WOOL. Buying Wool, any quality fleeces need not be tied. West Earl Woolen Mill R#2 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-859-2241 ELiJ ANNUAL SHIPMENT OF YEARLING EWES ARRIVING EARLY PART OF MAY 318 head of exceptional straight Rambouillets from New Mexico $l2O 00 per head One load of good quality straight Rambouillets from Texas, $ll5 00 per head 900 head of Blackface crossbreds - Rambouillet - Suffolk crosses, $lO5 00 to $ll5 00 per head 40 head of registered yearling Suffolk rams, $3OO 00 per head These are all high quality yearlings guaranteed to be free from foot rot They will be treated for internal and external parasites upon arrival at our pens For more information contact HESS SHEEP CO. Bos tOO Barboursville, Va. 22923 703-832-2098 Dorset A Cornedale ewes For Sale 717-927-6613 For Sale - Sheep, 25 Suf folk, 814-667-3394 For Sale - 50 Suffolk yearling ewes, Lancaster Co 717-687 8240 For Sale - 6 registered Southdown ewes, 2 yr 1 old, with or without lambs, 717-548-2559 Cornedales for small flock or flock improvement, exceptional size, wool, productivity, Mary Blanchard, York Co 717- '>27-9232 Dairy Goats, Registered Toggenburgs, bred yearlings,'doe kids, bucks, classified and DHIA last test average 9 4 lb 3 5 %, top bloodlines, priced $75-5350 much below real value. R D I, Box 113 A, Kmtnersville, For Sale Du roc and Landrace Boars from production tested ‘sires Crossbred gilts from Landrace or Yorkshire sired litters Crossbred lit ters maintain a 9 plus weaning average over 400 litters per year Dutch valley Farm Rd 5, Box 428 Manheim, PA 17545 717-665-6220 Mark i 717-665-2588 John f - Disease free feeder pigs, large or small. quantities, price negotiable Call Jim E. 215-723-6001 Registered Yorkshire Boars Bred Gilts and open Gilts. Will deliver. Red Run Farm; RD #2, East Berlin, Penna 17316 717-292-4634. York Co For Sale - Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717-786-2562 For Sale - Durocs Service Age Boars, excellent western bloodlines, aggressive and sound, delivery available. Rick Pfautz, RD #1 Stevens, Pa 215-267-3739 DUROC*' SPOTTED BOARS Duroc, Spot, Crossbred Gilts (delivery available) ( BOURBON SPRINGS FARM R 2 Newville, Pa 17241 Kenneth Ketterer Phone 717-423-6250 Several Registered Alpine milkers & weaned or baby kids, all dehorned & tame, reasonable, Chestertown, MD 301-778-5640 AGGRESSIVE ■ Performance Tested YORKSHIRE BOARS Large Framed, Correct Legs & Soundness Excellent Feed Lot Performance Mothering Ability Built In, 14 plus teats Also Yorkshire and Cross Gilts Nick Isaacs, - SeedStocteFrom: RD 2-Box 55C Nash * Garner, IND Townsend, DE19734 Funderburg, OH ‘ 302-378-8432 SPF Yorkshire 10 YORKSHIRE BOARS READY IMMEDIATELY FOR SERVICE n\ bt ' ' v Priced from $275 to $350 Patronize your purebred man HOUVALE FARMS Elwood E. Houser * 2150 Quentin Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-5798 or 273-2921 BRED GILTS 10 Purebred Yorkshires due approx. June 18 12 Purebred Spots due approx. June 18 12 Purebred Durocs due approx. July 22 25 Purebred Durocs. Yorks and Spots bred to York- shire boars, due Approx. July 22. 