MISCELLANEOUS (2)' 2000 gal insulated storage tanks with heating coils Phone 201- t? 35 8885 from 7AM to 9 U M For: Sale - Old fashioned Columbia kitchen range, jD 40 tricycle, good con dition, TD 9 International w/blade, Fox Terrier and Chihuahua mixed pup pies Call 717-626-5678 For Sale - 250 amp AC-DC Lincoln welder, 4 yrs old, excellent condition. 717- 859 3073 LOW OVERHEAD CASH AND CARRY PRICES on new and used automatic washers dryers-gas & electric refrigerators and ranges ’ used wringer & engine washers. New bedroom furniture Delivery and in home or shop appliance repair available. Financing available with approved credit. Open 7:30 until 4:30 Sat. 7.30 to 12 noon evenings by appointment. MYER’S WASP - DRYER Along Rt. 772 between Brownstown and Leola Bright yellow house 717-656-7169 CASH BUYER OF TIMBER Specializing in White Oak & White Ash SEXTON LOGGING Rdl Hottwood, PA 17532 717-284-4900 For Sale - 270 acre beef operation, 145 tillable in gram, 25 acres meadow, rest in woodland, 2 houses & barn, Juniata Co 717-436-8309 Berks Co. Stone farmhouse on 12 acres, 3 bedrooms, pole barn, barn & stone bake oven, gram & pasture, room for 4 horses, 36 sheep, priced to sell $97,000 Double farmhouse on 9‘/« acres, residence on one side, 2 apartments on other side, milkhouse, pump house, smoke house, asking price $125,000 Farmland, 40 acres, tillable, owner financing, $128,000. SIR OUT REALTY V.) 215-367-2018 Farm For Sale -120 acres, 85 acres tillable, 8 acres woods, 27 acre meadow with stream, red soil with sand content, new broiler house, 54,000 capacity, 22 crate farrow-to-fimsh operation, 2 family house, N Lancaster Co $470,000 by owner Write Box 215, Manheim, PA 17545 Missoun Good producing 378 acre ranch with bottom land and creek for irrigation, ideal for alfalfa, nice home and improvements *290,000 $75,000 down assume land bank loan and 2nd at 7Vz% long term Contact Joe Baker Century2l Baker Realty Box 35, WiMow Springs, MO 65793 417-469-2316 469-2323 Farm for sale by owner - p acrs plus or minus in Bradford Co near Troy 2 houses. 40x100' bank barn, 13 hay 40x80’ equipment barn, 2 streams, 1 acre reservoir, excellent hunting, currently used for be®. MISCELLANEOUS RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order ink Pads Available Write or call alter 6 P.M Gary Hess 4SIN George St. Millersville, PA 717-872-6245 Rd 2 Denver, PA 17517 215-267-5309 Potter County Tavern for sale or lease near Galeton, Pa Phone 814- 435-2869 Susquehanna County 34 acres - 20 tillable, some pasture and wooded land 2 story barn plus outbuildings. Proofs pav ed road, stream with ex cellent pond site. $26,000 owner will finance 48 acres - 20 tillable acres now under plow, balance pasture and wooded land Electric & phone available $29,900. Strout Realty Lenoxville, Pa. 18441 Call (717) 222-3898 Write for free lists of farms, homes, acreage Fos Sale - By Owner - 200 A farm, 96 cleared, 70 tillable, creek, springs, fenced.cross fenced,very good buildings, milkhouse, stanchions, 10R 3B house, orchard, alfalfa, terms possible, trailer hookup, $225,000 Bedford Co 814-784- 3158 22 acre farm, 50 miles east of Scranton, PA in Wayne Co Nearly new ranch house, full basement, good con dition 2 large barns, need some repair. $44,000 or will accept offers Call 315-684-9243 NORTHERN NEW YORK. We are offering this 400 Ac plus dairy farm for sale, Priced under $500,000 depending on what you want, Price includes complete line of almost new equipment, 91 head of cattle in DHI A. for over.ls YR’s Buildings in excellent condition , 347 Ac FARM, Buildings in excellent condition, S & E $360,000, 165 Ac FARM equipped $115,000, 175 Ac FARM, 10 yr. old barn, stone house, second tern, count O' store all stocked, S.& E $250,000, ALSO HAVE hobby farms priced from $29,000 up Fournier Real Estate Gouvemeur, NY 315- » » » ntfUXN 180 acre beef farm, 130 tillable, level acres, 10 secluded buildings, financing or machinery available, Corning NY, owner retiring $125,000 607-962-6668 or 215- 885-1458 By Owner - Rural Manheim area, 3 bedroom rancher, fireplace in basement, garage and carport, fruit trees, large plow, financing available, 717-665-7280, 717-367- 7370, 717-367-9423 125 Acre Farm, Good Land, Buildings, Location, 25 Acres with Roadstand, 50 acers with cottage, 9 acres with pond, River front Estate, Lots at desirable locations, Large commercial Garage, showroom; Livestock, poultry, gram, vegetable farms, good farming areas in New Jersey. What farm do you want to buy, sell, rent 7 Philip F Gardiner, Real Estate Broker, 609-881-7023 early morn mg, EVENINGS 23 acres woodland, near