Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 141

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    DOYLESTOWN What flower
thrives in sun or shade; hot dry
places or cool moist locations; is
hardly ever bothered by insects or
diseases; and stays fresh and
perky even in late summer to fall
when many other annuals look
“It’s Vinca rosea, or
Periwinkle,” says Jeannette Lowe,
horticulturist for the W. Atlee
Burpee Co. and enthusiastic home
gardener. “This versatile beauty
can brighten your garden borders,
edgings, patio or window .boxes
under almost any growing con
Vinca plants are a picture with
their glossy, rich green leaves a
perfect foil for attractive single
flowers about IVz inches across.
They bloom profusely in fresh
colors rangmg from snow white to
pink and rose shades. Some
varieties “wink” with contrasting
eyes or centers in the blossoms.
Try Vinca Polka Dot for' a
scintillating effect. The white
flowers accented by cherry red
centers attract immediate at
tention m hanging baskets or
planter boxes. Polka Dot is also
pretty in the garden as an edger or
ground cover. The plants tend to
spread vigorously and grow only 4
inches high.
An outstanding newcomer this
year is Vinca Pink Carousel.
Imagine rose-pink flowers on
trailing plants about 6 inches tall
and you’ll have a mental picture of
this debutante. Better yet, plan
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Vinca perks up a
now to grow Pink Carousel this
summer and see how attractive it
is in hanging baskets, containers
or highlighting your garden in
borders, bkls and edgings.
How about varieties of Vinca
that grow a little taller, 10 inches
high? The so-called Dwarf senes of
Vinca is a favorite, with neat
“hedgehke” plants. They’re ex
cellent for edging your garden or
mass planting in beds, as well as
for growing in containers on
patios, porches or roof-tops.
Choose separate colors for special
effects... Little Blanche, a pure
white for a cool look m daytime, a
HARRISBURG The incredible
egg is one of nature’s most perfect
foods. Its nutntional value, ver
satility and relatively inexpensive
cost- have made it a staple m
Pennsylvania’s diets.
Eggs are' a powerhouse of
nutrition. They are low in calories -
just 80 calories per large egg - yet
provide essential .protein, vitamins
and minerals. Two large eggs
provide about 20-30 percent of the
minimum daily requirement for
these dietary essentials.
Eggs are one of the least ex
pensive sources of protein, costing
only pennies more today than they
did 23 years ago. A dozen large
eggs weigh at least 24 ounces or 1%
pounds. So when large sell for 90
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incredible egg, a nutritious food
Check These Features:
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Temperature. And Overspeed
lovely shimmer at eventide; Little
Bright Eyes, a sparkler with rosy
red eyes flashing from fresh white
petals; Little Oehcata, a pale pink
charmer with contrasting red
eyes; and Little Pinkie, a solid
rose-pink. Burpee offers all the
above, plus a well-balanced
mixture of all these separate
colors in Dwarf Vinca.
Vinca rosea is easy to grow but
in northern areas of the United
States should be started inside
about 8 to 12 weeks before the last
expected sprmg.frost. This means
late February into March in much
cents a dozen, they are only 60
cents per pound.
Although most of the eggs sold in
supermarkets are large, special
offers on other sizes often may
make your buying decision more
difficult. An easy formula can help
you decide which eggs are the best
buy, according to Vicky Wass, Egg
Promotion Specialist with the
Pennsylvania Department of
To compare* egg prices, first
determine the difference between
the special price and the price of
large eggs. If large eggs are 95
cents per dozen and extra large
eggs are $1.05 per dozen, the price
difference is ten cents.
Next divide the price of large
Large Dry Type Conservatively
Air Cleaner Rated Alternator
of the country. With this headstart,
Vinca comes into bloom in late
July and continues until nipped by
frost in the fall.
Vinca cannot stand any frost.
Wait until weather and soil are
really warm before the move to the
garden. First, however, accustom
(harden off) the seedlings to the
outdoor environment for about a
-week. Put them outside in senu
shade on warm days, bring them
back inside at night if chilly
temperatures threaten.
Now the Vinca is ready for the
permanent location. Prepare the
eggs by eight (always use the price
of large eggs). Compared this
number to the price differential. If
the price difference is higher than
this number, the higher priced
eggs are the better buy. In this
case, 95 cents divided by 8 equals
12, which is higher than the price
difference, and the large eggs are
the better buy.
Give Eggs q JijCafe
I For Free Literature or Demonstration,
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| Name
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I Phone
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 16.1M1-017
Deluxe Engine Control
System With Cycle Cranking
Minimum of Five
Channel Cross Members
Martin Machinery
P.0.80x 35
Martindale, PA 17549
ground in the garden well, work m
a balanced fertilizer according to
soil test recommendations or
package directions, and set the
plants 8 to 12 inches apart. In
planter boxes or hanging baskets
use a potting mixture of two parts
planting formula or vermiculite to
one part sieved garden soil. A
basket 8 or 9 inches in diameter
holds about 6 plants. Watch Vinca
in containers or baskets closely in
hot dry weather and water
whenever the sod feels dry. Plants
dry out much faster than when
grown in the garden.
A tree wallet-sized egg price
comparison chart is available for
consumers. The chart is a handy
and quick way to determine the
better buy among eggs. For a copy
of this free chart, write to the
Pennsylvania Egg Promotion
Program, Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture, 2301 North
Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA,
Large Shock
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