmobiling, etc. Fantastic views, Hrdtp Rd. & nghtaway. 13+ ac. just $7,150.00 23+ ac. for only $9,900.00 Owner terms poss. Call now. 717-724-5921 W-482,484. “AFFORDABLE FARM” - Overlooking the Cowanesque Dam in Tioga County, PA, on NY border, 100+ acres, approx. 40 tillable, 50 tie stall barn w/mow conveyor, 20’x60’ silo, w/unloader, fair to poor house, major cleanup needed around buildings, frontage on 2 roads. Priced right at just $85,000. #M-209. JUST LISTED - 140 acre dairy farm m the heart of Tioga Co. 50 stalls, bam cleaner. 2 bulk tanks, milking units, 18 x 55 silo, 20 x 28 Harvestore, 3 bedroom house, partially remodeled, other out buddings, owner say’s sell at only $140,000. W-545 CALL OR WRITE US FOR OUR FREE LISTS! ■ Offices: Area Code-717 ■ TIOGA A POTTER Counties call or write ■ WELLSBORO, 120 East Ave - 724-5921 I WESTFIELD. 108 Mam St. - 814-367-2249 .MANSFIELD, RDI, Box 4l -662-2138 »iaWM is Service ---~ .' * *r REAL ESTATE 6 ACRE FARMETTE ' 4 bedroom carpeted frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Quiet rural setting. (2) 1 acre lot options. Southern York Co. $75,900 717-244-8396 PENNA FARMS CUMBERLAND CO. 75 A GENERAL FARM - Bank Barn, modern 2 story frame house, road frontage and stream. Just minutes from 1-81. PRICE ADJUSTED. 2 STORY BRICK COLONIAL dwelling Tapprox. 200 years old) with bank barn on 43 A: "limestone tract, 3500' road frontage East of Carlisle. $160,000.00. Your own ESTATE on 40 A Modern frame house, bank barn, stream and road front age - near major highways. HUNTINGDON CO. ' 172 A. GENERAL Modern 7 room house, pond, barn - near Raystown Lake. PRICE ADJUSTED. "NO OBLIGATION APPRAISAL" Charles Wenger, GRI, 263-0945 George Ebener 249-4979 Wilbert Diehl 258-3231 GEORGE L EBENER & ASSOCIATES REALTORS 139 W. High St, Carlisle, Pa. Ph. (717)243-6195 x ** M,W ir X jflglMYortSt Hanover. fl) I ■ ■ C32-CWO iGUIHi XT' jP /it |«C*"’ \ j i York Co. 95 acres, 80 tillable dairy farm, | f 2Vz story frame home, bank barn, 3 silos, I? Xfreestall barn and milking parlor need to I, | be completed, $250,000. L-3546 | A Adams Co.. 40-acre broiler & hog farm, * f 2Vz story frame home, country location, I x $140,000. Sellers will sell 10-30 acres f I separate $1,300. acre & up. L-2933 jj fl-3284 Adams Co. 82 acres mostly * I tillable land, 2400 ft. road frontage, i 55124,000. | *l-3452-9 Gentleman’s Farm, Excellent! icondition throughout, 2Vz story home* I with large kitchen, 5 BR, 2 baths, 40’x60’ i | barn; chicken house, hog shed, presently! I set up for sheep, area for horses in barn. X *3 ac. tillable, 3 ac. woods, 13 ac. inr)} ■ pasture, (10 ac. fenced) Y x L-3402 Adams Co. horse farm, 100 acres f I all fenced, 104 x 120 ft. horse barn with X | riding arena, bank barn, stone civil war I i home, modern rancher home with pool. \ | Nice setting at $310,000. May be pur- i X chased without rancher home ?nd 10 | | acres for $230,000., 12% financing. | I L-3162 Adams County Dairy & Layer x * Farm, 136 acres, large brick home,! i 22,000 bird layer house,,dairy barn, silo, * I bunk feeder. Sellers will sell dairy & layer i * separately to two simultaneous buyers I I $310,000. | S L-3327 Juniata Co. Dairy, 85 acres * f mostly tillable, -large large i x brick & Rt. 75 & | I I Tuscarora*CTgeK7 additional acreage! ©available for lease or - purchase. I 1 1 $lOO,OOO. OWnerfinancingavailable. ? X L-3469-1 Adams Co., land 100 acres.** I level 75% tillable, balance' wood land.V 5 $135,000. Located near 136 acre dairy & I I poultry farm: -- J e f Danßodgens7l7-632-3468-" *| Office -717-632-6400