Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 49
[(k.’H i=i w -*~ i PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 i tie following categories are available for your classified advertising □ Farm Equipment □Silos & Unloaders □ Buildings & Supplies □Gram Equipment □ Dairy Equipment □ Livestock Equipment & Supplies □ Cattle □ Horses & Mules □Sheep & Goats □Swine □Artificial Breeding □ Hog Equipments Supplies □ Poultry & Supplies □ Feed* Seed □Fertilizer □Plants □ Fruits S Vegetables □ Nursery □Lawn S Garden □Services Offered □Custom Work □ Help Wanted □Situations Wanted □ Business Opportunity □TrucksS Trailers □Autos □ Recreational Vehicles □ Notice □ Lost □ Found □ Pets □ Household □Miscellaneous □Real Estate LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 16c per word 2.00 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 12 or Less 2.00 -4.80 13 2.08 4.99 14 2.24 5.38 15 2.40 5.76 16 2.56 6.14 17 2.72 6.53 18 288 6.91 19 3.04 7.30 3.20 7.68 KEYED ADS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, do Lancaster Farming): 50 cents addi tional. Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. Deadline. Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication. Lancaster Farming P.0.80x 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 SEARCHING FARM j For Sale Farmall Super C fast hitch cultivators, loader, S wheel weights, good rubber Farmall Super C, cultivators, wheel weight, good rubber Farmall Super C fast hitch, cultivators, good rubber 717-687-6553 eves & weekends 717-687-8021 Deutz 100-06 4 wheel drive, cab, 2000 hr ser vice records, 814-237- 6080 Ford hitch equip ment, 2 bottom 12” plow, $225, 6' scraper blade, $l5O, 5’ rotary mower, like new, $525, IHC 3 pt hitch 2 row , cultivator, $2OO 717-687-6553 Eves & weekends 717-687-8021 (New) NH 310 baler with engine, $5200 Pequea Machine, 3230 E Gordon •Rd., - Gordonville,. Pa 17529. 2 JD 715 chuck wagons, tandem axles and 3 beaters, 1 Badger chuck wagon, tandem axle and 3 beaters, 1 4 row snapper head JD, after 7pm, Int 915 combine, hydro with 400 hrs 863 Int.'fi row corn head, done 300 acres corn, exc. cond, $33,000 215-869-9265 after 5 P.M or 869-2952 anytime. ; 'For Sale - 135 h:p JD 4620, duals, power steering, ■. roll guard, excellent condition 717- 837-3214 or 837-0059 Farmhand hyd. dump wagons, 5000 lb. capaci ty 609-769-3183 * TRACTOR PARTS* Up to 75% Savings ALL MAKES ALL MODELS Crawler and Wheel Types NEW-USED - REBUILT PARTS SEND $l.OO FOR SENSATIONAL NEW 1981 DISCOUNT. CATALOG SURPLUS TRACTOR PARTS CORPORATION P.0.80x 2125, FARGO, ND 58107 For Sale - 880 Olivet diesel, good condition 3 galvanized Martin cupola ventilators 717-866- 7565 Chisholm Ryder snap bean harvester on IH hydro 70 & 666 tractors, hyd drive, reconditioned and painted, 609-769- 3183 Old two cylinder John Deere fly wheels rebuilt with our patented steel draw-in hub which has the ability to tighten up on new or worn crank shafts Also available new manufactured un breakable fly wheels. Allen Machine Works, RD #7, Jonesboro, Tenn. 37699,615-753-5738 day or night For Sale - Tobacco rails, orders taken now for June & July delivery. Rails out of pine or hemlock. Write for prices - Enos S King, Box 128, Rebersburg, Pa. 16872 Centre Co IQ’ Miller.disc, 3 bar with leveljng cylinder „ 5x16” Kvernland automatic reset plow 814-237-6080 For Sale - Bale thrower wagons, steel or wooden sides with 6 or 8 ton gears, also Zimmerman elevator m~2B, 32, 36 & 40’ lengths, plywood feed bins Will deliver and in stall, Stoltzfus Woodwork, Rd 2, Gap, PA 17527, 1 mile north of Gap along 897,717-442-8972 JD 40120-side consoler JO 70 WF; 20’ -Arnco transport wing disc, 22” blade 717-786-2534 Farm tires and tubes, fronts, rears and im plements, low, low prices, Eddie's Tire Outlet, Willow Street, PA 717-464-5008 or Chambersburg, PH. 717-263-0013 MF 880 4x16 plow, gauge wheel, hillside hitch, coulters, coverboards. plow 300 Acres $2400 Perry Co 717-444-3447 NH 469 haybme, good shape, JD 12A combine with grain bin 215-932 2288 Chester Co For Sale - 660 Int diesel tractor, Stephen U - Fisher, 37 N Souder sburg Rd, Gordonville, PA 17529 For Sale - 970 Case with cab, $7,000. 