10 Purebred Yorkshires due approx. July 22 Also bred gilts on order 50 Purebred Duroc t Spots - Open Gilts Few Yorkshire open gilts Ready to breed Good selection of DurocrYorkshire and Spotted SERVICE AGE BOARS We have for sale some of the best Yorkshire boars we have ever raised, as good as our ’Bl Key stone Classic record breaking top selling boar and Reserve Champion Yorkshire boar at the 'Bl York shire Invitational Brucellosis free herd #26, P.R.V. #lB. BUSY ACRE FARMS Calvin H. Lazarus & Sons 4290 Bridge St Whitehall. PA 18052 215-799-3375 For Sale - Feeder Pigs We aim to please 304-586-2823 SERVICE AGE BOARS Straight Irish or other foreign bloodlines No U S breeding in our herd. Reno H Thomas, Brooks End Farm, Beavertown, Pa 17813 Phone. 717-658-5821 Registered Hampshire, Yorshire, Landrace Boars and Bred gilts, Preston Banker!, Rd 3, Red Lion, PA 717 244-1244 If you have swine to sell or buy - check our swine column It is read weekly by thousands 717-394- 3047 or 717-626-1164. YORKSHIRE AND LAND RACE boars and gilts of all ages Pseudorabies negative tested boars for sale at all times. Production tested, cer tified meat tested, Show winners with many car cass champions Daily dnve-m and drive-out service'Reno H Thomas, Beavertown, PA 17813 717-658-5821 For Sale - Registered Purebred duroc breeding stock, delivery can be arranged, Call 717-733- 2310 W.F. Ruoss, 126 Irene Ave., Ephrata, PA 17522 , For Sale - Purebred Spotted boars & gilts. Satisfaction Guaranteed Free delivery. Hobart Muller, RD 2, New Oxford, Pa 17350. 717- 624-2320 125 Hampshire Yorkshire open gilts Also service age boars of both breeds John Strawbndge, Stewart stown, Pa. 17363 301-996-2022 HYBRID BOARS & GILTS Boar Lines YxL ' Aggressive White Line Sound Legs Large Litters Fast Growing Pigs Good Mothers SALES & LEASE J EAST COAST HOG SERVICE MxD f YORKSHIRE BOARS-OOROC BOARS QUALITY - Our hogs are marketed at Hatfield Packing C0..95% #l. NoT.B. PRODUCTION 1979 - 131 Litters, wean ave. 11.3. 1980 - 97 litters, wean ave. 11.5 1981 - 32 litters, ave wean 11.3. FEED EFFICIENCY 1976 PA State Test Station Most efficient pen purebred hogs 2.96# feed/lb. gam. 1979 top boar, PA State Test Station, 2.63# feed/lb. gain. 1980 Top Boar Delaware test station 2.24# feed/lb. gam. HEALTH Vaccinated against Lepto, Erysipelas, and Rhinitis, Brucellosis free herd #lOl. Negative tested for Pseudorabies. Approx. 100 boars available at all times, Recent Boar Buyers # Sire Ralph Timmons, Delmar, DE Wayne Strite, Chambersburg, PA 2 Baron Larry Weaver, New Holland 1 Lexington Nelson Oberholtzer, Ephrata 1 Lexington Dale Stauffer, Quakertown 1 Lexington Omar Beam, Elverson 1 Baron Cali or Write Durocs Yorkshires Leon L. Arnold Lawrence Arnold Rd 7 Box 705 1245 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA Lebanon, PA 717-273 5880 717-272-9827 Next Production Sale August 21 DUROC BOARS and gilts, production tested, cer tified meat type show winning stock. Bloodlines of the best in the US Par- Kay Farm, Park F Thomas, Beavertown, Pa Phone 717-658-6544. For Sale - Ouroc boars & gilts Sweigard Durocs, R D 3. Box 539, Halifax, Pa 717-896-3365 artificial breeding ZIMMERMANN'S SEMEN EXCHANGE! SWD VALIANT 145.00 PETE 105.00 GLEN-VALLEY STAR 70.00 OCEAN VIEW SEXATION 60.00 CARLIN M IVAN. BELL 60.00 ACK-LEE CHIEF MONEY MAKER 49.00 1.0. STATE CHIEF FORD 30.00 JOLUDI ELMER CHIEF 35.00 CEDARGROVEGOLDEN NUGGET 28.00 CREEK-BLUFF ELEV. LESTER . 