Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 16, 1981, Image 13
Livestock market and auction news Dewart Auction Dewart, Pa. Monday, May 11 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 196. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to $1 lower. Few Choice No. 24 1020-1220 lbs. slaughter steers 64.75-67.25, few Good 55.00-60.00, few Standard 48.00- Couple -Choice slaughter heifers 60.00 and 60.50, few Good 52.00-56.75. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 41.00 45.75, couple to 46.75, Cutters 40.00 43.85, Canner & Low Cutter 37.75- 40.75, Shells down to 35.00. Few Good & Choice slaughter bullocks 55.00- Yield Grade #1 1120 1750 lbs. slaughter bulls 52.60-57.75, few 880-990 lbs. 43.5047.00. Few Large Frame #1400450 lbs. feeder steers 67.00-77.50; few Large Frame HI- 450625 lbs. feeder m PORTABLE WELDING Barn Yard, Fencing and Gates Specializing in Hog Farrowing Crates and Fencing. Made to order . David D. Esh 40 Frogtown Rd., Rd 2 > Paradise. PA 17562 TMNKDiSEL THMK LOMBARDN 26 different models designed to fit most gasoline engine applications OLOMBARDINI The Powerhouse The fastest growing line of small, air-cooled diesels in America. . Authorized sales, service and parts. Call today for a quotation Distributor HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE PH: 717-656-6133 2998 West Newport Rd. Ronks, Pa. 17572 2Vz miles East of Leola ■ Along 772 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED heifers 53.00-57.00, one lot small frame *2 200-350 lbs. 56.50. CALVES 157. Few Prune vealers 102.00- few Choice 90.00 100.00, Good 76.00-96.00, Standard & Good 70-95 lbs. 69.00-75.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 85-125 lbs. 75.00- mostly 80.00-100.00; few holstein heifers 90-130 lbs. 125.00- HOGS 456. Barrows & gilts $1.25 to $1.75 higher. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 44.3045.30, few to 46.00, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 43.00 44.20, No. 1-3 190-198 lbs. 40.50 41.60. US No. 1-3 300575 lbs. sows 35.0038.00, few No. 2-3 450-550 lbs. 33.0035.00. Boars 30.0036.00. FEEDER PIGS 231. US No. 1-3 20-40 lbs. feeder pigs 19.5031.00 per head, No. 1-3 6070 lbs. 35.5036.00 per head. ' SHEEP 29. Few Choice 6090 lbs. spring slaughter 1amb5.65.0078.00. Slaughter ewes 17.0030.00. Omaha Cattle Thursday, May 14 Report supplied by USDA Through midweek Slaughter Steers 2.50 lower; Heifers 1.50-2.00 lower. Cows 3.00-3.50 higher. Bulls 1.00-2.00 higher. Four day receipts 13,550, ,last week 12,275, year ago 15,150. A. liberal Tuesday run coupled with a declining beef trade to precipitate one of the widest weekly downturns in recent sessions. Demand by some in terests onlv moderate: due par tially to the influences of a sluggish boxed beef trade and a slaughter rate which, through midweek, was standing 5 pet larger than a week ago. Best interest again centered on cattle producing yield grade 2-3 carcasses; while offerings displaying yield grade 4-5 characteristics were, at times, sharly discounted. Steers made up 50 pet of week’s receipts;. Heifers 28 pet; Cows 7 pet; Feeders 12 pet. ■ STEERS: Early in week, load Choice and Prime 31225 lbs. 69.25. At midweek, two loads Choice some Prime mostly 31175-1235 lbs. The Vtcon KM-240 cuts and conditions the tallest, tangled, wettest, heaviest, hay Th conditioner eliminates a pick-up ' you can put up more hay FAf With a working width of 7'10", it' mow twice as much area in a day as most competitive models Most competitors use a pick-up reel, which limits ground speed, adds maintenance problems and allows leaf loss The Vicon six-disc cutter bi your crop directly, stem first, into rul MOWER AND MOWER CONDITIONERS • HAY RAKES vtcsn farm macMnent Inc. POWER HARROWS * SPREAD£R iSBEDEfIS 3741 Cook Bivd . Chesapeake, Virginia 23323** 804/485-1600 * - TURN A VICON LOOSE BOYD MOODY 2113 Circle Rd„ Carlisle, PA 17013 717-243-3062 67.00-67 25. Choice 241050-1325 lbs. 65.50-66.50. Choice, some Prime 34 12001400 lbs. 63.0065.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 10001250 lbs. 65.0066.00. few Good 64.0065.00. HEIFERS: Two loads Choice, few Prime 9501050 lbs. 65.25-65.50. Choice 24 9001100 lbs. 64.5065.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 9001050 lbs. 63.0064.50. Good 61.0063.00. ' Average of LS-214 detailed quotations for Choice 9001100 lb. Steers 66.55; 11001300 lbs. 66.78.* Average cost Steers this week 66.41, average weight 1185 lbs. as compared 67.23 and 1181 lbs.''a week ago. Average cost Heifers this week 65.18/ average weight 1016 lbs., as compared 65.21 and 1015 lbs. a week ago. COWS: High Cutter, Utility and Commercial 1-3 43.00-45 00, some high dressing 45 50-46.00 Canner and Cutter 40.00-43.00. BULLS- Few 1-2 1200-1800 lbs. 52.00-54.00, individual 159.00. CONTACT: incaster Firming, Saturday, May 16,1981—A13 condiliorrgreenhayorwelgrass It dries faster and bales ie and labor M-240 has nochains, no belts, no sickle iar If you need only a mower, look at the Vicon CM-165 (4 discs -5 1 /2' work ing width) or the CM-240 (6 discs -7'10" working width) Both make clean cuts m heavy grass or tangled crops Ask your dealer to showyou the m KM-240 mower-conditioner Cut ly-maktng down to size withVlCON— mowe r- con d itioners CM24O RICH DEWANE P 0. Box 159, R D. 2. Genesee. PA 16923 814-848-7289 New Holland Horse Monday, May 11 New Holland Sales Stables Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 281 head of horses, mules, and pomes. Market: riding, stronger; killer, steady. Better horses 550.00-1035.00; few registered 1060.00-1350.00; Driving horses 375.00-1325.00; Riding horses 375.00-500.00; lightweight killers 350.00-500.00; Heavyweight killers 550.00-775.00; Mares 40.00- 110.00; Colts 15.00-40.00; Geldings 40.00-110.00; Larger ponies 125.00- 225.00.