201- 459-4371 Blairstown, NJ For Sale - Orchard sprayer with good Wisconsin engine, good shape 717-354-5039 Lane. Co For Sale - 4 steel wheels for IH 300-400 (front and back) real good shape 300 IH Tractor on rubber, power steering, 2 pt hitch live power shaft and tor que 3 Surge milker units Call 717-837-3332 No Sunday Calls For Sale - 220' of good litter carrier track with a switch & 2 trolleys. John S. Stoltzfus, Box 352, R D 1, Kirkwood, Pa Bartville Rd Case 1000 front end loader on track, motor overhauled, negotiable, Call after 5:30 p m. 302- 328-3/32 2 1500 gal plastic fer tilizer tanks, $B5O each, 500-gal Century sprayer $l5OO, 5 hp roller mill $l2OO, 6' scraper blade $lOO, steer mineral feeder $5O, Molasses tank $lOO, eves 5-10 717-637-0192 New Idea 3 horse manure spreader, very good con dition, $350 Hay ladder wagon $75 A.B Fahquar potato plow, $B5 Superior gram drill for parts, $2O MC dump rake, $5O. MC side delivery rake, $250 Small bale elevator, $lOO York Co, 717-757-1873 1974 1800 IHC 24' Swartz power deluxe roll bed, 5/2 trans., air brakes, PS," very good cond., $12,000 Trades accepted DENNIS M. MILLER EQUIPMENT Rt 22 Grantville, PA 717-838-1888 anytime 717-469-0937 daily WF 50 Tfactor, Hi Arch, WFE $3300 MF 50 Tricycle $lB5O MF 85 $2850 Ford 901 Tricycle w/Power Steering $lBOO JD 1214 Mower Condi tioner $3500 WENTZ FARM SUPPLY Palm, Pa. 215-679-7164 For Sale - John Deere #6 Chopper 301-452-5252 MF 510 diesel combine with 4-30 corn and 13’ gram heads and straw spreader $16,500 814-237-6080 JD 620, 3 pt, hitch, 814- 793-4293 Farmers & Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section 717- 394-3047 or 717-626- 1164 For Sale- Rotary scythe, 9 ft. AC 170, IH 10 drill 717-438-3115 AC HD-3 bulldozer with 6 way blade & shuttle clutch good cond $4500 Case uniloader model 1537, w/4m 1 bucket, hoe attach & auger attach, good cond $7500 VILSMEIHR EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Montgomeryville, Pa 18936 Phone 215-699-3533 JD 730, diesel, excellent shape, 814-793-4293 Gehl round bale stacker $975, IH 47 baler with thrower $5OO, New 8 ton running gear with flotation tires $6OO, 814- 237-6080 For Sale - NH 469 haybine $1450, Case 1747 uniloader, gasoline engine, dirt bucket and manure forks $2850, Kent Co. MD 301-778- 0323 For Sale - Hesston haybine model 1010, hydroswing 215-286- .9426 i FARM EQUIPMENT 20 hp Simplicity 9020 tractor with front end loader, 717-225-5873 call after 4pm 1976 White 8800 com bine, 6 row corn head, 15’ table 523,000, 1974 Oliver 7700 combine heads $14,000, Several MF 510's & MF 760’s Tidewater Tractor, Wye Mills, MD 301-820-2111 For Sale - 4010 diesel tractor w/WFE, A-l condi tion $B5OO with 4020 kit 105 hp, also front end weights and frame weights that fits 4010 and 3010, Call 717-235-2774 For Sale - one wagon with hydraulic lift 717-859-2374 Lancaster Co For Sale - 1978 M2KF Gleaner combine, 800 hrs on engine, 13’ gram head, 6 row 30” corn head, loaded with extras, kept inside, excellent con dition, asking $36,000 717-249 8726 WD 45 AC with saw, very clean $1375, Case haybme, 9’. field ready $675, 717-354-0266 AC combine, model G, diesel, 14' gram head, nice condition, $B7OO 609-358-2384 NH Pitman mower, Bnllion crusher, PV4D Wisconsin engine with 221 reduction clutch, overhauled 2 yrs. ago, very good running con dition 717-442-8336 Amos A Zook Jr, RD 1 Box 189 A, Gap. PA 17527 ' Cherry Shakers, 4 pneumatic shakers, 2 catching frames, $5OO or best offer, 215-367-8300. 