Petersburg, Huntington Co 717-653-1728 FREE Exciting Seasonal Edition, Catalog! Over 5,400 coun try properties described pictured 1 - Land, Farms, Homes - Waterfront, Recreation, Retirement buys' Yours FREE from the World's Largest' STROUT REALTY 1801 N. Front St. Dept 6490 Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717)234-0138 Situated For Privacy Surveyed 201-ac. beef farm in pretty Potter Co. Penna. near road’s end. Four mi. to town Remodeled 3-bedrm home, central heat. Lrg barn w/freestalls, other barn Pond, creek, Pasture on 60 acres. Woodland Deer, wild game in area. $125,000. Owner finance STROUT REALTY, Inc , 133 •W. Mam St, Westfield, PA 16950 (814) 367-5588 Res 367-2710. Free Local Lists General Farm Creek thru 321 N Y acres with 200+ tillable acres Two bams Remodeled, carpeted 5-bdrm 2-bath home. Full insulation, Thermopane windows, fieldstone fireplace On hwy., 3 mi to town: $175,000 Negotiable owner terms STROUT REALTY, Inc, PO. Box 368. Bath. NY 14810 (607) 776-4988 Free local Lists STROUT REALTY To Settle estate, approx. 200 acre farm, 75 acres tillable, 10 room house, large bank barn plus sheds Excellent spring water, deer and small game hunting, fishing. Along Pine Creek, Lycoming County, Pa. 717-753-3335 1160 acre free stall opera tion Northern New York, 360 free stalls, two barns, Herringbone 8 on side with 16 units with automatic takeoffs. 2nd barn built 1976 4 on side parlor, 4 houses, 1 mobile home Large fields Private 10% mortgage to qualified parties Can ber bought in one parcel or split Contact Willard Pengelly, Managing Broker, Harris Wilcox Inc. Brokers, Bergen NY ,716-494-1880 FOR SALE - 60 ACRE FARM, WITH COM PLETELY AUTOMATED 35,000 BIRD LAYER HOUSE, MUCH MORE BERKS COUNTY, PA 215-562-7776 Mi Her stown 170 acre farm, 2 story frame house, barn, 102 acres tillable, 70 acres woodland Carlisle 100 acre farm on Rt. 944, 2 story frame house, barn, Berks sod, owner financing available. $185,000 Call B H Agency Carlisle 717-243-1000 REAL ESTATE It you re toowog for a farm, land or have any other real estate needs, you’ll find what you want in the Real Estate classifieds 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Large home, 13 rooms, 3 full baths, 3 complete cellars, along highway 5 acres of land $65,000 Clarence Kuhl 717-622- 3995 Herndon, Schuylkill Co 136 acre farm, home, barn, plus 7 other buildings, 80 acres tillable, $146,000 Owner financing, will trade for smaller farm or single family residence Harvey C Cresswell Realtor, 717- 874-0147. 717-628-5057 Stone home and ston«* summer house Stream and 2 to 10 acres ground 717-754-4661 YORK COUNTY FARM: Ideal for livestock opera tion Buildings include Z l h sty, 3BRfarm house, large bank barn, corn crib, hog house, chicken house, 2 car garage, 33 ac m/l, on ly $75,000, owner will take a sales agreement 1 Value Real Estate 717-246-1676 “590 acre dairy farm operation for sale 360 acres of good early corn and alfalfa soils 180 cow free stall complex, Surge parlor, 2500 gallon bulk tank, modern calf and heifer raising facilities, farm shop and several storage buildings, modern feed center, 2 Har vestore's 25 x 90 and 20 x 80, large bunker silo, free natural gas for all buildings, large modern home; 170 Holstein milkers plus 214 head of young stock, full line of modern farm machinery and equipment, can be purchased as Real Estate only or with cattle and equipment, REALTY 50, 334 West Mam Street, Batavia, New York 14020, 716-343-9221 or 716- 343-3616" s FRSE CATALOG' Describing numerous 'Pennsylvania farms, camps, acreage tracts, cottages, homes and businesses Write, Dept. LF-5, WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC., 2728 Murray Ave, Pitt sburgh, Pa. 15217 FARM BUY OF THE WEEK Southern Pennsylvania between Bedford, Pa and Cumberland, Md., bor dering state gamelands No. 48, 305-acre farm, Vi tillable and pastureland, springs and apple or chard, 7-room 4 bath farmhouse, older barn in fair condition, also a furnished 3-bedroom mobile home, all for only $159,900 No 4723 WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC, Office 244 S Richard St, Bedford. Pa 15522, Phone (814)623-8594 ALLPURPOSE FARM towanda, Pa area, 170- acre farm, approx 100 acres are tillable, 55 pasture, some nice woods, springs 4 creek through the farm, maple syrup-sugar grove, 10- room 4 bath home, 2-car garage, large barn with 22 stanchions, poultry house, and possible seller financing terms No B 7801 WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC, Office 12 Canton St, Troy, Pa 16947,• Phone (717) 297-4046 or 297- 2777 WANTED TO RENT A 3 bedroom house in the Lancaster/Lititz area. We would prefer a rural house,| available in August, 1981 fori the Fall semester at Lan-j caster Bible College. 