28.00 YULES PRIDE ELEV. ACE 18.00 FOND MATT Ship or deliver anywhere in U.S A Philip Hersbey BM-S4M73S HARRY ZIMMERMANN 127 W. Main St., Leola. Pa. 17540 717-656-2636 or 717-291-9607 409 Clay Road Lititz, PA 17543 Ph: 717-626-6566 1 Lexington For Sale - 40 bred sows, crossbred, some farrowing soon, 717-654- 4759 artificial breeding Semen For Sale - Astronaut, Molly Chief, R Maple, Gay Ideal 301- 658-3132 For Sale - 5 straws RORA Elevation bought from stud, excellent quality, will deliver Jay Lancaster 301-778-2941 Lancaster Fannin*, Saturday, May 16,1981—835 POULTRY & SUPPLIES FOR SALE - 60 ACRE FARM, WITH COM PLETELY AUTOMATED 35,000 BIRD LAYER HOUSE, MUCH MORE BERKS COUNTY, PA. 215-562-7776 Person who bought feed bin from Donald Kreider, please contact 717-367- 5784 Choretime feeders, Vent o-matic fans, 2 flex augers 717-367-5784 Bushman turkey killing line drag through gas scalder Large Ashley picker Eviscerating line & gizzard peeler. All For $3OOO John W Martin, RD 6, York, Pa 717-225- 4185 Wanted to Buy - Egg collector belting 717- 865-3488 Lebanon Co 4 180 ft Choretime feeder lines, 1 new style, 110 E-2 fill chick starter waterers 717-865-4932 For Sale - 4 x 11' poultry slats, 3 Choretime feeders, 2 tier egg carrier with 400’ of track & switch 717-867-4495 SPECIALIZING IN UP-TO-DATE DESIGN & QUALITY CONSTRUCTION OF HOG CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS. We also manufacture Confinement Equipment and handle a full line of products for today’s swine industry, including automated ventilation, feed handling and manure handling systems. t m-mmm PHONE XX LEBANON 717-274.348 PA. ( equipment 3 SW/ME SYSTEMS forthehst AND TW MOST MVHHMD HOGKHIIPMENT COMPANY LOOK TO Swine Systems PARMER BOY M. 457 East Main St. Myerstown, PA 17067 Ph: 717-866-7565 '! WE SPECIALIZE IN THE LATEST AND MOST 1 MODERN DESIGN IN BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR HOG CONFINEMENT ★ GESTATION ★ FARROWING ★ NURSERY ★ GROWER ★ FINISHER ★ COMPLETE AUTOMATION FOR I WATERING, FEEDING, VENTILATION POULTRY & SUPPLIES Jj Wanted-Heavy hens. We buy, sell and haul all kinds of poultry Yank's 215-494-4578 BABY CHICKS - Hubbard Leghorns, Golden Com ets, Sex-Sal, Hy-Lme Leghorns, Barred Rock, White Rock, Reds and 10 other breeds Also turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, and game birds CASE HATCHERY, 79L Brodbecks, Pa 17308, 717-235-2050 Goslings, Ducklings, Turkeys, Guineas, Chicks and Bantams David Hartman, Clearview Stock Farm & Hatches, Box 398 Dept LF, Grab, PA 17030 Ph. 717-365-3234 Started capons, place orders 45 days in ad vance Call 717-354-9193 Rdl.Kmzers, PA 17535 For Sale by Owner - Cage layer building 32’ x 344’, 15,000 capacity Pullet growing facility 32’ x 150’, three floors, 10,000 capacity Modern three bedroom home, located on 15A Near McAlisterville, Pa Buildings now in full production with con tracts, partial financing available Ph 717-463- 2393 For Sale - 50 Quakermade round chicken feeders, 150 lb. capacity, $3 ea. Assortment of chicken nests, $2 ea 215-837- 0847 HOG EQUIPMENT ft SUPPLIES For Sale - Smidley Equip ment Farrowing hut, catch crate, No 2 feeder with roof, 717-426-1539 For Sale - 10 units Tamalane $3O, 717-857- 4516 For Sale - Cargill isolets, complete witn concrete flooring, fencing, heater, waterer and feeder, ready for immediate use, delivery available, 717- 872-8508 Wanted - Used portable hog scales 607-356-3200