215-SB6-5278 eves Nl manure spreader, PTO, model 207,150 bu , large flotation tires, $675 215-869-8928 MF 3 pt mounted disc, 72" wide, $6OO 215-869- 8928 For Sale - JD 30 combine, pull type, PTO, 7’ cut, auger feed with bin & unloader, $7OO. 717-992- 6596,after6PM. For Sale -10 MF suitcase., weights, with hold down bolts 215-469-6439 For Sale - New Idea No 47 side rake & tedder on rubber. Excellent con dition. Adams' Co 717- 528-4252 JD B completely rebuilt, new rubber front, good rear, #5 mower, new knives, guards, IHC 5’ new knives, guards, IHC’ 2 row planter; JD 2 btm pull behind, $2300 or best offer. Evenings 215- 234-8662 Cultivator for JD 40, 320, 420, 430, MTIOIO All new shanks & sweeps Complete $230 or best offer Evenings 215-234- 8662 7’ disc (18”) IHC setup for 3 pt, very good condition, $3OO or best offer Evenings 215-234-8662 JD 7000 6 row narrow with monitor, in excellent condition Reason for selling - going to liquid fertilizer, 215-593-5665 (2) 23 1x34 10 ply tractor tires and tubes, 50% tread 201-859-2720 Roll Bar & Canopy for 2-85 White Tractor, like new - $450 (List $1295) Chas J. McComsey & Sons, Hickory Hill, Pa , 215-932- 2615 JD 14T baler with kicker for parts, good shape Chester Co 215-932- 2288 Welsch 300 gal sprayer on 3 pt. monitor, electric valves, in cab pressure controls, hydraulic centrifugal pump, 2 sets of stainless nozzles $l4OO, 2 1000 gal steel tanks $2OO 814-237- 6080 John Deere 520 Tractor, excellent condition 301 795-9631 NH 320 Baler w/th rower, 2 yrs old excellent cond Nl Cut/ditioner 9', 1 yr old ' 3 Bale Wagons 40’ NI Elevator Lancaster Famine, Saturdi FARM EQUIPMENT | 1980 Kubota tractor, 4 WD, 34 hp front end loader, with external pump, less than 100 hrs, selling <fue to health, $9500, 717-229-2602 For Sale - 999 cornpla nter with fertilizer attachment and plateless units, also 1240 2 row horse drawn and 3pt planters. Gideon F Stoltzfus, RD 2 Box 2276, Gap, PA 17527,1 >/ 2 mi. N of Gap along Rt 897 HDS AC dozer with bucket, 53000 717-425- 3697 For Sale - JD 999 2-row horse drawn corn planter, good condition 215-593- 5754 For Sale - Depth bands for JD 8250 or 8350 drill, good condition 215-489- 7831 For Sale - 354 NH grinder mixer, storm front carriage, both in good condition, C L Esh, Rd 1, Box 181, Newburg, PA 17240 IH 4R planter, 18’ spring tooth, 14' disc, 12’ Ezee flow, 77 Oliver, MF 1130 DL. Machinery Guaranteed, Trenton, NJ 609-259-2802 NH 56 hay rake, good condition, Isaac E Beiler, 3900 Barnsley Chrome Rd , Oxford, PA Chester Co For Sale - One 3 bottom Massey 3 pt. hitch plow, 14”, one Grove forage wagon in good shape with hydraulic drive Will consider trade for bale wagon in good shape. 717-359-7460 For Sale - JD 494 A corn planter, liquid fertilizeer, good condition. 215-395- 1213 2 pt hitch for 300 or 350, also one for 450- Selling parts from the following IHC tractors 300, 350, 400, 460, 560, 660, 806, 1066 717-464-2874 For Sale - JD 3010 diesel, wide or narrow front, excellent condition, can deliver' 201-526-9363 ANTIQUE TRACTOR BOOKS1 V NEWJ . “1-50 YEARS' OF INTERNA TIONAL HARVESTER” Covers all tractors, Equip ment and Stationary Engines 416 Pages, 2000 Photos Hard Leatherette Cover $26.95 "THE EN CYCOL PEDIA OF AMERICAN FARM TRAC TORS” Covers tractors from 1890’s to 1979 1500 photos, 352 pages Hard Leatherette Cover $26 95 Postpaid. Diamond Farm Book Publishers, Dept LF. Box 537, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 Partly selling out, mostly one owner equipment New Holland 770 harvester with 2 RW cor nhead, $2BOO 770 N 2 cornhead, $l5OO (new) New Idea 325 narrow cor