717-896-8238 For Sale - 60 acres of farm and woodland Financing can be arranged Phone Mifflin town 436-2873 For Sale - 140 acres of wooded land, excellent hunting, good investment, North Central West Virginia Call 717-776- 3967 Wanted - Land, minimum 20 acres within 25 miles of Penn National Race Track, Write Box 366 A-6 Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 • 8 ACRE FARMETTE 2 story brick house built in 1797, new bank barn, pasture with spring and stream. Adams Co. $89,000. 717-632-6968 For Rent - Perry Co Dairy Farm with optional jug milk store 50 cow stanchion barn, 2 Har vestores Available im mediately. 717-444-3216 after 6 PM. For Sale -119 acre Union Co beef & pork farm, 100 acres tillable, remainder pasture Ph. 717-922- 1410 For Sale - 123 acre farm five miles West of Loysville in Perry Co., Pa. 100 acres tillable, stone house, bank barn, 4 other outbuildings stream in pasture, $175,000 Only interested buyers need call. Evenings 717-789- 3474 60 ACRE HOG FARM 3 100' buildings, heated floors, pit, 3 bedroom bnck house and pond, Adams Co. 717-632-6968. 241 acre active dairy farm, 39 stanchions, fully equipped barn with silo, 5 bedroom house, $125,000, Many other farms available. Atkinson Real Estate, 93 E. Mam St, Gouverneur, NY 13542, Call 315-287- 1310 anytime Steuben Co., NY State, Exceptional. 115 acre farm. 45 acres woods, modern 3 bedroom home, new kitchen, 2 baths, large stone fireplace, sacrifice $65,000, Carney Realty, Rd 1, Hornell, - NY 14843 607-698-2926 Juniata County Home - 7 room, bath, oil heat, elec, hot water, carpeted, alum siding, newly rem downstairs with storm windows Asking $28,000 Call 717-463-2765 225+Ac, 195+ tillable, large fields, easy slopes A-l condition, 2 bedroom house Growing crops of wheat, hay, and trefoil One concrete silo, 3 story block poultry house with attached crib, 4 7 bay machine shed Price drastically reduced for im mediate sale NEA Rod Realty of Ithaca, Inc, NEA Bldg , 207 S Tioga St. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-273-7300 Large bank barn and silo suitable for pig farm, storage or any other purpose, cheap rent. Elverson, 215-MO7-5329 Investment Opportunity 2500 Feet River Front on 450 Acres in St John County - Florida 300+ Acres tillable and leased annually Real Estate Holding Corporation Stock may be purchased R Runyon, P O Box 301, Manasquan, N J 08736 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Way 16,1951—841 REAL ESTATE . SHEETZ REAL ESTATE RAY N. WILEY INC. 323 W. Main St. Mount Joy, PA CALL 653-1481 FARM USONGS NEEDED Farm Salesman - Eugene Kreider NEW YORK STATE Exclusive with POSSON REALTY Madison Co. Farm 250 Acres, 90 tie stall barn, 3 silos, pipeline milker, good house, top location. $220,000 good financing. Chenango Co. - 300 Acres, 110 cow freestall, heifer barn, 3 silos, good land. Excellent large home. Showplace Farm $275,000. Chemung Co. - River flat gravelly loam soil, excellent 90 cow barn and two houses. One of the very best NYS farms! POSSON REALTY R.D. #3 Norwich, N.Y. 13815 (607)334-9727 , HORSES CROPS CATTLE 1 Nice stone house, excellent barn and stream on 47 'Private acres near Get-' tysburg and Maryland line. $185,000 Owner 717-642-8177 CENTRAL NY FARMS HERKIMER CO. New Listing - 402 acre showplace dairy farm, 165 tillable, Honeoye soil, 53 stanchions plus 24 heifers, 2 lovely homes, 20x50 silo, 2 pole barns, full line of machinery, $358,000. Owner will finance. 206 acre farm, 9 room colonial home, 90 head of cattle, pipeline milker, full line of machinery, large assumable FHA mortgage. 210 acre farm, 40x100’ barn, huge brick home, machinery included, $lOO,OOO. Owner will finance. 107 acre Christinas tree farm, home & large bam, 60 tillable, 40 wooded, $50,000. Many More Larger & Smaller Farms UNITED FARM AGENCY Mohawk, NY 13407 315-866-7909 $235,000 SPRINGFIELD TWP Excellent business 4 Farm with 72 acres property fronts I 83 a chance to expand your horizons in bus Owner financing is available $250,000 BRODBECKS - Historic 25 acre gentleman’s farm, stalls for horses tennis courts, stone house of much original 3 bdrm, 4 baths, 5 fireplaces and shelf library $82,500 SPRING GROVE - 10 acre farmette, large 8 room house with beautiful view, plus bank barn for your livestock Owner financing possible $268,500 DOVER A beautiful site to behold 1 Is this 113 acre farm & restored stone home has 3 bdrm I'/j bath in rich colonial decor All in a settling along the Conewago York Office Shrewsbury 717-741-4646 717-235-3814