npicker, $3600 MH 82 combine, $2500 Int 550 5x16 plow, ready to go, $1250. Int 510 plain gram drill, double disc with grass seeder 21 x 7 $3400, like new No reasonable offer refused Dealers invited 215-926 5177, after 7 P M 215-926-3243. For Sale - Cornplanter, White 5400 air planter, no-till, (6) 30” rows, population monitor, excellent shape 301-795- 2531 As Is - best offer - M Far mall $695, Hand start JD B $650, Hand start JD B $475, JD 10' roller har row $495, 16 disc McD gram drill $2OO, 4 wheel wagon $3OO, MH 13’ SP combine $495, 215-944- 8544 Berks Co For Sale - JD 2 row (horse) corn planter with long tongue and double-tree, good condition $235 717- 548-2559 L 225 Kubota, 3 cylinder, diesel, 24 hp 70 hrs. 2 speed PTO, loader, 3 pt hitch, excellent condition 717-9660231 For Sale - Single wheel front end attachments with' 7.50 x 1G tire to fit Farmall H Lehigh Co ly, May 16,1981—89 FARM EQUIPMENT Berg barn cleaners in stools New extra heavy duty replacement chain will fit most cleaners, trouble free at truck load prices Compare quality prices before you buy Berg special alloy nickel content chain, 10 ga cop per content chute, 10 year warranty 205’ chain use 1 yr Complete line of standby alternators Lane 215-445-5309 Army truck, 2Vz ton, diesel, all wheel drive, tandem axles with 5 speed trans, high S low range, front mounted winch, 900 x 20 tires, low mileage, very good condition. $3BOO firm 609-769-3183. For Sale - Used IH 500 cyclo planter, 6 row, 30” with No-till Coulters and Liquid Fertilizer. Call SWOPE &BASHORE, INC. 717-933-4138 2 Mobile Home trailer ax les with electric brakes & good tires, $175 ea 717-687-6553, eves & weekends 717-687-8021 3600’ of 40’ length 6" aluminum pipes. 201-537- 2674 Wanted - Original steel wheel for Massey Harris 101 or JD A or B Levi S Zook, Rt. 1, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Case 6-16 auto reset plow with on-land hitch, Ih 56 4 row corn planter, fiberglass boxes 717-384- 4110 call 6-7 a.m Case 1070 cab-air, 970 hrs, ,IH 450 4 bottom plow, 3 pt. hitch, auto reset, Washington Co 301-797-4118 Air Conditioned Cab Year-A-Round cab, series QTI model 214, 2 yr old, $l5OO 201-449-6140 New bale throwing beds, size BxBxlB, all oak 215- 273-2594 14’ Brilliant cultipacker* with transport wheels, Stump Acres, York Co 717-792-3216 For Sale - Farmall A plows, cultivators, draw bar, good condition, priced to sell, 717,-788-1905 For Sale - 1 Dion self unloading wagon with roof, 2 yrs old, excellent condition PH 301-836- 1418 For Sale - IH PTO corn binder, needs new wood, otherwise very good, New Idea 4 bar side rake on steel wheels with tedder, very good 717-222-3875 For Sale - old Wood Drop Reaper, very good con dition, collector’s piece 717-222-3875 For Sale - 1975 Farmall hydro 70 diesel, wide front, 3 pt, 16 9x38 tires, set rear weights, front weight bracket, 1300 hrs, excellent condition, Jefferson Co 814 856- 2891 New Farm Machinery Parts roughly 10 yrs old from NH, MF, and Nl dealership, would give to a church or fire dept for their disposal, plus lots of other accessories Cali 301-838-7271 For Sale - Tractor JD Cyclone Model A Int 28-14” 14” plow on rubber, no reasonable offer refused 301-838-7271 before 8 AM Crawler Tractor Parts. New and Used Parts Available for Cat, Allis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others Rubber tired construction equipment parts available for Hough, Michigan, Gabon and Cat Road Graders Call or write for equip ment S parts brochure VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Montgomeryville, PA, 18936 Phone 215-699-3533 For Sale - 2 AC G type tractors with cultivators & many parts One Hardee hi pressure sprayer with 30' boom 60” heavy doty 3 pt. hitch' bed former 203-626-5610 days, 203- i